Kuminga 👀 🔫💨 :

"I just wanted to have a little show out there," Kuminga told reporters. "I feel like me dunking the ball and just making them, like, it was going to bring more energy for everybody, especially on defense, because if I make my dunks -- I didn't make them last time, but I made them today, I feel like people had a lot more energy, we all play together and really communicate on defense."

That’s more economic to bring more energy than by getting a technical foul to do so, I think.

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He'll be doing that a lot w our 2nd unit this upcoming season.

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My generation knew all about Julius Erving aka Dr. J, but did he happen so long ago that using 'Dr. K' for Kuminga will just bring blank looks??

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Just posted this in another thread before seeing this

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I remember Dwight Gooden was called "Dr. K"

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Well, that brought a blank look from me. After about a minute I remembered him. The clue was 'K' is baseball shorthand for strikeout. I think calling Kuminga Dr. K is still available.

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Some observations about Kuminga. I love his energy but will his poor shooting %s, both the 3 and FT, his shoot first mentality and ISO brand of basketball which go against the Kerr system, be a help or a hindrance to him earning minutes? Moody, otoh, is a disciplined, multi-skilled player who knows how to play the game and executes his role. These two are wildly different in their approach. Kuminga is always looking for center stage, likes to control the ball and game. Moody quietly goes about his business and seems uninterested in drawing attention to himself.

Summer League stats:

Kuminga 36.2fg%, 26.7 3pt%, 63.6ft%

Moody 40fg%, 40 3pt%, 77.8 ft%

It's hard for me to imagine Kuminga's offensive stats improving against NBA level defense when his fundamentals are already questionable. I'm not saying he's a bust but I am saying he is a project, a worthy one, I think.

What say you?

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“Will his poor shooting %s, both the 3 and FT, his shoot first mentality and ISO brand of basketball which go against the Kerr system, be a help or a hindrance to him earning minutes?”

Oh, I am definitely of the opinion that all of these of these things will be a *huge help* in his effort to get minutes. “The lower his shooting percentages and the the more he hogs the better,” Kerr will say.

Seriously … you’re begging the question. He’s 18. It’s not a given that he will continue to be as poor as he is now in these areas. He’s as aware as anyone of his need to improve in them. He will likely get minutes — gradually — in direct proportion to how well he improves in them.

In the meantime: patience. As with all players his age. LeBron and Durant were both inefficient ball pounders at his age, too. Maybe let’s give him another 5-10 minutes or so to grow into the player he’s going to be?

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I think those stats are excluding the California Classic game against the Heat, where both had pretty good games as far as scoring. Here are the stats for that one:


But I agree with you, I think people are jumping the gun a bit on Kuminga's translation to the NBA. Remains to be seen how he can play without being the focal point of the offense (unless they can figure out a way to give him that in the NBA while benefiting the team). I think he's got a long way to go.

And I'm a big Moody fan but people might be jumping the gun a bit with him too, I don't know how likely it is that a 19 year old is a winning player in the NBA. The hope is he can hit enough threes to make the negative stuff tolerable.

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Fans are always gonna jump the gun on players during summer league — as you have illustrated here with excellent examples like Anthony Randolph and MKG. That’s why they call us “fans.”

At the same time, I don’t think anyone is realistically counting on Jonny K being a key part of a deep playoff run as early as this season.

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Between Curry/Klay/Bjelly/Otto/Mulder/Lee/Wiggins (and hopefully Moody/Poole), we are going to have enough shooters to surround Kuminga with space whenever he's on the floor. His lack of shooting will be hopefully mitigated as a result, his greater threat to getting minutes is his inefficient shot selection + decision making within the flow of the offense.

Thankfully, this last game, I finally saw him moving the ball (albeit a bit slowly) and looking to make the pass making it so that he very well could have had 4 assists in this previous game. If he can continue making an emphasis on his passing + develop his understanding of the Warriors system in the G league, I believe he can definitely grab some minutes. We do need some initiators in the second unity beyond Poole.

Moody on the other hand, while he does need to improve his decision-making within the flow of the offense is good enough with his shooting/defense that he'll see the floor fairly quickly. Furthermore, given Moody's simpler role, the reads he'll be required to make when driving will be simpler so he'll be grasping the reads he needs to make faster.

