If Draymond was asked to mentor JK, who is mentoring Moody?

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These guys "mentor" more than one player, Moody has referred to Draymond as his vet in the past

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moody should mentor draymond

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Moody is such a old soul that he's actually mentoring himself

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That almost sounds like a Chuck Norris joke! 😂

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Apr 2·edited Apr 2

I guess if CP3 says Moody is one of his most favorite persons throughout his career in the NBA, then maybe CP3 is kind of like a mentor. Do you think so? Or is old soul Moody mentoring CP3? :-)

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I'd almost forgotten Evan Fournier was still in the NBA, saw his name on Detroit's roster for tonight's game, checked his stats. He was a pretty good shooter, in the Klay mold, for a lot of years, but though he is two years younger than Klay, he has fallen off the proverbial cliff the past couple of years and looks thoroughly washed. Given Klay's age and catastrophic injuries, it's pretty remarkable how well Klay plays, despite the obvious drop in his production.

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Apr 2·edited Apr 2

Any drop in KLAY "production" is team-related. The missing cog was DRAY who missed 2 months due to injury/suspensions. Whigs also missed 2 mos due injury/issues. STEPH was also affected. PAUL was also out for 5 weeks. The ENTIRE TEAM dropped in production, and age had nothing to do with it. The resulting lengthy experimentation by KERR, as he aged before our eyes TRYING TO BUILD on the fly a new team didn't help either. You can't replace a DYNASTIC Core unit with a la carte plugs. Takes time to build and longer with young players.

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Pacific division teams play tomorrow:

Raptors vs. Lakers

Warriors vs. Mavs

Kings vs. Clippers

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Goodness! No April Fools joke, SUNS killing the PELS IN their NO crib! BOOKER with 48 PTS late in 3rd qr!

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Apr 2·edited Apr 2

Orlando Magic is young and talented, but they have had trouble winning close games in the past couple of weeks. They lost to the Kings, Warriors, and Clippers by several points, and now they're only up by 1 against the Blazers.

Edit: Magic won, but imagine if they didn't.

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Apr 2·edited Apr 2

Suns are absolutely murdering the Pels. Thanks for putting the NO in nothing, you ugly ungainly useless birds.

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Stupid Booker with 37 in the first half.

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(Klay: hold my beer)

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No Alvarado and Ingram for the Pels. Suns have everyone healthy.

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Apr 2·edited Apr 2

Clark is unreal. This is virtually identical to how it felt when Steph led a talent-deficient Davidson to the heights. There are going to be a lot of Clarks in women's BB coming up.

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she has 9 threes in this game and has made some spectacular passes. Needs to get her lay-up game polished a bit - spectacular player to watch!

Looks like Iowa will get their revenge on Angel Reese and LSU this time!

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there were a lot of would be Steph imitators, but no second *Steph*

I reckon Clark's a similarly singular talent

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Yeah, she is amazing, has no conscience - more like Steph than any other player I have watched, man or woman.

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Apr 2·edited Apr 2

Imo she plays like the Mark Jackson version of Curry, and these games feel like the version of Curry we saw against like the Nuggets/Spurs in the 2013 playoffs. It's a lot more of an on ball approach, orchestrating everything.

(Low key though I think there's an argument that Bueckers is better than her, and I'm really hoping that Bueckers is playing for the Bay Area WNBA team in 2025. Also Watkins might be better than both, don't know if I've seen a woman's player who moves like her with the ball in her hands.)

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Watkins definitely looked like she's not ready yet last night

Bueckers was absolutely lethal in a very impressive UConn performance

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Nobody has the handle and fluid shot like that in women's BB, college or pro. It's preternatural.

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I too was fooled by Daniel’s headline, but figured he was playing Devil’s advocate.

