Apr 2, 2020Liked by Eric Apricot

I feel like this is a decent thread in which to remind everybody that James Harden has more made free throws in his career than made field goals. He's the only reasonably high-usage player in history to do that. Look at any other high-usage, high-scoring player, and that's the other way around (FGM>FTM), with a gap of thousands.

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If you're going to put Harden on this list you may want to add Chris Paul.

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A good idea. CP3 is polling right now, and he is on track to just barely edge out Harden for least-liked in Dub Nation.

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Apr 1, 2020Liked by punk basketball

Maybe you should have a follow up. If CP3 were playing against Harden, no affect on the W's, who would you root for (or against, I guess) :D

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Can we root for them both to get tossed for complaining to the refs?

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They can call their own fouls... *evil laugh*

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Actually I'd pay some small sum to watch that ...

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If Harden were a Warrior, I probably couldn't be a Warriors fan. It's that bad.

Imagine trading out Curry for Harden. Ugh! Disaster. What would that do to Klay? (Actually, probably not a ton, 'cause Klay is good at being Klay. There certainly wouldn't be a 37 point quarter....or a 60 point 3-quarters)

But can you imagine the negative effect on Green? I love Green. But Green/Harden combo has a very real chance of being a toxic combination.

That poll didn't include me. Add one more to the "hope he sucks" side of the ledger.

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Gonna be honest, watching D'Angelo was like microdosing Harden, and it was a bit tough going for me

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Apr 1, 2020Liked by punk basketball

Surprised Well % is as high as it is, heh. Loved him in OKC w Durant and Westbrook. But ever since he became a Rocket, well, I'm no fan of the team, per se, but still recognize Harden's great skills despite his ofttimes less than stellar on-court work ethic. I love the new Warriors Villain category. Have fun with that one!!!

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I wonder if it's just some people always hoping that players play well?

I put him up there with Chris Paul. A superbly talented player who is just viscerally unpleasant to me. Not saying these guys are not talented (because they clearly are), but it's more that their style and personality are distasteful; whether it be flopping or nut punching.

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The only time I really disliked CP more than I loved his game...the Clippers years. Loved seeing him lead the youngish OKC squad this season.

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I've really enjoyed CP3 with OKC. Before that, not at all.

In the live Twitter poll, CP3 is actually on track to do worse than Harden, to set a new "Poorly" record. In contrast, Russ did better than Harden.

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Apr 1, 2020Liked by punk basketball

I haven't voted, but I agree with all of those. Westbrook is ridiculously athletic and confident in his own style even though it's not really winning basketball. His main skill is hitting arbitrary thresholds in assists and rebounds by claiming the limelight over lesser known teammates. Watching him play fast and wild is a blast, and as an opponent, I don't mind him taking dumb jump shots all game and then putting on his "deal with it" shades in the presser. He seems hard to get along with, but watching him figure out how to fit in on Houston has been humanizing.

Harden's main skill is "earning" free-throws with shameless abuse of loopholes and deceptive moves like hooks and flops that are ostensibly against the rules but impossible to catch consistently. Not only does his style bog down the game in its least interesting (but most "efficient") part, free throws, his success at doing so serves as an example for other players to flout the rules to their benefit. Essentially he's a master at cheating.

Oh and Chris Paul is just an asshole.

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> Oh and Chris Paul is just an asshole.

Yeah, for me, it's just too much accumulated evidence. I can't make myself root for either of them.

It's not sooooo bad that I can't appreciate that they are both effective basketball players, but I'll never be rooting for either to do well. In fact, watching both CP3 and Harden together on that Rockets team last year was some of the purest sports hate I've ever had the pleasure of living through.

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On the court I dislike Harden more (CP3 seems to flop slightly less, play more team ball). Of the court Harden seems cool, CP3 not so much.

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