
In many parallel timelines, Game 7 of the NBA Finals just ended, and either way, I would have a LOT more white hair and much less healthy heart

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Happily, in this timeline, you can redirect those life energies into a very special E1P tomorrow: Explain One Parade.

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Hard to believe FA starts in less than 2 weeks. What's everybody's wish list? Mine would be to retain all 3 of our guys (OPJ, Looney and GP2) while bringing back McGee/Boucher + adding Rubio on a minimum (I'm just hoping he pulls a Belly)

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Give me our 3. Plus Joe Ingles and Isaiah Hartenstein. Add a draft pick and that leaves one spot for Lee/JTA/Bjelly. You could make an argument for any of the 3.




15th spot

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Yeah, he's not without his flaws. But an elite shooter who can pass a bit and pretty good BBIQ available at vet min? There just aren't many players who fit that well. Rubio also is out for a good while next year.

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Jun 19, 2022Liked by Eric Apricot

“FiveThirtyEight’s Basketball Power Index algorithm blew the Finals worse than they did the 2016 election.” 🤣

Link: https://deadspin.com/steph-curry-is-the-black-swan-1849082944

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Draymond Green


Getting ready for Game 7 tonight… 🔒in!!! Happy Father’s Day

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Jun 19, 2022·edited Jun 19, 2022

What is the situation with a player like Jessup, who is ‘stashed’? Can he stay in Australia indefinitely? Are the Warriors paying him? Can he play in unlimited number of summer leagues? Can they put him into a trade package? Can the Warriors bring him here and send Fitz to Australia?

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We just have his rights to play in the NBA. So we don't pay him he's currently being paid by the team he plays for in Australia. And yes to everything else... except that last one... Australia would have to agree first.

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Could the warriors let Steph, Klay, and Draymond off until around Christmas? Roll out a starting lineup of Poole, Moody, Wiggins, Kuminga, and Looney (if he re-signs) for the first 2 months. With generous rest days for Looney and Wiseman starting in his place on those days. Win-win here, giving rest to the vets and getting the young guys more experience.

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I’d go with a more measured rest interspersed throughout the year.

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My 8 yr old grandson has, without my influence, fallen in love with GSW. There’s a huge range of books for children on basketball, but can anyone recommend a few either about the Warriors or about Steph Curry, about the value of team versus individual success, or about kids who persisted in basketball even though they weren’t ‘perfect specimens’?

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Jun 19, 2022·edited Jun 19, 2022

Because kids read everything on kiddiepads, recommended ‘books’ there? Or online or paper copy bball magazine for kids?

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Wow, there will be no post parade rally this year. BOOOO!! We need some new Draymond quotes

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It's actually kind of genius the more I think about it. They cut the Fitz awkwardness and gross corporate sounding gloating completely out of the montage of their victory lap, and then the focus goes even more to Draymond talking whatever sh*t he wants, over any and all media spaces, while expanding his influence, all summer long.

Maybe the Warriors have finally started to learn how to harness the media (rather than just keeping it at arm's length, as they do so well throughout the season).

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Can’t we give Fitz to the Timberwolves as a consolation prize?

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So many threads ... so little time. :)

And, yeah, I know that in a month it will be tumbleweeds around here until early Oct.

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I expect Wiseman's Summer League debut will draw a lot of attention here and elsewhere... as well as 2nd go-arounds of Kuminga and Moody as well as whoever we draft (if we do).

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Has anyone heard about this? Just dropped after the Finals:


The Sessions

Athletes know how to expertly take care of their bodies but what about their minds? The Sessions follows mercurial NBA superstar Draymond Green as he works with world renowned self-help guru Deepak Chopra and wellness expert Devi Brown to find a new way to balance his volatile on-court demeanor with the mature adult he has become.

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Haven't seen it yet, so this may be a little unfair, but I think the thing Draymond has learned is how to market himself.

I don't really mean this in a negative way. He's staring at retirement in a few years, and being the uber-smart guy he is, is laying the groundwork for the next stage of his life.

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I mean the guy has a gift for gab. Why not utilize it? He obvs enjoys sharing his thoughts, so more power to him.

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exactly. And, I'm sure Andre has been in his ear these last 8 years, telling him to prepare for when the checks stop coming.

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Jun 19, 2022Liked by Eric Apricot

Thank you very much for posting the comments of the week. So much has been blasting through that I'd missed a lot of great comments. I hadn't heard anything about this "checkbook championship" thing. Enough has been said about the non-correlation of salary to championship, but I just think it's ironic because a key to the Warrior dynasty has been UNDER paying successfully. The Steph's Maybe His Ankles Will Give Out salary changed so much. The Kerr shoutout to Myers at the trophy award was so cool. Because we have won the front office wars over the decade -- but not by virtue of wallet. Let's look at the core contributors in the Finals: Drafted: Steph Klay Draymond Poole Looney. Traded for: Wiggins. Picked up on minimum contracts: OPJ, GPII. In other words, the rest of the league could have gotten each of those guys if they'd evaluated talent as intelligently as Bob et. al. They didn't, we did, haha. Kuminga Moody and Wiseman say whut up.

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Jun 19, 2022Liked by Eric Apricot

> Nebraska’s Bryce McGowens and Memphis’ Lester Quinones were apart of a group that worked out for the NBA Champion Golden State Warriors today, a source told @Stockrisers.

> Quinones second workout with them.


Two workouts usually means they are genuinely interested. I would assume this is more of a late second round pick consideration but no one expected the Warriors to take Poole at #28 either, and he had two pre-draft workouts for the Warriors as well.

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damn, Quinones isn't even on Vecenie's big board!

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The kid looks like Larry Bird out there with his shorts

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Looked it up. Did not disappoint!

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Jun 19, 2022Liked by Eric Apricot

I’m so so sooooo happy that I’m just luxuriating in all the Warriors championship content. The recaps and the look forwards to next year.

Vs - being very excited, but stressed and planning my whole Father’s Day around a game 7. So Happy Father’s Day to the Warrior Dads that crushed game 6 and took it home: Steph, Dray, Wiggins…is GP2 a father? If he’s not hoping he’s hanging with GP1, and ribbing him that he actually had a bigger impact on the championship he won.

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I am so so so so thankful not to be freaking out about a Game 7 right now. Just really happy about the world right now… I wonder how long the high will last.

After 2015 everyone in media was whining about how lucky it was, after 2017 it was more a cold feeling of vengeance, 2018 was more of a relief… feels like the first one I’ve really just enjoyed

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For sure, this one is special

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Jun 19, 2022Liked by Eric Apricot

Dubs on Fatherhood: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mniJt0nggJc

Happy Father's Day to the dads of Dub Nation! As we saw up on that trophy presentation stage with the kids running riot and the players beaming ear to ear watching them, children are a huge source of inspiration for these guys, and to many of us as well. To all of you that have taken on the mantle of fatherhood, thank you for everything that you do.

Special thanks to the Warriors for closing things out in six and making sure we didn't have to suffer through nightmares of Father's Day 2016.

And finally, shoutout to the mothers of Dub Nation as well. Yes, obviously mothers get their own day, but let's be honest: you do one hundred times the work for a fraction of the credit. While today may be a day to recognize fathers, this championship belongs to all of the fathers, mothers, and parental figures out there helping to raise the next generation of Warriors fans. Congratulations to all, and see you at the parade!

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Probably the most iconic line in Warrior's history

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Did anyone post Klay's reaction to fake Klay getting banned from Chase?

Something like: ..."that's too bad...well, you play stupid games, you get stupid prizes."

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