Mar 14, 2023Liked by Eric Apricot

Andre is having fun! Love it!

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Last night made me miss Iguodala more recently. He finally looked less-old and was back to being an outside-the-boxscore legend.

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Nice to see Andre kick off the "making his detractors look foolish" tour, just in time for the final handful of games before the playoffs. Very glad the team learned last year's lesson and didn't over-exert him early in the season.

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After last night, Klay is only 6 threes behind Hield for 3PM this season. Both GSW and IND have played 69 games. IND doesn't play again until Thursday so Klay has a chance to take the lead tomorrow.

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Mar 14, 2023·edited Mar 14, 2023

Hmmm. With 13 games left Steph would have to average about 3.15 threes MORE than Hield to catch him. Don't think it's very realistic, but just for fun, I calculated the 3P/game and the 3P/36 minutes:

Player 3P/Gm 3P/36

Buddy 3.7 4.2

Klay 4.37 4.8

Dame 4.2 4.17

Steph 4.98 5.17

So Steph only averaging a little over 1 more 3P/gm than Buddy and just less than 1/36. Guess Buddy a pretty good shooter, too (just not as good as the Splash brothers, but better than Dame (of course lots more metrics like 3p% and efficiency etc.). Thought it was interesting that Dame plays more than 36 min/game.

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Did you mean to use 'realistic' in a sentence referring to Steph Curry? Just checking...

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But does Hield have two or more defenders on him?

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Well... if the Pacers decide that it's not worth fighting for the 9/10 play in spot, and Klay looks like he's going to pass Buddy, Buddy may start resting a few games and open the door for Steph to pass him. There's 13 games left in the Warriors season and Buddy is ~40 ahead. If Steph makes 5/game, he'd get to 275 for the season, which *could* be better than Hield, but tough. It would, however put him over Ray Allen's pre-Steph single season record.... in just 56 games. Klay is on track to go over 300, which would be the 6th highest 3PM season in NBA history.

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Dame sat last night with Calf soreness... and his team is starting to recede. I think Steph ends up 4-5 more games than Dame does down the stretch... and Klay & Steph end up 1 & 3 on the season, despite not playing very many games, lol

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As long as they save a bunch for the playoffs.

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I'd really like to win the LAC game tomorrow (stop the presses).

We'd be 3-1 against them if we do, which should give us the tie-breaker. Might be important to squeak into the 6 seed.

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No problem. Dubs will end the season at #4.

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Gotta beat the Birthday in LA curse too.

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Mar 14, 2023Liked by Eric Apricot, punk basketball

1. I don't know how Chris Paul managed to be voted head of the Players Association and simultaneously piss off every player in the league.

2. I thought Eric said "Steph-back," and when you think about it, WHY IN THE WORLD do we not call it that yet??? WHAT IS WRONG WITH US????

3. The Warriors keep getting asked why they suck on the road so much. How come no ever asks them, "Why are you so dominant at home? Only Denver has a better home record and they play without oxygen. How are you doing it? You're a GREAT TEAM!"

4. Eric is the greatest play breakdown analyst ever; but I think we can figure out the intricacies and team concepts involved in a wide-open dunk all by ourselves. Only Iguodala gets this kind of treatment and BY GOD HE'S EARNED IT.

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The explanations:

1. Might be that phenomenon where you hate a certain kind of lawyer but want exactly that lawyer defending you when you're charged with a crime.

2. Done. Steph-back it is.

3. We EXPECT them to be dominant at home (and to be fair, pretty much everywhere else).

4. You'll never hear me complain about an E1P. NEVER.

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> Chris Paul managed to be voted head of the Players Association

I think they just figured that if he's that annoying on the court to us, how annoying is he going to be to the owners in a boardroom?

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I do say side-Steph on purpose as I believe he really popularized that move (as opposed the old standard dribble in a couple of steps)

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One of my favorites is when he does the old school step-in, but starting from so deep that it's still a 3. It really emphasizes how he's changed the game because getting someone to sell out so hard on a pump fake from that range would have been inconceivable once.

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You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

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My Dinner With Andre (Iguodala)

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A princess bride reference and dinner with andre reference… there was the same actor in bothnof those movies!


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Also, his partner wrote a book called 'Twilight of the Superheroes,' which would make a great title for an account of this stage of the W's dynasty

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Mar 14, 2023Liked by Eric Apricot

Actually that Steph's sing along was really funny : )

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Mar 14, 2023Liked by Eric Apricot

That’s what I was gonna say.

