Indications are pointing to the Dubs keeping GP2 - I wonder how they will plan to solve our immediate problem - buy out market??


Also: I was disappointed to hear my sports talk radio station blame this fiasco on Bob Myers - I think the blazers have been disingenuous here

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At this point I'd try to get a better deal but would not push it and keep GP2.

Bringing back Wiseman would be a bad look

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No amendments will be allowed. It's this deal or none.

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I was reading earlier that they could try to augment the deal but if that's not the case then I don't know. I would still heavily lean towards keeping GP2

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If they void the complete trade, they will be worse for it because they will not save anything financially, nor gain in on court presence. Perhaps we don't know the full story, but Portland seems guilty of trying to pull a fast one regarding GPII's health. If GPII is that important to us, there is always next season. Same core, same die hard fans, same chance or maybe better to make a run at the ring. The team will definitely be better, no Wiseman to worry about, GPII healthy, and whatever holes in the roster need filling, hopefully will be filled. If someone else has a better read, I'm all ears.

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Same core, as long as Dray doesn’t opt out and go elsewhere.

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Yes, but why would he do it knowing there is a chance for a 5th ring? Just saying............

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WOW...this sucketh...frankly, I would opt for a deal void and a healthy JW back, and, let Kerr work him into the BIGS rotation...

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Because that's worked out so far?

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Agreed, that’s just not among the realistic options. He’s not a rotation piece for Kerr right now. I’d only bring him back if the team thinks it can get more for him this Summer or if it sees a way towards keeping him around for another 4-5 seasons. He’s a ways away from contributing.

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Can you imagine just how many lawyers are gonna be billing hundreds of hours for the next 48 hours?

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lol...knew I should have been an attorney....

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But you're a better person because you're not.

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Billing hundreds of hours in only 48 hours sounds illegal

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Well lets say each team has a team of 10 lawyers (x48 hrs = 480 hrs) x 4 teams. Certainly the nba has their lawyers on this, and each player involved has their lawyer. And i imagine most of those lawyers work for lawfirms, where there are other staff working around the clock on this. So yeah, more like thousands of billed hours!

I had a friend of a friend of a friend who was, and maybe still is, the personal lawyer for Dennis Rodman, and he made six figures off of just that one client every year. I met that lawyer once and he was so stereotypical slimey lawyer it made me laugh.

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He would have been a busy man dealing with Rodman. Absolute cash cow

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I think we could find a way to play around with the concept of “hours” — which is plainly a malleable human construction.

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Yeah, but who’s got time for that?

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Depends on the number of attorney friends you have...

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If anybody knows the loopholes, it'll be lawyers lol

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From The Athletic

"Of course, based on how this season has gone, Payton may not see the floor this year. Still, it might be worth the risk, considering there is now no way to add anyone nearly as good. Plus, if Payton ends up out this season, he has value for next season should the Warriors lose Donte DiVincenzo in free agency, which is likely the way he’s playing. And they would lower their tax bill this season by swapping Wiseman for Payton."

And from a comment

"I don’t understand how this does not get communicated from Gary, to his agent, and then to Bob, at some point during the process. EDIT: I just heard Slater say on 95.7 that Gary had no idea he was being traded until he was informed by the front office. So, it’s entirely on the front office, not the player."

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For tomorrow night's game, I hope the Warriors are ready to defend the paint and score a lot of points in the paint. And for some reason, Lakers opponent three point %age is very low, but their three point %age is low as well.

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Don't give me this Jokic shit, Giannis is completely the MVP. It's not particularly close. Jokic is a smidge better on offense but Giannis is twice the defender.

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Feb 11, 2023·edited Feb 11, 2023

I’ll give you that Jokic shit since you asked, lol. Jokic is the MVP this season (to date) and it ain’t that close.

Bucks with Giannis on the court: +6.3

Bucks with Giannis on the bench: -1.0

Giannis net: +7.3


Nuggets with Jokic on the court: +13.4

Nuggets with Jokic on the bench: -10.5

Jokic net: +23.9

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Why don't we just hand the trophy to the team with the best aggregate net? Because there's more to it.

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lol BOOO...but you are right...standings add even more to it....

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Gary Payton played against us two nights ago.

I don't think is possible to play at the highest physical level in the whole world if you are not healthy enough. For me this is the part of the whole situation which does not convince me at all

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He is superman...

