Jan 8, 2021Liked by Eric Apricot

Great, as always.

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If anyone is still in this thread, I am uploading a new version of the video with a small edit and burned in captions. I’d appreciate your constructive criticism.

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Jan 8, 2021Liked by Eric Apricot

The burned in captions work great. My only "constructive criticism" (since you asked), is that I really miss the humor from the past via the word balloons (i.e. "looney looney").

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Me too! Technically I could still do that, maybe someday when I become lightning fast at my new process

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Jan 8, 2021Liked by Eric Apricot

I'm a big fan of accessibility and they didn't bother me at all. So consider this a thumbs up.

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Jan 8, 2021Liked by Eric Apricot

Feels like font size could be a little smaller. Might depend on the device ppl are using (I'm on a desktop so it feels quite large). Are the subtitles auto-generated? There were a couple frames that went by really quickly... felt like it was matched to your speaking pace.

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It’s generated by software, though I correct it by hand. Are the subtitles too distracting? I am able to change the font size, but if I have subtitles, I do want them to be readable.

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Jan 8, 2021Liked by Eric Apricot

Works great on a phone.

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No, I don't mind them at all. Just giving feedback since you asked :)

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Knicks are likely going to release Omari Spellman.

If it were as simple as Smailagic or Spellman, I say it's a no brainer to sign Spellman and cut Smailagic. But I'm guessing it's more complicated than that.

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Obviously small sample sizes, and granting what little Smailagic did play was mostly garbage time, statistically there isn't much difference between them and Smailagic is 2 years younger. The Warriors aren't championship bound this year so tinkering around with garbage time players isn't going to move the needle much.

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Do you think Omari is garbage time only? In his brief time with the Ws, he looked like he might be able to contribute as a stretch 4...

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Paschall is a better Omari IMHO. He feels redundant at this point.

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Where the complication rhymes with Waycobe.

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Definitely a complication, although I was also thinking about the DPE and that they'd need to cut or trade someone if they used it, but they don't know yet if they will use it.

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Jan 7, 2021Liked by Eric Apricot

Blitzing Steph like it's 2014-16. Bev + Kawhi + PG: has there been a tougher perimeter defense against Steph? Maybe 2016 OKC with their length.

I went to look and there are quite a few E1Ps on how we've beaten Steph double/triple teams in the past... I wonder which tricks we'll pull out of the bag. At least a few of the counters involved secondary action/offball action so we'll see if Kerr adds a little more complexity back into the offense.

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hey don't need more complexity, they need Wiggins, Oubre, and yes, even Draymond, to make uncontested 3s. To Wiggins credit, he is actually having his best season so far w/r/t to making 3 pt shots, he just doesn't take many (which probably isn't a coincidence).

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Also, this play needs Draymond initiating from the point, with the shooters in the corners.

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Jan 7, 2021Liked by Eric Apricot

Paschall wasted a dribble. If he just holds on and then fakes the handoff, he can then dribble drive. Taking one useless dribble before faking the handoff took that option away (his ball handling skills aren't enough to fake a handoff while keeping the dribble).

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Jan 7, 2021Liked by Eric Apricot, punk basketball

This game re-affirms my belief that with Thompson back mid season next year and a couple of mid 1st round picks, the Warriors are a championship caliber team again. If it was Thompson rather than Oubre taking 3 pointers, the Warriors would have won this game and the threat that the ball would get into Thompson's hands for an uncontested 3 would prevent the perpetual double teams on Curry. If Oubre can find out where he misplaced his shot, they still look like a fringe playoff team.

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Same. My big takeaway from last night was that a team like the Clippers took extra effort (activating Kawhi on back-to-back, bringing back PG and Morris), and the Warriors were still in this one till Kawhi got pissed.

Oubre is having a pretty bad season, and it's compounded a bit by overly high usage. I'd like to see the team pull him back a bit - maybe give someone like Lee more burn - and let Oubre press less.

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> Oubre is having a pretty bad season

>Vehement< disagree. He's having a terrible season from three. But he's been super active on defense -- yes, the occasional blown assignment, but he has multiple plus play with steals and blocks every night -- and has been solid from two, with room for improvement. He is not having a pretty bad season!

Oubre needs more time to gel with the players he'll be playing with the most, so I think benching him is actually the OPPOSITE of what we should do.

I get the feeling some people are forgetting just how raw this team is in terms of experience in playing with one another. That lack of familiarity means players have to be thinking all the time what they should be doing instead of just doing it, as well as requiring experimentation to figure out what they can do well in the offense and what should be avoided.

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Forgot to add, he seems to draw charges every night as well.

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Jan 7, 2021Liked by Eric Apricot, punk basketball

Using Curry as decoy works well when he struggles to get any offense going, but to use it all game like tonight game is going to lose more games than win. Clippers would gladly let that happen 7 days a week. Time to draw up new schemes to get Curry more open looks.

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Definitely working on the open looks, but it’s tricky. You can see that in all the off-ball action for Steph, because if you put him in the PNR, LAC traps him and they fear not the 4 on 3.

As the team gels, they should be able to beat the 4 on 3 better. Wiseman was born to work the dunker spot, Dray can run the short roll, but then you need two shooters that the D won’t leave (they will leave Oubre and maybe Wiggins too). Are they really going to leave Mulder or Damion? Maybe in time if they prove they can hit clutch shots.

I’d like to see GSW experiment with a Wiggins screen for Steph! Why not let him go to work vs a 4 on 3? With a running start the D may need 1.5 or 2 men to guard him.

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> they will leave Oubre and maybe Wiggins too

I'm delighted if they leave Wiggins right now. I haven't looked at his stats but he's seemed very comfortable from the 3pt line (although maybe more comfortable on pull-ups than catch and shoot, which seems backwards). Either way, he's a credible threat.

Oubre will figure things out, I think, but until he does he and Draymond will be given the green light by opponents to attempt the three.

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Jan 7, 2021Liked by Eric Apricot

The problem with the Wiggins screening for Steph idea is that running the 4-on-3 probably requires the highest BBIQ of any offensive play. Make the wrong decision, or take too long to decide, and you squander the advantage as the defense recovers. Wiggins isn't known as a high-BBIQ player (mostly the opposite) so that would be a new type of role for him. But heck, maybe he can do that, too. I'm getting the sense lately that his time with Minnesota really undersold what he's capable of.

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I’m not certain this is a plus play, but I think AW attacks pretty well in unbalanced situations if he limits the number of long pull up 2s

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Can't they get the floor unbalanced enough to profit from an Oubre or Wiggins drive and alley-oop to Wiseman?*

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Maybe Wiggins drive. I’m not feeling Oubre drives this season

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Too many negative steps out of bounds, so far...

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