Okay so right now after Kuminga's best game of the season please weigh in: would you trade him straight up for Franz Wagner? I think I still would, although I admit it's not an easy call. Okay lemme go get my flame-proof suit on.

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At 21 Kuminga looks like a potential star and is exactly the complement to Steph we need

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No, but mostly cos their most likely scenarios are close enough to a push where it’s like, give me the guy I’ve invested the last 2.5 years of my (sports-fan) life in.

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Was at the game last night. Fitting tribute to DM, a man who means a lot to the organization and to the NBA.

As for the game, the Kerr did a good job with the minutes, not just because of the back to back with the Kings coming in tonight, but because this is what an older lineup needs: the energy of young capable players carrying the team. Kuminga was awesome, pressuring the ball handlers, staying with his man, fighting through screens, getting back for rebounds. The focus was there all night. There was one possession where he was on-ball and switched 3 times in 5 seconds, never giving up an advantage. On offense he was unstoppable going at his man, and the Hawks had no answer. When he was off ball, he was engaged, and his movement created a few buckets--just take a look at Steph's assist on his back cut. If JK plays like this, he deserves to play 30+ minutes a night.

Podz's energy was much needed. When he came in with his hustle, grabbing some rebounds, pushing the ball up, it felt like the team started to get in a rhythm. He had some timely cuts and drives, either finishing himself or creating advantages for others. He played within the offense but was not limited to the predictable standard motions. His creativity also helped in late shot clock situations when nothing else was happening. This is why he needs minutes--when other guys aren't going offensively, Podz adds a jolt of aggressiveness and energy that opens things up. It's like the veterans needed to see, 'oh we need to attack more and not just run through our motion offense'. Eye test matches the fact that he was tied for a team high +19.

TJD was active on defense and affected many shots--got 2 blocks out of it. On offense, his screen and roll game is there--cuts opened up really good scoring opportunities. Gotta work on those FTs though. This will open up more minutes for him, because defenses have to account for him rolling to the basket, which opens up space for ball movement as defenders tag and have to recover opening up chances to attack closeouts.

Here's hoping that these young guys get more minutes, not just to ease the load on the vets but also because they are needed to contribute now.

Other observations:

CJ was a surprise. I groaned each time he subbed in, but he was serviceable. His defense was not horrible and the effort was there. Didn't expect him to go 3-3 and 2-2 from 3 PT. When CP comes back, the offense will run smoother because defenses can't ignore a man. CJ made them pay tonight (won't hold my breath for this happening every night though).

Curry's shot felt off (3-8 on 2s and missed a few layups), but he stayed aggressive, got to the line, and made his FTs. Oh, and he was hot from 3. Still an offensive weapon defenses have to sell out to (try to) guard.

Klay looked like he was playing within the offense. Good game from him, nothing felt forced.

Team defense looked connected. The Hawks tried a few times to take advantage of size mismatches, especially when Warriors played 3-guard lineups, but the help and rotations were pretty decent. Good energy and communication.

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I was there too. Agree about cj as a very pleasant surprise - if he shoots well it frees up others and about Klay Told i thought defended pretty badly. Didn’t guard the rim well enough and many times they just scored around him. Wiggdefense was best u have seen this year. Incredible energy and intensity

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I believe CJ shot just over 40% from 3 last year as a backup for the Pistons. If his confidence can build on last night's solid outing, CJ becomes a lot more useful since other teams won't be able to continue to ignore him on the offensive side of the ball. His defense has generally been serviceable this season. Klay on the other hand has usually been a liability on that end and seems only able to effectively guard certain limited match ups at this point. At least he was good on offense last night because his defense was mostly trash as you noted. Thankfully both Wiggs and Kuminga were consistently tough on ball all game..

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Oh, and Dray's 3PT shot looked smoother than I'd expected based on what I normally see on TV. Solid base, good rhythm, good release, efficient movement (for him), and confident stroke to take advantage of the space created.

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His shot looks way better this year.

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Not certain if others have stated it (I haven't been as active on here lately), but I suspect the reason for Kuminga's recent offensive success in scoring is because he's decided to play a more deliberate change of speed game similar to Shae/Brunson which allows him to leverage his elite acceleration WHILE hiding his suspect dribble more.

Opposing defenders have to deal with his start/stops ALONG with his athleticism while he no longer has his poor handle slowing him down/allowing defenders to target the ball instead of defending him.

