
hey friends, I guess we don't need a game thread, but I took the liberty of making one anyways, just for anyone who didn't catch the news or whatever.


Side note: I'm starting to get better at those gradients on graphics like Daniel does!

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Im with Richard, the graphics are awesome! Thank you!

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Dec 31, 2021Liked by punk basketball

I’ve been loving those graphics. Seriously excellent!

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Dec 31, 2021Liked by punk basketball

I'm confused, and not like antagonistic but saying I'm confused. Actually confused. Wasn't the point of bending the rules to add more 10 day guys like Quindarry specifically designed to avoid postponements? Can't Denver sign a few Quindarrys (or is it Quindarries)?

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Yes. A lazy effort from the Denver FO. They could have done more to avoid postponement, but technically they didn’t have to. An example of where they have avoided following the intent of the rule to better serve their own needs, as opposed to the needs of the organization.

Commonly referred to as a dick move

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The story is that their COVID cancellations came too close to tipoff, so they didn't have time to bring in guys.

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Alright stoked for tonight’s game.

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Btw Draymond sounds beyond whiny. We didn’t lose because we were short. We lost because we sleptwalked through two and a half quarters. Had we taken care of business, this next game would have simply been a scheduled loss and we could have rested everyone

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Regardless of the ginormous lead change, they were tied with a minute left in the game. You don’t think having Poole, Draymond and Lee available throughout could’ve made a difference in a game that close?

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But I do agree he sounds whiny. He should’ve said “Denver could’ve assembled a team for another opportunity to play the Warriors without me, but ducked out to play a team with me. I’ll remember that.”

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Don't get too stoked. It's been cancelled.

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Sigh. What the hell am I supposed to do with my Thursday evening?

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Silver linings: Rest days. Practice sessions. Acclimation to high altitude before going to play the Jazz. Free throw practice. Hanging out and team bonding over New Year’s Eve. Without getting sloshed.

Did I mention free throw practice!?!?!!

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-Clippers' Ivaca Zubac has entered the protocols.


-Trail Blazers guard Anfernee Simons and replacement player Brandon Williams have entered health and safety protocols


-JaVale McGee has been added to health and safety protocols, per Suns


-After one game with the Mavs, Isaiah Thomas has entered the NBA’s health and safety protocols. He was signed as a replacement for a replacement when Brandon Knight entered the protocols.


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Green's not happy about the game being postponed tonight.


How do you continue to cancel games when you’ve implemented rules to prevent this from happening? Is that not a competitive advantage for other teams? The guys we didn’t have due to the protocol list played no role in Tuesdays loss? Pick a side but don’t straddle the fence.

So when the game is rescheduled(which will probably take a day away from our “break”), we will play them at full strength… But they got to sneak a win when we weren’t at full strength, only two days ago??? Let’s make it make some sense here.

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Yah, DEN absolutely gamed the system. They had a roster of 14 out 15. They had a bunch of non-COV injuries totaling 5 players, bringing their roster down to 9 or 10.

They didn’t bother signing any 2-way players, most likely on purpose to keep their roster thin.

Then they lose three players at once to H&S, and can claim they don’t have time to sign replacement players.

Utter BS.

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Dec 30, 2021·edited Dec 30, 2021

Weren't they supposed to be forced to sign extra players? I thought there was a rule demanding that. Is this all a timing issue?

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For H&S they have to sign, but, yes, but those all came today (if I understand it right). Can't get new players on the roster in a half a day .. I assume they have to get COVID tested and have 2 negatives, or something like that.

It doesn't really bother me, to be honest. They gamed the system, but the warriors have done that, too (remember listing four players out for Toronto)?

Next year, I suspect they find some way to remove the covid/non-covid distinction, and just require the teams to maintain a larger roster. The problem is figuring out the cap considerations.

Maybe boost the two-way player limit to 5 (total of 20), and force teams to maintain 15 active (not out or questionable status) for each game. If they fail to do so, and can't play, then they forfeit.

