New article from our award-winning author: https://dubnationhq.com/p/kuminga-and-moodys-ascensions-steady

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Let's agree to disagree. A sturdy 7-footer (or close) can save a few points by making him miss a few at the rim. I'm less worried about Joker's defense than you are. I'm ideally looking for the Dubs to pick up someone like a DeMarcus Cousins who can do both body up at the rim and shoot a decent percentage from the arc. They don't need a lot of minutes from him, just 6 hard fouls at the right time.

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Been working on an infographic to underscore the one of one that is Steph Curry regarding 3PM and 3P%. Can't say I'm really satisfied with the result yet, so consider it a work in progress, suggestions welcome: https://i.imgur.com/7Dr0TiL.png

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measuring two types of data on the same axis is confusing.

measuring different durations in the same bar size is confusing.

only getting to see 6 players is lacking. maybe something like this: https://i.imgur.com/zKH8R9t.png

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Mar 2·edited Mar 2

Thanks all for the feedback! Will have to think about this more and try some of the suggestions.

It has also occurred to me that video might be a better way to present this, but that is entirely outside my experience so that’s out.

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Career 3PM and career 3P% plotter together?

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TBH I don't think it's really possible to capture the utter superiority of Steph compared to everyone else on that list. It's way harder to keep that percentage up at the volumes he shoots it at and that's not even mentioning the difficulty of shots that he takes compared to everyone else (I don't even think there's a stat about difficulty for you to chart) and on top of that he's everyone's first priority defensively (ok, Har_en and Dame probably also on their teams). I think your best bet is to have a series of graphs each charting one aspect and see how Steph is pretty much at the top no matter how you slice it.

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Mar 2·edited Mar 2

Great work so far! My recommendation would be to show 3pm and 3pt attempts. Right now you are making two different points using one axis but two different scales even though they are related. Think about showing volume in one way, and efficiency another. For example, a stacked bar graph would show makes and misses, total height would show us why Hield is nowhere close, while the mass of misses (distinguishing by color or maybe they go below the x axis) shows why Harden is lesser then Steph.

The other thing you might try is one color per player, so we can more easily see which data points are Steph.

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Mar 2·edited Mar 2

Some notes:

-13-24 and 16-24 exclude 2020, and 24 is prorated for the whole season

-13-24 3PM (11 seasons) averaged would be 3rd best season in history in volume and 4th best high-volume season in efficiency

-16-24 3PM (8 seasons) averaged would be 3rd best in volume and 2nd best in efficiency in history. this excludes early Steph seasons with <43PM/gm before he really amped his volume up

- If you exclude Steph's 15-16 season, his 16-24 average would arguably be the single most impressive three point season in history; he would have 56 fewer threes made than Harden's 18-19 season but shot around 7.5% more efficiently

- I originally left Steph's 15-16 season out, but having Harden show up as the most 3PM in a season in the graph looked very wrong :)

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Mar 2·edited Mar 2

Scatter plot with the categories as data point labels? Number made could be size of the data point circle.

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I've tried it... it looks like a giant mess. I don't claim to be an expert at data visualization so maybe I'm just doing it wrong :)

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This is a very cool concept! Scatter points still sounds like the best way to represent what (I think) you’re going for. The current chart took me too long to interpret.

Perhaps use Curry’s career numbers as the 0/0 point and call it “Steph Curry’s average season vs. other players’ best seasons. Bonus points for photoshopping players’ faces on the plot points.

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Two Broken Hands in One Night - Doctor Explains Scottie Barnes and Russell Westbrook Injuries: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZU6tcvrOHMs

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-Sutterer says that when you put a lot of pressure on your metacarpophalangeal joints like what happened to Barnes when his hand made contact with Quickley's shin, it also put a lot of excessive force on Barnes's metacarpals.

-As for Westbrook, when he tried to make a swipe at the basketball while Poole was dribbling it, Westbrook's hand made contact with Poole's left forearm and elbow and probably jammed his fingers on the basketball. The injury report didn't clearly report which part of the hand Westbrook injured, so Sutterer believes that Westbrook hurt his fingers, which would result in less time missed for him than Barnes.

-Doctor then explains about how recovery time and method is different depending whether a person will get surgery or not, and what type of sports the player is in.

-He believes that both Barnes and Westbrook will be out for at least a month. Westbrook may have a shorter recovery time if the injury occurred on his fingers.

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Mar 2·edited Mar 2Liked by Eric Apricot


(Edit: just realized, we should totally get this number plate for EA)

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I see Moody literally filled in Wiggins' missing 17 points ...

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Another missed blatant and dangerous foul call on Steph last night…


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Remember when the refs overturned a landing space violation committed against Steph because the closeout wasn't reckless, even though the defender put their feet under Steph's in his landing spot? Good times.

