Two minute report is laughable. “Incidental contact” for most lakers plays but curry “definitely fouls” AD on a rebound.

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Jan 30·edited Jan 30

'Definitely fouls' -- with inside position and AD planting his elbow into Steph's neck. They should have tossed Curry for recklessly endangering Davis' elbow...

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Apparently Steph's 3-put play should not have counted because Dray commited a foul - what a f*** joke!


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Jan 29·edited Jan 29

It's almost universally regarded as shameless damage control by every NBA fan, so... yeah. Someone in the organization was probably upset that the announcers sounded shocked on national TV at how bad that call was, and decided to staunchly defend their own from criticism from ignorant TV personalities who have no idea how much work goes into being a ref.

(And to be fair, I do think officiating NBA basketball without many mistakes in every game is an almost impossible job, even more so than other sports. I'll bet they're justified at times feeling like the world is against them, and they can't win no matter what they do.)

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I dont think we have a problem with mistakes - though the timing can really hurt. It is the inconsistency in calls and especially when it a"appears" to benefit one team more than the other, thats where fans get really mad.

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Jan 29·edited Jan 29

Onside kicks should be made easier. They’re super fun and wacky and they add excitement to the game. Make it only five yards before you can recover.

Or wait I have more onside rule change ideas. How about also make it a rule that the kicker can pick the ball up and run with it and if he gets ten yards you get possession. Ok fifteen.

Or wait: Also the kicking team can select instead to “Try the Lion.” The way this works is that instead of the kicker, their best runner goes on the field, but by himself. He picks the ball up at midfield and tries to get at least ten yards. The defending team also takes all of its other players off the field and must place the predatory animal of their choice from a cage on the sidelines onto the field to try to catch the runner. Tell me that wouldn’t be more exciting.

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The player set to "Try the Lion" must be named Christian.

Of course, the Niners' Christian scored twice on the Lions.

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This person gets it

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Calm down, Commodus ...

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We need chariots!

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I dont know what that means

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Commodus is the Roman emperor from the movie "Gladiator", a real historical figure, known to enjoy and even join the combat in the Circus Maximus, also involving predatory animals to mix things up.

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Everyone is assuming here that the lion would go for the runner, but there's so much more potential than that. The field is wide open and the many players, coaches, and various personnel are also out there. If someone wants to tell me that wouldn't be more fascinating than an onside kick, I guess I'm listening.

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Is there any new info on trades for our Dubs?

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Who are you thinking of trading? CP3, maybe, but how much can he bring back for his expiring contract? Wiggins looks like he may be coming around, finally. Podz, TJD, Moody, and Kuminga are cheap and already good enough to play NBA basketball. Klay? A) I'd hate for them to part with him if they don't have to and B) who are you going to get back that makes a difference this year? GPII or Loon? Not sure what those guys are bringing back that tips the scales.

I think with the possible exception of giving up CP3's expiring or getting off Wiggs' contract, the Warriors don't make a move -- and any move they do make doesn't make it possible for them to compete this year. I think what we have is what we have. We have to hope they come together when everyone is healthy.

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I'm hoping that MDJ comes up with a surprise for us. We don't know what other teams are thinking. We don't know what the Dubs are thinking. We only know that the fans have hopes that somehow the Dubs rise like a phoenix.

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49ers are going to the Super Bowl!!!!!!!!!!

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Thank you Dan Campbell

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Thank you, 4 lion dropped passes in the 2nd half.

Maybe 5?

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Jan 29·edited Jan 29

Gift-wrapped this one. Real boneheaded strategy, particularly where they were on the field (around 30 yard-line) for both failed 4th down attempts. Just converting there still isn't particularly predictive regarding scoring a touchdown, and once the Niners took the 10 point lead with 3 minutes to go, there really wasn't much drama since it was a two score game. The stupidest decision was the one when they had the 24-10 lead and could have made it a three score game with a FG.

Guys who played tight end in the league for 11 years should leave such decisions to pencil-necked analytical staff who understand probability. Having a "gut feeling" just leaves you susceptible to being punched in the gut, as the Niners did him twice.

Stats show the odds of converting on a 4th and 3 in the NFL are about 47%. And even if you convert, there's still a good chance you'll need to settle for a FG. Odds of successfully converting a 47-yard field goal in the NFL are about 75%. Take the three-score lead and you're probably on your way to the Super Bowl.

It's like having a five point lead and the ball with 30 seconds left and passing up an open dunk to put up a long 3 pointer. Make the dunk and you've got a three-score lead that should easily hold up.

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In retrospect the it is easy to second guess given the outcome, but the analytics may support Dan Campbell decisions. Note the numbers were different for the Lions vs league averages this year. I think their kicker was only around 55% at that distance this year (he is below average) and the Lions converted around 85% of the time when it went for it on 4th and short.

The only really bad coaching decision I saw from the Lions was when the Lions were down 10 close to the goal line in the last two minutes and then they tried to run it in and had to call a time out. Down 10 they really just needed to score as fast as possible and preserve their time outs.

