Jul 14, 2021Liked by punk basketball

Giddey with 14-4-3

Really want him at 7

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Full game here: https://youtu.be/Mzysqbv5em4

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Aha, no Mills, Ingles or Baynes, so that’s why Giddey got playing time. He’s one of the alternates.

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Watching the Giddey minutes. So far, it took him a bit of time to settle in, but he’s stood up well under some tight harassing D. He has enough handle to get by pressure defense and attack the rim. That was good to see, wasn’t sure if he could get by a decent defender.

He has hit two threes, but I know that’s a work in progress. He’s made good but not (yet) stunning passes.

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I thought his handle still looked pretty shaky when he was getting pressured.

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I thought it looked okay… I think I only remember him coughing it up once

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Nice touch on the fast break pass to Exum.

Giddey not exactly clamping people but he hasn’t been exploited either.

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This guy Goulding is about the hottest I’ve ever seen a 3 pt shooter.

I *think* Mike Brown has been yelling instructions and advice this entire time, very audibly.

Giddey with a very impressive drive with some speed changes.

I come away cautiously optimistic about Giddey in the NBA.

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I only watched a few minutes before searching for Giddey highlights, but his defense looked pretty porous from what I did see, in particular the drive at 13:30 where Giddey just kinda stepped back and watched the layup attempt and subsequent offensive rebound. Did he pick it up later on?

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Finally found a box score:

24:42 min / 14 pts / 3 - 8 FG / 2-5 3pt / 6-8 FT / 4 reb / 3 assist / 3 tov / 1 pf / +24 pm

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Just for some context, Australia wrecked them and there were 6 players with a +/- over 18

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Jul 14, 2021Liked by punk basketball

If the Dubs deem Giddey a go, I'm all in at #7. I can't help loving the size in your ball handler. Magic, Doncic, Lamelo. Giddey works for me and Sengun works for me if somehow we can get him, too. These type of players can be havoc-wreakers on defenses plus they can shoot and finish at the basket! I can't get excited about cookie-cutter PG's that are a dime a dozen. I want thinking, savvy ball handlers who are sharp. Look at who we have on our own team, Steph & Dray, two of the savviest ball handlers in the game. Imagine adding one or two more players that bring that je ne sais quoi to the lineup.

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I would throw up if we draft giddey at 7 n sengun at 14 lol

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Sengun is my choice at #7. I said IF the Dubs deem Giddey a go I'm all in with that. I don't think they will.

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In defense of Giddey, he was in the top 10 of Australia's NBL in rebounding and assists and also scoring over 10ppg. This is a kid, 18 years old. He will be an NBA player somewhere, no doubt. Jessup, otoh, looks like he needs more ripening and will probably not be on the Warriors roster. He's not a ball handler anyway and his rebounding looks questionable.

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Gotta say, the thought of the bench unit next year running Giddey-Wiseman PnR with Poole and Klay (or Kispert?) running around off ball sounds very enticing.

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Jul 14, 2021Liked by punk basketball


Game is moving to the fourth quarter but Giddey is playing tonight against Nigeria.

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Jul 14, 2021Liked by punk basketball

Just remembered that Mike Brown is coaching Nigeria, we'll see if Giddey makes an impression

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Jul 14, 2021Liked by punk basketball

Kawhi just had a partially torn ACL repair. No timetable given but you’d think he misses a lot of the season at a minimum.

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That's a bad break for the Clippers.

Batum is probably less likely to re-sign with them now.

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Yeah, figured they were hiding an ACL for Kawhi when they had him up in the press box and not on the bench.

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KLove looking good in garbage time, setting up the kids for bucket after bucket in a Draymond-esque point center role.

A penny for Kerr’s thoughts…

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He thinking, ‘get in there Dray and start recruiting our boys Kevin & Patty’

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Jul 13, 2021Liked by punk basketball

OT: Draymond looked fantastic that half.

