Jan 28, 2023·edited Jan 29, 2023

Warriors pre-season goal setting session.

Steve: OK, so we've won this thing as the up and coming underdogs, twice as the undeniable favourites, and once as the unexpected dark horse. Is there anything else you guys want to achieve?

Long pause...

Petty King: What's the lowest seed anyone's won it from?

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Two whole days off, what to do… TLoU on Sunday, football, um……..

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Jan 28, 2023·edited Jan 28, 2023

Just a reminder that I told y’all before the season started that DDV would make everyone say “GPwho?”

I’m an even bigger fan (if that was even possible) after seeing him mic’d up. Between his constant communication on the floor to coaching Wiseman on the bench, the dude is our new Igoudala (but he can shoot!)

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Right now I would keep him over Lamb and hope JM-Green gets it going.

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...and run up and down the court...

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I like DDV more and more all the time. Not that I wanted to lose GP3, and it's not an either or situation, but I think DDV was an upgrade. He just does so many things so well.

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I would happily spend $60mm of Dubs' management money next year to keep DDV (i.e. first year + lux tax on a 3 year $40mm deal or whatever). I'd spend more of their money if that's what it would take.

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Hell, I'm even willing to spend $60 million of your money to keep DDV.

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DNHQ is surely the home of the true spirit of generosity.

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It's tough, but I'd be willing to spend their money to keep him too. It's amazing the sacrifices we make as fans.

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I thought for sure you were going to say that you'd spend the big $$ on DDV as long as he focused entirely on FT%, shooting % , rebounding and minimizing turnovers.

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This isn't for me some emotional gutwrench like evaluating one's very nice ex vs one's current awesome partner. If I were in position to acquire either DDV or GPII for this team as constructed these past few years, I would unhesitatingly pick DDV. Let us recall that as recently as two or three years ago DDV was a starter for the Bucks team that won the chip while GPII was barely in the league, and not because every scout and GM in the league is stoopid. DDV is a very very good all around guard. GPII has some elite specialties but a lot of weaknesses.

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I feel at his age and with his skills/experience he is the perfect "bridge"/glue guy/Iggy replacement whereas GPII was.... [insert your own emotional response here] 😥

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GPII was and is a great on ball defender, and nothing else that the team specifically needed. On offense he played near the basket like a center which was good and unusual but not as good as Donte playing like a guard which is usual and great

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Jan 28, 2023·edited Jan 28, 2023

Yeah DDV is the easy choice there. Also why it'll be a KD level inspired plan to keep him, if it's possible at all

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I was, with a bit of irrational guilt, entertaining this idea yesterday. I was really sad to lose GP3- glad he got paid, but bummed out. DDV seems more in control and I trust his shot more and just a super good defender.

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Jan 28, 2023·edited Jan 28, 2023

I think he's very Iguodala-like. Poise, defensive skill, athleticism and team play. Not the ballhandler/passer that Iguodala is, but he can be a secondary ballhandler.

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and he’s just getting started in our system

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(Per 36 minutes)

Player A: 13.3 pts on .581 TS, 9.3 reb

Player B: 14.9 pts on .601 TS, 10.0 reb

A is OPJ last season; B is JMG this season.

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Minutes played matters, too. 460 so far this season for JMG, 1396 last regular season for OPJ. So JMG is maybe projecting to half the playing time of OPJ?

Then there's OPJs minutes this year ... I'm frightened to look (it's 146 minutes in 8 games).

I would take last season's OPJ over this season's JMG. And I still think that he's being used too much this week when Wiseman is just sitting on the bench. JMG is not exactly a stud defender.

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JMG is on an upward trend, tho, and doesn’t have injury to manage.

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I hope that he delivers on your optimism.

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It’s been good since December, tho… pretty sustained trend, imo

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I’m really getting frustrated by your use of facts. This is the Internet! 😬

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Not only that, but he’s trajectory points to him finishing with even better numbers.

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Difference I'd say is OPJ mostly saw most of his minutes in higher leverage situations cause he was being intentionally limited. Also, seems to me that OPJ finished at a level higher than those numbers, felt like he got better late season and for playoffs.

