Feb 1, 2022Liked by Eric Apricot

Nitpicking: This was Moody’s 2nd start. His other was 12/17/21 vs. Boston.

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Feb 1, 2022Liked by Eric Apricot

Props on making the kind of content that's way more educational than just "holy shit Steph Curry" moments.

I thought Moody made a lot of good plays but I was concerned that the team seemed to lose ground in the score whenever he was in compared to how well they played when he was out. I think maybe he's just being cautious and trying not to make mistakes, but I get the feeling that every other player on this team has some "X-factor" where they can really impact the game in a unique way, and we didn't see Moody's X-factor this game.

I remember at least one amazing drive + dunk from the baseline that Moody pulled out of nowhere earlier this season though, so he probably has more to give than we saw this time.

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That Kuminga break away in the second half where he took on two defenders and lost got Kerr pretty angry, I was ok with it but I did notice that Kuminga never checked to see which Warriors might be trailing the play and that’s a no no, reminded me of last season when fast breaks were one man affairs and often ended without a basket

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Bazemore was the biggest offender and it used to piss me off

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We don't say that name around these parts anymore!

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🎶We don’t talk about Bazemore🎵

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We should dedicate a whole song to him about how we don’t talk about Bazemore no no

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Feb 1, 2022Liked by Eric Apricot

By the way has anyone notice Wiggin's swagger on the court since being named an AS? Maybe it's just me but his movement and shot seems way more confident now. He's making it look easy

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He's looking like he just dropped 2 bills at an Old Navy. Confident & 'Snappy'

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Definitely has that #1 Draft Pick swag

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Feb 1, 2022Liked by punk basketball

Andrew Swaggins

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Moody pls hurry up and get up to speed already we can't wait to see you play more

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Feb 1, 2022Liked by Eric Apricot

I'm certainly not going to fault Moody for taking wide open shots but it will be interesting to see how he does when the closest defender isn't 10 feet away and there is an actual contest.

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His release is still too slow. But I guess if you play him with Curry, Klay, and Wiggins then he will get open shots and just has to knock them down. Playing the worst defense in the league doesn't hurt.

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Are there examples of guys who have significantly quickened their release in the league?

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Feb 1, 2022·edited Feb 1, 2022

I would assume so but Sport VU doesn't make the shot release data publicly available and this stuff can be hard to see with the naked eye so who knows (and "significant" might not even be something we as fans can see well). I'd say Moody's issue is really just his significant shot dip though, I don't think there are any mechanical issues so I do think he'll be able to speed it up just by minimizing the dip. Here's an example of his issue:


Here's Duncan Robinson as a freshman who also seems like he had a slow shot dip that has since sped up, maybe that clip is unrepresentative though I dunno (also it's still probably faster than Moody, but we are just talking about if guys can improve):


An extreme example is Anthony Morrow who got rid of the dip altogether:


It's not just the shot release though, Moody needs to tighten up the dribble moves so he can make a quicker transfer from dribble to shot too.

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Brent Barry. And I only know this from knowing him pre-NBA. It changed dramatically.

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Moody has great length and good size to start, he may be a little slow to draw, but he should shoot over most guards with ease. And he should learn how to attack well off hard close outs. JK is slow to release, but at this point, I don't think we want him taking a 3 unless he is wide open. Wiseman is hella slow, but he's so damn tall and shoots off the top of his head, good luck getting your mitts on that. Truth is, we might be a little spoiled having the 2 fastest guns in the West for the last 10 years on our team. So long as it goes splash with regularity, I'll be happy. (Oh F, I finally figured out your handle! God I am dense. haha)

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He spells it wrong. Should be Bjelilaugh

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Feb 1, 2022·edited Feb 1, 2022


Or is it


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Everyone has that aha moment...most of us just don't admit it unless it happens in our first week.

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Feb 1, 2022Liked by punk basketball

Houston's team culture is apparently to whine on nearly every call. even from guys I've never even heard of. Annoying.

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It’s their predominant fan culture as well.

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James Harden and Chris Paul leave a legacy.

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Feb 1, 2022Liked by punk basketball

Same as it ever has been!

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Feb 1, 2022Liked by Eric Apricot

Thanks for the video. Interesting to see the differences between Moody and Kuminga. Moody seems much more attuned to his teammates. Good awareness offensively and defensively. Very nice stoke. On the other hand, he doesn’t have Kuminga’s basic athletic confidence. In a number of those situations Moody might have taken the ball to rim but he didn’t even try, looking instead to pass out of the lane. No question that JK would have simply attacked. Moody’s approach isn’t necessarily wrong, just different. Hopefully, they’ll both adjust as they gain experience.

