(per 36, career)

Player A

17.5 pts on .690 TS

10.7 reb / 2.7 ast / 2.1 blk

1.9 tov / 4.2 fouls

+4.8 on court / +7.1 net on-off


Player B

14.9 pts on .665 TS

10.9 reb / 2.1 ast / 2.6 blk

1.4 tov / 3.5 fouls

+2.5 on court / +3.4 net on-off

Player A is TJD, who is ~250 pounds and is under contract for the next 3.5 seasons at **Under $2M a year.** Player B is Nic Claxton, who is ~220 pounds, making $9.6M this season and about to hit free agency and likely command eight figures going forward.

Athletic Alchemy’s suggestion that the Warriors trade BOTH Kuminga and Moody for this incredibly dubious “upgrade” to TJD is so absurd and poorly thought out it makes me want to boycott his show till the trade deadline is over, much as I find him entertaining and informative when he’s not playing with the trade machine.

(That said, his attempted pronunciation of “Yuta Watanabe” is pretty hilarious…)

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What makes his show so special?

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He’s just a great talker, witty AF, and super knowledgeable about the Warriors and basketball Xs and Os. But he’s also (I think) a savvy businessman who gets that being too provocative by half tends to help his bottom line.

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small sample size on TJD, but I still wouldn't do that trade

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433 minutes, so not *that* small of a sample. Also very much in keeping with his last two years in Indiana. I don’t think it’s a stretch to consider him the same basic type and caliber of player as Claxton (with slightly less dominant D, but better O).

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Funny that the Bucks might have fired coach Bud only to replace him with the one coach he was guaranteed to out coach in a playoff matchup.

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I hope our guys play a good game tomorrow as a tribute to Dejan Milojevic. And not only tomorrow but for the rest of the season.

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I hope so, too, but Steph and Kerr's recent interviews are concerning. Curry says that it is "really hard to play those first few days, and Kerr mentions about how "the awareness is constant." I'm not sure what Kerr means by that, but Milojevic's death seems to have taken a heavy toll on the Warriors.

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Hmm it’s going to be interesting who takes the Looney approach of giving it all to honor Dejan’s memory, and who gets into the there’s more to life than basketball mode that Wiggins seems to have gone into ever since he had to take that time away from the team.

Pure speculation on who will play with passion in honor:

Looney will live up to his word and go on a tear for the rest of the season, leading the league in offensive rebounds by 3 per game the rest of the way.

Podz will feed Looney and TJD all they can eat and become an unstoppable Defender to help out the bigs.

GP2 will have unparalleled health and lead the team in net rtg at +20.

TJD’s effort will always be there and he will crack a smile on the court once a month in honor.

Curry is going to elevate to super MVP mode and spend more time with his family.

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Hopefully once the ball is thrown up the mental and phyiscal insticts of playing a ball game will take over....

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The Warriors say they will wear a “DM” patch on their uniforms for the remainder of the season in honor of assistant coach Dejan Milojevic – and logo will appear on the Chase Center court for all remaining home games this season.


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Sam Vecenie recently ranked the rookies by their production so far this year (not a redraft or ranking of potential), and has Podz 6 and TJD 15. It also includes a nice breakdown of Podz’s game.


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Yeeesh, that POR game… I think they actually innovated a worse way to lose Up By Three than the two goofball endings GSW managed. GSW only managed to mess up a foul-up-three in two different ways.


- gave up a quick 2 (now up 1),

- dribbled it up w 25 sec left, Brogdon gets trapped, has his timeout ignored,

- refs ignore Coach Billups timeout, call Brogdon for a double dribble

- okay, that’s a catastrophe but still up 1

- then Billups goes nuts and bumps the ref, getting ejected and gifting 2 tech FTs.

- OKC gifts back a miss so it’s a tie game, OKC hits a long 2 leaving POR 2 seconds for a last play

- lob to Maximum Ayton which is short and intercepted.


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Didn't see it, but that's awful if the refs missed both Brogdon and Billups calling timeout

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Welcome to OKC season…

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…and here I thought it was just us they were lucky against. Yay?

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Did you go sliding all over the roads the last couple of days?

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Stayed home, I've had enough dumb falls on ice in my time in St Louis to know not to mess around! Was only really 3/4 of a day though.

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Jan 24Liked by Eric Apricot

Gotta appreciate the Sea Dubs’ fans. Their arena is mostly full week after week year after year. Looking at Utah now, there’s barely anyone there in the arena.

