Klay posts for first time after injury.


We miss you too Klay - not just your game but your personality. Heal up, brother (or as they say on The Expanse, beratna).

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Just peeked - hate to admit - at the old site; disgusted, don't know where they brought some mercenary commenters from; must have platooned them from across SB Nation/not DUB FANS. Anyway my thoughts after game 1....

- Don’t kid ourselves, Kerr’s challenge is to match Mark Jackson after a lottery/injury-plagued/covid-shortened season, and return Dubs to the playoffs/2nd round. MJax did it after lottery/injury-plagued/strike-shortened season with no David Lee after first playoff game, a hobbled/decoy Steph, a soph/spot-up-only-Klay, a 60 per cent Bogut, 3 rookies-who-got-starts in Green/Ezeli/playoff Barnes, and a 27th-ranked-Steph teammate-Jarrett Jack-off-the-bench who led Dubs in shooting efficiency/2d in scoring behind Steph for the ENTIRE playoffs of 2 rounds. Kerr is in a fairly similar position; perhaps, a bit better, if Wiggins starts playing like the top-draft-pick star he is, and our awesome rookie center plays up to his accelerated maturation capabilities.

- Do we miss flip-side Splash, 30-something-pts-qr-NBA-record/2d-most-3pts/3 ring/5 Finals-Klay….you know, the same Klay Thompson that led Dubs, with Steph hurting, over KD’s Thunder in spite of KD getting a couple of dozen pts in losing effort…you bet we do, a lot more than the dynasty-robbing-KD-acquisition…

- The fun has just begun...LGW

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This offense sucks without Dray being the playmaker and Klay being the executioner. Everyone just make a quick pop and miss or passing back and forth without off-the-ball movement, screening, cutting.

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I feel like A LOT of wide open shots were missed. Oubre shot near 40% on catch and shoot 3s last year right? Wiggins ended up shooting 2/6 from 3 which is 33% so I guess we can't expect anything better there though I do think he has improved his shooting.

But honestly they should spam steph pnr with dray or wiseman lol. Even steph in his post game said he realizes most of his scores were when he was the primary handler

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Adding some thoughts that I didn't see mentioned...

Wiseman had 13 shots and only maybe 2 or 3 felt forced or not within the flow of the offense (that sweeping hook and the Dirk fadeaway come to mind... on the fence about those two fast breaks).

We got beat 28 to 12 in fastbreak points. This should be one of our strengths but it all starts with defense. Not to keep beating down on Wiggins but there was one possession where he was scrambling for 3 or 4 rotations but literally wasn't guarding anyone because he was either late or confused as to who he should be rotating to. Draymond, we need you.

KD felt like he just popped out of the time machine from the 2019 playoffs pre-injury and continued balling... hoping for similar results for Klay.

Looking forward to more plays involving Steph and Wiseman, improved defense when Draymond comes back, and our wings hitting more open jumpers.

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watching kd today kinda alleviates some of my fears about klay and his achilles injury.

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The problem I have watching is I wince every time kd does a sharp cut or lands weird. Going to be the same with klay

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There should not be any comeback problems for Klay. It's a slog, though, psychologically demanding.

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Will be very curious to see if Kerr sticks with Paschall as a starter in the next game if Draymond doesn't come back. I think starting Wiggins at the 4 against KD and now Giannis makes more sense from a short term basketball perspective, but I wonder if he has other considerations in mind (getting Wiggins and Oubre used to their usual roles, etc.). Definitely noticeable that he started the second half with JTA as the 4 instead of Paschall.

JTA and Paschall are an interesting comparison. Ideally you'd have Paschall playing the 3 so he could play next to Draymond if needed, but he can't really shoot so he has to stay at 4. JTA at the 3 is a disaster because he can't shoot, but he seems to have a remarkable ability to guard taller guys which allows him to play some 4 where it doesn't matter as much.

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Slater implies Dray plays next game.

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I thought he could have gone small with mulder today since they start kyrie and dinwiddie

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Happy to join this site! Opening night thoughts:

1. Wiseman, Wiseman, Wiseman. I did not hear a single report of legit shooting range during pre-draft talk. That he could nail a 3 and two long-2's in his debut is HUGE. This is a 19 year old's first game in over a year, and he was the second best player on the floor for us. His ultimate ceiling is an inhuman combination of a faster Embiid, stronger KG, and better shooting AD. Sky is truly the limit. By far the most important takeaway from this game, IMO.

2. Steph will be in MVP form this year. No concerns whatsoever there.

3. Start Lee. Bump Mulder into Poole's minutes. Shooting needs to be #1 priority.

4. I hate to say it cuz I love him and he's a Bruin, but we need to limit Looney minutes as much as possible. Too slow, too small, can't shoot. Thanks for the contributions in the Houston series, but I truly believe he needs to be moved towards the end of the bench once Dray is back.

