FWIW I'm going with the Wizards because they were dead and buried and had to go 16-6 just to make the playoffs (and all 5 regular season losses were last second heartbreakers, with a combined deficit of 10!).

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Dame has 8 threes at the half, and Portland's still fighting from behind. Possible record watch.

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Malone switched Gordon to guard him the second half, who delivered. DAME scored only 10 points the second half, went 1-5 from deep, and, finished the game with 42 points. He was headed for 50+ had Malone not made that switch; Gordon is very lengthy and athletic bothering Dame just enough....

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Yeah holy crap what an adjustment.

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Gordon was a great pick up for them. If not for the gosh-darned Jamal Murray injury (and Will Barton, though he may be back), they'd likely be the WC favorite right now. They had all the ingredients.

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True. But, Lillard got some open looks and missed them too

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Then regressed to the mean with a 1/5 second half

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I’m rooting for the Sixers. To prove the Process right once and for all. And to destroy the myth of whatever value the “Treadmill of Mediocrity” still has left to whoever out there.

Plus, it will finally lay the truth of the NBA bare for all to see: To win titles, you need, above all else, a sound plan that garners you elite level talent that fits well together. Nothing else (not respectability, not moral victories) serves as a substitute.

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Have Sixers made it past the second round of the East since the process began? It’s so strange that something that started based on a data driven approach to take advantage of an inefficiency in the system has become a cult, pressing on despite the loophole closing and the lack of success to date. What was the method they used to ensure they continued losing for years despite multiple top 3 picks on the roster? Use their first two top 3 picks on centers and their third on a PF? That’s probably still a viable path to a seat on the struggle bus, even if the draft odds no longer make that seat very desirable.

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Fun fact: The 7-year old Process era (2013-2021) has led to 2 runs to the second round in the last 3 years. Which is as many runs that deep in the playoffs than the Sixers had in the other 13 years since their finals appearance back in 2000.

They now have an MVP candidate they drafted from the Process, plus another star-level performer with as much potential if not more potential as anyone in the league. Nor to mention all the players they were able to trade for because they accumulated assets with the Process.

You really want to argue that the Sixers should have persisted with the treadmill of mediocrity back in 2012 when their best players were Jrue Holliday and an aging Andre Iguodala?

No, they did not hit on every draft pick. No one does. But the whole point of the Process is maximizing your chances at getting the one thing all NBA champions are made of: Superstar Talent. Maybe you miss completely and decide to draft a better talent at the same position which gives you the star power you ant. If the Sixers hadn’t done that, they wouldn’t have Embiid on their roster now. Then again, had they drafted better, they might be looking at a roster with 3-4 young All-NBA potential level players. The point is giving yourself the chance at the roster containing All-NBA talent and not a roster of “representative product” where your biggest star is Jrue Holliday.

They didn’t pretend to care about empty buzzwords like “respectability” and “losing culture”, or care about wins that wouldn’t mean much in the quest to build a roster with star talent. They know that they need superstar talent, and the only realistic way to get it and keep it is through the draft. So they did everything they could to maximize their chances at that while they could (and the one thing the new draft odds did do was reduce the rewards of taking this route, even though it does nothing to disprove the theory that champions require superstar talent above all else).

They also didn’t pretend to act like making the playoffs alone is good enough. You don’t get bonus credit by making the playoffs as a low seed fodder team year after year, as if you could accumulate that credit year after year and then redeem it all on one playoff run to guarantee you a title. They do not subscribe or see any point to staying on the “Treadmill of Mediocrity” where your best hope is getting into the second round. They want bigger and better, and are willing to do whatever it takes to get it. Even tear down a “playoff team” with no title prospects. Even trade away any players who don’t fit the timeline of their biggest talents contending.

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And the alternative route to bringing in talent through years of intentional losing, is being good enough to entice the Iguodala’s to come to your team to push you up the contenders ladder when the losers discard them. We saw this play out many times. Scrub teams stay scrubs more often than not as the feed good teams quality veterans virtually for free year after year.

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You need a star to entice the Iguodalas to come in the first place. No Iguodala who wants a ring is going to the Drummond-era Pistons, or the post-Hibbert Pacers, or any of those other lower-seed chasing teams on the “Treadmill of Mediocrity”. If you can’t get one through a mercenary free agent signing (which these days no team that is not in LA, NY, or Miami can seem to do), then you need to either get one through a trade or through the draft. And you need assets to trade, which basically involves draft picks or young prospects, which involves the draft in the first place.

