Webber is honorary Warrior-killer.

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West yes, Webber no.

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I thought when we got CWebb he was going to be the closest thing to the messiah. There was plenty of blame to go around but the bottom line is he split after one season, we crashed, and even though I think he was a helluva player, but no, he's not a Warrior for Life. Now, David West absolutely should be a Warrior for life. Yes, yes, and yes again. He was one of our Three Wise Men, and he played a significant supporting role in two titles. He was a class act and gave us everything he had left.

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An absolute 'yes' for David West; the guy left money on the table with a good Spurs team to jump to the Ws. He helped the dynasty Ws win two championships.

I like Webber well enough, but I'll vote 'no' for him as a W for life. As others have noted, it's tough to call a guy a W for life if he only places one season with Golden State.

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West yes, Webber no. It's hard to justify a vote for a guy that only on the team one year.

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West yes, Webber no

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Absolutely YES for David West. C Webb one of the greatest player without a ring in NBA history, but NO for HWFL

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Apparently we worked out Isaiah Thomas which . . . I'm conflicted.

On the one hand, I desperately want him to get another shot since he seems like a genuinely good guy. On the other hand, even if he goes back to his 2019 form (12 ppg per game shooting 40% from three), he is just so subpar defensively that I'm uncertain he is a fit for us.

Maybe he can be used situationally on a lineup like Thomas - Wiggins - Iggy - JTA - Draymond or some such variation to cover for his lackluster defense while providing a spark offensively. I don't know.

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Possible role of IT:

- a little scoring, especially in the beginning of 4th quarters;

- relief of backup PG duties from Steph and JP

- mentoring kids (MM, JP)

- provider of a good Shaun-like story, a ‘land of miracles’ add-on

- starter at Boston Garden, where I expect him to drop 50 at least.

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Actually, I just looked up online, apparently IT had an average DBPM of -0.9 over the last couple years which is the same as Damian Lillard. Ja Morant has had a DBPM of -1.6 while Trae Young had -2.3. Obviously, those guys give way more offensively which more than makes up for it, but IT off the bench surrounded by good defensive players allowing for him to just score doesn't seem so bad now.

Admittedly though, I'm biased so I'll go looking for other defensive stats which might draw a different picture of how bad he is defensively.

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West, Emphatic Yes. Webber, No.

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West probably helped will the last Warriors championship as much as anyone. Def HOF worthy.

Webber was so much fun to watch… with the Kings! They were the shining light of good basketball in a dark era snuffed out by the refs/Lakers. I think I might have seen him play live as a Warrior, but I can’t remember anything he did.

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Agree about ref/Lakers dark era. J Will got his ring in Miami, but Kings deserved it in 2002

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OT: https://www.nbcsports.com/bayarea/warriors/where-warriors-projected-finish-western-conference-espn (spoiler: sixth)

Seems fair, although I think many of us here hope/expect better.

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> predict the Warriors to finish the regular season with a 48-34 record

In 2014-15, https://nba.nbcsports.com/2014/10/15/probasketballtalk-2014-15-preview-golden-state-warriors/

> Prediction: 46-36

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I like the cut of your jib!

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OT but Isaiah Thomas? Hmmmm

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Defense has always been an issue with IT. Top guy, good offensive player, but I don’t see how he can share the court with JP without hemorrhage points

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This is like a 1 vs 16 matchup tbh with 1 being David West. And yeah let me show my age, i saw Tim Hardaway play in college (grew up in El Paso) and became a diehard fan once hw was drafted by the Warriors so this isnt recent fandom talking here. Andre Iguodala, Sean Livingston, David West all need a statue outsodr Chase for being the pillars in that lockerroom. When i think of CW I think of the Kings everytime. Let Kings Herald enshrine him there.

Also on a completely unrelated sidenote, Anyone subscribed to friend of the program Ethan Sherwood Strauss substack. Thinking of it because hes such a gifted writer but also starting to remind me of like Glenn Greenwald if he was writing about sports related issues

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Yes for DWest for sure.

No for CWebb. I don't put all the blame on him for the messy ending but his departure marked the beginning of some really dark times...

CWebb on his departure on ATS: https://youtu.be/j-Sb_mmuHLM?t=4028. Seemed like Stack and Barnes had similar experiences with Nellie when it came to contracts and money.


> Cohan and Nelson could’ve patched this [drama between Nellie & CWebb] up by either giving into the new opt out-based contract or countered with an opt out slightly later than two years. [...] They started off the season without Webber and went 6-1 [...] Cohan and Nelson figured they would be fine without Webber and were probably annoyed at the public drama. At that point, Nelson traded Webber to the Bullets for Tom Gugliotta and three future first-rounders.


> If your 20 year old franchise cornerstone and once-in-a-generation talent wakes up one day and doesn't want to play for his coach (even if he's a hoops legend) what do you do? You fire your coach. No questions asked.

> So what did Cohan do? He picked the coach over the young superstar and then shortly after dumped the coach too.

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CWebb: young skilled big man that has issues with the coach and front office. Has all the leverage.

Ben Simmons: young skilled big man that has issues with the coach and front office. Does not have all the leverage.

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If Simmons saw himself as a big man, things would be a lot different.

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Haha, that article by good old AtmaB1 should be required reading for anyone hating our front office

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Shoot Bill Simmons built an empire off of that stuff.

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Yes... and all those linked articles makes it feel like a complete "References" section of a "Cohan Era" wikipedia page.

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Every time I see Webber's name, I get pissed. He could have been a Warrior for Life if he wasn't traded.

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Absolutely a yes on West and a resounding no on Webber, like many have said.

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Oh darn it I forgot to embed that Nike barbership ad with Webber dunking on Barkley. An all-time classic. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t9r0KVXRadc

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