Jun 13Liked by Eric Apricot

I’m told Warriors Assistant Coach, Anthony Vereen will be the Head Coach for the Warriors’ Summer League team. He has been w the org since ‘17 when he was on the SC coaching staff. He’s been on the Dubs’ staff for two seasons. AV has played a vital role in JK’s development.


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AV!!! Seems like a great dude from what I've heard, good for him.

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Thanks Minny for upsetting DEN only to shit your pants against this lame Mavs team. Way to ruin the bracket and a good Finals.

East, you suck as always.

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It's all about the matchups. Nuggets don't match up well against the Wolves; Wolves don't match up well against the Mavs; and everyone in the West except for the Wolves don't match up well against the Celtics.

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I don't see why the Wolves would have matched up well against the Celtics either tbh

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Jun 13·edited Jun 13

Dallas was a bad matchup for them, they didn't have guys who could deal with Doncic's size. McDaniels was long but too skinny, Doncic just bumped him out of the way. Edwards didn't have the stamina to do that and then also carry the offensive load.

I think the Celtics would have handily beat any team in the West though tbh.

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deletedJun 13
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I believe it was an additional, independent point... the East just sucks.

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Jun 13·edited Jun 13

On the one hand: I can't feel good about Kyrie Irving winning a championship after the miserable things he's said in public and the team-blowing-up he's done in basketball. Yet I also can't stand to see the Celtics win even one preseason game, and it would do my heart good to see Jayson Tatum exposed as stepping down in the big moments.

On the other hand: Unlike many here I admire Luka's play. What others call foul baiting I call legal play where he can slow down in the lane and keep his dribble and balance better than anyone. He is a passing genius and an incredible scorer. He has to be nearly perfect for his team to win and he's a gutsy player and a winner over the years. Yet I also admire and like Jrue Holiday. What a baller. A beast of a defender, excellent passer, perfect teammate. In some anonymous player poll or other, Jrue was voter the most underrated player, a bit of a paradox since then he's then not the most underrated player.

On the third hand: Can't care much about this series, with not only the Warriors out, but every other team that I find interesting or inspiring. I'd watch OKC or Denver or Minnesota or Sacramento win it all and be entertained. Celtics in four is the basketball equivalent of wet cardboard. Welp. Whomp whomp. I mean, It's not NOT a championship, but that's about all you can say for it.

On the fourth hand: If you're not pumped for the Femke Bol- Sydney McLaughlin-Levrone 400 m hurdle showdown in the Olympics, you're not doing sports right. If not that event, each person reading this should post what they look forward to. The Olympics has 11,944 official sports. Surely you can get into one of them. Even if it's only the men's basketball, you boring person.

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If only both teams could lose.

"No apprentice this year!"

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No one is perfect and if you are expecting perfection from Kyrie, well...............

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The only thing that annoys me about the Cs is that their star wings are succeeding with the shakiest handles I've ever seen from players of their caliber lol

Other than that, they all seem to be very likeable dudes.

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You don't go to the Finals with shaky handles. Boston is simply good. I don't understand all the bullshit that posters make up.

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My biggest gripe with Luka isn't foul baiting, it's his pathetic effort on defense and his constant whining to the officials, oftentimes while his teammates are scrambling behind him to cover the hole his ass has left whinging down the court.

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How do you tolerate Draymond?

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Jun 14·edited Jun 14

Abaddon is right about Luka. I remember a particular instance in game 3 where the broadcasters stopped fawning over Luka for a moment to comment on how he had made his teammates go 4 on 5 while he hadn't crossed the timeline yet because he was griping to the refs.

Draymond has a different set of issues. Draymond gripes to officials way too much but he gets back on plays and doesn't leave his team going 4 on 5 when it matters. Unlike Luka, he plays hard at both ends of the court. No question he can be a jerk, and if he weren't a Dub, I probably wouldn't like him for that, but he's our jerk, so there's that. 🤭

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Draymond does get back on plays, but he also would get ejected and leave his teammates with a huge hole to fill. Yes, he's our jerk but that is so beside the point.

Luka is still a work in progress. He could be coached better. He's still a better defender than Curry and who would have thought the Mavs would show up in the playoffs like they did. What is being shown here is how much more work they will have to do in order to unseat a team like Boston.

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Jun 14·edited Jun 14

Luka is obviously much bigger and stronger than Steph but Steph plays harder and smarter defense than Luka. Luka COULD be a better defender by far if he tried. But so far, he only occasionally does.

As for Draymond, I get pissed off when he starts ragging the refs and gets T'd up, even if he doesn't get tossed. But you asked Abaddon how he tolerates Draymond and for me the answer is that he's our jerk, so it's not entirely beside the point.

