Very pleased with the DDV signing if his injury is behind him.

Anybody who can handle, knock down an open three, and deliver aggressive perimeter D for under $10 mil is a good deal.

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What hurts most about Gary is we found this nugget of gold in the debris and barely got a chance to benefit from our patience and cleverness

I mean, #firstworldproblems and all, given that we won the title, but I would have loved a full season and playoffs worth of Gary.

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It's frustrating to me that we lost him over something like $2M in salary (prior to the considerable tax bill). But I'm guessing the years probably figured in as well.

I don't blame GPII at all. He got offered $28M. I'd take that too. But I know we'll miss him.

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No movement today?

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Friend of the blog Joe Viray with a deep dive on Dante: https://www.goldenstateofmind.com/platform/amp/2022/7/2/23192309/warriors-film-study-deep-dive-donte-divincenzo

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He looks alright. I was all in on Payton, but I admit DDV looks like he’s more confident with the ball in his hands which could help out if he plays with our second unit. I always felt GP2 was best as a sub on the first unit, where his offensive skills (dunkers spot) were enough. The couple of times he played with second unit as a guard up top it felt he really slowed down the offense. In any event, Dubs turned GP2 from a G leaguer into 9 mill a year. Maybe we turn DDV from a role player to an all star?

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Can Curry adjust his contract to accommodate GP2? He has enough money he can spare a couple million no?

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Jul 2, 2022·edited Jul 2, 2022

In summary:

1. No, NBA players cannot adjust their contracts.

2. Even if Curry could snap his fingers and turn his $48M contract into a $1.7M vet min contract, it would not change the amount they could pay Payton by a penny.

3. Curry is actually “worth” closer to $480M to the Warriors than $48M.

4. Gary Payton Ii is on the Portland Trail Blazers.

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Jul 2, 2022·edited Jul 2, 2022

To answer the question just so you know -- no, in the NBA you can't re-negotiate your contract to a lower amount. Something similar you may hear about occasionally is once you get to the last year, if there is a player option, they can opt out of the contract and then sign a new lower per year amount. This is what there are reports that Harden will be doing this year to help 76ers sign some other guys.

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Curry is underpaid for what he does for the Warriors and frankly, for the NBA as a whole.

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That’s not the way it works.

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Jul 2, 2022·edited Jul 2, 2022

Didn’t realize Tyreke Evans had worked out for us, and forgot that Myers used to be his agent…


Seems like a pretty ideal target for one of the last roster spots, if he’s basically okay physically and spiritually…

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Hmmm…The League has a much stiffer policy on drug abuse than domestic violence. Why am I not surprised.

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I dint watch him much earlier so just read up a little on his game and suspension. Does he dribble too much for Kerr ball?

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I did remember reading that he worked out for the Dubs in March. And promptly forgot it when nothing more was mentioned.

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I really wished GP2 would stay with us

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me too, boo hoo, my wife too, a favorite.

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My wife is heartbroken. She really deepened her understanding of the defensive side of the game keeping her attention on Gary’s play instead of ball watching. She is not happy with Warriors front office, to say the least.

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Wait… am I late… or early….

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Jul 2, 2022·edited Jul 2, 2022

I think I figured it out. They didn't want GP2 blocking Wiseman's development at the center spot (*cries*)

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honestly don't think this is entirely off base, but at least as much about Kuminga (+ maybe to a lesser extent Moody) as Wiseman

Warriors clearly want to give the kids real run this year, and Kuminga's strengths (on-ball defense + rim attacks) match most closely with GP2's

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So if we miss on Ibaka, do you think Dub Nation would stomach a Blake signing?

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I dunno, he refused to pray with Steph before games, seems like the beef is beyond basketball rival teams and even more personal… he certainly was a great villain to our heros, a few years ago at least; but maybe the infinite love of the golden one; some weed on a boat with klay and getting yelled at by dray will turn him into a likable team guy

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No one responded to your actual question lol, but I think the answer has to be something like “very badly,” in emotional terms. Not sure that diminished Blake has much to offer anyway, seems like he would block Kuminga’s development in a way that Ibaka might not…

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Ibaka very well could be only as available to play as much as Iggy was during the regular season. Ibaka’s back injury history is concerning.

