I liked the celebration audit comparison to a Renaissance painting. Dub Nation has an erudite reputation to uphold. But the spirit of the bench may be better expressed by a certain 19th century masterpiece, Reply of the Zaporozhian Cossacks. Just sayin'.

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Wolves beat the Kings 138-134. Wolves move to 34-32 while the Kings fall to 37-26.

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Dark the beam?

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Beam me up, Vlade.

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I dunno why, but every time the Kings play against another team, they simultaneously make that team's offense look good and their defense look bad.

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Just guessing: because their offense is fantastic and their defense is atrocious?

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Wolves up 105-102 after 3 quarters.

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Mar 5, 2023·edited Mar 5, 2023

Jonathan Isaac is out for the season, adductor surgery. Talk about bad luck, that guy cannot stay healthy.

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76ers beat the Bucks 133-130 and snap 16-game win streak.

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What? Last I looked, they were up 14 at the end of 3rd quarter.

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what happened to khris middleton? when did he become a bench player?

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Wolves up 74-64 against the Kings at halftime

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I *think* (it’s confusing) we want MIN to lose. Lock down playoff positioning given that it will be hard to overtake SAC and we aren’t particularly scared of them anyway

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I was very torn about this game for that exact reason and thats probly the more realistictake bu I think the perfect path for us would be the 3 Seed and kings get 6th and then we play Memphis at 2 in the 2nd round (and avoid suns/nuggets until conference finals). It's a long shot but as long as it's still possible I feel like I gotta root for it.

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Mar 5, 2023·edited Mar 5, 2023

Yeah, I think we're getting a little greedy. Let's hope the teams below us get pushed further back, not worry about 3rd or 4th place.

I think we may have a bit of a reality check coming up. We've all been riding an endorphin high for a week and a half. And we have some really tough games coming up.

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Nah, being high and maintaining is kinda my thing

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You should know by now that reality is not nearly as enjoyable.

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If Philly doesn't make a significant gain in the playoffs this year - conference finals or championship series, I predict that Morey relieves Doc of his coaching duties. Sooo... Doc is gone.

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What's up, Doc? (quot.)

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You don't think Philly stands a chance?

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Not in a 7 game series.

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that’s what i’m saying. i don’t trust rivers and/or harden to come through when it matters the most. i’m thinking ECF is their ceiling.

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Nike statement on Ja Morant: “We appreciate Ja’s accountability and that he is taking the time to get the help he needs. We support his prioritization of his well-being.”


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Mar 5, 2023·edited Mar 5, 2023


We would drop him right now, but we'd rather not get sued, so we will follow due process and send him to Antarctica when it finishes.

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Some real whataboutism in those comments. "But Kyrie...."

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He's gone. That's the kind of statement a company makes before their endorser is let go.

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They’re going to see the way the wind blows. Might blow over, if so it’s going to be back to business as usual.

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Maybe… but I’ll believe it when I see it.

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I imagine theres lots of lawyers, pr people and mathematicians running all the numbers and if his name can (still) sell enough shoes and other related products I’m sure they’ll find a way to keep him

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Holy shit this Chris Rock live show just went all Warriors (riffing on Draymond but not what you think it’s about)

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Transcript of post-dinner conversation with my 5 year old:

Me: Guess who's coming back tomorrow? Steph Curry!

Kid: There are other players who have scored more points than him.

Me, a bit horrified: But no one's made more three pointers!

Kid: So there are other people about as good as him.

Me: Who's telling you these lies?

Kid: You're crazy.

Wife: Is she done cleaning up the living room?

Me: We're having a basketball debate!

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yesterday with my 7 year old:

me: can you name some basketball players?

son: draymond green, steph curry, klay thompson, wiggins, looney-macaroni

me: how about lebron james?

son: who is lebron james?

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My 3 year old calls all basketball players "Draymond Poole"

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Well done, Dad. Well done.

