Hey, the Teddybears have gone crazy! Is there a chance we get Dillon Brooks with MLE? At least we are getting that he won’t guard Steph anymore!

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Isn’t there a clause in the CBA that having three Canadians on the roster (Wiggins, Mulder and Brooks) would mean we’d have to play “Oh Canada” at the start of all Warriors games, regardless of where the game is played?

Everything I’ve read said they might be willing to trade him. Have you seen that they might release him and he’d be a FA?

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Hey sabrinasez - looks like you were right about the Dubs targeting Klay for Xmas: https://www.nbcsports.com/bayarea/warriors/nba-rumors-warriors-targeting-christmas-klay-thompsons-return

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Really seems like they’re confident in that target, which would be awesome.

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Seems like it's a conservative target too, which is pretty exciting as I thought there may be a possibility we don't see Klay till early next year.

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All I want for Christmas are my two... Splash Bros

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My thoughts on what Moody needs to be a "star" . . . he needs to have a improve his explosiveness + work on a tighter handle + demonstrate the ability to hit contested shots of the dribble.

Moody is never going to be an elite athlete when it comes to explosiveness, so he needs to work on his body to ensure he can leverage every bit of explosiveness he can (and then use the threat of his jumper to maximize that explosiveness). Also, deceleration is something important he should work on.

He needs to improve his handle since its hampering his ability to navigate traffic and work his way through defenders who are scrambling because of his shot.

He needs to improve/demonstrate an ability to hit contested shots since his lack of explosiveness/handle means better defenders will be in his face.

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This sounds like an early review of Klay.

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The early knock on Klay was his lack of aggression going to the basket. His rebounding stats were poor for his size. When he finally got going to the basket, he was hard to stop. When you're a spot up shooter, which he is, you earn your pay shooting. Klay was also never skinny like Moody is. Moody needs to put on weight as he could be a force around the basket if his body was built for it. He can definitely shoot and I hope he can translate easily.

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Except Moody can dunk more, which I assume means he’s got a little better athleticism

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Definitely the length watch old klay videos and you can see how much quicker he is then moody

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Klay has always been sneaky athletic hes quick n agile

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Or just extendo arms

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Length is a part of what’s typically considered athleticism, I think. It’s not, really, but I’ve always understood athleticism as a fuzzy concept.

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That's definitely true. I was just thinking of a narrower definition. Fuzzy concept indeed.

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I think the definition is expanding. More and more, people are recognizing that things like reaction times and hand-eye coordination belong.

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I'm thinking Slo Mo with a better jumpshot.

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I fully expect GP2 to win the training camp battle and take that final roster spot. After hearing what Bob said about need another playmaking guard I think we can rule out Chriss/Millsap/any other bigs.

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I don’t think we necessarily have to take everything Myers says at face value. For one thing, all GMs are always open to offers. I doubt anything happens on the Ben Simmons front; but I think there’s probably a non-zero scenario where his price tanks to the point where a deal can be swung with just Wiggins-plus, and where the “plus” is within the realm of acceptable.

In that scenario, there’s both your “another playmaking guard” and your “other big.”

But yeah, in the realm of more plausible scenarios, if we’re to take Myers at face value, we should believe that they’re leaving the last spot open to an old-school competition in training camp. Fwiw, tho: he did not mention GP2 in that scenario, and did mention Mulder.

One potential advantage Mulder has over GP2, even though I think GP2 would be a more useful player for us: unlike GP2, he’s eligible for the second two-way, which would allow them to keep roster spot #15 for a bigger fish later in the season.

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I do notice Mulder gets a lot of mention between Steve and Bob. Maybe Mulder secures the other 2 way and we keep GP2 on the 15 with an easy way out in case of a midseason sizzling plate we can't pass on. Have you been keeping an eye on the potential midseason trade/buyout market? I only know of K. Love as of right now... I mean he should be bought out right? No way he finishes the season with that team.

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Sleepy, what is a Ben Simmons trade that you would do?

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Hmm, those ones Captain Jack mentions below are at least mildly intriguing. If that three-way with Portland comes to pass, I think it could assumed the FO were at least mildly more miffed by that KD interview than they were letting on, haha.

Honestly, even the nominally favorable Simmons deals for us are seem enough to a push that I’d probably rather just stand pat. I just like all the guys we have now.

If we do get Simmons, can we figure out a way to get Philly to throw in Seth? :-)

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I'm not Sleepy but anything past Wiggins + Looney and 2 1st rounders and I'm giving Morey the finger. Simmons would be very nice but we don't NEED him imo. I'd rather keep the young bucks at this point.

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or this coming from left field


Obviously there'll be a bunch of picks included

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Yeah. We just don’t let Dray go like that.

Interesting the H analysis says Portland at minus 8 wins yet I think they do this in a heartbeat.

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That analysis also says we pick up one win. That’s the “marginal improvement” I keep going on about. Not worth the chemistry risk.

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I’m with you, but I haven’t seen much of Simmons, so need to see more of him too firm up my opinion

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I also need an edit button

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deletedAug 22, 2021Liked by punk basketball
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Aug 22, 2021Liked by punk basketball

Closer to 60/40 but Curry definitely carrying most of the load for that stat. I'm standing by my contention that Wiggins is a perfectly fine 3rd option on offense even if he isn't "worth" $32m/year.

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I’m interested to see what he gets on his next contract… I bet it’s not actually that much lower

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