I know it's after the fact, but getting back to this draft tourney vote: #Seven.

Both of these guys are interesting prospects I could potentially appreciate on the team, but with big concerning flaws. Rupert is my preference because he has more upside and the things he does well (FT%, STL, AST) tend to be ones that are predictive of improvements in other areas. I don't expect him to be in the playoff rotation but he could get some time here and there while sharpening his game with the Sea Dubs and eventually be pretty handy. Or he could be a more attractive trade prospect if the new GM decides we don't need another raw young guy on the team at the moment.

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If it’s a tour bus, they might have your tickets and schedule all planned out. If not, there’s a package there at the Dumo ticket office that includes the panorama view. It’s a separate entrance to the right of the cathedral. If there’s a big line outside, three will undoubtedly be severalb choke points where they make you wait in another line. The interior lines added over an hour to our total wait. My buddy tapped out and went to a bar. Totally defendable action on n his part.

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Totally on point!!!

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Klay dribbles less than any player in the league. Literally. Catch and shoot. Cut, catch and shoot. Poole doesn't get it. Someone should show him the video of Klay scoring over 60 points on 14 dribbles. Steph dribbles. But he looks for a better shot or an open teammate. Easiest thing for a defense to do is absorb Poole dribbling. Most dangerous man is the one who just passed the ball.

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I may be a bad fan, but this take on Poole made me chuckle:


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Jun 4, 2023·edited Jun 4, 2023

Poole was the 28th pick in the draft. You know who else was selected 28th? Jacob Evans the year before But we don’t really question the FOs miss on that…because well he was the 28th pick and not anywhere near the lottery. That contract doesn’t kick in till this year. While you have stated some valid criticism, again, this was the 28th pick in the draft with the fanbase expecting him to be a potential 6th man of the year player for a championship ballclub. So again the more warts in someones game the lower they fall in the draft (remember that most pundits had Poole going in 2nd round).

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Relevant to some of the comments in this thread. Monte Poole talks about Heat having success with undrafted players while Warriors can't get playoff contribution from their drafted players ,(,but for Moody).. Results driven narrative, oversimplification and all that but still this resonates with what Kerr says about playing young players in the Playoffs.

- Martin, Strus and Vincent played quite a bit in college and then spent time in G+League. They are right now 24 yr+.

- Undrafted players play with hunger and stay humble when they don't get playing time. Our guys still haven't turned 21 (I think).


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Poole's article is plain bullshit. No basis for belief in it. Miami hasn't won a ring in 10 years. The rings they won (2) had Lebron, Wade, Bosch, Ray Allen in the rotation. This is not to say that Miami didn't compete in those other years. Riley is a very competent leader an always brought in talented help. Spoelstra is a very good coach. The Warriors won 4 rings, competed heavily and still have something in the tank. The years the Warriors didn't compete were marred by catastrophic injuries. I wouldn't put Myers in the same category as Riley but the Dubs have been the relevant competitor for more than a decade. They are aging out but not in their heads. New blood GM can be a blessing. We'll see how it works out.

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They aren't "24+", they are 26-27. This is the take I am most annoyed with, that Heat are developing young guys while Warriors aren't. No, Heat are rolling out "old" guys who are doing well, the equivalent of our Looney. Heat don't play anyone even in the age range of Poole, Moody, Kuminga. If our fans who say Kerr "discriminates" against the youth were Heat fans, they would absolutely lose their mind. Heat don't let anyone younger than Bam (25 yo) even think about gracing the court. Yes, Herro is an exception and may be out there again. But Heat's main strategy to make it to the finals has been "don't allow anyone young to even consider getting a chance to play", and some here act like it's criminal that Dubs don't hinge their entire playoff success on 20 year olds.

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Herro? But yeah the Heat only have a couple young players, so the team construction is very different and should be accounted for

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The Warriors spread the floor. Poole dribbling constantly is more of an issue than no inside threat. Steph pulls so much coverage, a more savvy player would just move and cut without the ball. Stylistically Poole would help more in catch and shoot mode.

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The question is why does the coaching staff allow klay and Poole to iso so much when Steph barely does?

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I saw Poole interviews where he said that Kerr spoke to him and Kuminga almost every day, separately and or jointly. People don't understand how little practice time teams have in season. Often one or zero practices per week. Infrequently two practices. With two or three or even four games per week, recovery\trainer sessions, film sessions, walk-throughs and much travel; players must absorb information quickly, on the fly and in the most mature and responsible way possible. When you see 4 or 5 excellent coaches get fired in consecutive days and realize that HC Kerr is the only HC with the same team of the last 5 championship squads, you realize that owners trash coaches easily as opposed to players with contracts worth 50 to 100 million dollars over a number of years. Poole needs to own his behavior and immaturity. No player should be hit by a teammate. But that doesn't justify his unacceptable play this season and his lack of real development. The latter is more problematic than the former. All players have off years. Klay had a B plus season. He didn't shoot well versus the Lakers. Baby. Bath water. Etc. Etc

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One thing that doesn't get brought up with Poole's performance is him playing with a lack of an inside threat, I'd love to see maxey and herro be efficient playing next to Draymond and looney, shit I even think d book would look average on the floor with looney or draymond

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Doubt it, but we'll never get to find that out so it's neither here nor there. What Poole needs to do is not rocket science and there's no way the coaches aren't telling him so this is on him: stop with the heat check and early shot clock threes. Pass sooner if the opening isn't there and cut and trust you'll get it back (like, you know, STEPH does). Don't fall down and make ridiculous turnovers. And hey, if you want some extra credit, try a little D.