Some scrub teams stay scrubs, yes. But a good amount in history have used lottery picks to stop being scrubs (like the Cavs, the Heat, the Bulls, the Pistons, and even the Warriors themselves). And many more mediocre teams stay mediocre because they have no realistic avenue to get superstar talent to win titles. They don’t have the honesty or bravery to blow up a playoff team that has a low ceiling.

Hell, the Spurs are the quintessential “winning culture” team who by your logic should be having quality veterans beating down their door to join them and keep them good, right? Well, that all went away when the only HOF caliber talent they had left was on the coaching bench and in the GM chair.

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Warriors had the second best net rating last twenty games I believe

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Tbf we also had one of the easiest schedules lol

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And maybe that finally pushes changes that might solve the tanking issue for once. Because if the Sixers prove the validity of the Process, that will freak out the NBA executive community like nothing else, because every other woebegone or low-potential team is going to want to replicate the Process. And I’m sure they hate the thought of that.

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Doesn't the play-in tournament go a fair way toward eliminating tanking for several teams? It seems like a good start.

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Not really.

What went a longer way towards eliminating tanking was the evening out of the odds for the top 4-5 worst record slots. Now teams aren’t going to be as dedicated to being absolutely abject since the rewards are much less for doing that than they used to be.

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I'm just rooting for Utah. Why? I picked them while shaving this morning.

JK. I like how none of the familiar top players that are discussed in the playoffs are on the team. No Westbrook, Paul, Harden, Irving, Durant, etc. New blood getting rings wouldn't be the worst thing in the world.

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Hah. Totally re-read the title of this article. Didn't realize it was specific for this game. Whomp whomp.

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This article is hella funny Apricot

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My personal preferences for who wins now that the Warriors are out:

1-2 (tie): Portland/Denver

3-4: Philadelphia/Miami


16: Lakers

As for who I think is LIKELY to win, I dunno. The West feels like such a mess right now, it seems likely to be Philly or Brooklyn, but there are plenty of teams that could potentially win it.

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You're ranking the Lakers too high. I think 16 is "Playoffs Cancelled". 17 is "Portland, again". 18. "Hoosiers, now don't get caught watching the paint dry.". 19....20... (Keep going for a zillion more until)...Lakers are just below 2019 Houston Rockets and slightly above 2017 Houston Astros (geez, what's wrong with Houston?)

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"geez, what's wrong with Houston?"

At least the Texans are cool.

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Brooklyn is so loaded with talent, unless injuries or something similar (i.e. COVID issues, since none of them are LeWhine) happen, I have to believe they will take it.

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I like the way the Sixers match up with them though. I think the Nets would need to win that series quickly because the Sixer size would wear them down a lot in a long one.

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I want the Bucks to win because of Giannis.

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That's who I'm rooting for too. He signed his extension so there's not a chance he comes here anymore. Also, I don't think there's anyone on the team I don't like. They also have a good shot to win

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If Portland wins, get ready to hear Dame > Steph non stop

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I doubt Steph gives a flying fart about those silly comparisons one way or another. He already has 3 Larry O's, and he's due for another massive contract.

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You don't think Steph cares about being the greatest to ever do it? Or top 10? Or best pg of all time?

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He cares, I'm sure... but he cares to control what he can control instead of hoping to diminish others.

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If they win, they win. But they will not.

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I do think it interesting that fans focus on the far end of the bench as much as the heart of the line up re how to improve. I have been thinking of Draymond and his 3 pt shooting...wondering if it might make a difference. (thinking it should but not sure it will).

He took 2 attempts per game this year and made only 27% of them. 1.6 points per game average on his 3 point attempts... .8 points per shot.

If next year he takes 3 shots per game, and makes 33% (would be a solid improvement) then he makes 3 points per game average....1.0 points per shot...and he takes away a shot from someone else (unless him shooting eliminates a bad pass turnover where we get zero shots for that possession).

Now, is that enough improvement to a) win more games, b) prevent teams from dropping off Dray due to his bad shooting.

It seems to me that given his terrible history, that it was take a long time for the defenses of the other teams to adjust to covering him vs dropping off him.

OTOH, if he wants to win, and do whatever it takes, I hope he practices a million 3 pt attempts this offseason.

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Honestly I think Draymond working on his finishing is more important than his 3 pointer. The bread and butter of the Warriors is the Curry/Draymond pick and roll, I'd want him spending the summer trying to maximize his abilities as they relate to that play.