OT: Greetings from the Big Ass Road Trip! Our newest video covers our visit to three different parks with giant redwoods, as well as the cool old architecture in Eureka and Ferndale (one of the most charming old towns in the state). https://youtu.be/2IhJ7MWWHrc?si=zzG_Q_ivfeHKjMyP (11 minutes)

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Caitlin Clark might parallel Steph Curry but Angel Reese parallels Draymond Green so this is a battle for who deserves more credit for the Warrior dynasty

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is Reese really a Draymond parallel? feels like part of what defines Dray is being undersized

also haven't seen the same passing vision for her (but I can't say I've watched a ton of tape)

guess she's got the snarl & the defensive dominance tho

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I mean it's not a perfect comparison and she can score way better in the post than Draymond but Reese would have some size issues as a 6'3 center in the WNBA:

> The single largest criticism of her game is her struggle to shoot outside the paint. At 6-3, Reese is undersized as a true center in the WNBA. Brittney Griner anchors Phoenix at 6-9; Dallas boasts a trio of towers with 6-7 Kalani Brown, 6-7 Teaira McCowan and 6-6 Stephanie Soares; and Cardoso, a fellow WNBA prospect, is 6-7.


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oh wow, she looks so much taller than all the other college players

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if anyone is interested, tallest players ever in wnba (7'2, 6'10, 6'10, 6'9, 6'9, 6'8, 6'8, 6'8, 6'8, 6'8): https://www.lines.com/guides/top-10-tallest-female-basketball-players-wnba-history/1556

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I started to watch the clip on Gil's Arena and when it talked about Drays unwritten agreement in his last contract to Joe Lacob to 'take Kuminga under his wing' I was about to make a joke that Dray got suspended on purpose to force Kerr to use his starting minutes on JK which resulted in him going on his ascendant run.

Instead I want to flag the video for insinuating Johnathon has some gorilla in him because he's from the Congo and that's why Draymond is too scared to punch him unlike Poole.

Please take this off this site. We are better than that.

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deletedApr 1·edited Apr 1
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Yes - If we're not Black and/or African, we shouldn't be policing the language they choose to use on each other. Just like they opt to re-claim the n-word, they can also choose to re-claim other racist tropes.

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Rest of the League: "Oh Great, Not ANOTHER one?!??"

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I will be in Texas and Louisiana/New Orleans from next Saturday for a two weeks vacation. I tried to catch the Warriors on some road game, unfortunately in vain. My husband’s and my work schedule did not match. I would have just make it match somehow, but my husband does not seem to understand the importance. 🤨 So… we will see the Rockets vs the Magic. Please widen the points difference until then (9 April), I don’t want to be the only person in the arena to desperately root for the Magic! 😱

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Enjoy the game - the Magic are a fun young team, as are the Rockets if I step back from my Warriors dislike of the franchise.

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Golden State Warriors


The Dubs have 255 dunks so far this season, resulting in $510,000 raised for the Warriors Community Foundation courtesy of @Rakuten

Can someone remind Wiggins he does more than just good on the court when he dunks? C'mon Mr Fantastic. Do it for the kids.

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Apr 2·edited Apr 2

Top contributions by player (and per minute played):

JK: $207K ($112)

TJD: $141K ($149)

Wiggs: $51K ($29)

Loon: $35K ($32)

Moody: $25K ($25)

GP2: $25K ($41)

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I don't know what Wiggins best responds to but can someone please post this in the Warriors locker room? You are getting out dunked by LOONEY!!!!!

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has the team provided any additional deets on JK's situation? he's been out 3 games running now, I think.

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not running, his knee hurts

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if "not running" that is not good news

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For OakTownWs

Galaxy: NBA

Planet: Dube N’ayShaan

Time: 23/24_G74(RS)

Half time in the Battle against the Pop’o’Spurz of the last great dynasty.

The Warriors, playing against the ascending rise of the unfathomable new God of the NBA, have limped to a 54-60 point effort. Some say they are lucky to be that close, being their 5th battle in 8 diems and all but their most loyal worshippers writing them off.

[It is important to note here the etymology of the new God they call Victor Wembanyama. We looked into the name and found it may come from the Bantu speaking ethnic groups in Central Africa, closely related to the Congolese, an interesting point as the Warriors also have a new rising star by that lineage. “Wemba” is believed to denote Strength or Power. “Nyama” could be interpreted as Animal. Therefore Victor Wembanyama = ‘an animal of great power who defeats his enemy in battle’.]

A quick look at the DNHQ scrolls reveals an ardent lambasting of the one they once called The Splash Brother…

Sleepy Freud

WTF, Klay. Really lucky to be down just 8 with that trash performance.

Asher B.

Klay has passed to absolutely no one twice. Is that good? Well, it could have been thrice.


