Still mad they take a month to rule on challenge. I'm with Fitz on this. If it is clear and conclusive then it doesn't take that long

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Call me biased, but I thought LeBron's heel was clear and conclusively out of bounds, whereas Dray's toe was not.

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Looked to me like Draymond traveled and they didn't call that. If he did, it's a wash.

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Agree, two quick easy calls.

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Anyone starting a petition online to get rid of Doris Burke. I’ll get myself and all my social circle to sign it

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What did she do this time?

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I don’t listen to he commentary anymore - just mute that out

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Last year's Home Warriors + this year's Road Warriors = a 57-25 team.

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Now gimme the other way around

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High lottery pick!

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Sure is better on a long-delayed endgame like that to win. Imagine being a Laker fan right now, you must feel like a jackass. Well, that's probably always true.

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Not always; lakers fans ARE jackasses but rarely FEEL like a jackass

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The ending of the game is a disgrace to the NBA.

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OTH they took away a Lebron 3. So it's a wash?

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Eh, I thought it was pretty entertaining, tbh.

Might have been less so had we been down 7...

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10th place has never felt so good

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omg yes!

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JLo and Affleck taking photos of some kid with Steph.

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That was a really bizarre ending. I thought the players were as confused as we were. Lakers seems more confused that the Dubs.

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Curry has conditioned the Warriors to thrive in chaos.

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Mar 17·edited Mar 17

Literally dribbling circles around the Lakers players.

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That was hilarious. Curly Neal lives!

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Verbal shot clock reminded me of the Pirates of the Caribbean intro lol - great voice

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Wait, what? As in someone was shouting a countdown?

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On mic

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WOW Podz led the team in both minutes and +/-

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Happy birthday 30!

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Great win in adversity.

I imagine that at the press conference, LeBron will talk about how all of the delays made him cold and cost the Lakers the game.

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Mar 17Liked by Eric Apricot

Hahahaha I know this a family friendly blog so I’m sorry EA but FUCK LA!!!

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I wouldn't let my family set foot in this place

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edging and ruined

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