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> @anthonyVslater

Here's the prospect group working out for the Warriors tomorrow: Cameron Thomas, Tre Mann, Isaiah Todd, Quentin Grimes, Nah’Shon Hyland, LJ Figueroa.

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What is your ideal offseason? Including FA signings/draftees/cuts/trades.

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Barring some kind of Oubre S&T that brings Paul George to the Bay without the Warriors having to give up their other max salary slots, my uber optimistic offseason:

Draft: Wagner at 7. Moody at 14.

Mini-MLE: Otto Porter (banking on Otto's injury keeping teams away, otherwise Batum also good here)

Vet min: Kevin Love. Austin Rivers. (Re-Sign) Bazemore.

Cut: Mulder, Paschall, and Smailagic.

Jessup continues seasoning in Australia

Curry / Poole / Rivers

Klay / Moody / DLee

Wiggins / Otto / Bazemore

Draymond / Wagner / JTA

Love / Wiseman / Looney

Two ways:

Nico and UDFA/2ndRounder/Whatever (some kind of project big here would be nice)

I guess I really like my good passing, 3pt shooting, combo-Forwards lol

Also, to be clear, I imagine Love in a Zaza-like role, like 15-18mpg getting to play next to Curry and Dray.

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Paschall's contract is guaranteed. We might trade him but we're not going to cut him.

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I think people gotta slow down a bit with Love. He'd be the best buyout signing in terms of fit (now that Horford looks unlikely) but he's probably not getting bought out until like the All-Star break at best. Blake Griffin is the comparable situation and that's when he got bought out. LMA and Drummond got bought out closer to the trade deadline I think.

And the Warriors will need to be a contender in the standings by the time Love is bought out for him to consider signing, I assume.

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Love is not the same player he used to be when the Dubs thought about trading Klay for him, for a half a second!

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I do as well. Teams stacked with those guys usually are in good shape. I think some teams around the league value Paschall enough to a point where we could possibly get a 2nd rounder for him?

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It would probably be like a top 50 protected 2nd rounder or something lol

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In 2074.

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I forgot about Mulder. Cut or trade him in my scenario.

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Ideal offseason would include a trade for a superstar wing like Kawhi/PG13 for a Wiseman/Wiggins/picks scenario. Secondary ideal would probably be a trade for Dame or maybe even Simmons. Since we have no idea if these are possible, I'm gonna ignore them as possibilities.

Trades: Paschall for Gasol (the Lakers may be ready to move on and the names semi-rhyme)

MLE: Doug McBuckets

Vet Min: Iggy, Baze, Love

Picks: Moody, Kispert

2-way: Nico/Jessup






I'd be just as happy with Batum instead of Doug McD. I can totally buy not getting Dre and sticking with Lee. But Iguodala would serve as another ballhandler if necessary and the shooting is not as big an issue anymore with McDermott/Kispert/Moody added.

The Love AND Gasol idea is tough because both may not be thrilled with another old big being added but you can't have too many developmental projects. And this team already has 4 with Wiseman/Poole/Kispert/Moody, so unfortunately no Chriss. This team would have a lot of passing, a lot of shooting, and a lot of defense with a mix of savvy vets and young rookies.

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I support acquiring Kevin Love.

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Jul 13, 2021Liked by punk basketball

Moarrrrrr shooters…

MLE: Mills

Vet Min: Love, Chriss

Draft: Moody, Duarte

Re-sign: Lee, Baze

Lose: Paschall, Smiley, Mulder, Oubre, Bell, GP2

PG (3): Curry, Mills, Poole

Wings (7): Thompson, Wiggins, JTA, Baze, Lee, Moody, Duarte

Bigs (5): Green, Love, Loon, Wiseman, Chriss

Two way: Nico and Jessup

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I’m all I’m on this line up. Mills & Love would be a haul in free agency.

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Give me Kispert or Wagner over Duarte and I’m good.

I could be wrong, but thought I saw somewhere that if JJ gets bought out of his Aussie deal, it has to be for a full-time NBA gig and can’t be a 2-way 🤷🏼‍♂️

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I've seen this as well.

