Hell yea

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Some interesting stats on Wiggins here:

"He’s 10th in the NBA in points scored since his rookie year in 2014-15 and averaging 19.5 points a game."


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makes that contract look more understandable

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Dec 18, 2021Liked by Eric Apricot

All the E1Ps are great, but I really enjoyed this one in particular.

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After Steph's floater, I like seeing Kanter (née) standing there with his arms to the side – à la his Bang Bang pose – albeit without the "arms going up and dropping" phase.

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Curry should add a floater into his package. He's got the touch and the added physicality of the NBA makes it an important addition/threat.

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The floater used to be a big part of his game.

Curious why he stopped going to it.

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That was my thought when I read the comment by Arash

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anything that keeps Curry from going deeper into the trees is cool with me

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Now that Curry doesn’t seem automatic on layups I wonder if the refs will start giving him some more free throws analogous to Dray$ getting more respect and fewer whistles on stops in the paint

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Also want to put in a plug for “player’s mental health” vs fan/media expectations, these are not normal times and players already deal with so many stressors being on that “big stage” for 10 months a year, it’s easy to sit back and attribute what we’re seeing from super athletes to our usual biases when there’s so much more cooked into it, this season won’t look like any other season and we shouldn’t start holding athletes to some impossible standard just cuz they’re on multimillion $ contracts, an example (in my mind) is Kyrie Irving, who knows how this pandemic is affecting him psychologically, his outlook on life is already so different from so many and probably for more complex reasons than “selfish Prima Dona”

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deletedDec 18, 2021·edited Dec 18, 2021
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I appreciate the perspective, Kyrie is definitely complex, I do consider “wealth” more of a complicating rather than mitigating factor in most people’s lives

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Dec 18, 2021·edited Dec 18, 2021

Please Sleepy! Only news that impacts Dubs winning the championship…

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Yeah, when Curry broke the record I figured “everyone’s going to throw caution to the wind” that night

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Testing in this country is so broke that that data always lags

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Lol, no way too tightly track it meaningfully. But it’s still not overtaken Delta yet, probably next week tho

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Hospitalizations not going up much, especially in vaccinated.

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Hope that trend continues

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Sure, they can collect the data, but they’re not going to have a meaningful impact on infection spread when they’ve got players changing cities and arenas daily

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If you look at the graph for infections in S Africa it basically tells the tale for us in the next month, because of omicron it shoots straight up like a rocket

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The NFL had 100 placed on the Covid protocols list this week too. The players want to end protocols since vast majority of the league is vaccinated and asymptomatic if they do test positive. https://sports.yahoo.com/majority-of-nfl-players-reportedly-want-to-eliminate-covid-19-protocols-but-nflpa-leaders-disagree-203931611.html

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I'm not so sure the vast majority of the players are vaccinated.

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Dec 18, 2021Liked by Eric Apricot

Truly one of the best E1P’s. This collection of historical videos should be preserved at the Library of Congress in Washington, DC.

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To be honest, I cut the best part of that Andre post-Blazers video to keep it family friendly. The audio and context make it 100x better.

He was broadcast on Sportscenter live, admiring his hands by screaming “These MFs are crazy”


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Great work!! Especially the SC30>GPII celebration.

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I wish they were a little less enthusiastic though as if they do it often enough, somebody is going to fail to stick the landing.

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Curry totaled GPII the previous time.

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I wonder why. he's not playing or practicing still (right?). so surprised he gets tested. unless he came down with symptoms...

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just stepped away to read some news feeds and saw this. disappointing. Wish the Nets had held the line...[I'm a big Sean Marks fan – really enjoying watching him at Cal and seeing him develop an NBA career – so doubly disappointed.]


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Really? I didn't know that. I thought that they were telling him "all or nothing", like the Dubs prob woulda done with Wiggs. Seems like a royal pain in the ass...(glad I deleted my Kyrie commentary from my comment below, since it was off base).

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I think they were, but seeing how Durant has had to play massive minutes, they decided they needed him, even it’s only part time.

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put pressure on Kyrie. he's the one letting them down. the team made the right decision

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Stars still run the league

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Lol… hope he comes out ok

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Why am I not surprised. Celtics at first put their foot down on Kyrie not playing because he wasn’t vaccinated. But now that poor Durant is playing too many minutes, they fold and let Kyrie play. Boo hoo. So much for sticking to your principles.

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We bought tickets early for three games this year, Blazers/Dec, Cavs/Jan, Bucks/March all based on seating, price and matchups I liked, now with COVID I have my doubts about Cavs, I hate that tix prices are >>>>> and your fanatic brain gets switched off by your rational mind’s “better be worth it”, miss the Oracle days of getting seats a week or two before a game and the excitement was there no matter what

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We are taking my nephew, too. Huge fan who just made ten years sober and never did things like go to games. Excited but nervous about cancellations.

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Congrats to him!

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So basically you’re saying, tonight’s lineup will be the lineup for the next two weeks

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