I don’t think I’ve ever seen Kerr so happy after a win.


Steph with so many fans in Brooklyn . . .


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Klay is pissed, on an emotional see-saw. He really thinks his past achievements warrant playing time. His whole psychological disposition is tied up with prestige and getting respect. Prissiness is not a very good look for a professional in sports. He's not enjoying himself and is not loving his playing time. I can't imagine Steph acting like this, but Klay is not in that league of super stars and is only there because of Steph. Maybe he needs to go to another team and prove to himself that he is worthy of his own praise.

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I don't see him this way. He's disappointed in himself. Which makes sense. He never makes it hard for the coach or other players or the refs or the fans. He's a decent dude who can tell some of the shine is leaving the apple.

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tough to see Klay like this. It will help everyone if he can accept and take on a mentoring role and be happy for the team - which, while I am sure he is, does not come across naturally from him, and understandably so!

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In the post game interview I felt like he was very sincere about being happy for the young guys. No hesitation to praise Gui in particular when asked about him. He’s definitely going through it emotionally, and to his credit, I think, he’s not trying to hide that. At the end of the day, we can only speculate about what he does or doesn’t think he deserves. But still, watching him today it felt like he’s starting to come around to a state of acceptance about where he’s at. A sign of progress, maybe.

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Just watched a clip of him at his locker ... he did seem sincere and honest with his feelings. Watching and listening to his voice showed me more humilty than just reading the printed comments.

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Feb 6·edited Feb 6

Warriors this season:

1st quarter: -0.4 net rating

2nd quarter: -0.2 net rating

3rd quarter: +5.8 net rating

4th quarter: -3.7 net rating

OT: -15 net rating

So, apparently, 3rd quarter Warriors is still a thing. They just give up their leads in the 4th...

Seriously, if the Warriors were just -0.4 net rating the 4th & OT, they'd be around +5 net rating, good for 8th in the NBA, and with a very good record to go with it.

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We had a stretch where we were getting killed out of halftime. Surprised our 3rd quarter is so good

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I think 4th Q is when the Warriors run out of energy. And by the time they get to OT, they're dead tired.

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The 4th is where Kerr was leaning on guys he trusts instead of playing to win.

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So are they old? Out of shape? Eating too many donuts? Victims of some kind of energy sapping anti-fun ray wielded by jealous competitors?

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MMMMMM donuts

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Maybe a sign we are seeing more of the YG's?

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Ot: Does that dm mean dungeon master?

I noticed you mentioned teaching (elementary school?), how long have you taught? And what you brought you to it? :)

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Hey OTW! Thanks for you message. Been away for a spell.

{DM} is my honouring Decky for the season like the Dubs have DM on their shirts and floor.

Yup, I'm teaching Elementary grade 4 in Aotearoa/NZ.

Did my postgrad 3 years ago after bouncing around various jobs but not really having a career. So I'm in my 2nd year teaching.

Went through the Ikigai process:

What's Something you; Love, Are good at (I've coached kids in sports), the world needs = Teacher!

The answer came instantly and it's the first time I feel I'm doing something with my Head, Hands, and Heart. It never feels like work...

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dubs are 12th in the west, but our win% would put us 9th in the east.

we're 20th overall by win%, 16th by net rating.

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And top 10 in net rating, offensive rating, and defensive rating since Dray's been back. Unfortunately 4-4 in that stretch due to a dud in Memphis, and 3 tight losses... of course, the wins aren't all that impressive either.

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JK is a top 20 scorer the last 10 games.

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I'm hoping he becomes a top 10 scorer for the last 20 games!

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So what's the Gui Santos player comparison? I was thinking Ronaldinho, but if someone said Kaka I wouldn't hate that

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Aaron Gordon with ankle weights?

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Jalen Suggs. Another young guy (sic) who never stops hustling, does all the little stuff.

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Danny Rojas! Danny Rojas! Danny Rojas!

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Today he looked like a Gilberto Silva

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I keep getting the jitters every time this team takes a 8 point lead in the 3rd or later, or a 6 point lead under 3 minutes left... because I'm thinking "omg, how are they going to blow it this time"...