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I say the man hasn't even been to his first training camp yet, and he's young. It's way, WAY too soon and a waste of time to make assumptions about who and what he's going to be.

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There were no assumptions made, only observations. Even if there were, that is what boards like this can and will discuss. There are some obvious points that will need to be addressed but I'm not wasting my time pointing them out. You are free to discuss or not. Dismissing is not discussing. I've got plenty of time to waste. Isn't that what we're usually doing here?

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The critical comments will always receive more pushback than the praise, just how it goes.

Thought what you said was a more than fair comment.

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LOL. Okay, I get that.

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As i said below, its about his intangibles...i strongly believe what we are seeing now will translate to the nba reg season. Against backups esp, we will see a lot of what hes doing now. That Confidence, aggressiveness, and that wicked euro step...it will show up a lot

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Oh I think he's going to be very good. I really like Kuminga's potential. I just don't want to get concerned up about his iso ball, fit with Kerr's system, or his shot this soon.

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All of kumingas time with the ball has been in isos or pick n rolls, hes obviously not going to be doing that rookie season. He will be in oubre or eps role, getting touches off of handoffs and cuts to get down hill to the basket, he will run the break, play solid man to man defense and spot up in the corners. In a limited role he could be productive.

His percentages aren't that great but he has scored more points then attempts in almost every game and has positively effected the game

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But this was what Paschall wound up doing in is rookie season. His ISO play didn't endear him to Kerr. If you know mostly ISO, you wind up doing it because it has become a habit. Habits can be broken, though. I also hope there is a lot more to Kuminga's game as I like his defense and bravado, not to mention his athleticism.

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Yes but when EP got that ball it was going up 100% of the time, kuminga has shown more vision and willingness to pass in 3 summer league games then EP has in his whole career

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EP was actually passing it very well toward the end of his rookie season. I don't think he was as big of a blackhole as people seem to indicate, its just that he was relied heavily upon to be the initiator in those bench lineups since nobody else could create off the dribble.

Also, EP had a better jumpshot then Kuminga.

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He did make some better drive and kick reads during the end of the season forsure, but one thing was forsure is if he got the ball the offense offense stopped he was going to drive it or shoot the midrange even with curry on the floor

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Kuminga is not EP, for sure. I was just using the example to illustrate the point.

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We haven't really got to see Kumninga's off-ball game because he's been the best shot creator on the summer league squad, so definitely curious to see how camp goes.

Still, if rookie Kuminga can provide Paschall-type offense but with practical perimeter defense, I think that's already providing more use than what Paschall did.

And I think Kuminga already shows more natural feel for the passing game than Paschall, and I while not point-forward just yet, I think Kuminga in year one will show he can run the fast break OK.

Still, I don't really see Kuminga getting any regular minutes this year. The only way I see that happening is if Kuminga beats out JTA for minutes, the guy who ended up taking all of Paschall's minutes last year. So Kuminga is gonna have to develop pretty rapidly for that to happen this year.

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I lived in Sacramento in the late ‘90s early ‘00s when the Kings were just developing their dynasty. The city was full of excitement but was lacking in basketball nuance. Everyone, from announcers to sports talk personalities were struggling to come up with creative nicknames for their young stars. Webber was CWebb, Jason Williams (before White Chocolate) was JWill, Jon Barry was JBarr… you could see the pattern. Needless to say, it was cringeworthy to watch. Eventually, they either came up with decent names or gave up trying. Nicknames can be fun when they develop organically, “Slim Reaper”, “Stifle Tower”… but when they are forced they can be painful. Unless Kuminga is a Bond fan or a secret agent, the 007 name seems like a stretch. As we get to know him more a name will come. But we don’t need to rush it.

Having said that, as I said before, I am all over the “Moody Moose”. I have been randomly yelling “Moody Moose!” for no reason, on non-game days, to no one in particular. It just makes me happy.

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"Kings Dynasty "????

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Didn't you get the memo? It's all relative.

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A reminder not to get too wrapped up in Summer League play as far as re-assessing your previous opinions:



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I like how they knew he was great because he shut down Thomas Robinson....