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Steve Blake? I think he's 42 now

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I'm curious as to why no one has signed Ibaka to their team yet.

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He has injury history. You can't trust him to last full season

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That’s how you get him on vet min, tho … kinda like how we got Otto.

In Celebrini we trust?

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Sorry shortening colloquial sayings - swing and a miss. I’m making a big assumption the FO is even interested

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Understandable. I think Ibaka is beyond washed at this point. I felt the need for another center last year. I was proven wrong. I think I’d like to see them roll with Looney and Wiseman and truly allow Wiseman to develop. Felt it was important for Wiseman to have sat and learned that first year. Didn’t happen but now year three id lije to see him solidify that backup C spot

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Jul 2, 2022·edited Jul 2, 2022

“Beyond washed” Ibaka is over a year younger than Curry and Durant, and five years younger than LeBron.

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Jul 2, 2022·edited Jul 2, 2022

LeBron is a freak of nature though (not to ignore how hard he must work to stay in great shape).

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Jul 2, 2022·edited Jul 2, 2022

Right. But most 32 year olds are not “beyond washed.” And apart from a couple-few (concerning?) injuries, Ibaka’s numbers when he has played over the past couple seasons do not suggest any major decline.

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We had Bjeli this past season too though.

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and OPJ

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I admit I was losing track today. Here’s my count:

We keep our 6 “starters” (Steph, Klay, Dray, Wiggs, Looney, Poole)

We keep our 3 “Sophomores” (Moody, Kuminga, Wiseman)

We signed DDV

I assume we will sign two rookies (PBJ and Rollins, who I’m very excited about)

That makes 12.

5 vets all gone: OPJ, GP2, Bjelica, DLee, JTA.

The only other players left from last year are Andre, and our two two ways (and we already gave out one two way). So we have three (or two) roster spots left to fill, plus one two way - and Andre, Weathespoon, and Gui as possibilities (I really hope we don’t see cheese again). I guess we still have Jessups rights too. I hope the FO is busy cuz we need someone to get some rebounds.

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I think we have 1 more PF/C vet signing coming our way. I have us going into camp with 13 filed, with a lean towards QW as the 14th. 15th remains open into the season

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The obvious moves seem to be a vet big and a vet wing, but a vet wing who is OK with being a 3rd string guy, so not sure who is going to want to do that. Honestly, if Iguodala doesn't retire, that 14th spot could be there for him.

Then I see them leaving the 15th spot open for a training camp competition or mid-season pickup.

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It does seem unlikely that the dubs find someone for the 15th spot that’s worth the tax bill. GP2 barely made it, and he was special. If only we could get so lucky again.

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How will we know if Iguodala does or doesn't retire?

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On his podcast probably lol

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I meant that we could watch him sit on the bench, fully retired, and never know...

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"Bettors liking Los Angeles Lakers' title odds despite no big moves from the team" -- espn.com



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A fool and his money...

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Fairly sure that they'll be able to do a Westbrook for Kyrie trade, so it makes sense.

Once KD leaves, Westbrook + 2027 FRP + 2029 FRP for Kyrie and whatever is required to match salaries seems inevitable.

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Why would take westbrook n 2 frps 5 n 7 years away for kyrie

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Good luck in finding a better return for Kyrie right now.

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I would play hardball with him until he decides to play before getting westbrook lol

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If the picks were lightly protected, Westbrook + 2 FRP seems pretty decent.

The Lakers probably are looking at one OK year if they get Kyrie, and a lot of bad ones. And, Lebron will be gone before those picks mature.

The Nets just have to pivot into a rebuild anyway. Absorbing Westbrook's salary for one year isn't too bad for that.

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Can't be certain who loses worse.

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Jul 2, 2022·edited Jul 2, 2022

It's like a win-win wrapped around a larger lose-lose.

But overall it's a win for LA. Westbrook is a known commodity as a poor NBA player, whereas Kyrie is an incredible NBA player when he plays, and I think if he goes to LA he will ball out. The culture is a dysfunctional mess already anyway, and their team sucks. How much worse could Kyrie make it?