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Santos was part of the difference tonight - he kept throwing the ball back to Curry instead of taking somewhat open, but poorly considered threes early in the shot clock. That's just poor play on his part. He clearly hasn't learned how to play with this team in late game situations yet. Hopefully he'll mature and develop better instincts for when most effectively to throw the ball out of bounds and/or fire it up through a double team in order to make the game closer and more exciting.

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People forget how hard it is to master Warriors basketball.

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Now the student is the master.

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JK is now #3 on the team in total minutes played (after Steph and Klay). Podz is #5 (after those three and Wiggs).

Collect your DNHQ prize if you had that on your preseason bingo card….

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by total minutes this season LQ and Gui are 14th and 15th.

tonight they were 6th and 7th.

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Feb 6Liked by punk basketball

I feel like we’ve seen a pretty momentous change tonight. Closing squad of Steph, Dray, Podz, JK and Gui Santos?? No Klay closing a close game … I’m thrilled. Not sure that GUI is the answer but matchup dependence could see those first 4 with Saric, Moody, Wiggins. Amazing, can’t let ice cold Klay dog it and shoot us out of close games.

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Klay hurt his knee?

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Grabbed it straight away when challenging for a rebound.

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Uh oh… the reconstructed one?

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Podz is not a matchup independent player at all imo

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Saw the replays several times on the Claxton flagrant 2 on Podz. Dray was close to the action, saw it all the way, and his first reaction was just to look at the refs and argue for a flagrant rather than put Claxton in a headlock. A sign of maturity? And while Podz was getting to the line, Dray had an animated but friendly conversation with Smith Jr. on the Nets. Probably saying to Smith that if he did to a player what Claxton did to Podz, he'd be on a permanent vacation.

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Dray also ran quickly over to Podz and kept his hand on him as the doc talked to a shaken podz.

I was watching some highlights and noticed Dray on a few plays kind of defering to Podz, dray grabbed a d rebound and immediately dumped it to podz to start an almost fast break (even though podz was only 3 feet in front of him).

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Claxton isn’t European

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Regarding TJD: I super don't understand how a guy goes from rotation-contributor to ZERO minutes.

Like OK, maybe he made some mistake and Kerr had to talk to him. Fine. Reduce some minutes. Or maybe the matchup is unfavorable. Sure, you're the coach, play him less. Or maybe other guys seem better to try right now. Fine. Ten minutes a game.

But to go from averaging 17 minutes a game all of January to ZERO seems unprecedented for coaching in this league, and for good reason.

It drove me nuts when Kuminga got zero minutes in several playoff games last year after being a key rotation guy; it has driven me nuts this year when Moody gets zero after being in the rotation, and it's now driving me nuts when TJD is getting zero. Like, how about give him .... eleven minutes? Six? Especially on a depleted roster on the road, it's mind boggling. If he's really so useless that we can't play him, why did we ever play him? And when we did play him, did I hallucinate his pretty darned decent play? I'm not claiming TJD is the next Wilt Chamberlain, but he seems at least on a par with Looney if not better. And certainly TJD is better than I am, but we both played the same amount today. Can someone explain this?

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I'm with you on this. Starting to feel doghouseish (it's a word).

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It's simple, Bro. TJD is too big for Kerr. If only he were 6'6.

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Not remotely unprecented. TJD got minutes when Dray was out; now Dray’s back and those minutes have mostly dried up.

Minutes are zero sum, and at a certain point it’s probably better just to be clear with players that tonight’s gonna be a DNP (barring garbage time) than it is to yank them in and out with 4-5 token minutes.

Whose minutes tonight would you have given to TJD?

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Plus, if you tell a guy he's a DNP, and surprise him with some 3rd quarter minutes after the rest of the team stinks it up, and he plays well and saves your bacon, he might blossom into a 25ppg scorer ~2 months later!