Stoked for this season! Playoffs for sure :)

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We need Looney's size. He is slow but he understands how to defend. I would also try Chriss next to Wiseman in the starting lineup. Chriss has a good offensive feel and also a nose for rebounding. In theory, we should get all the necessary scoring from the 3 shooters and whatever bigs are on the floor, but it may turn out that the bigs will contribute more than the two wings. Can't hurt to try.

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Nice to see the optimism! I thought Looney had a couple nice moments against Durant on D. Steph has to stop giving him the ball at the top on O though. Better off having him in a crash the offensive boards position so he can’t turn it over on the pass or catch.

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We expected the lobs and rolls to the rim. The outside touch probably surprised a lot of us (though there was that preseason workout vid that showed hints). He also had that really nice play where he faked a ball screen for Steph and Steph hit him on the cut and he glided to the basket, finishing like a guard... and he had a nice solid, 1-on-1 move against DJ that didn't go in but looked really fluid. And looked pretty good handling on the break... even learning from that charge and staying in control the second time around...

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So, first-game overreactions.

1. Send Wiggins to the G-league. Start JTA in his place.

2. Make Oubre the 6th man and start Mulder or Lee at the 2.

3. Send Paschall to Ron Adams' intensive training camp for proper defensive positioning and don't let him on the floor again until he's done his homework there.

4. Start figuring out which lineups with Wiseman + either Looney or Chriss work, because we're going to want as many minutes as we can with two of those guys on the court. (All three were probably among our top 5 players tonight.)

5. Get Steph some new contact lenses.

6. Give Poole the reins when Steph sits. He's a little raw but he's got the energy to make things happen more than anyone else in the 2nd unit.

7. See if we can work out a trade with the Hawks to get Chelsea Lane back.

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Hell yeah on 7 even if everything we have seen is anecdotal.

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Not sure if we can swing the Chelsea Lane deal - I believe we have to be able to match at least 90% of salaries, and I think she makes way too much to allow anything like that to happen :)

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Yes on 7?

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Train wreck tonight. Most upsetting to me was the huge number of sloppy live-ball turnovers in the middle of the court, particularly from Wiggins, Wanamaker, Bazemore, and Looney. Not a good start at all, but let's hope they just forget this one quickly. Very excited about the prospects of a real star in the stretch 5 position - Wiseman showed a lot tonight, although he did most of his damage in the absence of D. Jordan or J. Allen. JTA showed a lot of heart and Mulder continued to show his stroke, and D. Lee mixed it up inside to get some tough boards.

Let's hope that the poor games from Wiggins and Oubre were just isolated cases. If those guys can't put up numbers on a regular basis, we're going to be toast this year.

Of course if Dray would have played, we might have only lost by 23, so we have that going for us.

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The turnovers were infuriating. Sloppy passes all over

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Just noticed box score - D. Lee with 7 boards in 12 minutes.

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Yeah, it was nuts to watch during the broadcast. The announcers had mostly moved on since it was largely garbage time, but he was just swooping in and competing for the ball with an effort nobody else was putting in. He has a great sense of where to be, too.

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My impression was that the Warriors need to start every possession with a Curry pick and roll. Curry off ball is useless if he runs up to set a screen and his teammate stares blankly and they end up standing a few feet apart during the rest of the possession.

Curry giving up the ball to run around while his teammates bumble through awful offense isn’t fun to watch.

On D Wiseman played up early but then channeled his inner Whiteside and was backing away before changing direction and that seemed to lead to several open shots. Paschall should be glued to the bench when Curry is playing, Chriss needs more Curry run time, Looney was the only player who made Durant work, and Wiggins is not the answer for the second unit.

But hey at least they won garbage time!

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Curry effectivwly mentioned postgame that once he gives up the ball, people are not looking for him. On 2nd unit, Wiggins can do all he wants but when on court with Steph, he has to be aware of where Steph is. People have talked about his uneven energy/engagement but I equally wonder if he has decision making capability to be a seemless cog in this system. May be things will look different once he has played with Steph, Dray, et al for couple of months.

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I hope Curry exerts that influence in the locker room and film session. The lack of patience by his teammates once he gave up the ball was glaring. Coaches have work to do.

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I'd love Chriss starting on this team when Draymond comes back. It would open up the whole floor on offense BUT I have a not so sneaky suspicion that from this point forward its gonna be Wiseman for the long haul. This team seems alot more bouncy when Chriss is on the floor but then again I'm probably higher on him than every other poster on here. He's not a great 1 on 1 defender like Looney but he's a decent team defender especially with Draymond on the floor but he's world's better on offense than Looney (and I'm also decently high on Looney)

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I’m good with starting Wiseman, pulling him early, and playing Chriss the majority of Curry minutes while Wiseman gets run with the backups. Wiseman already looks better than Wiggins as the offensive focal point of the backups anyway.

