Moody at 7 and Trey Murphy at 14

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I've got to take Kispert simply because of shooting. He also improved in my eyes after I saw his results from the combine.

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moody for me. length, shooting, defense... and lots of upside at 18 years old

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Moody. I think we should pick him at 7 if he's there. Watching PHX - MIL, the value of shooting has never been higher. Not sure Scottie Barnes will be that impactful in the playoffs if he can't learn to shoot (will need to play the Draymond role on offense anyways)

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How incredible would it be if Barnes landed in our lap at 7...then Bob worked a trade up from 14 to say 10 to snag Moses Moody?

Thats my ideal scenario there...and its not improbable at all

A bench mob of Poole Moody JTA Barnes Wise/stretch 5/Looney would be 🤑

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Highly doubt Barnes falls to 7. If anything, he's gained ground and is firmly in the top 6 (along with Cade, Suggs, Green, Mobley and Kuminga).

Furthermore, we'd have to give up a future first (probably top 5-10 protected) as some second rounders aren't usually enough to move up from 14 to 10 (someone like Paschall isn't gonna have any value basically, and obviously you don't give up Poole/Wiseman for that). The team at 10 who were looking to move out of that spot are rumoured to want veterans anyway (which is also what we want). Aside from the asset decrease, that would also decrease our future draft capital and we wouldn't be able to include as many firsts for a prospective star.

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Depends on how u view Moody. He has a lot of potential...but id agree thatxu dont give up Poole or Wiseman

Barnes doesnt score, so he could drop in favor of real sharp shooters like Moody...theres a chance

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Pels take 14+ Oubre for 10+ Bledsoe?

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Very possible scenario. Pels were interested in Oubre...could be interested in him long term.

Bledsoe+Moody+Scottie? Thats a helluva off season all by itself!

Then go sign Baynes for vet min and Tucker for MLE, and suddenly, u have the most gritty and efficient defense in the nba

SBDS: Steph-Klay-Wigs-Barnes-Dray


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Probably, but we're not resigning Oubre or a replacement 15+ million contract like Bledsoe. Myers has explicitly stated $400 million is the limit, and IIRC our current roster + the draft picks takes us to 400 anyway. Oubre/Bledsoe would take us to something approximating 500 million which is probably not gonna happen.

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Its not a matter of money in this situation, its about a) if the pels want Oubre b) if NO (and Kelly) want to include GSW in the trade and c) what we give up in the deal

Joey would absolutely pay extra for a good bench G and a high level prospect sharp shooter like Moody

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I agree with Sword. Unless Myers is BS'ing (why would he?), or Lacob has changed his mind (despite the cost of not having fans at Chase during the pandemic), $400M is tops. Oubre pushes us WAY over that. That means Oubre is probably gone, and his salary slot is gone. No sign and trade.

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There's another thing. The only way it's worth Oubre agreeing to a sign and trade is if he gets a big salary and he wants to go where we want to send him. So we're talking even more tax.

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Like Moody's potential to be defensively versatile and under control offensive game, a good fit for us.

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Moody is my favorite pick at #7, over Kispert, Mitchell, or anyone else.

shooting, shot creation, great footwork, good poise and hustle, plus length, and defensive intensity.

I do like Bouknight, but I believe in Poole’s ability to take one more stride in all facets of his game, and Bouknight replicates so much of what Poole offers, without the defensive versatility of Moody.

If they pick Moody at 7, and grab whomever is still there at 14 (Kispert, Giddey, Garuba) they’ll have deepened their talent, improved their defense and shooting, and, should they want to deal for other players later, the pieces to move without giving up the house….

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Hoping for that, too. Do you envision these new draftees mostly improving the bench? maybe joining the starters (at least at the beginning of the season?) Seems like our crunch time team will mostly improve by virtue of Klay coming back, and Poole and Wiggins improving. The most likely way to improve that crunch time team is prob. someone beating Poole on the depth chart. Still, a better bench would be amazing.

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A strong second unit, with some additional shooting and defense would immediately take the team (which last year was historically bad with Curry off the floor) to a top tier team.

Remember, we had Wannamaker at PG and Oubre with the worst cold spell in NBA history to start the season.

If Moody were the pick, he’d also be able to spell Thompson and Wiggins interchangeably, and keep another shooter on the floor with Curry. But I’m in favor of Giddey (playmaker with size) Kispert (flat out sniper) or Garuba (defensive monster) at #14…

Giddey might have the highest ceiling but wouldn’t help as much this year - he’s young, will need to get stronger and adjust to the NBA pace and physicality.

I believe he can.

Of the three, it’s a tough call…

They would be better for the short and long term any which way they ranked those guys

As for the “crunch time” roster spot, assuming we have






(Looney / Wiseman?)

Could they get Robin Lopez or a Morris twin and/or another veteran minimum ring chaser to bet on Curry and a healthy Thompson?

When Thompson got hurt the day of the draft we can assume there were some vets who immediately crossed the Warriors off their list of teams they’d take less money to play for a title with…

I think Poole and JTA are core second unit.

What remains to be seen:

- if Wiggins can take advantage of the spacing Thompson will create to drive those open lanes and hit an even higher volume of open 3’s with efficiency.

