Mar 2, 2020Liked by punk basketball

Wiggins dropped a "QUIET" 27/6/2 with 2 blocks, 2 steals. This kid will fit PERFECTLY in his role on the 2021 Warriors. He seems like a guy who just wants to fit in and have a home after WAY too many expectations on the Wolves. He has way more game than he is showing. More like HB 4.0.

I think the Dubs core could unlock "Maple Jordan in a few years. He is a keeper.

This is what I get excited about! 😎

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will have the post game thread up in a few minutes. highlights are ... hard to come by

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I don't agree,. I just ignore the score and think about next year. There are plenty of Baby Dubs highlights for an 8 man team on a back.to back.

I have VERY LOW expectations for an undermanned G-League team on a back to back. It is what it is!

Last night in Phoenix was an aberration, but there is a "Silver Linings Playbook" in here somewhere tonight. 😎

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Mar 2, 2020Liked by Eric Apricot

Paschall getting a bunch of offensive rebounds until he finally gets an and-one, Steph doing the assist goggles from the bench for Bertrans when he assisted to a Warrior under his own basket. Mulder running a route into a turnaround three pointer that looked like some weird hyper-evolved version of basketball now only talked about in Warriors historical documents referencing the so called "age of splash."

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And Poole's crazy under and around

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Wiggins had a great chasedown block and a lot of good drives. He gets a lot of his misses on drives and makes the followup.

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Top players:

1: Wiggins

2: Mulder, Paschall

3: Chriss

HM: Poole, Bender

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Wiggins: 27p/6r/2a/2s/2b but team worst -31

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Mar 2, 2020Liked by punk basketball

Yay! We lost by less than 15. So doesn't qualify as a blowout.

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We only lost by about half of the threes Bertrans hit.

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Bertrans killing us by himself

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I think Bertans only hit one three point when we faced the Wizards. Tonight, he's hit 8 of them.

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If we would just put in Steph, Klay, Draymond, KD and Dre we could win this game. Or they would just be bored. 😎

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can the dubs sign Bertans next year?

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weird, just had the same thought.

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Steve doesn't realize they already gave them the points, Chriss just laughing :P

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What happened there? I missed it and saw part of the replay and it looked like basket interference by the Wizards.

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Long sequence... refs disagreed on offensive vs defensive basket interference. Then the scoreboard updated to count the basket. Then Kerr started complaining to the Refs and they seemed confused. Then Chriss tried to explain to Kerr that they'd counted the basket (I think?) Then they took away the points on the scoreboard. Then Kerr challenged was successful.

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ok, they took the points away after Kerr talked to them, and now Kerr challenging. Weird sequence. Maybe tv scoreboard didn't reflect what the refs were saying when Kerr spoke up.

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I feel like Steve just wants a successful challenge, gotta get that % up.

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Wiggins looks like he is playing back to back

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Seems like the best warrior on the floor right now? But yeah, they all do.

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Look != play 🙂

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no lies detected

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The way pushoffs are called in the NBA. Star player: not a pushoff. Looks like a sweet crossover: not a pushoff. Everything else: usually a pushoff. Has no correlation to extension of the arm.

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Do the Dubs even qualify there amateur shooters? That gut shot like Poole.

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Only 19 points scored in the 3rd quarter. Seems like the Warriors are getting tired or something.

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Not a great 3rd quarter...

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My God. Is that Ish Smith????

I can't believe dude is still in the league

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Special Agent Mulder

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damn i stepped out of the room for 30 seconds and it's an 18 point deficit

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Yooo Muller with a damn fine e drive and finish there

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(And he also just followed it with a nice block (and a foul))

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Fitz making excuses is so.irritating

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Safe bet on the rest of the game at this point would be warriors collapse. Second night of back to back, and they really won last night by just sustaining much more intensity on defense/offense than the suns. Also collapse is generally a pretty safe bet this year.

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Uh-oh. Looks like the B2B legs are kicking in.

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Dubs getting sloppy like Lakers game

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We made 4 more FGs than the Wizards, but the Wizards have 10 more FTs and 7 more three pointers than us.