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He also got some of Saric minutes the last couple games,

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In general, I thought managing the veterans’ minutes was one of Kerr’s priorities in order to ‘preserve’ them. Giving TJD some of Draymond’s minutes would be a way to achieve that and, in the process, further aid in TJD’s development. If Draymond or Looney were to be unavailable for whatever reason, a more experienced TJD would be a boost in their absence. Besides, our lack of size is oftentimes the cause of our losses. TJD could help in that area if he played more minutes.

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Also very matchup dependent. Brooklyn goes small as soon as Clayton leaves the game so TJD doesn't really fit in. Even Saric barely got any run tonight (hence Santos getting so many minutes).

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"Giving TJD some of Draymond’s minutes would be a way to achieve that and, in the process, further aid in TJD’s development"

While true, at this point Kerr and the Dubs need wins. And Draymond's minutes are needed for that.

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We are such a better defensive team with him on the floor...

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Looney's. That's an easy one.

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I mean, you didn’t watch the game tonight, so I’m not sure why you think it’s such an easy one. Loon’s activity on both ends was really good tonight — Nets got nothing going inside or on the glass. And we’re only talking about 13 minutes.

Between the two, Looney’s the better passer, screen-setter, rebounder, and (probably) team defender; TJD’s the better scorer and shotblocker. FT% is about the same. With guys that similar level, sometimes you have to go with matchup and feel. Tonight Kerr went with Loon (and Gui) and was rewarded.

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I didn't watch today either, but in general, our vets get more chances to play so of course they'll have games where it looks like the better choice. Who's to say if TJD played instead of Looney today, it wouldn't have been even better? But again, I didn't watch today so I'll hold off on that.

Looney will get at least some minutes no matter how he's playing. TJD (like Kuminga before and Moody most of the time) doesn't get that benefit, and most of the time when those players finally get a chance, I think they've done pretty well.

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Looney looked the most like his old self more than any other game this season that I can recalll.

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He also played zero minutes with Dray IIRC

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Draymond is the starting center in the current lineup, Looney is the backup center, and TJD is the 3rd string center. Kerr seems to only play TJD if Looney is struggling. If TJD was to develop a reliable jump shot and hit FTs consistently, then he would be ahead of Looney in the rotation.

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Don't think he needs a jump shot but shooting better at FTs should be the first step. 57% is almost at the point of hack-a-shaq.

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TJD: 57.1%

Podz: 62.2%

JK: 71.9%

Moody: 78.9%

Our rookies are struggling in FTs. JK is slowly improving, and Moody looks fine, though both of them could shoot the FTs better.

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JK's been 80% since January.

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Well, if developing a reliable jump shot and hitting FTs consistently is the metric, he would be ahead of Looney. BUt OK that's an answer.

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Maybe managing the "Rookie Wall"? Podz probably has the better motor.

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Hasnt alot of this shifted now?

JK starts, gets lots of minutes

Podz sometimes starts, gets lots of minutes

More young guys getting more minutes

(With Wiggs, paul, gp2 hurt and klay struggeling).

I think its understandable that its taken this long for that shift to take place

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"It comes from somewhere, I’m sure, his parents. I think it has a lot to do with his faith. He has a foundation in him of who he is as a human being. He is so confident in who he is as a person. He’s one of the most confident, humble people I’ve ever been around. Borderline cocky, which is such the wrong word because he’s so humble and such a good dude. He one thousand percent believes in himself"

That's Kerr talking Steph - right?

Nope. That's KS on Purdy.

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Can't drop a "KS" on a warriors blog and expect me to figure it out without pulling a brain muscle. Now I gotta go ice.

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Anyone know if Gui has a 3 pt shot?

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This year 33% in the G League on 4.5 attempts a game

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But, pretty streaky, he had plenty of games shooting 1 for 6 or 7, and looking pretty ugly. So, needs more work, from what I've seen.

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Agreed, though his excellent FT shooting is cause for optimism that he’ll improve from 3.

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Yep, I'm confident he'll improve enough to be good or better at it. In the mean time he does enough other stuff to hang around.

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Klay is raw feelings wise. You see what he feels. There is no filter. It's authentic.

Before that very behavior used to be endearing to the fans.

Now "what a baby"


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There’s a thread on r/warriors where everyone is very sympathetic, nice read

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