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Their kicker has missed a handful of FGs this year. And Campbell being that aggressive is what got them this far to begin with. He said he doesn't regret the decisions and I believe it. In the 49ers last superbowl, Shanahan was the opposite - wasn't aggressive when they had a drive before halftime and could've gone for a touchdown - that's the type of playing not-to-lose rather than playing-to-win that's more likely to lead to regret, IMO.

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There are times to be aggressive and times not to be. If you're facing a 4th and 3 with the consolation of kicking a FG to take a 17 point lead in the 3rd quarter, you kick the FG. There's a huge difference in win probability between a 14 and 17 point lead, and much less of a difference between 17 and 21.

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Jan 29·edited Jan 29

I think NOEGF4GiS's point was that there's a spectrum of aggressiveness, with both these coaches having appeared at its opposite ends, which can bode poorly in either situation.

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I understand about different levels of aggressiveness, I just think the macho hyper-aggressive nature of Campbell and the Lions led to a very bad decision that very well may have cost them the game.

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Campbell was calling the game like he was playing Madden or something. Real life isn't a video game.

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And the Lions still haven't gone to a Super Bowl

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Never kick, never surrender

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Congratulations to the 49ers!! 2 fantastic come from behind victories in a row.

Let's Go 9ers!!!!

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Yeah boi!

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Wow the Golden State Lions completely collapsed in the second half

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Well, that turned around :D

(Didn't post anymore because I didn't want to jinx it)

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This 49ers-Lions game is wild.

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Holy moly what a (bounce and) catch. Hopefully that turns the momentum to 49ers favor

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Wow, the difference in the game. That is basically proof of the existence of Football Gods and that they are 49ers fans.

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Yes, but who is more powerful, Football Gods or Taylor Swift? Guess we'll see soon.

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It's gonna be Taylor Swift vs. Brock Purdy's Mom in the Super Bowl. I'll ride with the Swifties.

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On one hand, I fear the answer.

OTOH, if Taylor Swift is all-powerful, Trump is toast.

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I can’t lose either way. Either the Niners win or all the right people will be PISSED

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Tie game!

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Niners offensive and defensive lines are getting punked tonight. They can't stop the run and the misdirection plays, and Purdy is unable to escape from pressure.

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This post did not age well.

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The Niners caught some breaks in the 2nd half IMO. They still couldn't stop the run, but Dan Campbell's overaggressive playcalling backfired on him in the end. Not kicking a FG twice on 4th downs, Lions receivers dropping crucial passes, and that costly fumble in the 3rd quarter shifted the momentum towards the Niners.

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Finally got a stop. If they get a touchdown this drive they'll be on their way to making it just close enough to hurt, in honor of our dubs

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We might have the analogy wrong - it might be the Lions that are playing the Dubs role by getting off to a big lead only to throw it all away.

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I think you're on to something here...

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Lol, said like a true Warriors fan.

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Is thus the niners game thread?

Hellooooooo? (Echo)

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Still waiting for the 49ers to show up at Levis.

Unfortunately, it's already almost halftime.

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Their D is just non-existent so far.

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Just getting demolished in the trenches on both sides of the ball

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3rd and 18 and give up a 1st down.

This is Warriors level defense right now my god

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After giving up a first down on a 3rd and 12 run play. The defense has never been worse

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No excuses either.

Team came into playoffs healthy and with a bye.

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Jan 28·edited Jan 29

Rigged? Is kind of a loaded word these days. So i’ll go with “pressure to tilt the scales slightly in a player or teams direction”.

I’d be really interested to get an investigative reporters deep dig into how legalizing gambling has affected games. I just cant imagine with millions on the line their aren’t some very “persuasive shadowy dudes” being very… persuasive.

But until that giant bombshell of a report comes out I’m just gonna go with “Lebron and his teams getslots of calls cause money star power”?

And on the topic of “to complain or not” about refs. It mainly makes for an ugly game (no matter which side your on). Thats my main complaint.

Happy sunday everyone

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At the rate AI is making changes in every industry, it won’t be long before the three refs could have instant analysis in their ears on every second of the entire game.

Not sure what that would do to the game but I’d be willing to find out.

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deletedJan 28
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I wish

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Not going to happen.

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So does capitalism.

So the struggle continues on…

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I can't wait till people get over the marketing gimmick. The sooner I don't hear about how AI found out that 1+2 is usually 3 the sooner I can go back to using "AI" for my work in peace lol

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I want to be over it. I believe I’m over it. But I’m obsessively hitting reload on the L2M page so I can get upset all over again when the league explains why the refs made no mistakes. I guess I’m not over it.

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hint: only 2 missed calls, both favoring the Warriors

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Phew. All is good. The refs are doing a good job. Nothing to see here. Move along, move along.

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Close, just one missed call favoring the Dubs. But at least they didn't say the Dray swipe down on AD should have been a flagrant, yay!

No mention of LeBron taking a few steps on his last shot.

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