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DLee already has a non-guaranteed contract for next season, unless you meant to extend him or something?

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Barnes/Moody + Kispert/Sengun is how I'm leaning draftwise. Sign Chriss + Batum/Rivers as FA. Trade Paschall + Smailagic if possible.

















If you get useful players in trades of Paschall/Smailagic, then you can make the new draftees 2-way players.

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I forgot Nico! Make Jessup a 2-way if poss, and add Mannion.

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Jul 13, 2021Liked by punk basketball

After doing some exhaustive research, I’ve discovered something really important:

At 9 letters, “Suns-Bucks” ties the record of fewest in an NBA Finals with:

1993 Suns - Bulls

1997 Jazz - Bulls

1998 Jazz - Bulls

2003 Spurs - Nets

2013 Spurs - Heat

2014 Spurs -Heat

Important: Shortened names like “Cavs” and “Dubs” don’t count.

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So if the nets had met expectations, we'd have a new record.

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Yep would Nets have to play Suns or Jazz.

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Trust Goofus to bring us the >real< scoop

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> “Dubs” don’t count.

How dare you

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all aboard

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Jul 13, 2021Liked by punk basketball

My own take is this. There are a half dozen lottery level draft picks who are ball handlers this year and a slew (I did not do a headcount) of ball handling point guards who are free agents in the back up category. I think that most of them want the mid level and many will end up settling for the vet minimum. None want to be the last man standing, waiting for a mid season injury to a starting to find themselves a back up job. The warriors are a contender, and backing up Curry for 18 min. per game is not a bad gig. I think some solid vet will blink and sign for minimum with Warriors rather than risk being the odd man out in the ball handling pool of talent or be forced to sign for the minimum on a crappy tanking team or the 3rd man on the depth chart behind a rookie draft pick.

I do think ball handling PG is an important need for Warriors this next season. They need to be able to rest Curry and Green now and then and to minimize their min. in the 4th quarter when we are ahead without a massive drop off in the standings.

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Somehow it seems everyone has forgotten about Avery Bradley. I think he will be available and could agree to a minimum deal to be on a winning team. He should be our target and if that fails, perhaps Ryan Arcidiacono would work out. He's not the veteran presence of Bradley, but he was very effective in college and has a few years under his belt. Maybe.

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Would he count as a primary ballhandler though?

I still like him as a FA target, but just don't think he really goes in with the ballhandlers

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Not a primary ballhandler or passer, not a great shooter, not a scorer, overrated defender. Pass.

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Will someone explain to me why Austin Rivers on a vet minimum contract is such a bad decision?

I know he rejected the Warriors and went with Huston a few years ago. I think he looked good with lots of min. in the playoffs and late in the season for Denver.

What is the big burn on him

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Jul 13, 2021Liked by punk basketball

It's kind've a recurring thing here from River's Clippers and Rocket's days that he sucks and has a punchable face.

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Jul 13, 2021Liked by punk basketball

because Austin Rivers sucks!

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but truth is he would be a solid pickup especially at that price.

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It's not a bad decision.

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He has a punchable face.

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Jul 13, 2021Liked by punk basketball

Also I haven't been very active here lately but is there a thread somewhere discussing these Dame to the bay rumors?

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Past discussion: https://dubnationhq.com/p/trade-grab-bag-11-damian-lillard

I don't think there's anything beyond "wouldn't it be great to have Dame" and "GSW can only get him by trading a crap ton of stuff, and maybe not even then"

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Bye bye perimeter defense if we do that.

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I know its sacrilege but I would at least look at that trade.

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On the flip, we don't actually know Klay's value. I'm guessing that most teams aren't going to want to trade for him till they at least get a chance to see him on the court.

The two injuries would be bad enough, but back to back like this? I'm trying to prepare myself mentally for Klay looking and moving a LOT different when he first comes back

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No, sorry. We are in offseason mode right now so mostly running one article per day - where Eric is running his draft series.

