Hoping Mitch is still there at seven. If so W's will regret not taking him. Eventually will replace Curry.

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Mitchell for sure. Fan of his dogged defense, intelligence, work ethic, and winning attitude. Can defend the perimeter, pass, hit an open shot. If he gets posted up , he will need help. But watch him talk about that with Mike Schmitz - he knows his role is to delay until help arrives.

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I'll go with neither at 7. Whoever wins the 8/9 matchup gets a bye to the final four.

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I’ll go with Springer.

I’m not convinced Mitchell’s shot is real, and choosing somebody Mitchell’s size primarily for defense seems like a stretch. Honestly, I’d be much happier with either of them at 14

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I'll go with Springer's more reliable 3 and more versatile D.

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Mitchell barely

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Ugh. In this case, I'll go with Mitchell. I feel the same way as many here--fine at 14, not great at 7.

Can anyone explain what the big difference between Mitchell and Jared Butler is that, in most mocks, puts Mitchell in the top 10 and Butler in the late teens to twenties? The profiles I can find on them sound similar, and I think Butler's the more reliable shooter (not to mention younger and fractionally bigger). Even if a team thinks Mitchell's passing and defense are better, are they worth 10-15 draft spots?

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Butler also has a scary heart condition that has an NBA health panel examining whether he’s allowed to play in the NBA.

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Name recognition, more “proven” NCAA resume. But that’s good for us, makes me optimistic that pick 14 will still have lots of good options. I haven’t looked as far yet, but I wonder if there are any good second founders worth buying a pick for.

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What a horrible playoffs it has been.

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It really intrigues me that this site is so down on Mitchell. There are lots of other Dubs places that seem to really like him, but I tend to agree more with this site than elsewhere. He's just got a lot of question marks. The shortness of both wingspan and height plus the shooting are scary.

If you love the shot, I could see the appeal, but I just don't trust it. I do like that he played for the national champs. Success does matter, but it's not enough. I'll still take him in this first round of this tourney, but I think he'll be quickly eliminated after this.

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If I only watched Mitchell’s video I’d be on the boat. However, seems like there are many good defenders in this class, usually with more size and length, that just seem like better/safer bets.

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Agreed, don’t trust the shot. Otherwise, great player.

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I'm not real high on either, to be honest. But if I have to pick, I'd go with Springer for his potential. Mitchell's size and FT pct. scare me - he might be a stopper on D, but there's a reason that GPII hasn't found a permanent NBA home. Of course, Springer won't be particularly playable for a couple of years, so that doesn't help the "win now" approach. Still, I'd prefer Springer over Mitchell.

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Welp. I’m not a big believer in talk about championships not counting but this year the trophy should be a large gold asterisk. On crutches.

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Yeah, the most recent asterisk-type championship was he Raptors in 2019, but even they beat 2 really good to great teams at full strength (Butler-Embiid Sixers and Giannis Bucks) and then beat Steph Curry and Draymond Green in the finals.

If the Suns win this year (as is most likely now), they would've beaten:

- Injured LeBron, KCP (they definitely weren't 100%) and AD

- Injured Murray and Will Barton

- Injured Kawhi, Ibaka, Zubac and Morris (dealing with a knee issue, hugely important for their smallball lineups)

- Injured Trae, Hunter Hawks or the injured Giannis, Donte Bucks.

The important point is that the Suns would've faced every team that had at least 1 really important role-player and 1 star (or superstar) injured.

And hell, even the Suns had a hobbled/missing CP3 for some games.

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And they didn't have to play the Nets, minus injured Kyrie and with (and sometimes without) injured Harden.

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I was already not into these playoffs early on, then I got bored and started watching, and now I don't know what to feel

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Aside from the injuries, it’s made me feel dang good about the Warriors chances next season. Just the team were *supposed* send out there last year (Klay and Chriss) could’ve gone toe-to-toe with any of these teams, assuming health on both sides.

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It's partly the injuries that makes me think unloading all of your good draft picks and a couple of rotation players for another star isn't such a great strategy for wining a championship. It's a bad idea in the short term and an even worse idea in the long term.

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Jun 30, 2021Liked by punk basketball, Daniel Hardee

Never been happier that the Dubs lost the play-in. These playoffs are absolutely cursed, I don't want Steph within 100 miles of any of that noise.

Just have the mascots organize a pillow fight for the trophy, and shut the whole thing down.

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This just in, The Suns Gorilla diagnosed with fractured tailbone

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and the Warriors mascot Thunder has been struck by lightning... wait.

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Slipped on a banana

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Jun 30, 2021Liked by punk basketball

If Giannis and Kawhi are out for the rest of the postseason (which is now a distinct possibility), none of the likely top 11 players in the league (Steph, LeBron, AD, KD, Harden, Giannis, Jokic, Luka, Embiid, Kawhi, Dame) are gonna remain in the playoffs.

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How far down to you have to keep going before you get to Booker (assuming he’s the best player left)?

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PG > Booker. Trae is also probably better than Booker imo due to his playmaking (though he's injured too lol).

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Jun 30, 2021Liked by punk basketball

I’d go PG over Booker.

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Oh shit Giannis hurt knee bad

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Like a ACL/MCL bad? (Not watching)

Man this whole season has really been terrible.

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To my non-medically-trained eye, it looked worse than Wiseman and probably Klay or worse, but not nearly as bad as Livingston. Came down awkwardly trying to defend a Capella dunk and REALLY hyper-extended it. The announcers were pretty shook up and said they didn’t like watching it, the whole ATL crowd was hushed. He left with minimal help and even came back out like he was going to try to go back in, but I think that was sort of an adrenaline-fueled denial moment like the one Klay had.

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Hyperextended - bent a couple inches the wrong way.

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It looked bad

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Was he seriously going to go back in with no MRI after that?

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Yea I thought that was crazy but I remembered what happened with Klay and knew he was going back to the locker room shortly

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Giannis 0-3 FT including 2 airballs. He’s gonna hear that clock chant for the rest of his career. And unless he can figure it out, home teams can Hack-a-Freak and put him on the line as much as possible from the start of the game. Once they’re in the bonus, than they can foul him off ball and put him back on the line and keep others from getting a shot off. A full bench has 60 fouls to give; just plan on using them all. Bucks would really have no choice but to sit him.

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