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I question that one, actually… the contact is late, had hard to see from this angle, but looks Olynyc goes to the side of Steph more than through him

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I admire your effort to be impartial but watch both players feet. That is a clear violation of the landing space rule. Every other player in the NBA seems to get that call, but not Steph.

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Steph lands first…

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Han shot first

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Han shot first

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Oooo genius way to let me "like" your post twice ... just post it twice. If you want 3 likes from me, you know what to do!

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Han shot first

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Mar 2·edited Mar 2

Yeah I had to slow it waaay down to see that Steph does marginally land first but when I did it was clear that Olynyck only goes a little to the side and mostly does does go through Steph and in any case being a cm or 2 off the ground in the landing space is still a violation of the rule and more importantly they absolutely give that foul to almost everyone in the NBA. LQ got called for a foul way WAY less egregious than that one (coincidentally in the game right before the one Abbadon references in apost above where Steph, once again does not get the call) that Kerr even tried to challenge and they still upheld it.

If I thought it would make any difference I would make a compilation of all the inconsistencies in that very specific call with regards to Steph, but

a) I'm sure the Warriors could and probably already have done so with no affect (but at least their video guy got paid) and

b) I already waste enough of my time on this site ;)

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Time on this site is never time wasted

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Just want to say I love you all

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It's hard to tell where his body goes, but if you look at Steph's feet, he seems to land on Olynyk, so should at least be the landing space penalty. Though of course that foul in general does not seem to apply to Curry in most cases.

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As far as purely playing the point guard position goes... Chris Paul is one of the best I've ever seen do it. It's amazing how much control he has of the offense with the ball in his hands. Still doesn't feel real that he's on our side this time.

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Mar 2·edited Mar 2

If he’s back to hitting the three ball at his peak 40%+ clip … he’s a ridiculous weapon to have on the bench. And as has often happened with Steph, that long layoff seems to have put an extra spring in his step.

2024 roster > 2022 roster

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As long as Draymond stays healthy, and they replace Podz with Moody in the closing lineups, I agree.

Podz will be a liability on defense in closing playoff lineups imo

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I'd also be fine with GP2 instead of Podz

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Mar 2·edited Mar 2

NBA Leaders, Threes Made

1. Curry 281

2. Doncic 201

3. Thompson 186

3. DiVincenzo 186

5. Bogdanovic (ATL) 175


Career (reg season plus playoffs)

1. Curry 4,289

2. Allen 3,358

3. Harden 3,304

4. Thompson 2,900

5. Miller 2,880

The Babe Ruth of the NBA.

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If Klay didn’t lose those two years, he’d be in the #2 spot.

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Mar 2·edited Mar 2

Easily. Still, I think he’ll almost certainly pass Ray, but possibly not Harden (booo); and he has Dame nipping at his heels.

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Mar 2·edited Mar 2

In related news … Klay passing Reggie Miller to #4 all-time got way too little fanfare. I wonder if he even knows?

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They count regular season stats much more than “combined regular season and playoff”stats

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Totally. But I always think the combined number is more interesting/telling. Otherwise, the playoff numbers (which are actually **way more important**) tend to get swept under the rug and ignored.


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Since the Dubs have played far more playoff games, it’s a bit misleading

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It’s counting stats… Klay missed 2 years and has played 200 fewer games than Harden despite starting their careers a year apart. I say we don’t penalize Klay for winning playoff games, lol

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Mar 2·edited Mar 2

Exactly. A meaningful game is meaningful game. Ray Allen has played 400-500 more games than the Splash Bros (Ray 1,471, Steph 1,085, Klay 930).

If anything, Steph and Klay are being slightly punished by having played a (very slightly) higher percentage of their games in the playoffs, against better teams with more focused defenses.

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Sure, but that isn’t how it’s commonly done… and you know this

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I don’t think I claimed it was how it’s “commonly done”?

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No, You didn’t

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Chris Paul is still one of the best strippers I've ever seen.

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I say Iggy is better, but I see from the comments it has taken a whole another level... Haha

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You should come to my work. I do the business special. Weekdays 11:00 am - 2:30 pm. Free buffet.

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Does the buffet have eric a’s magic cookies?

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deletedMar 2
Comment deleted
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30 million should suffice

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Mar 2·edited Mar 2

2021 lottery picks ranked by career TS%


.599 J. Kuminga, GSW

.586 M. Moody, GSW

.581 E. Mobley, CLE

.576 F. Wagner, ORL

.547 S. Barnes, TOR

.536 J. Green, HOU

.531 Z. Williams, MEM

.523 C. Cunningham, DET

.521 J. Suggs, ORL

.520 C. Duarte, SAC

.514 J. Giddey, OKC

.510 D. Mitchell, SAC

.483 J. Primo, LAC

.476 J. Bouknight (out of the league)

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How much of this is Steph gravity making them more open and how much is Dubs culture ingraining a high percentage shot philosophy and how much is their own innate talent?