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This. Pathetic effort on defense means you are NOT a baller. You are not gutsy.

I'll admire Luka when he consistently puts in the same effort that he expects of all his teammates.

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He is hurt !

Do you remember Curry performance in the playoffs when he had nagging injuries?

Still stellar but not vintage Curry!

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No dispute on this question.

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Why do u dislike Jayson Tatum again?

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Jun 13·edited Jun 13

He seems to disappear under the big lights. If he hadn't in 2022, Warriors might not have a ring. When last night's game got tight, he was mic'd up in the huddle and told everyone not to take reckless step-back threes. Sure, take a three but only if it's in the rhythm of the offense. Then he went out and took three bad-look threes of that exact kind, finishing 4-13 from three. He has the talent to be much better than he is. Poor decision making, seems to shrink under the big lights. Will win a chip now, and certainly has been valuable, but without Brown, Holiday, White, he'd be embarrassed again.

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And, Steph wouldn't be embarrassed without Dray, Klay, and some of the others that have supported the Dubs through their golden years? It's a team effort. Quantum mechanics.

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Plus watching these Finals games, even when Tatum's shot has been MIA, he was setting up teammates, averaging 7.3 assists, 8.7 boards, and playing very good defense. So I would not say he disappeared. He positively impacted all three games so far.

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Jun 13·edited Jun 13

He was hurt that whole 2022 playoff run, and in pretty bad shape for the finals. Hard to hold that against him. Sort of like Curry having a godawful knee in 2016 (thank you Enos Kanter flopsweat), but playing through it. Seems like he's been playing reasonably well this time.

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> He was hurt that whole 2022 playoff run, and in pretty bad shape for the finals.

Yeah, that's a huge stretch to say he was in "pretty bad shape" honestly. He had a non-displaced wrist fracture (a chip) that was painful, sure, and a stinger. Lots of guys play through more and things that directly impact ability to function with less said about it. You may recall our own Stephen Curry having to deal with an injury entering into that critical Game 4 at Boston, but most people won't because he came up big at the biggest moment,

Tatum's had a habit of shrinking in big moments that has nothing to do with being injured. Happy to see him succeeding now, I like the guy (hey he's from St Louis), but let's not make excuses for bad play.

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So everyone BUT Luka gets a free out of jail card! Hypocrisy like all the media ATM!

Just imagine Mavs without him!

Bottom feeders.

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Imagine the Dubs without Curry! Doncic is a superstar and an anomaly amongst players. He will be an HOFer.

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Jun 13·edited Jun 13

Ah, I wondered why you were so invested in the Mavs ... I think I get it now ... a Luka fan.

Not sure anyone is blaming Luka for the Mavs being down. If anything, I'd say Kyrie is the guy not living up to what they need.

Regardless, Luka is an extraordinary player, but he's got a few flaws. I wouldn't worry too much. Barring an injury, it's hard to imagine him not ending his career with multiple titles (he's that good).

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1. I don't like his play. Injured or not injured. You may if you so choose, but I don't. I think he's kind of a punk.

2. Wasn't it somebody else's flopsweat? Domatas Montejunas or somebody?

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Jun 13·edited Jun 13

Interesting how different people get different impressions ... to me, Tatum seems like one of the quieter, more likable stars. There actually isn't any Celtics player I dislike, TBH. Just a bunch of really good, but not superstar, players who gel really well.

But, as you say, to each his or her own. Fandom is a personal take.

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>There actually isn't any Celtics player I dislike, TBH

... the fans, on the other hand ...

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Jun 13·edited Jun 13

Completely. To me, the yardstick I'm using right now is "Willing to Do Anything, Run Through a Proverbial Brick Wall, Give Maximum Effort Even When the Shot Isn't Falling", in which column we have: Luka, Jrue, Derrick White, Horford, and the Mav centers; vs. "I Am Good But Sometimes This Stuff is Just Too Hard:" Tatum, Porzingis, Kyrie, Jaylen Brown (maybe.)

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Agreed, he seems like a pretty good dude. Shrug.

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I don't even care if Luka has been playing hurt. His foul baiting tactics and poor effort after taking an awful shot leading to Boston getting the advantage on the other end has killed Dallas man. He's playing with the "I can probably get us back the points I just gave up" mentality but every possession matters in the Finals and Boston is exposing it big time.

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"If you are on the court, you are healthy"

-The general NBA public in summer 2016 because they wanted to shit on Steph Curry

These were the rules we were told

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Yeah, but those rules were stupid then and stupid now.

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A lot of people coming to that conclusion now who weren't capable of coming to it then. It's noticeable how different you are perceived when you are flowing with the forces of general expectations rather than against them.