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During the game I distinctly felt that he was not 'our' GPII. He would never pass on 38 pts of JP. Plus, he was missing at rebounds. Either he was cautious, either he was on drugs, something was wrong with him.

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Ho capito, ma allora tanti giocatori a volte hanno il freno a mano tirato (Kawhi ad esempio). Qui si parla di stare fuori tre mesi, dopo che ha pur giocato le ultime 15 partite

Non farmi dire delle parolacce Stefano amico mio

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Spara pure, tanto non vengono fuori su google translate, e non c'è pericolo che ti bannino :D

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A me fa un po' ridere leggere gente che si avventura a fare diagnosi, prognosi e stabilire percorsi riabilitativi dal divano di casa

Ho molto edulcorato questo messaggio Stefano ;-)

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Drugs are amazing… especially painkillers.

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22 minutes in a NBA game vs Jordan Poole or Wiggins is not 22 minutes at the park against me

It's the ultimate stage to perform, with the best athletes in the world

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Feb 11, 2023·edited Feb 11, 2023

The Warriors specifically went and got him because last year he was arguably the best PoA defender in the league.

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deletedFeb 11, 2023·edited Feb 11, 2023
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The reality is we have no clue how the situation is going to evolve

We can only speculate

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I can't shake this image of the Portland medics doing Pirate Surgery with a rusty saw: "Here's a bottle of whisky lad, now bite on this leather strap". Does GP-II have a hook or eye-patch now? Maybe everything will change again tomorrow.

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Love the analogies...

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I mean, there’s a reason surgeons in certain circles (such as military or pirate ones, but not limited to them) used to be (and still are) called “sawbones” lol.

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The best option now, in my opinion, is to keep the trade. GPII might not play until this summer, but his presence on the bench would be as precious for morale and motivation, as it has been the presence of Iggy for experience and basketball competence. Hell, imagine how he could lift the hearts at Chase when we'll be fighting for playoffs! I say that is a net win over having there a quiet and sad seven footer.

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Not for me. I'm not even a Wiseman fan but the Warriors already have cheerleaders. They dance around at halftime. We need ballplayers.

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Goodnight DNHQ - I'll check in for additional angst & uncertainty in the morning. [Technically, it is already morning in my world already, but..]

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OMFG what a mess, and no good outcome for the Dubs this year. 😢

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I feel, in this evaluation clash between GSW and Blazers, there might be the lingering consequences of the '19 KD injury shock, that is a highly conservative behaviour by the Dub Medical Staff. Which I'm not entirely unhappy of.

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After the deal was made, GPII said that he wasn't healthy. Part of the reason why he was glad to be back was because he preferred the Warriors medical staff to Portland's.


https://theathletic.com/4181357/2023/02/10/warriors-gary-payton-james-wiseman/ (Paywall alert)

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Is the reddit article credible? It sounds like gossip.

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Getting flashbacks from December(?) with the Giants. Comments came fast and furious roasting the Giants. Then the Mets happened and the Giants looked to have made the right decision.

And after the Mets had the same issues with Correa, I’d be hesitant to just move forward and assume GP II will be ok (either this season or ever). That’d be the ultimate wasted roster spot. For two years beyond this season, yes? At least Wiseman could turn into something (or get traded for something more than a few second rounders).

Also, 428+ comments for an article about trading a bench warmer (albeit a No. 2 pick) for a two-way player that the Dubs cut (albeit one that blossomed into a rotation player on an LO’B team, and got a 3-year bag)?!? Never seen that, outside a game thread.

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Feb 11, 2023·edited Feb 11, 2023

The difference is that Correa wasn't injured; his situation MIGHT have led to injury due to a past injury. But it had never bothered him in his major league career. The Gs and Mets didn't want to risk a long contract should something go wrong, and the Twins' solution was a shorter deal. But Correa could play immediately at full strength without pain.

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Yeah, I get all that. I was just focused on the “new team finding new stuff” angle.

Whether it’s a bum ankle that reduces the value of a 13-year deal to, say, 5. Or an abdomen issue that reduces the value of a 2+ year deal to 0.

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That’s why I added the +. For me. And for however many posts were added while I thumb typed.

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443 (including this one). Gotta type faster to make sure it’s not 444!

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Damn you, Stefano!!!

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Just call it 420ish since we know the “writers’ “ favorite controlled substance

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Why are we talking about golf here?

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