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What’s the connection with the Toronto game? We sat our four players but the game still went on.

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No direct connection. Just that the Warriors have bent the rules on occasion, too. Some of those players could have played.

I don't see the point in jumping up and down about this particular thing, since Denver broke no rules at all. They just didn't sign two-way players (which was their right). The issue is the rules, not Denver.

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It’s funny, I think I just assumed all teams take advantage of having a couple of two-way guys, especially in this environment.

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The league should've made it so that if a team loses players due to Covid or non-Covid reasons, they can sign up to a certain amount of players to a 10-way contract so that the team has at least eight players in their roster.

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Well, the key is signing them before you get anywhere near 8 active players. They took a swing at doing that with the new 10-days, but it didn't work.

I think they're just going to need a taxi squad of about 5 players, that are already following the covid protocols. Then just swap them in as needed, regardless of the reason. If you have 15 active players the day before the game, you should be able to field 8 players the day of game.

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That's what they tried to do. But apparently Denver chose not to have any 2-way players - or it would probably not be an issue today. And any player signed on a 10-day contract now will have to pass the H&S protocols first, so.. It ain't happening today.

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Wait, the Nuggets don't have any two-way players???

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My sentiments exactly

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Dec 30, 2021·edited Dec 30, 2021

When the reason the league is not shutting down is irrational (science should be dictating this, but instead it's the greedy side of capitalism), this stuff happens.

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> greedy side of capitalism

There's another side?

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It does promote innovation, which can be altruistic.

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Draymond said everything I was thinking about the cancellation. Here's a link to the ESPN article:


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On the bright side that's one less game to play without Draymond and a few extra days to rest Steph

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….and Klay

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Always look on the bright side of life... [sung in an Eric Idle / Monty Python-ish way]

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Dec 30, 2021·edited Dec 30, 2021

With no game to comment on, I was curious... Given how different we played without Draymond, how would you rank our roster in terms of MVP for our team so far? (let's leave Klay and Wiseman out)

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One-game samples should not be used as a basis for anything, so I’d ignore the “given how different we played without Draymond” part of the question.

If we want to be technical about “how different we played without Draymond:” over the course of the full season, the team has actually been slightly better with Draymond on the bench than on the floor (+9.0 on, +11.3 off, net -2.3).

That said, raw plus minus through 34 games is still really noisy — which I hope gives a pretty clear indication of how useless it is in a one-game sample. Draymond has clearly been spectacular this year, though well behind Steph in terms of impact on the scoreboard.

My personal rankings, give or take

1. Curry

(Huge drop-off)

2. Green

3. Wiggins

4. Payton

5. Poole

6. Looney

7. Porter

8. JTA

9. Bjelica

10. Iguodala

11. Lee

12. Kuminga

HM: Myers, Kerr

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DLee needs to be higher than.... tough to decide where since he's mostly played great except when he's been out [which has been too much] and then reacclimating.

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Dec 31, 2021·edited Dec 31, 2021

Looks right to me, but I might flip Bjelica and JTA. I still love him, but he’s looked over-amped all season. He was so dependable last season with his hustle, energy and smart/sound game, but now he’s making Bazemore-esque mistakes.

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Agree with Goofus. I'd also flip Poole and Payton. (But you all probably knew that.)

Payton's been great, I really love, love, LOVE his game, but Poole's averaging 18 points a game on the whole season, even after a crappy start, and can break out a 30-burger on occasion. He's at the beginning of a great career, and his game is burgeoning (to steal Sleepy's description from a couple of weeks ago). I think what's so exciting to many of us about Payton is that he brings a type of game we haven't seen before on the Ws, he's kind of flashy in a really fun way, and he's been so unexpectedly and consistently excellent. But I'd pick Poole over him.