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I think Moody's approach is either dictated by coaches, or by what he thinks the coaches want -- in the g-league he was in full on attack mode

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I really like how Kerr gives lots of players a chance to start, even if it's just for a game or two here or there. Starting is such a status symbol for the players. I think it's great for a. Kerr to show that trust in players further down the depth chart, and b. really working to instill the egalitarian mindset in the team. I mean, why are minutes 1-3 of the game any more important than 6-9 or 15-18, etc.? Look at how many players can now say they were a starter on a championship contending team? That's gotta feel good.

Pop quiz: Who are the only two players (not counting 2-way players) who have NOT started for the Warriors this season?

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Bjelica and Lee?

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Didn't Lee get a start early in the season when Steph was out?

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Yes, Lee has started this season.

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Haha technically true. I guess he's a third.

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Feb 1, 2022·edited Feb 1, 2022

Partial credit. 1/2

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Feb 1, 2022Liked by Eric Apricot

Good video. Technically his second start, he started against Boston too.

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Feb 1, 2022Liked by Eric Apricot

I see two things from this game/video:

1. Moody has the potential to become the 3-D player that we thought he could when he was drafted. That's essentially exactly what he gave us last night. Definitely a solid showing from a player who had hardly gotten any minutes thus far.

2. The success of using the G-league is evident. Despite the lack of minutes to date, Kerr was able to plug in Moody as a starter and have him not look completely lost. Sure he's a rookie, but his level of comfort level with the team schemes as compared to the start of the season is evident. Clearly that time with the Sea Dubs has done him a lot of good.

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I dunno, on my TV he still shows up as only a 2-D player. I guess I need to buy the 3-D glasses.

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Just wait... eventually every player will be wearing some sort of Go-Pro and you can put on your VR goggles and watch the game in 3D from the viewpoint of any player of your choice on the floor!

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You're gonna have to pay a hefty price to watch a game through Westbrook's eyes!!!

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Feb 1, 2022Liked by Eric Apricot

Great video, nice to see a focus on Moody and I am sure @belilaugh will be delighted.

6:40 is one of two plays and the more obvious one I called out in the game thread where Moody missed a wide open cutter, I think due to just not quite being up to NBA speed yet. Passing windows close quickly and anticipation is a must. I think as he gets more familiar with the Warriors offense and players he'll start to make those reads more quickly and hit on those opportunities.

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Spoiled Alert: It happens a least a couple of times a game. Draymond is the only guy who n̶e̶v̶e̶r̶ rarely misses those wide open cutters.

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deletedFeb 1, 2022·edited Feb 1, 2022
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Chiozza, Lee, Kuminga, JTA, Looney?

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Feb 1, 2022·edited Feb 1, 2022

Forgot Poole, so I guess it will be Poole starting at PG.

[Edit: I didn't realize it until I looked at his baseketball-reference page but Poole is currently leading the league in FT% at .913]

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Ah well, scheduled loss and there goes my interest in watching...

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If they do play Moody this would be a road back to back to back for him.

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Steve intends to teach young guys a lesson by leaving them hanging out to dry against Pop's Spurs. Is it smart? Cruel? Somewhere in between?

Why do you put the young guys in a blender feet first?

So you can see the expressions on their faces as Pop chews them up. Damn.

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Kids night out. Poole, D Lee, Moody at the 3, JK, Old Man Looney with a whole lot of JTA, Cheez and hopefully Q-Spoon. Are we seeing the first glimpse of the 8 man playoff rotation?????

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I guess Popovich is buying dinner for Steve tonight!!!

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I was thinking about that actually, Kerr might be doing Pop a small favor in Pop's quest to be the winningest all-time head coach. Not throwing the game or anything, but choosing to rest Curry against San Antonio rather than Houston.

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Pop does this all the time... and then his reserves would come kick out ass.

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I wouldn't be surprised if those two decided every Warriors Spurs match up ahead of time. LOL

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deletedFeb 1, 2022Liked by punk basketball
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Feb 1, 2022Liked by punk basketball

Lol Looney... the real bridge between dynasties. Could you imagine if we was with the Warriors for another decade and Kuminga, Wiseman, Poole and Co. live up to their potential? He could very well land a very special place in NBA history if this all goes down as we hope that it does.

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