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I dispute "Kyrie is an incredible NBA player when he plays." His defense is bad enough that he gives away much of what he gets you on offense. Plus he's so one-on-one that it seems to me he takes away from the team concept on offense. Spectacular, unbelievable one on one player to be sure. But beyond that?

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Jul 2, 2022·edited Jul 2, 2022

Peak Kyrie Irving gives you 27/6/5 on 50/40/90 efficiency. That's a player you should fear if he is on the opposing team. His less than average defense and iso tendencies didn't stop that 2016 Cavs team from winning the championship, after all. And yes Lebron was on that team, but Lebron is on the Lakers too. Kyrie when available is 10 times the player Westbrook is at this point of their careers, and if not for his franchise-destroying antics, the vast majority of NBA teams (maybe all of them) would give him the max or super max.

And I say all this despite really, really, really not liking Kyrie and wishing him the worst of (basketball) luck if he does join LA.

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"how much worse could Kyrie make it?" Famous last words....

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True -- and yet, I'd still like to find out.

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Bettors are excited about the youth movement in LA headlined by the signing of JTA.

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I'd love for JTA to show out. LA isn't Oakland, but a lot of Mexican expatriates there will lionize him if he plays well. Go JTA!

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Jul 2, 2022·edited Jul 2, 2022

JTA better be ready to ball out, while Lebron collects his social Security checks.

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I bet they start off hot and end up at the 8th seed where they'll lose in 5-6 to whoever is at #1

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"where they'll lose in 5-6 to whoever is at #1"

You mean the Warriors?

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I doubt we end up at #1. there will be plenty of regular season teams like the suns or jazz from years past who will win a lot of games. i think we end up in the 2nd-4th slot again

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Agree, and I can totally live with that. Keep Curry, Thompson, and Green fresh; give the young guys a lot of minutes to learn and shine. Hit the playoffs running and shift into high gear when the time comes.

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Depends a lot on how the kids play.

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I detect a lack of sufficient homerism here

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Agree but 9th lose playin

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Lakers fans must be betting on the nets thinking it’s a good idea to trade Irving for Westbrook.

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DLee to the Suns?

Looks like Summer League gonna be a fight for that end of the bench wing role.

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I had heard he was staying, but seemed like that changed quickly. I’m glad he got a spot in the NBA, he’s a high energy player and seems an alright guy. But he was getting pretty deep down the bench.

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I think we could have used him, but I do understand if he thinks he'll get more of a chance in Phoenix. But it's HOT down there in the summers...

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Jul 2, 2022·edited Jul 2, 2022

So, the Dubs need a stretch big, and possibly a wing. So who's still left from Perks' list?

Tier 2: wings: T.J. Warren, Josh Okogie (too small?)

Tier 3:

bigs: Serge Ibaka,

wings: Jeremy Lamb,

guards: Dennis Schröder, Goran Dragic, Austin Rivers, Kemba Walker

So realistically, we're down to Ibaka for the stretch big, and Warren, Lamb, or Okogie for the wing.

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Does Serge suit? Hey wait, a serge suit is a thing.

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Since it looks like Ibaka is the only Tier 3 stretch big remaining, here's Perks' Tier 4 for bigs:

True C or bigs with no 3pt shot: Whiteside, Biyombo, Howard, Tristan Thompson, Griffin, Cousins

Bigs who may have enough of a shot to be considered a stretch big: Dieng, Kaminsky, Markieff Morris

Yah, pickings are slim.

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Griffin i guess



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Derrick Jones already re-signed with Bulls for 2 yrs 6.6 mil

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Thx. Updated.

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RoLo going to the Cavs

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Thx. updating.

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For some reason, whenever I think about Gallinari, I think about the Lakers vs. Nuggets game more than 10 years ago where he missed a fastbreak layup that could've tied the game.


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Jul 2, 2022·edited Jul 2, 2022

Hey everyone, remember how I kept saying that it looked like they would bring Lee back? Ignore that.

btw and totally unrelated,I'm having a 50% off sale on my teal-leaf reading classes this week.

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Someone around here say teal?

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I’ll take a teal leaf for half a carrot card.

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Jul 2, 2022·edited Jul 2, 2022

:D 80% off my typing classes as well.

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