A stickied reminder that there is an open thread where non-JTA dialogue is being gently guided might be a good idea...

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Aug 2, 2022·edited Aug 2, 2022Liked by Eric Apricot

Abaddon are you a mod now?! Congrats if so!

Also JTA is a HWFL by virtue of being Oakland born, bred, and repping it always.

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(With apologies to Ringo Starr…)

Eric: Mod

Dru: Rocker

Dan: Mocker


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No, he’s not a mod, I just pinned his comment.

And being a mod is not something you should wish on anyone you like… :)

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I’d like to be a Mod. I’d ban any Davion Mitchell slander on the TL.

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Lol. Dude, Davion Mitchell suuuuuuuuuucks. ;-P

Here’s a data point: rebounds per 36 minutes, career.

Donte DiVincenzo 7.1

Gary Payton II 6.9

Davion Mitchell 2.9


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Mods wear spiffy clothes, ride around on cool Vespas and listen to The Who. What’s not to like?

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Two words: Bell bottoms.

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But we love our DNHQ mods!

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Aug 2, 2022Liked by Eric Apricot

100 percent yes.

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Quick poll suggestion: Do you think Andre comes back this season?

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Aug 2, 2022·edited Aug 2, 2022Liked by Eric Apricot

I have to stick with my 'does he get passed the bouncer at the Dubs' underground club' test...

"Right this way Señor Anderson."

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Way back time machine, 1983, Sacramento, spiked hair, two-tone trench coat, a couple cappuccinos at the Weatherstone Cafe, then off on my red Vespa 150 to get F'ed up somewhere in town. Being a Mod was too much work for a working class punk, but the Vespa got the job done. And I am putting that old trench coat back on, would spike the hair if I had any left, and I am gonna throw JTA on the back and drive him on down to the ceremony for his induction into the Dub Nation whateveryouma callit.

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Aug 2, 2022Liked by Eric Apricot

Nah. Wasn't good enough for long enough and now he's a laker.

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Aug 2, 2022Liked by Eric Apricot


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Aug 2, 2022Liked by Eric Apricot

I'm a 'yes' for JTA as an Honorary Warrior for Life. He embodied so much of what the Warriors mean to be. Having him leave for the Lakers is painful; would rather he had gone anywhere else.

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Aug 2, 2022·edited Aug 2, 2022Liked by Eric Apricot

Short Version: 95, Warrior For Life!

Long Version: Everything about his tenure resonates Warriors. His Bay Area roots, the determination to play that led him to Mexico, then back to join the SC Warriors, and eventually, the NBA. JTA is proud of his heritage, so consistent with Warriors values, he found ways to support the community while playing in the G league and the NBA: working with kids, organizing a peaceful demonstration after the death of George Floyd, and more.

JTA puts everything into the game, even when he is not playing. Seeing JTA and his "evil twin" Damion Lee challenging, encouraging, and celebrating was the most entertaining part of some games. As of 2021-22, JTA is an NBA World Champion - ring and everything. After celebrating with Dub nation, he traveled to Mexico to share the Larry O'Brien trophy with his first fans. Yep, Warrior for life!

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Aug 2, 2022Liked by Eric Apricot

Yes - this took me precisely zero seconds of analysis. The guy is a local hero who went through some really challenging stuff at a young age. Actually it is more accurate to say, he is my hero and a true inspiration. So with that, he gets my vote.

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Due to Asher calling Dominion Systems "those crazy people who want JTA in the HWFL", they have pulled their contract as the 'official electronic voting system for DNHQ'.

In fairness, Asher was somewhat concerned when the vote came in at 1,998,000 to 3 in favor of JTA.

As he pulled off his shoes and socks to do the vote recount, he was heard grumbling "something just ain't right here".

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That count looks right to me.

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I vote yes. JTA fought for his spot and earned it through effort, persistence, good play and team spirit. Few have encountered the obstacles that JTA has overcome. He was an impact player when it was needed, and accepted his smaller role when asked to do so. A system guy who took to Kerr-ball and I’m sure he will thrive to his level of ability in other systems. WFL yes.

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Aug 1, 2022Liked by Eric Apricot

YES, with very minor reservations.

I am still confused about his apparent regression and benching for long stretches this past season, particularly given Kerr's emphasis on keeping everyone involved. Maybe something else was going on behind the scenes?

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Aug 1, 2022Liked by Eric Apricot

For me it's a no brainer: absolutely YES

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Aug 1, 2022Liked by Eric Apricot

Absolutely, yes! Only the cold hearted could say no.

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Hell no lol he was automatically disqualified with his dunk contest performance

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Aug 1, 2022Liked by Eric Apricot

Mad disrespect yo

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Them dunks was disrespectful lol

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