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All true but don't ignore the match up problem. Atlanta doesn't really have anyone who can defend a hyper athletic wing like Kuminga. He still struggles a bit against teams like New Orleans or Toronto that can actually meet him in the middle. This isn't a criticism; he just needs to learn how to drive and kick more so his gravity can get others open.

Meanwhile, Wiggins had a poor shooting night and didn't fill up the box score but the lineups with Wiggins and Kuminga together appeared to play pretty well.

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Also Kerr has been putting him in the games.

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The 2 best ways to hide it is attacking early before your man can get set or in the post and that's exactly what he's been doing. No secret why it's led to success.

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He was doing it before Dray got back, but having Dray back certainly helps in this regard.

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Curry klay Moses kuminga green cp3 podz GP2 Wiggins looney/saric is a championship team but not if we keep playing wigs over 20 minutes and looney and saric together

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Jan 25·edited Jan 25

Wiggins intense- great defense. I think his offense will come soon. If not playing he could not even be traded without great cost and if he comes around success more likely. With him in lineeup several 24 second calls and rushed Atlanta shots. Tonught a bigger test

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Very, very, very, very optimistic take on one win against a mediocre opponent but why not have dreams :)

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There's no evidence to suggest that Chaos' comment is based solely on that one win. And since Wiggins wasn't abjectly terrible in that one win, there's actually evidence that Chaos' commentary is based on far more than solely that one win.

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Well ok if you say so if you want to be so serious. I was just poking a little fun at the enthusiasm.

It is a bit of a stretch to say a team that is 18-22 before that win has a championship level lineup playing the people mentioned, but that is just me.

By the way, since you are talking about evidence, where is the evidence which shows those players right now should be considered elite and championship bound?

Maybe a bit more realistic to say they can make the playoffs.

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Needs defensive connectedness and fight/pride in POA defense. That’s the thing that’s been holding this team back

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Next three games are gonna be toughies. Hoping for 2-1. Will accept 1-2.

Dray gotta keep his chill against Sabonis, AD and Embid

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I'm on Team Calm Dray

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You could see Calm Dray reigning himself in after a number of calls last night where previously he would automatically start barking away. And I see no drop off in his overall intensity and performance, in fact, perhaps just the opposite. Hope he can keep it up.

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You misspelled "3-0"

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Kuminga TS by month

Oct .518

Nov .534

Dec .626

Jan .674

He may reach the 4.000 singularity by the playoffs

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I have been hard on JK and his skill level.

I am very surprised at how much and how fast he is improving.

Excellent drives, pull up jumpers and last night a couple nice fade away jumpers. He seems like he got hit by a bolt of lightening and gained new powers like a comic book super hero.

I honestly have never seen such a quick change in a players skill level.

And please don’t tell me he has had it all along because he has not.

His confidence level also looks very elevated and his attitude looks different.

It wasn’t long ago I was saying he is not a good 3 point shooter, he has no midrange game and lacks moves off the dribble.

No way they are trading this Kuminga or thinking it was a drafting mistake.

He had games last year where he played a lot of minutes and he simply did not have the skill set he is showing now. Not even close.If he did he would have shown it.

Good job JK and keep getting better. You proved me wrong about how long it would take to get to what you showed last night.

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He has had it all along. It was seen in his high school and g league ignite and summer play

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That is simply not accurate.

He was basically a great athlete and a dunker.

If he had all the fundamentals and skills he is starting to show now, why did he not use them?

I have seen almost every game he has played as a pro. Summer league and regular season.

I also saw many videos of him in the G League.

He has improved his 3 point shot.

He has really improved his footwork.

He has developed a pull up jumper and now a fade away jumper.

He has improved his moves attacking the rim with either hand.

He has a better understanding of when to do what.

His passing has also improved.

What is the ONE thing you always heard when they drafted him and after?

Great athlete but really raw. Why were so many people saying they should have drafted Wagner?

Because Wagner had more advanced skills and he fit the Warriors system.

I am not putting JK down here. I am giving him credit for listening, working hard and improving his skills.

You all watched the games. Players develop and improve their skills. They get new ones.

I guess one can believe he secretly possessed all these skills and decided he didn’t want to use them the last few years. Whatever.