Klay's passing to anybody but TJD can be just so bad. First a pass to a space in Loon's and then Moody's general vicinity with no chance to get them.

cpt nemo

Wtf is Klay doing


There's something to be said for looking where you think you want to pass the ball.

As the team reads their followers' comments the somber mood casts a dour energy amongst the ranks. K’lay, with head bowed and moping, starts mouthing to himself. Inaudible at first, but as the room quietens and turns his way, the band of Warriors can hear his inner demons start to come out…

Poisonous tongues of the deepest soul sucking doubts many have heard before, but none this vile.

His brothers offer him small whispers of hope.

‘Keep your head up.’ ‘Don’t listen to those doubters.’ they say.

“You will be OK. You will find your shot”, says the young M’oody.

“I HAVE NO MORE ARROWS IN MY QUIVER!”, K'lay spurts out with seething malice.

The team recoils in collective shock and, after a long pause, knows there is only one who can speak for them now…

Wardell Curry the Second opens his cold green eyes and removes the hooded towel from his crown. He scans the room and sees his brethren littered about in frightened dismay and searches his Dynasty of thoughts.

“Brother of mine. You may have run out of arrows for today, but do you still have a dagger in your midst?”

K’lay, after a moment, searches his armoury, “Yes, yes I still have a dagger with me.”

“Good. Keep it at the ready for you will know when to use it late in the battle when we need you the most. As for the rest of you, you may not have been around for as long as I, but there is something we have on our side that when... used in the proper manner... no one in this Galaxy can stop…”. Curry's eyes landing squarely at one D'raymond Green.

There was a confused look around the camp as they sort to work out what their leader was saying.

“Those of you who are tired of General Green and wonder why I keep him at my side believe he has a faulty switch that not even I can turn off. Well, though that may be true, what you may not know is that the same switch can turn him into the best weapon in our arsenal.”

From confusion to bemusement the room piped up. “He can’t guard The Great Victor!”. “He’ll get himself suspended again!”. “He’s too small Erneh!’

Emperor Curry moved toward General Green, putting his arm on his shoulder as the room hushed again.

“Draymond. My Brother. We have fought many a hopeless battle and have lived to tell the tale. I have not asked much of you, if ever, and have let you get away with more than you probably deserve. That is my fault... You saw me kick my own throne after your last mistake... Well make no mistake when I say to thee, THAT was your last mistake. I will not stand for another. You go out and remind us all that you are the man I still believe you to be, but do not dare come back to this room if you can not. Do you understand me?!”

And with that, the Warriors emerged from half time and laid waste to their opponents who knew not what hit them. A force unleashed like none has seen in an eon. Hushed whispers of awe shared and written down in the scrolls of DNHQ to read for posterity. For now they realised Draymond can be their animal with great power who defeats his enemy in battle…

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[While we're talking etymology, it should be noted that "dray" means "to carry," as a powerful horse might carry a heavy backpack. Paired with "mond," from Ye Olde French, "Draymond" then means "he who carries the world." Indeed, he hath taken the entirety of Dub nation on his back and carried them to victor-ey.]

But he is also humble and not without a generous wit, for, with the outcome no longer in doubt, Draymond turned to young Moody and said unto him, "Moses, you have done your part" to which young Mo replied "I see what you did there."

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In bed with the flu during spring break (i’m cursing all my students for the “one” who got me sick).

Man did this brighten my day!

Would that I had a million hearts to heart this.

Brilliant. 🙏

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Apr 1·edited Apr 1

This snippet, alone, is better than the first half of the Eternals.

That movie, as far as I can tell, is a documentary on how not to make a superhero movie.

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Apr 1·edited Apr 1

I've been mulling over what Pop might have said to GPII at the end of the game, since Pop seemed so exercised about it. It seemed really weird.

I think he may have been ticked off at GPII's contest of Wemby's shot, not because it was a stupid idea (it was), but because he thought that GPII came into Wemby's landing zone. In reality, GPII went flying by and there was no danger of Wemby landing on GPII's foot.

But Wemby did stumble on the landing, perhaps because GPII's legs hit him in the knee during the contest of the shot (I can't tell from the replay).

After all, Pop does have the Kawhi-Zaza incident in the rear-view mirror.

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I think people need to realise his landing zone is the half court he shoots on.

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Pop is like an elder in the neighborhood who scolds other people's kids, and it's sort of a welcome part of community life, but also sort of annoying and presumptuous.

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