I might put Looney and Porter ahead of Payton, too. Looney's about as flashy as wallpaper, but he plays such a fundamentally sound game. Porter's just the best vet minimum signing ever, another guy who can win games for us.

Wow, they're all so good. It's hard to know where Iguodala and Lee rate in this group. Andre's been pretty phenomenal most of the season, but he's been missing "the best ability" a lot of the season. Lee was so stout the first part of the season, but has had a tough time coming back. I'm very glad both of those players are on the team.

I doubt if Kuminga is going to be #12 by the end of the season. Watch out, world.

PtR on the former site used to talk about "Spurs World Problems" and I think we've got something like that on our hands this year. Add Klay and Wiseman to this group and OMFG.

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No game tonight? So we end this year with a loss. Drat.

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Dec 30, 2021Liked by Eric Apricot, punk basketball

Not sure if we'll have another post before the new year. Just want to say Happy New Year to everyone at DNHQ and the community. Daniel, Duby, and Apricot: you all are awesome and thanks so much for all the effort and work you guys put into the site... there's probably a lot of stuff you guys do that most of us don't even notice... so again: BIG THANKS. This is the only sports site I regularly visit let alone participate in.

Have a safe & HNY everyone! 🥂🎉

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Dec 30, 2021Liked by punk basketball

Game postponed tonight 🤨

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Why can’t Denver just sign a couple G-league scrubs to 10-days? The Dubs has to play QW and lots of Cheese. The Lakers played IT. According to the Athletics article, Denver is missing 8 players. So they’re at 7 players available. No 2-ways? No 10 days?

If other teams have to play 2-ways and 10-days to make a rotation, then IMO, teams that choose not to should just forfeit.

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Yeah, this is the hard part to digest

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Just means they're getting a reckoning with Klay and Dray sometime later :)

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Later will probably be cutting into the Warrior All-Star break or something though, unfortunately.

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And into the playoff series

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Draymond Green




How do you continue to cancel games when you’ve implemented rules to prevent this from happening? Is that not a competitive advantage for other teams? The guys we didn’t have due to the protocol list played no role in Tuesdays loss? Pick a side but don’t straddle the fence.

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Dec 30, 2021Liked by punk basketball

So glad you highlighted Porter's poor decision, 3D. He's definitely going to learn from it. You can bet everyone in the organization pointed that out, especially Draymond lol.

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Wiseman's in covid protocols again. Is he cursed? Seems like the bball gods are eternally conspiring to to prevent him from ever getting enough experience and practice to fulfill his potential. In any case, I can't wait for him to get back on the court. I'm not saying he's going to fit the system right away, but he's definitely fun to watch.

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Don’t have the energy to make a proper trade poll on this but:

Lowe proposed a pretty interesting trade on his pod: Jaylen Brown for Wiggins+draft assets Warriors have


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Not interesting. Yeah, Jaylen came from Cal, so there's that. But why are the Ws giving up future draft picks to try to integrate a new guy when Wiggins is hitting his stride and does pretty much everything the Ws want him to do? Is Jaylen going to be happy as the 3rd option on offense? Is he going to guard the other team's biggest offensive threat? I'm not seeing it...

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I would have been all over that preseason, but Wiggz is having the best season of his career, is arguably playing better than Brown, and has 2 years of experience in the system... pretty clear case of "ain't broke don't fix it"

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Why ship off a fully functional Wiggins to a clearly dis-functional team for a player who probably would not [want to] integrate well into a cosmos with Curry at its center. That's just asking for bad karma, imo.

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Nope. These trade proposals are kind of annoying.

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Best teams in the league with excellent chemistry and missing parts that are actually coming back soon DO NOT MAKE TRADES. It's ridiculous.

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No thanks. Team is playing locked in all the way down the roster (when everyone is playing), and Wiggs is a huge part of our success. As mentioned below the integration of Jaylen plus Klay plus Wiseman…would be really disruptive and may hurt our chances this season. Why mess with a contending team that had a couple more gears left to use?