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Crazy cool stat!

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The Wagner lamentations has fallen by the wayside.

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Mar 2·edited Mar 2

Ranked by career playoff TS%


.703 Moody

.589 Kuminga

.572 Williams

.520 Barnes

.514 Mitchell

.476 Mobley

(None of the others has appeared in the playoffs)

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Mar 2·edited Mar 2

1. Does anyone know who the warriors “other” radio announcer is? It was NOT the regulars. But its the second time I’ve heard him now. One thing I found entertaining (his play by play is super animated) is that he’ll go off on these little history lessons. Last nights was on a “g league we believe legend” who finally got on the court for the raptors.

2. Why is the eastern conference consistantly so much weaker than the west (for the past 20 years)?

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It’s Dana, who does the G League games.

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Is it Kevin Dana? He does the play by play for the SCW and will sometimes fill in for the big club.

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No wonder he knew so much about the “g league legend”. I find him entertaining and enjoy his non play by play filler chatter

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I thought he was mostly fine, but I dislike his use of other languages. I would like it if he pronounced the words well, but he... doesn't.

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This bothers me less than it used to.

Mainly because Italians use tons of “borrowed” English words but completely change the pronunciation to make it basically an Italian word.

Its just kinda what humans do.

I suppose we could start another linguistics thread! 😀

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A friend of mine told me when I visited him in Japan that I could probably have a conversation on a technical subject just by taking on a heavy Japanese accent!

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Yes Kevin Dana. He also does the warriors round table with Gary St Jean on Wednesday evenings on 95.7 the game

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Just a question, do you look at the TV and also listen to the radio at the same time….do they sync?

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I don’t listen to tv commentary. Instead listen to music while game is on - has more positive impact on mind and heart 😬. If the Dubs win i go back and watch with audio

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Great idea. Thnx

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I dont. I’ve asked others here who follow more than I do and they say its pretty much impossible,

Seems like radio programs would do everything possible to sink them selves yo the tv feed, just think how many more listeners theyd have!

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Or “synch”. But I like “sink” and it’s connotations :)

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How unfortunate, because I get tired of watching the games with no sound, unless it’s TNT or ESPN.

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KLAY's 2, 3pters in closing game were no surprise...he do dat 4 decade...lol

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How sweet it is....Spring arriving on ''schedule''.... wins column growing....thanks to MAVS who helped and BOO the T-wolves who lost...

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Manscaped ad on a bballbreakdown video on Caitlin Clark.... *sigh*

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Mar 2·edited Mar 2

FYI, if you watch YouTube on a desktop, install the unblock origin browser extension. No more inserted adds.

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It's an embedded ad unfortunately

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I stopped watching all of his videos for exactly that reason. His ads are so intrusive. I get monetizing on the social media sphere is an absolute witch BUT my grace for that can only extend so far. He’s a habitual line stepper.

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Same. I only watched this time bc Caitlin.

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Guys, guys, watch how he drops a two. When you're in the bathroom and you are thinking two. . .

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Been spending quality time with the kiddo so haven’t had a chance to read the posts - I watched the first 3 quarters, and may I just say, it was absolutely beautiful to watch the team wake up and just utterly clamp the raptors. It felt like exactly what the Nuggets did to us a week ago, but even more dominant.

It was so dominant that I didn’t even worry about the 4th quarter for the first time this year.

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Need to get your priorities straight ;)

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Skip them altogether (at least through Tuesday). Im in Scottsdale AZ and won’t have much of a chance to post so you’re not missing out.

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Are you going to the Dodger games?

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Mar 2·edited Mar 3

Giants/Padres at 1:05 pm. Sadly one of my good friends passed away two weeks ago so we are here for her celebration of life service. However can’t make my kids feel the same grief so making a mini vacation out of it for their sakes.

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I've been to spring training twice ... had a great time both trips.

Probably the only real downside of losing interest in baseball.

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I’m in the exact same boat. Don’t care too much about baseball anymore either. But I wanted to bring the kids to experience it for the first time and we managed to squat in the walkway behind home plate for about three innings. Otherwise too crowded and too expensive

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I'm a lifelong Dodger fan, born in Brooklyn. Never been to ST but been to Az a number of times. Sedona is a beautiful place just north of Scottsdale. Enjoy the weather and your celebration. Kids are exempt from all expectations. lol

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