Feb 22, 2022Liked by Eric Apricot

Turns a double axel into a double Axl Rose. Gold.

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Feb 22, 2022Liked by Eric Apricot

Love the irony, as usual.

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Feb 21, 2022·edited Feb 21, 2022

LeBron is thinking, "This is JUST like passing to Westbrook! Because either way I don't get the ball back." Meanwhile Lillard at home going "He missed 11. I would have hit those."

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So much for the Lilliard line and T.Young.

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LeBron to the Warriors confirmed!

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I mean we can bring him on off a buyout, but Kerr better not give him Kuminga's minutes

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Well that's a no-brainer. You don't take away minutes from the GOAT just to give time to LeBron.

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Agreed but people have sentimental attachment to the older players. Oscar Robertson could get a contract and get a standing Big O

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And Iggy?

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"He's just taking them from the logo cuz he can. While I'm here resting my abdominal injury with my Olympic Gold Medal!" Actually mildly interesting that KD, Dray, and Lillard all have their gold medals, and all injured by the ASG (yeah, I know others didn't get injured).

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Are they older than most of the others?

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CP3 taking an All Star roster spot to 2 minutes "to get an assist" in the ASG with an injured hand really flies in the face of being a leader for the players. Let somebody else go be an "All Star". Really cements him as a selfish villain in my book.

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Meh. He's selfish, sure. But he earned that berth, and if he wants to play for 2 minutes, I don't much care.

OTOH, his dirty play in real games is something that I think definitely marks him as a villain.

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Those were a great two minutes, though, with Booker pretending to do rip throughs when CP3 was guarding him.

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Look at it this way: it opened up more PG minutes in the game for Steph to launch 3s.

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I'm not sure I'd call him a villain, but someone else sure could have used an All-Star spot, and that might have had big contract implications for them

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By itself, this wouldn't make him a villain. But coupled with the rest of his career it does, at least in my book.

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I understand that perspective, yeah. But at the same time, given his age, could be his last All-Star selection ever, in which case, I can’t be too mad.

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He still got selected, just like Draymond and KD. The ONLY reason for him to actually play the game is for some "most assists in ASG history" or something... and as a former NBAPA president, he really shouldn't be prioritizing his own career and accomplishments over paying it forward. If he wasn't a former NBAPA president, it wouldn't bother me nearly as much.

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Feb 22, 2022·edited Feb 22, 2022

I don’t hard disagree with ya at all. But I shoulda said “last All-Star *game*” instead of “selection.” In either case if it’s perhaps the last time he can or will step on the floor in-game for an AS game ever, and maybe he thinks so too, then as much as what the rest you said is true, I still think it’s understandable from his perspective.

The difference with Draymond and KD too is that those two have a higher chance that they’ll get to play in another AS at some point imo.

But again, I’m not hard disagreeing with ya at all, especially as a definite non-fan of Paul.

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They still probably shoulda added another player to the roster though, and I think they could have, given I think the extra roster spot they gave Nowitzki and Wade their last seasons for legacy purposes

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I have to agree. There's a reason injured players don't play, and this didn't have the same kind of symbolic significance that Draymond appearing for a few seconds to re-unite with Klay did. It's 100% about personal achievement. Ugly.

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Feb 21, 2022Liked by Eric Apricot

Lebron was not prematurely celebrating; he was telling everyone to hustle back to the other end of the court in order to not play defense.

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Feb 21, 2022Liked by Eric Apricot

Attempting 27 3s in a row is already tiring enough... ask HOU.. they didn't make one.

P.S Lol at Devin Booker for crying for a foul in an ASG

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Feb 21, 2022Liked by Eric Apricot

Wow having missed the game this was great Mr. Apricot!

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Feb 21, 2022·edited Feb 21, 2022Liked by Eric Apricot

It makes you appreciate Klay's 60 point game and Steph's own 62 point game all the more as in those games the opposing teams were playing defense and it didn't matter.

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Feb 21, 2022Liked by Eric Apricot

Saw someone on another forum dismissing what Steph did as "easy" because there was no real defense. Any time you break a record held by the greatest basketball players in history by almost doubling it up, I don't think "easy" is the right word. "Fun", yes. "Irrelevant" in the greater scheme of things, probably that too, although I think the importance of this is the level of respect from the other players to allow Steph to follow through on it - had Steph been this hot four years ago I doubt he gets the record because a lot of the league was still in full resentment mode - it feels like Steph finally paid his dues by having to, and proving he could, carry the team last season. But threes from 33 feet are never "easy", nor is hitting almost 60 percent of them.

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Feb 21, 2022Liked by Eric Apricot

Exactly. The vast majority of the other All-Stars taking the exact same shots Steph did last night with no defense, no shot clock, and all the time in the world to shoot would not have made as many of those shots as Steph did. 16-27 on 3s with a HIGH degree of difficulty... that is otherworldly.

Even the announcers (Dwayne and Reggie) + Iverson, three of the greatest scorers of all time. All part of the 75 greatest players of all time were giddy with excitement over what Steph was doing. Iverson said Steph is the reason he got League Pass! (Whether he meant that literally or figuratively it doesn't really matter).

Anyone saying otherwise is just not enjoying greatness. Last night's performance is going to be referenced as one of the great ASGs ever specifically because of Steph's fireworks.

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Yep, I agree 100%. During the ASG, Steph pretty much outshot everyone who was in the 3 point competition the previous day - they were all shooting from exactly 23 feet, without any opposing players on the court getting in their way.

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Feb 21, 2022·edited Feb 21, 2022

You know what though- I'm glad KAT got that one. Maybe it's silly of me (millionaire players and everything) but I feel like he needed a win.

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The millions can't bring your family back... regardless of your wealth, never forget that $$ can't buy happiness. Rich people still struggle with non-financial stuff, and KAT has had a BUNCH of unfortunate shit dropped on him in his life.

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Good article on KAT, AW, AND ZL in the Athletic today.

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Burninate those fools!

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Feb 21, 2022·edited Feb 21, 2022Liked by Eric Apricot

Well done! Props indeed to LeBron, who seems to have recovered his fandom for Steph that went MIA during the 3-1 series result in those four straight finals.

I keep hoping someone’s got a better view of Steph’s only two point basket, which from a live viewing might have been his most impressive of the night. Haven’t seen one yet, not surprisingly given the other 16.

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Nba full hd

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4th quarter, score 145-147, no minutes in quarter seen.

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Yes, that was a thing of beauty - launched way up there ending with a delicate swish

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