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Here is a video of him hitting threes, crossing over, no look passes, hesis, hitting cutters, tossing alley oops, up and under moves in the post,, spin moves … all in the first of the games shown, all when still on the G League Ignite. The opponents were worse but the skills are the skills. I haven’t recently watched the rest of the video that shows more season highlights but I challenge you to watch it and not find high level NBA skill.

As for why everyone called him raw: I’ve often wondered that as well. I think it’s a simple logical fallacy. If he’s that athletic, he surely must not be that skilled.

I think there’s also a vague sentiment that if he didn’t grow up in the U.S. AAU circuit, grew up in Africa, he must not be skilled. I’m not saying everyone is a racist, I have no clue what’s in peoples hearts. It just seems like a conclusion people can draw, and we’ve seen a lot of and African-born players have complained about. Anyway here’s that tape let me know if you see what I see.


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Asher, I can show you videos of thousands of guys in HS that dominate and look like MJ.

A skill requires a higher level to perform it against Draymond Green than Joey Smith.

I don’t care if the player is from Africa or Serbia. All I care about is he able to perform his skill level against the highest competition in the world, the guys who play in the NBA.

JK was raw and he had skills, but it has taken him a few years to improve them, learn some new ones and grow as a player, like you would expect any 18 year old to do.

It takes time and thousands of repetitions.

It helps greatly if you have good coaches which I don’t think he was blessed with in his youth.

You seem to be taking offense about me saying his skill level was lacking and making him into a stereotype. I get it. I have been around the block a few times.

Look at every good or great player in the NBA and compare their skill level to when they were 18,19,20 to when they were 25. Their skills all improved.

I was simply marveling at how quickly JK has improved and I am sorry but JK is leaps and bounds, no pun intended , from where his skill level was in his summer league debut.

JK has always had skills, they just needed to be developed.

They were simply not at the level they currently are which is my point, he has improved and he is playing much better.

That’s it.

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He has had it all along 😜 problem for a long while has been consistency. He'll have games where he looks like a legit superstar, and then games where he looks unplayable. The ratio of good games to bad games is trending very much in the right direction though!

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I 100 pct totally disagree that he has had it all along.

How many times last year did you see him make the moves he is making now?

He has really developed his midrange game and developed NEW skills like you would hope any very young player would.

He was very raw and had a very low skill level when they drafted him.

I have said a few times I believe he was really poorly coached in HS and even after a year in G League he couldn’t shoot and had no mid range game. Very raw.

He is starting to look like a very good player and just might, maybe ignite them into a serious contender in the West.

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well I 100% totally disagree with you disagreeing with me.

I pulled up some random games from last year:

4/9 vs the blazers: 15 points in 24 minutes on 75.9% true shooting, 6 assists

4/7 vs the kings: 15 points in 19 minutes on 98% true shooting, 5/6 on free throws

3/24 vs the 76ers: 4 points in 15 minutes on 22% true shooting, 1/4 on free throws, 3PF

3/20 vs the rockets: 17 points in 25 minutes on 86% true shooting, 4 assists

2/28 vs the blazers: 16 points in 25 minutes on 76% true shooting 8/10 from the field

3/2 vs the clippers: 19 points in 28 minutes on 73% true shooting, 2 steals & 1 block

2/24 vs the rockets: 7 points in 24 minutes on 40% true shooting, 4 TOV 3 PF

2/6 vs the thunder: 7 points in 23 minutes on 39% true shooting

Dude's either dunking on everyone's head or missing every shot, he definitely had it last year, it's just that when he doesn't have it he really doesn't have it.

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Jan 25·edited Jan 25

These contentions I heartily disagree with. He was not raw, he has always had many moves, counters, a midrange game, fakes, hesis. One reason I jumped on his train early was watching him in his first summer league and noticing what a great mix of skills he has. Of course that skill set can and has improved over time but he was never just a dunker and if he had been o seriously doubt the warriors would have wanted him. I remember watching him cross some guy over twice in succession and then explode left for a dunk and thinking well now.

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Ok.I am not saying all he could do was dunk.

His strength was being an explosive athlete but he lacked higher level skills.

The guy played basketball full time of course he had some moves. There is a big difference between being a junior in college studying to be a therapist and a therapist with 10 years in practice.

Of course he had a skill level or he would not have been drafted so high. His skill level was raw, which is why that was always the number one comment from all the draft pundits.

I made the same observation but I am not the draft experts on ESPN and the like.