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Jan 24Liked by Eric Apricot

Just checked the box score - Uzman with 20 points and 12 rebounds in 25 minutes!

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He will take Dray's spot after the trade.

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Looked good.

24 points, 14 rebounds, 80% shooting in 31 minutes.

However, he and other Sea Dubs need to take a clinic with TJ D in how to set screens.

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Genuinely unsure: are you saying you think TJD could lead this clinic, or that he should take it as well?

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Ah, I see…….TJD could give a clinic in/on how to set screens, including screen angles. Nearly all Sea Dubs set a screen, of sorts, then run off before actually blocking someone. Seems Looney and Dray are the masters.

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Dray talking about Deky’s passing: https://youtu.be/u-dSauasW20?si=kCFiNaLsq7wxdITy

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Athletic Alchemy discussing three potential trades

Warriors get: Mikal Bridges, Royce O’Neale (9.5M expiring)

Nets get: Wiggins, Kuminga, Moody and draft comp

Warriors get: Nic Claxton

Nets get: Kuminga and Moody

Warriors get: Herb Jones

Pels: get GP2 and Moody

He goes over the argument for both teams and they’re all intriguing.

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I started typing this up yesterday, but got distracted. Now I'm back, and I still have thoughts on these.

First option feels like an overpay. Bridges' counting stats are mostly better than Kuminga's per-game, worse per36 (except fouls; Kuminga still fouls too much to be an elite defender), but it's not controversial to conclude that Bridges is a better defender overall. Wiggins is a less versatile/consistent defender but a much better scorer for his career and his contract isn't too different from Bridges'. It kind of makes sense to consolidate 3 players into 2, with one of those coming off the books in time to get us under the cap next season. Both Wiggins and Kuminga have shown the potential to be higher impact players than Bridges has been so far. It's a valid question if Wiggins will get back to that level or Kuminga will reach it at all, but with Bridges also having a down year, the same back at them. Moody feels kind of like a casualty from making numbers add up although he also would probably benefit from being on a team that would actually play him more. Meanwhile, defense has been an issue for us so it's not unreasonable to acquire a guy who's known for that. So, big picture, I think it makes sense as a "shake things up and see if that helps" move; if the draft comp is light (like, a couple second-rounders) then it's worth a shot. However, with both our '21-draft players plus a recent and not-yet-old recent all-star, AND some unspecified draft picks, it feels like we might be giving up a lot of future potential to roll of the dice.

Second one is a more obvious no. We already have several non-shooting bigs and I don't think Claxton is heavy enough to actually fix our "they too small" problems. Trayce is a year younger and listed at 30lbs heavier, so unless those two inches are way more important, I think we already have a much, much cheaper option without giving up two young guys who are already decent rotation players.

Third one is an automatic no because I want to keep GP2 at all costs. And although I have a favorable impression of Herb, I'm not sure where he fits into the rotation. He seems like he would be in the same lane as Kuminga with less upside potential.

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Is Bridges even on the block? I'm seeing every Warrior related figure on social media pushing to trade for him but he's not even available

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This is obviously the first question to answer. Of course, it doesn't hurt to offer this to Brooklyn. I would do this deal if he's available. All 3 of our players would need a major leap to play as well as Bridges does over a season, plus the draft comp!

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Alc fails to note that Claxton is on an expiring deal and will be UFA this summer, so you're giving up JK and MM for a half-season rental. So unless you're very confident he'll re-sign with the Dubs, that's a non-starter.

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Sure, that's risky if you wind up with nothing. I would assume some kind of discussion would give the Dubs a good idea if he'll stay, but I would also ask for draft comps.

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NO x 3

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I am losing it. I spent a few moments trying to figure out what the Pelicans had to do with it. And 3 times at that 🤔

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No, Hell No, Yes

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I'd be 100% yes for #1, meh on #2, and maybe on #3.

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Leaning yes on #1 (depends on draft comp), no on #2, no on #3 (assuming that Kerr lets Moody off the bench.

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Trade #2 blows my mind in its horribleness. Kuminga AND Moody for a skinnier, less skilled TJD who can’t hit a free throw? What happens to TJD then? He just rides the pine for the rest of his Warriors career?

Alc has to be trolling with that one … I hope?

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Yeah, it's not good.