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oh lee. you're not sky bowman. layups please

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Yeah that was sad, they could have had two made fgs in the quarter :(

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Wiz defending paint much better.. Just gotta play through it

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Send in the Paschanimal... (never using that again)

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Someone on Twitter just made an Eric Paschall comp to Larry Johnson. What do you think? 🤔

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Mar 2, 2020Liked by punk basketball

I can see it if he starts dressing like an old lady

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Halftime stats


‪WSH 63‬

‪GSW 57‬



‪Wiggins 14 pts, 5/9 fg‬

‪Paschall 12-3-4, 5/9 fg‬

‪Mulder 9 pts, 3/6 fg, 2/5‬

‪Bender 6 & 6‬


‪Beal 27-2-3, 7/13 fg, 6/8 3s, 7/8 ft‬

‪Bryant 10 pts, 4/5 fg‬

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Wiggins with an efficient and weirdly quiet 14 points. He’s playing within the offense, but it’s weird for him to have less gravity than, say, Point Paschall.

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When the greatest shooting backcourt in the league comes back, Chriss, Paschall and Wiggins efficiency should be at least "better."

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“Walking 20 points”

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I want to see Small Ball lineup of Steph,-Klay-Wiggins-Paschall-Dray.

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It actually works better, Wiggins is so long he can just step around people and extend to the rim on a quick cut once Paschall has made everyone in the paint wish they didn't have to defend him.

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Defense tends to get really softened up once Paschall has banged around down there.

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PP can bully his way to score on anyone 1-on-1. Wiggins not so much

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why did we keep fitz again??

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The Dubs would have to give up a player and a couple of first rounders to move him.😎

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so they just don't play 1st quarters now?

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Rui < Paschall

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lol curry giving the assist goggles to bertans

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saw that too

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What a nice rally by the Warriors.

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You can say that again.. So are we watching 3rr quarter today?

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Baby Dubs figured out Q3 against Phoenix. They are now the Dynasty Warriors in Q3, lol.😎

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Wow, Mulder with a GORGEOUS turnaround corner 3 off an inbounds play

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First time I've heard Warriors announcers in a long time and holy shit Fitz is bad right away, immediately claiming that bigs shooting threes is bad basketball and also saying some classic propaganda like "how many 25 year olds average 20 points?"

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I had to listen to the Phoenix broadcast last night. To say the very least, it was way more fun than tonight. 😎

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He's seems particularly bad during this Haberstroh segment...

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Like.... he seems desperate to try to get Haberstroh to kiss the Warriors ass.

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fitz vs someone with way more basketball knowledge than him is not ever going to end well for fitz

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Paschall fights — and I mean fights — through 3 defenders to shoot, reshoot and reshoot for an and-1. Then has some words with Beal.

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I hate to repeat this, but.....PASCHANIMAL

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Fitz continues to be incredulous at a team making their 3s against the worst 3pt defense in the league.

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extra rec

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Wizards are 9/14 beyond the arc. We are only 3/13.

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Stop passing in traffic, B-Dubs

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they'll probably give bender another 10 day since it seems like most guys get 2, but i can't see him still being around after that unless he massively improves and actually starts hitting some of these open 3s

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Keep Bender but get him in the weight room. 20 lbs. would help his post defense. He gives way to much ground for a 4/5.

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Has anyone else noticed how much smoother EPs J is.....it used to big a two part shot, jump as high as you can, then shoot. It is now closer to a a smooth, one move shot. He is a handful now, next year he will be MORE than a handful!

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Coaching staff wanted to clean up his form, but they said they’d wait until summer to remake. Maybe EP has tweaked it anyway

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Papa said coaching staff are still working with him but may be doing minor tweaks

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Beal on track for an 88 point game, which would be pretty cool to see actually

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Definitely....he is on my Fantasy team

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But so are Chriss and Lee tonight. I am a homer!

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I'll take 88 pts and a total mental breakdown at the end when the dubs win anyway.

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End of quarter Splaschall was nice!

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This team would be dangerous IF they could hit a wide open 3 or finish. 😎

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or defend the 3

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There seems to be quite a few transition rim runs where the Baby Dubs just don't have the vision or skill to pass the ball down court.

I wonder if Steph and Draymond could do better. 😎

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warriors: eh, one win was good enough, back to sleep

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WAS better be careful or Dubs will hit their 18-points-down power spike

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We're all counting on it.

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Bradley Beal doesn't know what he's messing with.

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Baby Dubs lulling the Wizard's to sleep.

Put in the point center!

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