You wanna start one here?

Are they even really rumors? I read it more as some author just thinking out loud

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And like with anything else I'm sure the idea is floating around somewhere in Dubs HQ but how much weight does any of this have. Now as fans if you want to talk Simmons or Dame and what it would do get said player I think that's kinda scattered in a few different threads.

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I don't think there's a thread specifically catered to that topic.

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Jul 13, 2021Liked by punk basketball

Real question: are there any non-guard ball handlers out there that would change our needs on this list? Someone iguodala-esque that can run point with the 2nd unit from the 3/4? I feel like if that option exists then we can spend MLE on a vet big and not worry as much about this list, thoughts?

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Jul 13, 2021Liked by punk basketball

Bigs/wings that can playmake will likely to be too expensive for the Warriors.

That said, with the mini-MLE look at Nic Batum or Rudy Gay?

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Batum would be a great pickup but we'll all find out more about their FA plan come draft day.

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I'd like to see about Gasol on a vet minimum, but one issue the Warriors are running into now is that they haven't prioritized self creators for a while. Kerr's system uses passes and off ball movement to find open looks.

In a vacuum, Lonzo Ball would be a smart answer here, but there's no reasonable path to him coming here, imo.

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Gasol has a guaranteed contract with the Lakers. I can't see them just waiving him, he's still good, so we'd have to trade for him.

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How realistic is an oubre sign and trade? If we threw in a pick...

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Just like signing and keeping Oubre, that would take them up to a ~$500m payroll (incl taxes) and they’ve declared a limit of $400m

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Right. It's less about "running the point" and more "being a threat". Like JTA and Dray can handle the ball and are good, smart passers, but they're not really threats.

I'd really like to see one of the two lottery picks be an on-ball threat. Like Mitchell or Bouknight.

But there's other ways to get raise the floor too. Better wing shooters. Floor spacing big like Kelly Olynyk. I really think one of the biggest losses last year was Chriss off the bench. Think he was going to be the hub of the 2nd unit. Just using that as an example that a good pick and roll big who can finish and hit shooters on the move can make a huge difference to the offense.

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Jul 13, 2021Liked by punk basketball

Could this be a reason why they may prioritize a passing big like Sengun in the draft?

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oh for sure!

One aspect that they've seemed to realize over the past season is how screwed this roster is without Curry. I know it's not a lot of minutes, but they'll have to start working on guys that can do meaningful stuff without the crutch of Curry's gravity

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Right, that's part of why Jordan Poole and to a lesser extent Wiggins were so important to the Warriors' lineups last season. Poole is crafty and aggressive and creates advantages off the dribble. And while Wiggins isn't good enough at it to be a star creator, he's reliable and workmanlike at getting points in isolation with nothing else going on, which is a huge advantage on the bench.

But yeah, if the team really wants to continue to contend in a post-Steph timeline, they're going to need some more guys who can strike fear into defenses and create buckets for themselves and others as a result.

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Correction, when I say Wiggins' abilities are a huge advantage "on the bench" I mean "vs. the opposing bench"

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yup, Wiggs was also one of the best iso players this past season. Kerrball is all well and good, but when things break down or just aren't working, you have to have some sort of alternative that doesn't totally suck. This is probably at the core of why Wanamaker was so bad here - his weaknesses are all exactly the team's biggest needs when Curry sits

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Jul 13, 2021Liked by punk basketball

I just don't understand how many Warriors fans I see wanting to use the MLE on Mills? It seems like a huge waste of a very important resource imo, he's too small to play with Curry or Poole (let alone both at the same time). He would not be spot starting when Klay is out, which is probably a requirement for any guard/wing they'd sign with the TPMLE. He would not be in the closing lineup. Don't get me wrong, for a minimum I'd be down. But Mills wouldn't.