How many times have you seen or heard it written about the drafting of two really talented but raw guys in Wiseman and JK?

There is nothing negative or wrong with saying an 18 year old is raw and we obviously have different definitions of raw and skilled.

You mentioned how impressed you were with his skills watching his first summer league game.

I clearly remember watching that game and thinking oh no, this kid is going to be a project because of his shot and skill level, so there you are.

Let’s just be happy that he is progressing and starting to reach his potential and not waste time on this.

No more on this from me.

Onward JK and keep improving those skills and you just might be an all star one day.

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Cherry picked trendline has him at 1 by the finals. I'd take that and like it on slightly increased or at least the same usage.

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This jk plus a 35% 3? GGs

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I'd rather have him at 75% from the free throw line tbh.

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He’s close to that already…

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Yeah he’s really improved in that area 😊

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I was going to give Wiggins some credit too since he's been splitting free throws a lot less recently but he's somehow still at 70%. Smh

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He's had a much higher hill to climb, lol... Wiggins started the season 18/36 (50%), has since gone 49/60 (>80%).

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Golden globe winner? Gold glove?

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Gloria Gaynor?

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Globetrotter Gravity?

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Other than some over-helping on defense (that I think he can grow out of playing with Draymond 2.0) and a couple moments of tunnel vision (during a game in which he literally couldn't miss), JFK not only played brilliantly but he was fun as hell to watch on both ends of the court and in between. Every time he got the ball I felt the sweet, sweet nectar of joy course through my veins. (I'd mention Klay for contrast but I'm too classy for that.)

Kuminga isn't just adapting to the system, he's co-evolving with it. I've been a fan for a while now but this is the first game where I could see him becoming a legit star.

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-Death Is Nothing At All-

Death is nothing at all.

It does not count.

I have only slipped away into the next room.

Nothing has happened.

Everything remains exactly as it was.

I am I, and you are you,

and the old life that we lived so fondly together is untouched, unchanged.

Whatever we were to each other, that we are still.

Call me by the old familiar name.

Speak of me in the easy way which you always used.

Put no difference into your tone.

Wear no forced air of solemnity or sorrow.

Laugh as we always laughed at the little jokes that we enjoyed together.

Play, smile, think of me, pray for me.

Let my name be ever the household word that it always was.

Let it be spoken without an effort, without the ghost of a shadow upon it.

Life means all that it ever meant.

It is the same as it ever was.

There is absolute and unbroken continuity.

What is this death but a negligible accident?

Why should I be out of mind because I am out of sight?

I am but waiting for you, for an interval,

somewhere very near,

just round the corner.

All is well.

Nothing is hurt; nothing is lost.

One brief moment and all will be as it was before.

How we shall laugh at the trouble of parting when we meet again!

--Henry Scott-HollandBy Henry Scott-Holland More Henry Scott-Holland

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Anyway… fratello, frère, hermano, brüder, brother, brate. It is true that the same smartass invented all European languages except Finnish and Hungarian

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, Estonian and Basque.

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,Albanian, Armenian, Georgian, Maltese

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I find language trees fascinating.


Finnish, Hungarian, Estonian, are indeed completely different (Uralic).

Basque is language isolate (no genetic relation to any of the trees).

Albanian, Armenian are part of European language tree branch

Georgian (Kartvelian) and Maltese (Afro-asiatic) are on their own trees.

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Maltese derived from Arabic.

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And Basque is the oldest European language

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Albanian and Armenian are isolates within the Indo-European tree though.

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Did someone else notice Dray talk, in a manner that suggested technicalities and plays, albeit briefly, while waiting for a free throw, …

… to Dejaunte Murray? 😳

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This might go against the grain, but I noticed Dray and Dejounte talking and, unlike in the playoffs against the Lakers, it kind of warmed my heart. Just seemed like two players, one on the back end of his career and the other towards the front, being human beings with each other during a game they were playing. I don't need—or want—the basketball players I watch for entertainment to act like enemy soldiers with hate in their eyes and steel in their hearts. What's more, if we truly hope Draymond is growing emotionally, isn't this part of what that might look like?

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I mean Klutch brotherhood

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RemovedJan 25·edited Jan 25
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Fair point. Might also depend some on what was said and if others could hear it. Like, maybe Dray said: “Nice moves, kid, but I don’t see you and your ball-dominant ways fitting with what we do like my man Pods over here.”