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RemovedJan 24
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Jan 24·edited Jan 24

>What the lecturers don't seem to realize is that many of us Don't Want To Trade [...] Please stop lecturing us that you have to gut the future with moves that, at best, may eek out losing play-in appearance.

What fans like you don't realise (or willfully ignore) is we don't *have* a future. Let's do away with the delusions and look at the reality: this team *will* be trash in the late 2020s - that is unavoidable. We don't have anyone on this team who can make it good when Stephen and Draymond finally fall off and/or retire. The only question is whether we tried our best before going into the abyss, whether we properly tear it down and sell everything and everyone for picks or whether we still huff the Kuminga Kopium and fizzle out like a stale soda, enduring a cycle of mediocrity for the next three or four years. The question is: do the no-trade fans want to be the 00s Golden State Warriors or something better. Because by doing nothing, we are going back to the Cohan years sooner rather than later.

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“‘You have to give up something to get something.’ I've heard this before.”


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I believe it's why they call the transactions "trades" rather than just "gifts" /s

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Just can’t imagine Dunleavy going up to Wiggins, or any other player, and saying: “ Hey, brate, it’s been a really really tough week. Now go pack your bags you just got traded to Detroit.”

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If that's the best thing for the team, Dunleavy had better be able to do that or he is in the wrong job.

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"If that's the best thing for the team,"

I don't think any one really can know what the best thing for the team is right now...

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Well... maybe a win tomorrow night ... and then against the Kings Thursday ... and vs the Lakers on Saturday...!!

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The Warriors will wear a ‘DM’ patch on their uniforms for the remainder of the season in honor of assistant coach Dejan Milojević.


Picture at https://www.threads.net/@warriors/post/C2duVtqpdG1

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Adds a whole new meaning to sliding into their DM's

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It's going to be hilarious when Doc Rivers takes over in MIL and they lose to Miami in the 2nd round because Doc has no idea what he's doing

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Denial is a river in Wisconsin.

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Denali is a mountain in Alaska.

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Nailed it.

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No, that's Kinsey, not McKinley

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I've peaked with that mountain joke.

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Was it your Everest?

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Do you people ever rest?

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Good one! I thought it was a river near Cairo, Missouri. Or was it Cairo, Illinois? Or was it Cairo, New York?

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Jan 24·edited Jan 24

Memphis Tennessee, clearly.

< Greek name for the capital of ancient Egypt >

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Not sure why but saw some of the Lakers Blazers game. Reminded me a lot of an awkward dance circle where one person would enter at a time to show off their moves. But sometimes nobody’s ready to go in, so there’s some moments of awkwardness with everyone kind of standing around waiting to see if that person who seems to be up next (the guy with the ball in this) is goi g to do something.

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Steve Kerr after two days of practice: “We’re coming in and practicing, but it doesn’t feel normal at all … practice is competitive and upbeat, but the awareness is constant.”


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Maybe it's just him.

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Steph Curry said the locker room brotherhood and trying to celebrate Dejan Milojevic’s legacy is helping the team mourn: “It’d have been really hard to play those first few days, to be completely honest.”

He was wearing a Brate shirt, too.


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OT, but the Chron has a new beat writer who just started, coming from Vegas. Can you imagine walking into this season at this point and trying to establish relationships with the coaches and team? So hi, I'm Sam, how have things been going so far?

Was also curious what the deal was with CJ Holmes, who was on the beat for about a year I think, and then next thing I knew was on the sidelines for the SeaDubs. Maybe with Zena filling in for KB and now Dalton, NBC had an opening and grabbed him?

Anyway, media insider stuff that probably isn't important, but good luck to Sam and I hope he doesn't suck.


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Good question about CJ Holmes. A search shows no Chron stories since mid November. So he was there about a year and a half. You're right, it's a tough time for a reporter to start on the Dubs beat. I wonder whether Daniel and Duby could get Sam Gordon on a podcast!

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Cj holmes if im not mistaken became the senior nets beat writer right after season started.

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They'd have to throw in a few Commentors to pull off that aquisition. Not sure it's the right season to trade any of us at this point.

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Jan 24·edited Jan 24

I am willing to waive my no-trade clause if I am traded to the Mad Ants.

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Been nice knowing you TwoRing's 👍🏽

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Jan 24·edited Jan 24

Indiana wants me ... Lord I can't go back there.

< from a very sappy song my pre-teen self liked >

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Crazy that the heat reportedly start shopping Lowry and within a day the deal is done. No months of trade rumors messing with guys heads and piling up losses.

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