Looks like this season is done and dusted. There is nothing so important about sports except profit that people should risk their health for. It's hard for many people to let go of their habits, to think of the greater good, and to actually act responsibly towards their fellow human beings.

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Expand on Bleb Han's idea,

"Current standings as final standings. Elite Eight for each conference." One and done for the first 2 rounds, Final Four --best 3 out of 5, Finals -- 4 out of 7. Take a 4 week break and shorten next season's schedule to accommodate this change.

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The playoffs will be decided on NBA2K.

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Current standings as final standings. Elite Eight for each conference. One and done winner take all.

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4. please. Let us (hopefully) forget about this last season entirely. I know I want to.

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I would be interested in seeing a shortened season which is possible for 20/21. Obviously the circumstances to which that happens are horrible. But, it would be a nice test of a shortened season.

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They tried it in a year shortened by a strike (can't remember which one) and it was AWESOME! But they care about the revenue so unlikely they will ever permanently shorten the season (even if they do it for 20/21).

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As addicted I am to watching hoops I would be willing to sacrifice some games for better quality games.

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Mar 17, 2020Liked by Eric Apricot

PSA: several Warriors games are upcoming on NBA TV starting soon. Get your DVR ready!

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2015 Warriors Cavs Game 6

2014-2015 Season Recap

2019 Warriors Blazers Game 4

[all the Warriors Raptors games... pass]

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The Raptors games are painful but also valiant as hell

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Mar 17, 2020Liked by Eric Apricot

as painful as those finals were, my appreciation for how far the warriors have come was crystalized in that loss. they never gave up despite overwhelming odds. it may sound corny but it was inspirational.

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I watched the raptors games again and saw how washed Andre was. I couldn't believe he was looking for Curry and Klay at the elbow when he could just shoot it. It was painful to watch. Draymond also go really exposed in that final..Im not surprised almost everybody on the TEAM we fielded besides the splash brothers isn't doing well in the nba or not even in it anymore..Those guys were just horrible ..

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Also the team construction was just completely broken. You can't have a team deep in playoffs with ONE offensive option, and then injured Demarcus Cousins and Quinn Cook. That's not enough to beat a decent NBA defense.

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(after injuries, I should say. With no injuries KD/Stepth/Klay makes for a pretty good offense) :)

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i can't decide on what would be the best option. but i do keep thinking how strange it would be if the season got cancelled and the warriors end up winning the chip next year with a healthy roster and how much more people would hate the dubs.

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Updated with SF Bay Area shelter-in-place orders. Only go out for food, medicine and solitary exercise, basically, or work at food/medicine providers.

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Imagine if this was 2015? If I were a Bucks fan, I'd be pretty anxious right now. Gotta crown a champ.

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Given that this pandemic is likely to drag on for months (though it's unclear how many) and significant precautions will be necessary afterwards for months more, one wonders when the next time is that they could host games to full arenas. Presumably if there are places with no outbreaks they could play more games there, but even so I'd be wary of attending. Maybe less so if I end up catching and surviving the disease much earlier and developing a resistance, but at this stage we don't even know how to reliably recognize when people are recovered and how resistant their immune systems are to slightly mutated versions of the virus after that.

I'm assuming the season is just over, but a wild "playoff" tournament could be a fun way to send it off if the league is back before too long.

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All games are headed to West Virginia!

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Mar 16, 2020Liked by punk basketball

I both like and dislike many things about these options. But ultimately it’s just too early to tell. This might be over in time to finish the season in a variety of ways or we might not see basketball again this whole year.

I know we’re just talking and generating content here and that’s fine, but I’m annoyed by how many control freaks around me need to make a plan based on our incomplete understanding of what we’re going through. Some people just can’t deal with uncertainty.

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Play nothing. Move on to next season as scheduled and hope that happens.

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That’s my prediction.

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Seconded. Ever since they announced the curtailment, I've assumed that the 2019-2020 season was over.

Maaaaaybe they can hammer together some sort of tournament or something to crown a champ, but the timing of it all seems incredibly unlikely

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While we’re rethinking stuff how about taking the top teams regardless of which conference?

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I love that.

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By the way, I vote for the single-elimination tournament. Gotta do it as a light reward for the fans and to pilot some in-season tournaments.

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I would love that. Just wonder about the quality of play.

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That would be awesome. It'll probably be months until it could happen; by then, Klay could be back. If he and Steph got hot, they could make some noise in the post-season tournament.

Set them up for a two-week tournament in July. The #1 seed in each conference a bye. They could kick off the tournament on the weekend of July 3-5 (round 1), play a second round July 8, third round July 10-12, semis July 15, and finals July 18. July Madness -- For All the Marbles! Can you imagine the intensity?

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I, for one, have always loved the tournament idea. But 90% of NBA twitter thinks it’s stupid.

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3. Playoff season is too long already.

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