But, point taken, and I'm hoping JMG is a big help going forward

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get the lead team: curry/poole/klay/wiggins/green + ty

hold the lead team: curry/ddv/kuminga/green/looney + lamb

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Your typing fingers to Steve Kerr's ears.

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Love this.

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still feeling joyful about Kuminga's three point flurry

loved how the game kept rewarding him for playing with the right energy

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It seems like Kerr left JP unleashed as long as he possibly could afford to and where he finds himself in the rotation going forward is going to depend a lot more on his decision making than his contract.

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Yea, JP looked much better out there tonight just moving the ball

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Have to tell yall. Just finished Season 2 of Alice in Borderland and im as confused as ever.

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[Spoiler] The Joker at the end means that the seeming resolution was a fake-out, they haven't escaped whatever world they are in, and a season 3 is coming.

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Steph Curry on the Warriors floating around .500 this season:

"Kinda sick of it at this point. Gotta find out how to keep moving in the right direction and stack wins no matter how we can get ‘em."


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GET ANGRY PETTY KING! Your domaine is being invaded by lesser nations.

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I find it hard to distinguish the playstyle and body types of Scottie Barnes, Precious Achiuwa, and O.G. Anunoby, and not too far away are Pascal Siakam, and Thad Young. All are 6'7" - 6'8" Otto Porter Jr. is the same size -- but him I'd recognize. I wonder if Toronto has overspent in one department.

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How did the Raptors not own the boards last night (46-43 over the Dubs)? They should be great in this one way if nothing else.

I'm a little confused by this strategy, too. Is it developmental? Wishful thinking? Trade bait? Or just bad planning?

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Jan 28, 2023·edited Jan 28, 2023

The Warriors missed 15 fewer shots, not giving them very many defensive rebounding opportunities. They had a 30% ORB rate and 78% DRB rate, both of which are pretty good, but only 49.5% total rebounding rate.

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Their helllllaaaa porous defense last night seemed more concerning, for sure. Do they give up a lot of cuts in general? Or were they attempting to limit 3s last night?

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They seemed to be top locking a lot and trapping Steph all the time, giving up lots of back door cuts and 4-on-3 opportunities… of course, Steph still scored an efficient 35 despite all the attention, lol

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What's weird is that Nurse seemed to be more concerned with their inability to finish on the offensive end... Which is weird bc I thought they did fine (missed some close range stuff, but they were hitting in some tough shots, esp in the first half). Idk, might rewatch the game tonight.

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Jan 28, 2023·edited Jan 28, 2023

Their drb is pretty good iirc, and their orb seems to be inflated by not making any shots? Idk, it's weird for sure. The dubs had good effort in general last night, I don't know how much a single game stay matters, and don't really want to watch the raptors enough to understand if it's gameplan or something else...

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I think Barnes is pretty easy to distinguish; his play is much more of a point guard than the others.

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They played Al ost all of them at once in a he

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It printed too soon I wanted to say: they played all of them at once in the 3rd. No guards. Strange lineup

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Jan 28, 2023Liked by punk basketball

Donte DiVincenzo: “11 assists it looks good but I’m playing with two of the greatest shooters of all time.”


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Yoooo… Kyle Anderson hit ‘em with the Night Night after a late 4th quarter steal off Ja and sweet assist.

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Jan 28, 2023Liked by Eric Apricot

Anderson used to be with the Grizzlies last season. And he gets to show off against his former team.

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It feels like tonight’s team was good but one long high defense, board grabbing multi-level threat forward away from true excellence. Know any good ones that might be available?

Maple Jordan anyone?

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Jan 28, 2023·edited Jan 28, 2023

Don't know if we can afford him since he left Minnesota and became an All Star starter...

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Raptors will be facing the Blazers tomorrow. Then they'll face the Suns on Monday and the Jazz on Wednesday. They are 1-1 in their 5-game road trip so far (beat the Kings and lost to the Warriors).

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