Alec Burks for the TPMLE would be ideal, but probably too expensive. I doubt Satoransky hits the free agency market but he'd also be ideal. Both of those guys have size that allows positional versatility and can handle the ball in the bench unit. More realistically, Garrett Temple on a minimum would be perfect, and use the TPMLE on a wing or big (ideally a playmaking wing).

Although damn, you think Temple is getting MLE money? I hadn't considered that lol, don't think I'd want the Warriors to give out

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MLE is too much for a backup PG (unless it's for someone like DRose who is a legit shot-creator).

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I was with you until DRose...

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I agree, not DRose due to his off-court actions. I was just using him as a frame of reference for player quality.

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Jul 13, 2021Liked by punk basketball

Personally, I'm of the opinion that the Warriors should try to use the MLE on a more pressing position like a wing or a dynamic, floor-spacing 4/5. While they do need some more playmaking and shot creation I think it will be hard to address those needs in free agency given their financial limitations. And while Poole stylistically is more of a combo-guard, I think his court vision and playmaking make him more than adequate to play as the primary ballhandler in the second unit and they can try to supplement him with some shotmakers and secondary ballhandlers.

Burks I think is very firmly out of their price range (he outplayed his $6M this year). Sato could be a little more attainable and would fit well with his SDot-type size. Temple I actually originally had in Tier 2 given his age, but the discourse I've seen around the Bulls and his intent to return (after making $4.8M last season) makes me think he'll be more expensive than anticipated.

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Just saw the rumors about the Bulls potentially making a run at Lonzo? That could perhaps make Satoransky or Temple more realistic.

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Jul 13, 2021Liked by punk basketball

> And while Poole stylistically is more of a combo-guard, I think his court vision and playmaking make him more than adequate to play as the primary ballhandler in the second unit and they can try to supplement him with some shotmakers and secondary ballhandlers.

I agree. A backup ballhandler is not a necessity given Poole and JTA being in the second unit, more of a luxury. That's why I'd only be looking for backup ballhandlers with versatility to fill other needs than the backup PG position if we're talking MLE money. That excludes most guys 6'4 and under unless you are talking about super gifted players like Jrue Holiday, but obviously he's not available.

We'll see about Temple, I think it might be "time" for him to go ring chasing, but I can see your point.

Good writeup.

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Jul 13, 2021Liked by punk basketball

...that to him.

It wasn't really important to finish that last sentence but there's no edit button so whatever lol.

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Jul 13, 2021Liked by punk basketball

Great article, but yikes, roooooough list. Patty Mills may well be the best realistic option. But he's a very small, old (33) guard. He can't really play with Steph, so you're limiting lineup versatility and he'd be a target on D in the playoffs. If he keeps playing at his current level he's a very nice regular season fit that really boosts the bench lineup. If he falls off, he's a liability. It's just a lot of question marks around your best bullet, the MLE.

If Satoransky shook loose he's very much a Warriors style player. Would be an excellent fit as a big backup PG with good passing instincts, and versatility on D. But it's doubtful.

Tyler Johnson would be an interesting buy low. If Burks isn't truly priced out, he'd be a great guy to bring back.

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Jul 13, 2021Liked by punk basketball

Didn't see this before I posted or I would have just replied "this" and kept it moving.

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LOL - yes. Shockingly similar sentiments delivered almost simultaneously. NOW what are you thinking? (I'm thinking about getting more coffee before getting back to work.)

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Every word of the article screams Draft Davion Mitchell. I can't wait for the other two parts to see if that still makes sense.

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The Ringer https://nbadraft.theringer.com/team-needs?_ga=2.125121097.251246437.1626099066-1738737644.1561502816 has Mitchell, Barnes, and Johnson as "friendly suggestions" if we keep our picks (which they think we won't/shouldn't).

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He’s growing on me. It was too early in my ‘research’ to cast a vote last week vs Williams. He already looks extremely skilled despite being so young (and lanky). But I like where he’ll be in two years.

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Yeah. If you believe in the prospect, he's a much better option then what's up there.

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