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Doubt what? That d book maxey n hero would be less efficient if they played with no inside threat?

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Well, you specified Draymond and Looney and yeah, I doubt that they would be less effective or Poole more effective if you swapped the lineups they play in. However, as I said, we'll never know. Now if you mean Maxey and Herro would be less effective with literally no inside threat (say if I were playing with them) well that's just obvious.

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Poole wouldn't be more efficient running pick and rolls with embiid in comparison to looney? Maxey wouldn't be less efficient running pick and rolls with looney where he would be the main defensive focus?

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#SEVEN. I’ll go with the project with defensive upside , wingspan, and youth. He needs to gain 20lb to play in the NBA. Maybe 3 years from now. Way I see it, Warriors don’t draft for immediate needs as they don’t rely on rookies in the playoffs. Even in the regular season they’d rather play 2-way vets. Keeps the core happy to not feel like babysitting teenagers on the court. I agree with this approach for now. Better to stock talent and upside for 3 years from now then search for a player who can contribute right away, but won’t see the court under Kerr.

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Ok, here's the scouting report for a wing, projected to go late lottery to late teens:

Height: 6 foot 7, wingspan 7 foot 3

Strengths: Athleticism, Crashing the boards, Active defender, Can guard multiple positions, Non-stop work ethic, Impacts the game without needing to score, Ability to rebound and lead the break, Attacking the basket, Dangerous in transition, Ball handler, Can create for teammates off the bounce, Good passer

Weaknesses: Three-point shooting, Inconsistent mid-range jumper, Tends to over-dribble, Forces penetration when it is not there

Back during the 2011 draft, I really wanted the Warriors to grab that player. Instead, the Warriors grabbed Klay, in what was an inspired choice which cemented the foundation for 4 championships and a decade of dominance. The player I wanted, scouted above, was Kawhi Leonard, sophomore out of SDSU.

Is Rayan Rupert guaranteed or even likely to raise his ceiling like Kawhi did? Probably not. Chances are that he won't be a Hall-of-Fame player ... but the potential to become a solid long-term starter and maybe even an All-Star is there. I don't feel the same about Murray - his ceiling is much lower, though he might make a more immediate impact.

Whether we like it or not, the end of the Curry era is coming closer, and the Warriors need to start accumulating players that have the potential to carry torch beyond that.

In what is the acknowledged opposite of a win-now move, I'd go with Rupert at #7. He may be my favorite player in this tournament, though I'd probably still pick Lively and maybe Coulibaly above him, since they'd probably contribute earlier while still having significant upside potential.

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All I remember from that draft was I wanted Alec Burks then Klay then Kawhi in that order (assuming one, two or all 3 were available). Whats crazier is that that forgettable 2019-20 season featured two of my favorite players coming out of college: Burks and Cauley-Stein on one of the worst teams i have ever seen.

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Re: Rupert: "If a patient team gets their hands on Rupert..." Does that sound like the Warriors?

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Another question would be is Rupert willing to be patient for the next couple-a-three years or so ...

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Doesn’t sound like the fanbase though.

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> After working out for the Hawks and Jazz, Ben Sheppard is now scheduled to work out for the Pelicans (#14) and Warriors (19), per source. There has been a boom of interest in Sheppard after his tremendous NBA combine. Has moved into the first round mix and rising.


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I think this is more indicative that the Warriors are desperately trying to trade back than Sheppard rising to top 20 consideration but who knows.

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I don't disagree with anything you said. Young players struggle. It is disappointing that he did not improve this year. And he had minutes with injury and GP2 gone.

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I agree. They won't get help from draft unless they trade the pick packaged with a player or in free agent market.

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I think that is fair in some ways. But when Steph gets a T for throwing his mouthpiece after Poole Jack's up a shot while he is wide open......you have to wonder what the team dynamic is.

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So many folks turned so very, very sour on Poole this year. It was a frustrating year, but I suggest we all watch a little tape of last season.

Here's my favorite DubNation quote from last year to remind you of the vibe: Mr.BrachiatingApe posted "his arsenal of jukes and moves went from decent, yeah-that-kid's-got-promise levels to holy-sh*t-did-you-get-the-number-of-that-atomic-powered-robot-cheetah-that-just-vaporized-my-ankles level in a single off-season."

No one expected the severe regression, least of all Poole. But I still remember and have love for his meme faces, his shifty, nimble game, his Maine coon cats, and his distance ball.

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For two years Poole played great basketball with Curry. Then he got paid and punched or punched and paid and played terrible basketball with Curry with his usage skyrocketing and his efficiency diving. Not cool.

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Fans are often fickle. I hope the FO and JP himself will pay no mind. I'm not saying they can never trade him. If the deal is right, why not? But he's going to be good again, and I'm going to be here for it.

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I'm still hanging onto my undeveloped plot on The ArchiPooleago

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As expected, Rockets are trying to raid Celtics entire assistant coaching staff (crazy that they hired Udoka but that's a different issue).

Also, Atkinson may have interviewed with the Raptors already.

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Does anyone else have a problem with Kenny Atkinson? It’s hard to understand just what he is contributing. Steve Kerr said he liked Atkinson because he was his other half, entirely different from him. He sits on the bench looking like what the British call paugh faced and seems wooden with the players. No idea if any of this is reality. Is he considered a good coach? Will GSW lose a lot if he leaves?

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Raptors fans appear to be split between "great hire" and "why????", mostly based on his time with the Nets.

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