
sorry for the delay everyone! Here's a short preview and game thread: https://dubnationhq.com/p/thompson-added-to-list-of-warriors

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Fascinating breakdown linked below on Luke Kornet's defensive innovation that some here perhaps have missed. As a tall but slow player, he defends in drop near the basket. Sometimes, the ball is swung to an open shooter at the three point line. Because Kornet knows he can't possibly close out in time, he jumps vertically from where he is, say 7 feet from the basket, with arms stretched up high. This has led to notably low make percentage from opponents, but it's a small sample size and he tends to play bench opponents. Still, the logic is clear: if you hold a marble some inches from my eyes or a basketball some feet from my eyes, the apparent magnitude is the same and disrupts an equal amount of my field of vision. For NBA shooters, having a big tall dude jump up and stretch his hands can disrupt their view in that instant when they are aiming. There are arguments pro and con at:


But what I like is that it's something new.

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Dec 21, 2022·edited Dec 21, 2022

IMO, 0.0001% chance that it is anything but SSS.

A decent shooter will: (1) know the guy has no chance to block your shot, and (2) know where the basket is and would've had a clear look before the defender jumped. You don't need clear line-of-sight the entire time. And the second point is only relevant if the defender can actually affect your LoS to begin with...

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Isn't that the same strategy as waving pool noodles above your head behind the opponents basket when they attempt free throws?

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Not quite. The noodles are not between the player and the basket.

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Dec 21, 2022·edited Dec 21, 2022

Decimated by lady fate

Our last standing Warriors await

Facing a formidable foe

Boasting mercenaries to and fro

I brood stoically in a cafe

Half an old world away

Reading the rising tumult

The House of Dubnation in revolt

The two timelines strategy

Questioned: Triumph or Tragedy?

Wisdom decrees time will tell

But the fate of us all lies with Wardell

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Where’s Carmelo Anthony? Can we please sign Melo to a 10 day until Wiggins gets back. He can avoid passing the ball to Klay and chuck away while Klay reciprocates. Damn sarcasm font is frozen.

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Olajuwon isn't doing anything and he's younger... get him in the post.

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Dec 21, 2022Liked by Eric Apricot

All I want tonight is for one of the young guys to have a solid game to build on and lose by less than 30.

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Your version of “Great Expectations” 2022 Warriors Edition is on my holiday reading list.

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No one is healthy

Warriors only got 10 guys

Nets fans feeling good

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Dec 21, 2022·edited Dec 21, 2022

I've gotten interested in a logical fallacy we nearly all have fallen prey to, regarding the young players. I never studied formal logic, so I am at sea. But I contacted my daughter who studies it. She says she can provide a formal proof upon request, which is more steps, but here is the stripped down version -- a series of statements, each with a logic-terminology description:

A. Poole went to the G League and greatly improved. (Existential statement)

B. All players who go the G League greatly improve (False universal instantiation of A)

C. Wiseman went to the G League (Statement)

D. Wiseman will greatly improve (False inference due to statement B being false.)

Hope that helps.

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No one ever brings up Jacob Evans going to the G-League for some reason

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The Nets will probably be pretty difficult for the Warriors to guard, they have a lot of offensive talent.

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I think my Festivus post of the year is that I'm a little disappointed in PBJs shooting so far this year.

He's had a string of 1 fers while up with the team. I haven't followed him in Santa Cruz, but it sounds like he's not doing a ton down there yet either.

I don't expect perfection ... he's built like a pipe cleaner and only 30 games into his professional career. But, you'd think at least the shooting would be coming around by now (after the ankle, and whatever else was going on in college).

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He’s gonna have to shoot the lights out or bulk up and play a small ball five because goddam he’s slow

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Been underwhelming so far. I give players that young a full season before making any big changes on my pre-draft opinions about them but I expected better G-League performances from him.

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Fuck the Giants. That is all.

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Correa is a great player, but devoting 13 years to a player who's missed a lot of time due to injury issues (including back issues) was questionable IMO.

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Do you think the Giants really expected him to play for them into his 40s? That was a way of getting the yearly cash outlay down.

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No, but it's possible that Correa may have failed a physical or the results of the physical didn't meet their expectations. Who knows? Losing out on a talented player really sucks, though.

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I heard baseball doesn't have a salary cap so only the teams that are willing to spend can compete against the big dogs. I'm not sure though. I don't follow baseball.

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The 21 games after the home stand are where our season will be made or broken. If we can get to 20-21 going into that stretch, a 15-6 there puts us in a good spot at 35-27 (would be 6th seed based on current winning percentages). The last 20 games are tougher… but a ramped up and gelled team should be able to get through that stretch 11-9 or better and end up at 46 wins.

Of course, if Jordan is able to play like he has been recently with better pace control, Steph and Wiggs come back, the rotation shortens, DDV & JMG keep up their improved play, and Andre comes back and is useful… the second half can be even better.

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It's time to look into the potential buyout market because I feel like that's where we'll turn to fill the last spot on the active roster.

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Is what it is. Not enough players to win without the bench vets available.

This time without Steph is a real opportunity, but yesterday showed it’s not the opportunity we think it is. Well, it could be the opportunity to play the youth all together and get hammered and go after another young player in the draft.

But it’s actually an opportunity, especially once Wiggs is back, for Klay to remember that his greatness lies in team success and it’s time to live that way while Curry is out, it’s time for Dray to show he’s more than a player who only adds value 16 games a year and that he can help carry a team when the chips are down, it’s time for Poole to be a winning player on both ends as the straw that stirs the drink. It’s time for Looney to go full Rodman and start dominating games through his rebounding, It’s time for DDV to show he can help drive wins.

And finally it’s time for Kerr to show that the Warriors can figure out how to coach up young players and get the most out of Kuminga and Moody in consistent rotation minutes (especially with JMG in protocols) . Stop with the two way guys, stop with the random rotations, get guys consistent minutes and let them master a routine for a couple weeks and let the team focus on playing the best team ball possible.

Yesterday’s game illness’s and injuries obviously made that impossible, but hopefully there will be a couple weeks coming up where they will have their chance.

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To me, this is on Kerr, his coaching staff and the goat they failed to sacrifice as an offering to the Gods. There are so many coaches - surely they can come up with a better way to develop these young guys. I hear about it being such a grueling season, but if you are playing 5 minutes in a game, there is plenty of time outside of the game to work on BBIQ, the "playbook," sensory rehearsal and so forth.

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The random rotations are indicative of how Kerr has been forced to build the airplane during takeoff… there hasn’t been anyone consistently ready to perform their role from the bench.

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I agree with all except the two way guys. Overall they have been reliable and at times crucial. If they play ahead of some young guys, we’ll then the young guys need to step up.

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Just trying to encourage planning for success. Unless Dre gets cut, there can be at most 1 of the two way guys on the playoff roster.

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> It’s time for Looney to go full Rodman

I'm not sure Looney is making enough money to afford the piercings and feather boas.

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Or the friendships with ruthless dictators…

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Kids have to play. Can see bright spots. It will come eventually. Have to be patient.

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"It will come eventually" looks like reasoning from hope. It may not ...

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Up until garbage time, I thought Moody, Kuminga, and Wise had all been ok, but not quite up for the physicality. Garbage time was turrible… and the kids got increasingly discouraged as time went on.

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OT, but apparently Carlos Correa isn't going to be a Giant after all. The Giants apparently got cold feet after the physical and the Mets had no such qualms.

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Holy crap.

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