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Bad first game jitters. Lost count of the point-blank shots that rolled out which were equaled or exceeded by the boneheaded turnovers. Looked exactly like the first game in 8 months with a bunch of guys who aren't used to each other. Patience...I'm having to tell myself. Patience.

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Odds were that we were gonna get smoked anyways, and that's exactly what happened.

Loved what we got out of Wiseman and agree that we need to tinker the offensive priorities a bit to get him in pick and rolls with Steph.

Our defense is MILES away from being elite, much less average. Maybe the Nets are impossible to stop, but we are just way too soft , bad rotations, can't stop the dribble penetration. Just brutal. Combined with a paltry offensive showing and we have a recipe for a very very long season.

Hopefully it was just a bad night for Wiggins and Paschall. Got another tough one in a few days

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Agreed our defense is far what it needs to be, but a lot of it was kd and kyrie just making contested shots.

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Nah my man. Itll take a while to settle in...but these starters are very capable of playing high level defense...even Wiggins. Im certain Itll be rough sledding for a while, but Kerr, Ron and Dray will get them tuned up and dialed in

The offense, however, is a cause for concern. Steph&James to the rescue!

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Dec 23, 2020Liked by punk basketball

Well but think of all of the off-season previews and heck even the criticisms that the likes of Kevin Pelton took in their assessment of this teams playoffs chances (not good). The one common theme from most optimists was that the Warriors would make the playoffs IF.... And we were counting on every player to take a step upward ie Wannamaker to bring his three point shooting But cut down on dumb turnovers, Wiggins and Oubre to shoot at a higher 3 point percentage, Sacramento Bazemore not the Bazemore from Atlanta/Portland.

Point is tonight almost everyplayer played as their worst selves and that was good enough for an absolute beat down by a very good team. So what if we just get career averages from all players going forward? This team looks very average even before tonight. They're not a bad team but playoff worthy? At their worst this team is a bottom tier team but of course tonight may be an outlier. It was bad. But is Wanamaker playing like Wanamaker of the last two years or Oubre/Wiggins 3 point shooting percentage over the last 3 years good enough to make the playoffs? I just don't see it in the West.

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They need a few games to shake off the rust. This was not real fun to watch.

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This was a very ugly game for the Dubs. A total mismatch that went from bad to worse. Paschall on KD? First mistake. Kerr will try anything but he's really just short-handed. Pascall is not a real starter. Wiggins and Oubre trying to be heroes and not playing within their system. Oubre needs to control himself. Wiggins needs to push himself. Curry is the floor general whose troops are playing a different game than he is. There are no other leaders on the team, offensively. Everything needs to go through Steph and the wings must discipline themselves within this system. Shoot as you may won't work with this team. This is not the Warriors of the past.

Wiseman has turned out to be a revelation! A natural stretch 5 who can shoot at the perimeter. Who would have thought this? His offense is more developed than his defense, though. I didn't see the rebounder and rim defender I thought I would see but he's got the nose for the ball and he seems to be able to get his shot. He plays more like a SF. Great start to his career.

The Dubs can't match up with the Nets. They are too good and deep for us. This is the level we will have to attain to in order to really compete. The Dubs will have to bring their A game in order to beat ordinary teams, but their A game is not going to win many games against so many tough teams in the league. They have a long way to go to get it together. I'm not sure they have the talent, yet. Looks like this year will be the beginning of their rebuild. Even with Draymond adding his 10ppg, they are not offensively good enough. This is not a knock on Steph. He is only 1 player and this is a team game. They will have to re-tool this offense to finally include Wiseman in the starting 5. They couldn't run with the Nets. This was just about the worst start I've ever seen from them.

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I was very impressed by Wiseman because I didn't believe he could score 6 points much more average a nearly identical stay line that Joel Embiid and Anthony Davis had in their pro debuts..well at least not this year. He did bother shooters enough with his length to cause misses so that's a positive. He didn't seem to move as well laterally as he does up and down the court. We'll see how that develops.

That's the difference between last year's opening night debacle against the Clippers and tonight: we have Wiseman's development to look forward to. We had absolutely no hope to bank on early on last year other than building DLos trade value and for awhile before his own injury it was trending up.

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Dec 23, 2020Liked by punk basketball

Paschall didn't look good in the preseason, and didn't look good tonight. The jumper doesn't look any better, and the rest of his offense and defense have been underwhelming. I thought he'd be a great scorer off the bench, now I'm not so sure.

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His lack of patience on O and unwillingness to pass Steph the ball needs to earn him a permanent spot on the bench. He can play in garbage time instead of helping create it.

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The problem is we don't have a true PF. We need that athletic monster.

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Imagine a bigger Oubre who is used to playing around the basket and moving people around with an offensive skill set.

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