But he can work on more than one thing of course so he should be letting them fly from deep as well.

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I think if Draymond's gonna be getting a lot of minutes at the 4 still, he needs some kind of jumper. Even if it's just an elbow jumper.

But yeah, first and foremost, he needs to be able to make layups.

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I still have nightmares about that layup at the end of regulation.

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Yes layups would be my ask for Draymond to improve

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FA Wishlist:

-Robin Lopez

-Daniel Theis

-McGee reunion anyone?

-Alec Burks

-Nic Batum

-Reggie Bullock

and dare I say.. Austin Rivers? He sucks but... I feel like he would suck less on the Warriors.

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Siri read this aloud:

“He sucks but...”

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Eh I won't explain myself. Those who saw me occasionally post on GSOM knows what I'm talking about.

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- Nerlens Noel

- Danny Green

- Serge Ibaka (if he opts out)

- Otto Porter Jr.

- Patty Mills

- Trevor Ariza

- Reggie Bullock

- Richaun Holmes

- Wayne Ellington

- Nic Batum

- Daniel Theis

- Kent Bazemore

- Alex Caruso

Loads of pretty good Free Agents available. If we could get around 3 of those guys (say Noel, Bazemore and OPJ), our bench could be really nice with Poole and JTA along with those guys. Definitely think we need one high level shooter like Ellington or Bullock though.

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Batum looks great to play the 4 in small lineup. High IQ and great defender. Hope Clippers loose so he can leave. Mills Will be great to. Super upgrade over müller

And theis plays hard..screens.. does the little things and can shoot 3

If wiseman is here we wont sign Noel or javalee..

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The Warriors tried to sign Caruso a few seasons ago but he chose to go back to the Lakers. I doubt they can afford him though, he'd probably just stay with the Lakers for the type of money the Warriors would be able to offer.

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You have Baze but not Chriss?

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Baze is very good for an 8-10 guy role off the bench. He shot 40.8% from 3 this year, and has some defensive ability. He had too much responsibility this year in terms of ball-handling and a starting role due to injuries, but he's valuable in a bench role.

As for Baze over Chriss, a switchable 37-40% 3 pt shooter is more valuable than a C, especially as we have only 1 opening for the C role (Dray, Loon and Wiseman already on the roster). Wings can be stockpiled as they can be used in multiple roles.

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A few years ago Kerr used Dray mostly at the 4 and just at 5 in certain situations (notably the Hamptons death lineup). If he wants to go back to Dray mostly at 4, and we have Wiseman and Loon, we might want another big center for at least one more season while JW develops and in case of injuries. I like Chriss a lot, he helps in other ways, but he's not that guy. However, he might be the guy we can get.

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Another thing... if Wiseman's shot is for real, could he sometimes play stretch 4 with Looney or a big 5 down in the paint? Garnett used to play PF a lot more than he did C, and he's apparently a big influence on Wiseman.

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I’d much rather have Chriss, and be fine with Lee getting whatever minutes Baze would get.

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Might have to take Robin Lopez back though... damn his numbers fell off a cliff since I last paid attention to him in Portland

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I think Lopez would be useful for the right price. Burks would be awesome, and Myers said the Warriors are looking for a playoff-tested guard with playmaking experience, but given how much cap space the Knicks have, I don't think I see it happening. Hard to say the Warriors wouldn't be interested though given that we've already seen them sign him once lol.

Myers also mentioned a playoff-tested floor spacing big, and quite frankly I'm not sure who else is out there that fits that bill besides Kelly Olynyk? I noticed Draymond being very friendly with him when the Warriors played the Rockets, maybe they were getting a head start on recruiting? But perhaps there are other floor spacing big men free agents out there that fit the bill.

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But maybe those "needs" are something they will look to address in a trade rather than free agency. Or maybe they include March Madness as playoff experience and are bringing Omari Spellman back lol.

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Yeah, he is not the Lopez are looking for

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Move along

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So ... your “wishlist” features guys who suck but might suck less on the Warriors?

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with our cap situation? Yeah.

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I guess I never see the point of worrying about #10-15 rotation guys that are essentially fungible. You can find guys the level of Austin Rivers on the scrap-heap pretty much anytime ... as the Nuggets did. I don't see how he really moves the needle one way or the other. Probably a mild upgrade on GP2 or Mulder, and a mild downgrade on Baze or DLee? Substantial downgrade from what I expect next season out of 22 y.o. Jordan Poole. Zzzzz.