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Draymond has a friendly chat with Anthony Davis while someone is shooting a FT. It seems like Draymond is probably friends with certain players in other teams in the NBA. Curry and Patrick Beverley are friends from what I remember.

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RemovedJan 25
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Funny, the only team mate who ever had anything bad to say about Draymond is Poole. And he doesn't want to discuss it. Most the young guys say (claim?) to appreciate his leadership.

As for the trade rumors, personally I think the team would be much better if we succeed in making one of those trades; As much as I like Moody, I think Murray would be a huge boost for our championship hopes for this year and next. And if we need to take Capella in the team and send out CP3, I am fine with that. I would hate to see Podz included in that deal (and I doubt Atlanta sees him as a better fit with Tray Young) but those are tough decisions that GMs have to make.

And certainly that has nothing to do with who Draymond talks to while others are shooting free throws.

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Jordan neither. It was hid dad. All the people around the NBA are delicate and emphatising about the matter with Dray. It’s in the human nature, helping who is in trouble. Anthropologists say that the transformation from monkey to human being is estimated by the age of skeletons that show bone fractures that have been helped to heal.

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If Draymond chats with everyone, saying “Sorry dude, can’t talk to you today because someone on the internet suggested we trade for you.” seems weird.

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Why does him talking to an opponent player a problem? Do you expect these players to take into account every trade being tossed in the trade rumor mill?

Let the guy breathe.

I absolutely don't get the "why are you talking nicely to opponent player on the court" POV.

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>I absolutely don't get the "why are you talking nicely to opponent player on the court" POV.

That's because it's old school. Not fraternizing with the opposition during the season was the accepted way in many sports, including baseball and basketball. I think that attitude started fading over time with the establishment of free agency and resulting greatly increased player movement between teams. I saw in a recent video that Kevin Garnett is still an advocate for the old school approach but he's probably in the minority now.

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This is the dumbest take I’ve read in a while.

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Let’s keep it respectful.

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At least he didn’t go full Billy Madison principal, tho

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RemovedJan 25
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Chatting with a competitor on the court is normal, the NBA is a brotherhood, etc. For you to read more into it says more about you than anything else. Passive aggressive "have a nice day" comments at the end of your post don't actually make it nicer.

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RemovedJan 25
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Jan 25·edited Jan 25

Despite my lack of passion for Dray, I like better the other way around

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Wiggins & Kuminga played together pretty well, I thought. Really helps to have Draymond around, imo. Kuminga was even switching onto bigs somewhat credibly...

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The lineup to close out the last three and a half minutes of the first half was a net negative with both of them on the court, but they did seem to play decently.

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By BBall Ref, looks like they were +5 in first quarter, -5 in second, +5 in the 3rd, and +4 in the 4th, overall +9 together in about 13 minutes.

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That's cause Curry sucked, though.

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Jan 25Liked by Eric Apricot

Lol. Whole team did a shot of a Serbian brandy before the game. Kerr says they might have to keep doing it.

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The whole team? I thought it was the coaching staff.

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Kerr said it was the whole team I thought

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He said it was the coaches.

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Even Podz?

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Jan 25Liked by Eric Apricot

@EA: Festus mentioned in the postgame that the Dubs ran a bunch of plays where Steph and Klay screened for JK to turn the corner and go down hill. Would love to see E1P on that.

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I caught two of them live (Steph and Podz back screens) but would have to go through video to find the Klay back screen

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Klay got called on an illegal screen on one such play, IIRC

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Yes good eye. I was just about to post it:

FYI, here's one of the Klay back screens. Sweet play reminiscent of Cyclone (check old E1Ps).


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Per ESPN: Curry, Thompson and Draymond Green notched their 400th regular-season victory together.

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Is that a record?

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Spurs Big Three must have the record

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A quick google search couldn't find it, but Manu and Duncan together were 630-228.

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Jan 25Liked by Eric Apricot

Dario Saric tells us that Deki was the first person to call him at the start of free agency, telling to come play for the Warriors.


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And now on to Sacramento. Extinguish the beam!

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Game's at Chase tonight

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I stand corrected. Let's whip 'em in our house then.

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No Bizi Betenko either (OK, Sasha Venzenkov). He's got a right ankle sprain.

One fewer shooter to bother us. Maybe they'll play Davion more and make Sleepy's day.

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