Someone cutting onions in here.

Seriously, wtf did we all do to deserve Steph Curry?

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Steph shooting 6 for 14 to break the record. Warriors probably getting 30 pieced tonight.

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Knicks super short on players from COVID Health & Safety. We're a week away from getting hit with H&S protocols ourselves after people get infected from this game...

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Steph and Ray Allen

(also, I forgot that Reggie is on the call tonight!)


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Dec 14, 2021Liked by punk basketball

> Slater also says Joe Lacob views both Wiseman and Kuminga as once in a decade type prospects


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Lol. STFU, Lightyears Lacob! ;-P

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lol that man cannot stop from smoking his own PR drugs. I mean... he may believe that, but I think regardless, he's gonna talk the new kids up a ton no matter what

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Dec 15, 2021Liked by punk basketball

yeah what did he think about Smiley again...?

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I was more talking about how he was on the radio mere hours before trading Monta, talking about how the team was *definitely not* trading Monta.

It's PR. Just gotta treat his public stances as such (including the stuff TK writes)

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Joe lacob needs to step aside and let basketball people make basketball decisions. Mr. Light-years is the one thing that concerns me about the longevity of this run (I have a suspicion we would have Lamelo if not for his intervention).

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Dec 14, 2021Liked by punk basketball

Breathe, bro... One of Joe's jobs is to market the sh!t out of everybody in the organization and on the roster. That's all this is.

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haha don't worry I'm breathing, and to clarify I'm down with him hyping our guys up, but not down with him making decisions over myers/kerr (which I admittedly have zero evidence of but am still 1000% sure happened lol)

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Every single thing out of the organization is that it's always a collective/collaborative decision ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I mean, that's what they're supposed to say, but I haven't bugged Lacob's office yet to prove it's wrong.

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> which I admittedly have zero evidence of but am still 1000% sure happened lol

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Dec 14, 2021Liked by punk basketball

Dude, there is no guarantee that Lamelo is better for the future of this franchise than Wiseman. A lot of OTHER people in the Warriors organization feel the same way about those guys.

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As did probably half the draft pundits going into the draft. A *lot* of people were not sold on LaMelo. And yeah, Wiseman could still end up the better player (though obviously you take LaMelo in a redraft, if for his trade value alone).

In any case, “we would have LaMelo if not for Lacob’s meddling” is begging the question.

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i just feel like with our high-IQ based pass-heavy system it was a no-brainer

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That’s fair — but our lack of shooting had also killed us the last couple years; and there were reasons for serious concerns about how his shot would translate. Without a three ball, he becomes somewhat redundant to Draymond, and is not demonstrably better than GP, JTA, or Iguodala in his current form.

And even with the three ball: he might have blocked the development of Jordan Poole.

I think there were also concerns about his character and maturity — ones I’m not sure have been 100% answered.

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Dude owns a matching suite and Lamborghini... yeah, concerns about maturity still exist. Or am I just mad he parked it on my lawn?

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Yeah I feel we can get into Joe & Co come 2024 if Wise/JK are flops for reasons other than injury. But until then I’m going to enjoy the show they created 😀

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Dope article Duby, graphics game on point!!

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thank you sir!!

I can't pull off what you and Ivan do, but I'm settling into my own style on these. Taking MS Paint as high as it can go lol

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Dec 14, 2021Liked by punk basketball

Just don't sniff the MS Glue

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Dec 14, 2021Liked by punk basketball, Daniel Hardee

Cool article and great graphic. So excited for tonight. I think the boys come out raging, punch through the record early, into a decent lead, then give it all away in the second half, maybe a random ending? Plus I feel that Kuminga will relish this opportunity to put a stamp on a rotation spot on the biggest stage. The guy got swag.

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Gonna miss Otto Porter a lot tonight too. He's been low key excellent - hopefully we get a good Bjelica game because I just know this is going to be a weird game!

And thanks for the graphic feedback!!! I was waffling about asking if folks like it or not. Glad you dig it!

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Dec 14, 2021Liked by punk basketball

Kuminga X Bjelica. I can see it.

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Dec 14, 2021Liked by punk basketball

Looking back at the 2009 draft, I don't know what the Knicks fans were complaining about. They got one year of Jordan Hill who they then traded for one not very good year of Tracy McGrady. By recent Knicks standards, that's a pretty good result.

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Dec 14, 2021Liked by punk basketball

Liminal is such a better word than discombobulated. Are there rings or levels of liminality? In any event, the build-up including liminality (is that a word?), fatigue, suspense, and a plane with mechanical issues is like putting Steph through Hercules’ 12 tasks. Talk about epic!

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totally different meanings. Liminal space is the in-between zone. It;s like where you're almost to something, but not there yet. And when you do get there, it's transformative in some way.

