I missed the rewatch but did record it.

Kudos to Apricot to be one man army on these message board.

Also, I wonder if majority of subscribers of LGW are non-bayarea folks. Hence the lack of comments (but for Apricot).

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I’m not sure, but these are strange stressful times and it’s not clear how people want to interact with the escapism of sports. I don’t mind doing it when I have time, because I know some people like looking at the comments as a way of remembering or newly enjoying a game...

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That’s it. 24-0. One of the great teams of all time. The last team to really try its best the entire season.

Either you savored every bit of it, rooted for them to lose (which is good old fashioned sports) or mocked it after and complain now about load management (joyless & sad)

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Last play of OT is... Steph backscreen for Shaun. Gets FTs, now up 3 with 17.8 left. FT contest now, which Steph should win.

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Bogut has had about four blocks in the last ten minutes. Very responsible for this (eventual) win.

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OT2.4.01. Sweet fast break play. Barbosa was about to pull out, but Steph cut hard and called frantically for ball, then dumped off for a layup.

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The Olynyk-Curry shootout you’ve been waiting for.

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OT. Steph gets double teamed, eventually Andre gets a 3 to fall. Otherwise, Andre’s offense has been very bricky.

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Oh right, also no Harrison with no Klay. No wonder the spacing stinks.

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Yeesh Shaun blocks IT on the possible game-winning shot

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OMFG I forgot that fantastic elevator doors play. The best best part is Steph pretending to trip and then suddenly he cuts.

Oscar for special effects!

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‪Steph shooting 2 FTs, down 3 with 1:17 left. BOS has done a great job running Steph off the 3 and blitzing him with doubles. With no Klay, no one can really punish them. ‬

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GSW scrapping for OREBs and Steph working hard off-ball, but can’t quite put it together. BOS still up 3 with a couple of minutes to go.

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Ezeli passing out of poat. Steph draws two on pop, Ezeli misses Andre open for dunk, loses it.

BOS pushes it to up 5 with 4 min. Looks like GSW may be losing grip on the game.

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Wow, a lot of touch fouls. Steph misses three layups. Weird ball bounces. A lot had to go wrong for this game to go to OT, which indirectly led to the loss in MIL the next day

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Dray gets a very touchy 5th foul. Lip reading: all ball, all ball. Then Olynyk’s FTs show the ball only lies 50%

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13 point swing since Steph went out. No firepower in the bench squad without Steph and Klay, and getting no stops so no fast breaks. I assume Steph is coming back in after the timeout.

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David Lee getting a lot of revenge in Q4. Lots of points in the paint and a couple of nice passes.

Klay injured, so we’re seeing a lot of god of chaos Barbosa and Ian Clark.

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Steph w early 4th foul. Barbosa and McAdoo run a very slow version of Motion Weak which Dray salvages with a “floated” shot out of a cannon

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Also, nice to see a healthy Isaiah Thomas before he tore up his body and played through his sister’s death so he could be dumped in trade

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Wish I could watch. In Canada...

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Yep. I am also out of market ☹️

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Ezeli made a tough catch, but I remember his catching passes was a big issue for him to improve.

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Awww, I forgot that David Lee was on the Celtics this year after the Chipotle championship

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I forgot Hack-a-Ezeli was a thing.

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Q1. Steph getting the full double team experience. Team dragging on fumes. Shaun with a really hard elbow J, the kind he was automatic at once upon a time.

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