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Yep, Summer League is fun but too random and disorganized to be predictive. I don’t even want to analyze SL film… I’m going to go back and watch G-League and college…

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For me, its about Kuminga and Moodys intangibles and not their SL performances, per say...and how they will translate those intangibles at the nba level... i like what im seeing from them thus far

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Steph was significantly worse than Randolph and Morrow in SL. I think that's all Warriors fans need to know lol.

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After Bob Meyers picked Festus Ezili, Draymond Green texted him and said "GREEN!"

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So GP2 for that final spot on the 15 and Mulder for the other 2way? I can't see anyone on the SL roster wowing us enough to beat GP2 out of that spot.

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What has Mulder ever done for us?

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Don't know. Don't really care for him either but Kerr seems to like him.

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Myers says they'll probably hold the spot open for a camp competition. So GP2, Mulder and others would be in the competition.

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I'd like to see Guy over Mulder for the 2way. Mulder is useless when hes not hitting 3's...and he never does when it matters.

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McLaughlin has been much better than Guy, and he has better size to boot

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I like Guy over Mulder too but I also kinda would like McLaughlin over Chiozza even though I know Chiozza is Atkinson's guy.

But maybe no one signs McLaughlin and he goes to Santa Cruz, in which case, whatever.

Also I still think they should sign a big man for the 15th slot, but if not I agree that it should be GP2.

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What other big man tho? I agree we need a bit more size...but we might have to wait on the buyout market for that signing

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GP2 will get that spot. The only other backup PG on the roster is Iggy...

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Payton isn't a backup point guard though. He's a backup wing in a point guard's body, who can guard point guards.

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I'm so irrationally pissed about the K*m Bucket thing. My name is Kumar. I was given a talking to by a bowling alley security guard once for doing what everyone I was with did and using the first three letters of my first name on the digital scorecard monitor. People are so juvenile, but it's worse than that in this case, because the phrase that is being applied to JFK is also exceedingly demeaning and gross, the kind of phrase that has been used to degrade women.

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The good thing is, like all vulgar nicknames, it will never stick.

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I hear you. It's tasteless and honestly very disrespectful to the man himself.

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(I hate it too)

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I don't think it will affect him after all he's been through, but man- what a horrible way for America to distinguish itself to an extremely talented, enthusiastic young immigrant.

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I'll go check it out.

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Aug 14, 2021Liked by Eric Apricot

I somehow missed this players tribune article written by Kuminga…and wow! It gives some great insight into both his depth and experience as person (as Myers noted after drafting him), as well as the drive, focus and motivation he has. The uphill battle of being born where he was, leaving his home and family at 13 to go to a country whose language he didn’t know, and playing “catch up” in his development has required a strength of mind and body most teenagers can’t fathom. If I’d read this before the draft, I think I would’ve seen him in a whole different light on draft day.


As he says in the article, the world is about to learn of Jonathan Kuminga.

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Someone did post this a few SL games ago. Great article and really gives one a better idea of the young man's maturity and drive. Made me more excited about his mental and emotional makeup.

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My apologies. Those game threads go fast and it’s easy to miss things when I’m trying to watch the game. They also aren’t easy to go through after the fact, so hopefully more people see this. It made those Giannis vibes increase 2-fold for me.

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No apologies necessary, it's a great read and other people may have also missed it since it was posted in a busy SL thread.

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Every summer league game makes me happier that the Warriors took my advice (it had to be my advice, right?) and didn't trade away the picks for a "star". Kuminga and Moody have tons of room for improvement, but the raw material is there. Maybe Bob Myers knows something about basketball.

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Nah, it was Jerry west influence

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Prolly Daryl Morey's influence

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No sir, I have to give S-dot all the credit for this one. Clearly his front office job is paying off for the team.

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West made a hell of a pick with Boston at #51. So weird that he fell so far while Ziaire got picked at #10, one guy got penalized for a bad freshman season a lot more than the other guy.

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Weren’t Ziare’s extenuating circumstances more legit with what he experienced at Stanford? I saw it mentioned a lot.

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I think Boston was playing hurt during the season? But everyone had to experience COVID in some capacity.

I'd take Ziaire over Boston as well but the difference between 10 and 51 is bigger than it should have been imo, I thought Boston would have ended up late first or early second rounder. I kinda hate that he went to the Clippers who will be an obstacle in the way of the Warriors for the rest of Curry's prime (except maybe this season if Kawhi is out).