> Liminality is an anthropological term used to describe the transitional phase experienced by a person during a rite of passage; a process of leaving behind an old identity, and becoming something new

Discombobulated I tend to think of as more like when you put Mr. Potato head together all wrong. Or those commercials where the mom just *cannot* figure out the tupperware pile or whatever and gets all flustered.

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Dec 14, 2021Liked by punk basketball

Thanks, Duby. Your articles are transformative!

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Aww thanks Janet, you're the best! Appreciate the kind words! I'm thankful that we have such an awesome community to write for

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I just read it for the articles.

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But what about the super-liminal?


yvan eht nioj

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Five stars!

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Dec 14, 2021Liked by punk basketball

Or, if we want to go SciFi, Super-luminal? (Faster than light for plebes).

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It will be interesting to see if the team comes out pissed and focused just to show that they can be. I would love that.

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Dec 14, 2021Liked by punk basketball

Use that rage, Dray!

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Dec 14, 2021Liked by punk basketball

Boosted, and so thankful for all who are as well.

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Looking at the Warriors's W/L record starting with @Phoenix, I think I've spotted the beginnings of a pattern...

So far it's L W L W W L W. So we should have at least two wins here depending on the pattern. Or it could be three. That would put our next loss as either @Toronto (three wins) or home versus the Kings (four wins) after a long road trip. The former seems more likely but the latter is definitely possible and would bode well for the future as it would mean 2^N wins after each loss...


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Or it could be symmetrical, LWLW → WLWL, in which case we lose tonight. #alternatefacts

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I reject this on pure principle of WINNING

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Man... this is going to be an awesome next month.

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Dec 14, 2021Liked by punk basketball

A pre-emptive congrats to 30, the best to ever do it.

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Knicks defensive efficiency was #3 last season according to NBA Team Hollinger Stats.


It's now #20 this season. What caused their defensive efficiency to drop significantly?

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From past performances I'd say one salient reason is cuz Thibs always runs his teams into the ground.

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Not playing as good of defense.

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lol injuries mostly. Their big men were a strength last year, and now they've either been out with injury, or trying to play banged up.

Look at the injury report tonight too. Knicks have been perpetually short handed all season.

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Starting two atrocious defenders in Kemba and Fournier for a big part of the season was part of it as well.

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Fournier can't guard me, 46 years old, 6' 2"

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I'm 40, 5'9" with short arms. Can he guard me?

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Dec 14, 2021Liked by punk basketball

First in opponent 3 point percentage last season, 19th this season:


Also they started playing Kemba Walker more and lost Reggie Bullock to Dallas.

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Dec 14, 2021Liked by punk basketball

Yeah, they've had a tough season as far as injuries go. Also, I think they had some players really overperform last year and were due for a regression in some ways.

Tonight sounds like it really might be a battle of attrition. Both teams should just agree to let Curry make two 3 pointers and then call it a night.

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I feel like people don't appreciate that after-credit scene nearly enough. I've watched it with several people and everyone else is just like "umm... what was the point of that?" Personally, I think it's hilarious.

Plus not a tie... Warriors win 6-0.

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Dec 14, 2021Liked by punk basketball

Nice Curry tribute, Duby. The record couldn’t fall at a better time than today The cascade of cancelled NBA games is about to hit. Bulls just postponed their next two. You don’t have to be a CDC scientist to realize what’s about to happen when you look at the acceleration of new cases in South Africa. The line on the graph shoots straight up like the price of Shiba after an Elon tweet.

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Read an article that 13% of new cases genetically sequenced in NY are Omicron... stay safe out there...

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Dec 14, 2021Liked by punk basketball

Steph Curry: Endgame

Where he currently stands: 2973

Magic number to pass Allen: 2

3's this season total: 141

3's per game thus far: 5.4

Additional games needed at this pace: 1

Record-breaking game at current pace: TODAY! (If you'll all kindly remember, I've had this game circled as the most likely date for awhile now)

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How many games will he need if he halves the remaining distance between him and Ray every game?

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I don't know, it's Greek to me.

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Are you really going to make me do that sort of math????

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I think you'll need the Hadron Collider to establish understanding of the physics first, before you can do any math.

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Or, since this is the NBA, the Harden Collider.

Man. Now I really want to see what happens when you collide two Hardens together at near light velocities.

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I have failed you all as a father for missing this dad joke opportunity. Thank you Abaddon for correcting this grave error.

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Just imagine the head snaps involved. The flopping alone will send waves into the next galaxy.

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That's not how this works, that's not how any of this works!

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You did i so acknowledge

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Dec 14, 2021Liked by punk basketball

Pace needed to break record in x number of games:

1 games: 2+ -Dec. 14th @ NYK

2 games: 1+ -Dec. 17 @ Boston

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