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Mar 14, 2023·edited Mar 14, 2023

EDIT: Sorry, wrong thread. Nice video lol.

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Mar 14, 2023Liked by Eric Apricot

Let's hope Andre isn't suffering from rigor-dunkus today.

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These are the Bi-Polar Warriors. They went 5-5 on the road in the playoffs last year. They are 7-26 on the road this year. Wonder if Bob could trade a second round pick for some Lithium. The Mood swings in this team are epic.

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Mar 14, 2023Liked by Eric Apricot

That wasn't Andre... That was MechaAndre.

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Mar 14, 2023Liked by Eric Apricot

Nice clip of Chris Paul fouling Steph 3 times on Steph's drive to the hoop. There's a reason Paul is not beloved by Warriors' fans.

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Especially that last gut punch.

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Mar 14, 2023Liked by Eric Apricot

That clip. This is why I go bonkers when they call soft fouls on Steph. Sure, yes, NBA refs, they are fouls he commits and your little 2minute reports can name them, but man does he go through the 36 chambers of Shaolin to get to the hoop.

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+1 for the reference to one of the greatest martial arts films of all time. :-)

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Yeah, that's my thing, too. I just don't know why people are allowed to foul Steph so much more than anyone else (outside of maybe Shaq, that dude got pummeled without a call, pretty often). Could the same thing be a foul for everyone, please? And could they watch the guys that we all KNOW are the worst abusers just a little closer, maybe, too?

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Mar 14, 2023·edited Mar 14, 2023

He doesn't do a good enough job selling the contact. Not enough commitment. He preserves an exit of passing the ball if he doesn't hear the whistle, and so the refs correctly evaluate that he's still relatively in control of his SQBR, and hasn't truly lost it.

I think it's the same for fighting through screens. Last night, JP was CLEARLY moving screened, but since he bounced off the guy and went sideways instead of tumbling/spinning forward past the guy, it wasn't conclusive enough that JP had been deprived of his rightful advantage.

You must commit fully to the foul, or you will not get the call.

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>You must commit fully to (selling) the foul, or you will not get the call.

fify a little bit and I basically agree, but I wish they would do a better job of making that NOT be the case.

And if that's the moving screen I'm thinking of I was furious about it (especially compared to the one called on Loon I think when he was pretty much stationary). Not that being furious helps anything. Nor does wishing refs would call all the fouls on Steph.

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Mar 14, 2023·edited Mar 14, 2023

Like any act-OR worthy of the role, you must truly BE in excruciating pain and utter despair. You cannot simply “sell” the foul, it is not enough to appear to have been fouled. You must feel it deep in your bones.

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Mar 14, 2023Liked by Eric Apricot

Wow. The 'King of Petty' reaching back a decade...

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Good night for the boys. Now a road trip where every game is winnable and every win has beaucoup value. The roster is what it is. I hope they can win out without Wiggins. Availability has been a thing this year. I just re-read the classic Dave Debusschere book THE OPEN MAN , his diary about the NY Knicks championship season in 1969. That team jellied when the 6 to 9 spots were filled with Mike Riordan, Dave Stallworth, Nate Bowman and Cazzie Russell. The bench guys needed to be coming off the bench. Not playing starter minutes due to injury. When was the last time the Warriors had a healthy starting five. I hope the little edgy nasty vibe keeps growing. That grit is the key to them running the table.

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Mar 14, 2023·edited Mar 14, 2023

Yes, maybe “flip the switch “ means now, with less than 15 games to go, just being prepared to get down and dirty with the grit and a “little edgy nasty vibe” !!

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November... it was November. 3.5 months and ~half of a season ago.

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Mar 14, 2023Liked by Eric Apricot

I think Andre learned his lesson after that last one; he's still allowed to dunk, but now he has to hang on the rim until All his momentum is gone.

And I think we'd all appreciate it if he let Kevon help him down from there, too.

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I’m reminded of this old school clip: https://youtu.be/6hNezRV0oys

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Ok, that would be hilarious: Andre vicious dunk and he's just hanging there. Either Loon comes and gently lifts him down or the game pauses while the facilities guys get a small ladder/step stool out for him to gently climb down.

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Or a step stool.

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Klay suggests: scaffolding

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