This far out from the season I'm more interested in what moves (if any) we can make to improve the core 5-6 guys who really make a difference in your title chances. Once we lock that in, we can see which guys we need to fill in around the edges. Maybe Seth's brother-in-law enters the convo at that point.

As far as our cap situation... between Wiseman, Paschall, our Bird Rights on Loon and Oubre, and (likely) two lottery picks, we have a pretty nice combo of young assets and salary ballast to play with for a potential splashy trade. And we have the full MLE to offer to vet ring-chaser type (Lowry? Otto Porter?)

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I’m hoping Bob turns light years and he scores Al Horford via OKC buy out, re-sign and trade.

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It's gonna take some convincing to sell ring-chasers that we're the destination for that... I think. But Fade for Cade!

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Also, I was having fun with the Austin Rivers bit. I clearly don't think any of them suck.

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I'm on board with a McGee reunion. He fits the "veteran full-size center" role we're pretty sure we need, we already know he fits fine with the Warriors core and system, and he's likely fine with whatever minutes he gets as a backup/alternative to Wiseman for bruising with the bigger centers in the NBA.

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P.S. if the Lakers drop off this year and then Javale wins another one (either with Denver now or with us next year) he could have more rings than Lebron

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Is Austin Rivers really that bad? He seems like a decently good and cheap bench player

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I would have loved for them to sign Rivers this past season.

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After the trade deadline I mean, not before the season (although he would have been better than Wanamaker but that's not saying much).

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I just give him a lot of crap but he's a pretty decent player and I feel like he would fit very well in our system

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I'm with Sleepy in that I'd rather have Chriss than Theis.

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Sheesh, I completely forgot about Chriss. I wouldn't be mad at either. As long as we don't have to see JTA/Draymond/Looney hold down the 5 spot for almost a whole season again.

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No Austin Rivers please, if for no better reason than: I don't want to have to scroll through the arguments here at LGW all season.

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I really enjoy this dub centric take on a dubless playoffs, more please!

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Excellent, because I'm planning one for every series!

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I want the clippers out ASAP. So Kawhi wants to sign and trade to the warriors

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I don't want any old guys who break down all the time (Kawhi) or short guys who can't play defense (Beal). I want young, fast, long guys with chips on their shoulders who are willing to learn (fast). Better start that symbolic rehearsal (Mr. Wiseman) now. It's going to be entertaining, with Unanimous and Finals Klay (freed finally from mental constraints that held him back except in those critical moments plus the occasional 37 point quarter or 60 point-in-29-minute game) and the actual 3-time DPOY. I'd rather watch that team with a bunch of young-uns developing around them than adding some veteran high-usage, low efficiency, hero ball guys.

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Uncle Dennis is a thing, related is Kawhi's weird exit from SAS. And if he left Toronto after a championship to go to LAC, only to leave again 2 years later, it's not a good sign on his staying with GSW. Hard pass for me.

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'Hard pass.' forgive me but that phrase actually can have 2 opposite meanings. 'Hard decision to make, but I'll pass ,'or, 'Stated in the firmest (hardest)way possible, easy decision, I'll pass.' Help me here.

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An understandable confusion. The idiom means "a firm refusal".


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I doubt Kawhi gets away with that here and if he argues against it, they don't sign him.

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Not much you can do about it after a guy signs, though.

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Sixers but I like Bradley Beal. I hope Nets and Lakers not to win the ring. I like a Jazz - Bucks/Heat final

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I'm rooting for Portland even though they've been pretenders in years past. There's no Warriors roadblock for them this year so if they can squeeze past Denver there might be room for a run. I'm also rooting for the Suns to eliminate the Lakers so there's no chance of a repeat but after that they go can go straight back to the desert! As long as KD and Lebron doesn't win another ring I don't really care who does.

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Sixers, I guess. But I don't care much, other than whoever can knock off Brooklyn gets my vote.

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Sixers, with homage to Dr. J

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Seen The Doctor in Italy in the mid 80's. Never seen hands of that size again in my life

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Seeing Dr J play in person was/is unforgettable

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Saw the young Doctor with the ABA VA Squires when he first turned pro. He was rebounding like crazy in addition to leading the league in scoring. What an athlete!

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Sixers, for all the reasons noted in the OP and by the posters below.

Plus, if my horse isn’t in the race, and the underdog isn’t particularly lovable, give me the team that’s clearly going to win. I got enough stress this season rooting for the Warriors.

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