- if Paschall can regain a rhythm and role with reliability (he can be a mismatch beast or, alternatively, look awkward)

- if Wiseman can tune his defensive reads after the experience of last year and be a weak side defensive help presence.

Those three ifs, to me, are the difference between a 5 seed and a 2 seed. And honestly, the 2 and the 5 are almost inconsequential - we still need more depth for grinding through several rounds towards the West Finals…

There would be late season adds to tighten up the roster, no doubt.

But I’d love to see them keep both picks, roll with the roster, and buy low when other teams come offering to make deals…

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No problem with Moody at 7. Perfect fit in terms of size and, unlike Bouknight, he isn't redundant of Poole. Wouldn't do Kispert at 7 or 14 if Dubs already drafted Moody. I'd either go with someone at a combo 3-4 -- J. Johnson, Williams, Wagner, Murphy; or, someone at a combo 1-2 -- Springer. Still prefer Bouknight at 7 and Duarte at 14 (unless Moody is available there).

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Official vote for Moody, too -- from the scouting videos his defense seems more reliable.


That said, Kispert's shot is so smooth and overall offensive game is easy to project. For whatever reason Moody seems to have a better chance of falling to 14 than Kispert -- anybody know why that seems to be the case? It almost makes it seem like the correct answer is to take Kispert at 7, and catch Moody at 14.

If the current big boards hold up, I'd still rather take Wagner at 7 over Kispert -- average offense and good defense seems to have a better chance at being starter material over good offense and average defense (the latter is perhaps more of a 6th man role?). Wagner@7/Moody@14 is currently my preference for a draft haul.

That said, I understand taking Bouknight or Kispert at 7, and targeting any of the other myriad prospects at 14: Moody/Garuba (for upside to pair with Kispert), or Duarte/Butler (if healthy) to pair with Bouknight..

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Mocks I've looked at are all over the place after 5-6. I've seen both Wagner and Moody go from 6th to the 15th on the various big boards.

But yeah, grabbing both Wagner and Moody would be an awesome draft haul. I would also say it's my preferred outcome, but I am going to keep trying to manifest Scottie Barnes dropping to 7 lol

Anyways, with Wagner and Moody, I'm already imagining the potential smallball unit of Curry-Klay-Wiggins-Wagner-Green, and non-Curry bench units of like Poole-Klay-Moody-Wagner-Wiseman.

Yes, please.

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Haha yes. Come on rooting for Kuminga and Bouknight to move up the boards.

It feels like if we had picks 6+13 any of these dream scenarios would be that much more realistic, Barnes included.

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Also, Moody by a mile

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I’m in shock in this game against Nigeria. Someone wake these guys up

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Is it just me, or does Team USA's roster feel the most rag-tagged this year than it's been since 2004? All good players, for sure, but definitely lacking on "1st options" I'd readily want to build a team around (I guess Durant, Lillard... Booker?). Maybe I don't have enough familiarity and faith in the emerging young players (e.g. Tatum, LaVine)?

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Was it televised?

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OK, competitions over. I just watched this video (probably the last person to do so) and the Warriors should take Zaila Avant-Garde with the 7th pick. Sure, she is a little undersized but should fill out and it will take her a while to get used to the NBA net height and 3pt line, but it is all there, runs the floor well, great handles, finishes with either hand, good passer, can shoot a little. Probably some rule against drafting 6th graders though.


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I was trng to figure out where I'd seen that name recently ...

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Her hand-eye coordination in these dribbling/juggling tricks is insane.

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Moody and Kispert are my 1-2 in terms of reasonable picks I would like at 7. Moody to me seems the right mix of upside and production to grab if at all available. Most of these choices have been hard because I don't want either. But in this case, I'd be ok with both. Moody is my choice. And if Kispert is at 14? That's my perfect draft.

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Moody comps to both Luke Kennard AND Kevon Looney? What am I supposed to do with that? Still, he's got my vote here.

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Loon’s perimeter shooting with Kennard’s rebounding and interior D.

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Loon has perimeter shooting? 🤔

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Probably Moody. But it’s close.

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Jul 10, 2021Liked by Eric Apricot

As an Arkansas fan who watched Moody in pretty much every game he played, I have one major concern - his "secondary motor." Virtually all the highlights you are going to see are off primary offensive sets. That's because, except for the three 28 point games at the end of the season in which it was really notable that some significant effort had been made by the coaches to laser-focus on the issue, he had a maddeningly predictable tendency to drift toward the half-court corners after the primary set broke down instead of looking to relocate. I suspect this is also partially why you also don't see a lot of at-the-rim finishes.

Certainly this is something that can be corrected, but Eric Musselman is pretty good at motivating players to move, and I have a hard time visualizing him not being all over Moody about it in practice. Despite that, Moody really did only for those three games (and frankly, dominated them) and then reverted almost completely to prior form in the NCAA tournament. I don't see this as a knock on his character or anything like that - I see it more as a product of having played on a full NBA-talented roster at IMG where he deferred to someone (Cade Cunningham) running solo offense after breakdowns - and he certainly works hard enough to be able to fix it. But it is a tendency he's going to have to correct to be effective, and based on last year, its probably going to take more than another year to fix.

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That's why I love our motion offense itll force them to stay engaged

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