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You're taking Steph and you're still losing the game to your kid! 🤣

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Wiseman in 23:49: (-26)

3 points, 1/6 FGs, 0/1 three, 1/2 FTs

9 rebounds, 1 assist, 4 turnovers, 1 steal, 2 blocks, 3 fouls

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Mar 5, 2023·edited Mar 5, 2023

I was hoping he'd develop a better feel for the game once he got some minutes on the floor but he just looks lost out there. On offense, he goes hunting for someone to screen for but whiffs on most of his screens and doesn't ever seem to be open on a roll. His hands are still poor and lead to a lot of fumbled passes and missed rebounds. On defense, he always seems a step late to help and then gets out of position so his man is open for a lob. Not sure that extra reps are gonna make a difference for him, sadly. He's still young but, even with injuries, he has had three years to absorb the NBA game and doesn't seem to have made much progress.

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It's early times yet for Wiseman... which is why we had to trade him. As for Sab's note that he's not trusted, (1) it's early times, and (2) there's at least three players in DET (Duren, Bagley, Stewart) that are/think they are better who are getting minutes taken by JW. So I'm guessing the team cohesion is not high.

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It’s been like 5 games, lol… on a completely new team. I can see a vet moving in and knowing their role and relying on fundamentals, but wise is not that.

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How in the hell did all the scouts not see this dude was horrible

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Only 3 high school games and no in person scouting during Covid would do that….

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And not much consistent development. He’s gonna get written off by 23, and then we’ll see if he can get his game together.

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Not sure I agree. Bogey had some real chemistry with Wise last game. He was out today.

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Wait, Moody played with the Sea Dubs? May have to watch some of that later. 24 points on 4-8 shooting threes, but he was -24 in a loss.

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Was looking at team defensive ranking changes. For the whole season, Dubs defensive ranking is middle of the pack at 13/30, but over the past 5 games in the win streak, Dubs have the #1 defensive ranking. Interestingly, in the other 5 game win streak when Curry was also out from 12/25-1/2, Dubs’ defensive ranking was also elite at #2.

What do people attribute that to?

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Mar 5, 2023·edited Mar 5, 2023

Small sample size, level of competition, and home court. I saw they're #5 (I think) in defensive efficiency at home all year, so to be #1 or #2 for a short period is unremarkable. Steph was also out when Dubs won five straight at home earlier this season.

Key will be if they are able to improve a lot on their road D. Next two games should be a good test.

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Just looked it up. You are right that the home/away difference is more significant than the lineup change in the win streaks. Now home Dubs for the whole season are at #3 for defensive ranking. For away games they are at *gulp* 28. Wow, what a crazy discrepancy.

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Primarily small sample size variance. The last two teams we faced were missing multiple starters, so huge surprise that it was easier to defend them.

I think the next two weeks are going to give us a better read on what our team really is, but at least the effort level is up (after the 1st quarter anyway).

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Real effort.

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Ja's Twitter and Instagram accounts have been deleted.

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Feels like he's lucky in the sense that his "mistakes" so far aren't career ending and he's getting a chance to right the ship. Hope this wakes him up a bit before he does something that'll cost him more than a 2 game suspension.

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Mar 5, 2023·edited Mar 5, 2023

Agreed. I hope he realizes that he's a badass with nothing to prove, and can relax into a less strained image. Then again, that seems to be hard even for Kevin Fucking Durant.

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Not ideal for Steph's first game back to be an early start at Crypto where he seems to mostly struggle. I guess his first game back was probably going to be rusty anyway, so he can get it out the the way at the same time as his semi-annual subpar performance at the Lakers. Gonna need Poole and JP to keep stepping up, and not just expect 30 to take over immediately.

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Mar 5, 2023·edited Mar 5, 2023

Steph don't do rusty. Too much preparation and too many reps for that. Steph sees "Lakers" and "national TV." He'll be ready to go.

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So you're saying this won't be Steph's Cryptonight.

Right, it's an afternoon game.

I think I can show myself out but if you see me wandering around you're free to point the way to the door. 😊

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