Maybe next season if things need a shake up.

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Might be better long term, but it definitely hurts chances this year. It takes time to pick up the Dubs system. Almost all of the current supporting cast has taken over a year to really blossom.

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Yeah the in season trades for the Warriors are tougher, plus they've built their roster with the assumption that Wiggins will play 70+ games and Brown is less reliable from a durability standpoint.

But as an offseason trade it would have my attention for sure.

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I'd certainly be interested in that.

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It doesn't seem like fixing something that isn't broken to you?

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Couldn't you have made this argument for why the Warriors shouldn't have added KD at the expense of Barnes and Bogut and all the continuity they had with those two?

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Nah. Barnes had already said 'no.' And KD is a generational talent; the gap between Brown and Wiggins isn't nearly so big.

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there's a huge chasm between Jaylen Brown and KD... way bigger than Barnes and Bogut

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Dec 31, 2021·edited Dec 31, 2021

Why do the specifics of the example matter? We are discussing the concept of "if it ain't broke don't fix it" as it applies to the NBA, I just picked something Warriors-related.

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I'm only willing to trade the non-vaccinated version of Andrew Wiggins, who fortunately doesn't exist any more.

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Dec 30, 2021·edited Dec 30, 2021

> But logic is Boston would want to split up the 2 Js and get as much capital for the future. Warriors going all in and still getting a young enough piece to transition in future

So we give up a 26-year old guy entering his prime with better metrics PLUS assets... for a 25-year old guy that can help us bridge into the future?

EDIT: OK Wiggins is almost 27... but still..

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Wiggins got better numbers the brown? That's tough

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Dec 30, 2021·edited Dec 30, 2021

Sorry, missed a word: "shooting numbers", is what I meant. But the main point is that Wiggins is still pretty young and on an upward trajectory.

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Dec 30, 2021·edited Dec 30, 2021

Brown is playing without a PG, Wiggins is playing with the GOAT PG. Look at Brown's shooting numbers the past few seasons when Walker was there and look at Wiggins' shooting numbers before he joined the Warriors.

Even right now, Brown's FT% is 76% an Wiggins' percentage is 71%.

EDIT: Also note the higher volume for Brown. Also if you go to NBA.com, Brown is shooting 43% from three on 2 pull up 3 attempts a game (compare to 37% for Wiggins on 1 pull up 3 attempt a game).

Wiggins is shooting only .5 threes a game with a defender 4 feet or closer, whereas Brown is shooting 1.4 of those (and shooting very poorly on those attempts).



Basically, I think Brown is still a better shooter than Wiggins despite the percentages.

EDIT2: Brown this season is shooting 48% on 16 foot plus midrange shots, Wiggins is shooting 42% on those. Brown shot 49% in that range last season (compared to 38% for Wiggins).

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Brown is slightly better offensively; Wiggs is an inch or two taller and slightly better defensively, imo. Cs fans in the forums I frequent have been really down on JB’s defense the last couple seasons, as well has his ball-hogging ways on offense.

Pretty close to a push, imho, so given the potential effects effect on team chemistry and the fact that we’d be “throwing in” potential stars for a lateral-ish move, it’s a hard pass for me.

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This was my point but better fleshed out. It's a push just being just a straight up 1-for-1... even if you argue for Brown being the better player, it's not a huge gap that automatically makes us better. Now toss in extra assets and I don't really see where this trade is going (for us).

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Heck no. I wouldn't even do JB for Wiggs straight up, let alone Wiggs + assets.

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Dec 30, 2021·edited Dec 30, 2021

Not sure if I should be hoping that they play or that they don't play. Certainly hoping that we don't see the Curry COVID protocols tweet though, which feels inevitable at this point but might be better timing after Klay gets back.

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Maybe it's just me but I want the gang fully back (even if it's just for that game) when Klay returns

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By the gang I mean Andre, Draymond and Steph

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No Looney love?

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