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Josh Christopher also got penalized more than Ziaire did.

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Nickname Poll:

A) Double 0K

B) Agent K

C) Agent Zero


E) Kuminga Slinga

F) King K

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First choice would be something more normal, whatever his teammates call him, probably J or Jon or Minga or something of that type. For online, if he keeps his jersey number, 00K is nice

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I vote Jon or Jonny. Whichever he prefers.

Calling players by the names their parents gave ‘em (or natural shortening thereof) has a pretty rich tradition in Dub Nation: Steph, Klay, Dray, Andre, Monta, Timmy, Mitch, Chris, Nate, Wilt, e.g.

As a sly nod to erstwhile #7 pick “Harry B” (which I think only really took root on GSoM) I might also consider “Jonny K.”

In text/blog shorthand, gotta think it’ll almost certainly become “JK” — even if there’s no kidding about his rare talent.

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We have also gone with Wiggins, so Kuminga is another probable option. I bet Moody ends up with “Mo”.

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Moody will always be the “Moody Moose!” to me. Like Walley World’s Marty Moose, I think the Moody Moose is the perfect mascot for this new generation of Warriors. Plus, my daughter and I love yelling “Moody Moose!” Whenever he is open in the corner.

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Black Panther

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Kuminga, Jonathan --> KuJo

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Points for creativity, but I don't want to call any of our players a murderous, crazed dog.

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Fair enough, if you want to put it that way. I mean, we call Kobe a highly venous snake and Giannis an aberration...

I guess Cujo is already used in sports anyway... Curtis Joseph

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Joku! ( i read it on reddit) 😊

I felt a little bit bad when i told him Kukamonga guy, but the mean nickname ( the bucket one) that is really really unrespectful

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I like that. It might also be that “J-Ku” Ie “J-Koo” ends up flowing a bit smoother off the tongue

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I actually kind of like JoKu, mostly because it just sounds very normal compared to most of the other nicknames.

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I probably will say him John, or just Kuminga, in my language (spanish) it doesn't sound strange

But Jokuuu, is a good one

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I mean 007 is in play here.

Jersey number: 00

Pick number: 7

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Ohhh!! That is actually really good!

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Skyf%*^er and Skyfall, lol

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Bond, Jon Bond

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Good point. I kinda like it.

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D. I'm happy with JFK if we have to have a nickname, but I prefer proper names except for the eastern European players whose names I can't spell. Pretty sure I can spell Kuminga correctly most of the time.

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Black Panther (or JFK)

I wish we could ask him

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I wonder if JFK even sounds the same to his ear with him likely unfamiliar with Kennedy’s initials?

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He did go to high school in the US

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Or flown into NYC?

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This is a good idea.

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I prefer Agent 0, but since thats taken by Arenas, Agent K works as well!

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I like A) you can just spell it out as 00K too

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When Kuminga grabs the defensive board good things happen.

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If we’d taken Kuminga at 14, there’d be 13 guys in the league taken before him. Just sayin’.

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A victim of his own draft success. Doomed to be half as good as he could have been.

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Watching a replay, the commentators on this game were so much better than the rest of SL so far (and most of what we get in the big league). Part of it may have been the expectedly big SL crowd, but having announcers that are able to actually enjoy the game and sound like it adds so much. Plus it's nice when they talk about the players on both teams and don't just talk about one team while occasionally reading the other guys' names off a piece of paper.

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Renee Montgomery frickin killed the commentating that game. I want her to replace Fitz and I want it now

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Was she the color commentator or the play by play? Cuz For all the hate Fitz gets around here, he's very good at his job which is play by play

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She was color commentator I believe

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She was adding sooooo much insight from a players perspective. She should be calling playoff games.

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*unexpectedly big crowd

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GP2, M&M, and JK should all play together all year and the W’s will get back to dominating 4th quarters once more. With the death lineup in close games and a dominant garbage time lineup in blowouts.

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On the mid range. S-Dot should become a coach for him 30 min per day.

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If S-Dot can teach him some of his nice post moves to get to that shot too. Simple but always effective.

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I always wished he used the backboard more.

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