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I am now rooting for Dallas to come back from 0-3. Streaks are meant end. I wonder which team will be the first to do it. Why not this year?

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Jun 13·edited Jun 13

Lol....face it, it is over on Friday. Only the Dubs frustrate and lock down Boston's offense; have sufficient scorers to put them away in a FINAL. STEPH called it over before game six and delivered 2yrs ago, IN THEIR DEN...lol...I am sure they want another shot at us...I hope we get there to give it to them...that would be twice in the NEW DECADE...lol

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That's not what I want. Let game 4 be a mercy killing and be done with it. I don't understand all the Celtics disdain here; their fans can be jerks but the players seem like good enough guys. I have been a Jrue fan since he came into the league, and I have nothing against any of the Celtics players. I think they earned this title, even if the East is weak. And I can't stand Luka's whining and would like to see him get his ass handed to him in game 4.

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Jun 13·edited Jun 13

I was about to post the same about the Celtics disdain. Feel like I am missing something. They were fun to root for with KG and Ray, and then winning now if anything just makes 2022 win that much better. Celtics winning would make Lakers fans upset, which is my primary objective of any playoffs that the Warriors are not in.

As far as the players, they aren't overly charismatic but they all seem pretty easy to root for. Holiday of course. White plays hard. Horford is the new David West. Brown seems like a good role model. Tatum I'm neutral on, but nothing bad stands out. It seems there is hate on Tatum/Brown for having weaknesses and not being better than they are. Seems like a weird reason to hate them, especially since they don't get crazy media love to begin with. They are improving each year and trying to get better. Can't hate a team just because they aren't fortunate to have someone as great as Curry.

Team was built the right way with good drafting and complimentary trades.

Lastly, them blowing out the completion helps to dispel the irrational thoughts about what the Dubs could have accomplished if they had made the playoffs. They weren't going to beat these Celtics this year.

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“winning now if anything just makes 2022 win that much better. Celtics winning would make Lakers fans upset, which is my primary objective of any playoffs that the Warriors are not in” I’m with this 100%. Add to that disdain of Luka’s whining and grifting, plus Kyrie’s a$$hat Kyrieness, and I’m satisfied with a Celtic win. Not joyous, or even caring much at all. But ok. Just about ready for the summer frolics of drafting, trades, Olympics, and next season.

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A few more thoughts on the Celtics: 1. Brown spent a year a Cal, and is a very bookish guy. He plays like we wish Wiggins would - calm, but super-powered. Plus he looked awesome last year with that face mask. 2. It does feel like they learned a lesson from the spanking the Warriors gave them. Mazzulla is getting the credit, but their 3-ball volume, below the rim defense, selfless passing, and good-to-great shooting sure look familiar.

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Jun 13·edited Jun 13

Oh wow, I like that Horford-DWest comp! I hadn't thought of that but yes, Horford is a wily veteran big who can still score and defend when needed, as David West was late in his career.

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I think 99% of Celtics disdain is due to Celtics fans who are arrogant pricks. (Not saying all of them are). Yes, every team has them, but the Celtics fans are particularly entitled, right up there with Lakers fans.

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Count me in the 99%. Outside of the fans, this version of the Celtics seems pretty likable to me.

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Kyrie would be the only player with both a 3-1 Finals comeback and a 3-0 Finals comeback, so that'd be something I guess. Not really a fan of the idea myself.

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Might have gone Battle, but he looks like a Clipper.

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Lost the Battle, but…

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Won the WAR?

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Klay FA is gonna be a wild ride on social media - people trying to read tea leaves or at the very least trying to lead us to them.

Saw this on Facebook (pic not linked).

(The logo on the picture is Warriors).

"NBA free agent, Klay Thompson returned to training for the 2024-25 season 👀

Look at the logo on his shorts 👀"

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This is just one of the many reasons I stay away from social media. I’ll just grind it out here with the true.

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Jun 13·edited Jun 13

Have we talked recently about what the Ws do if Klay walks? I'd hate to see it, but sadly, I think I can live with it. The better to allow the young guns to get their shot and to encourage Kerr to mess with the formula...

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Jun 13·edited Jun 13

Given a fair deal, KLAY WILL STAY AND HONOR WEST'S extraordinary better judgement and vision. DUBS better ante up, lest they risk a 10-year curse from a HOF ghostly assemblage....Another 'Ship is in the cards for this extraordinary, GAME-CHANGING, generational team; a TRIBUTE TO JERRY WEST'S ELEGANT VISION. What great timing for yet another GREAT achievement than the year DUBS showcase a decade of NBA contributions hosting the ALL STAR GAME in SF (and LACOB'S UNFLAPPABLE ENTREPRENEURIAL RISK-TAKING INSTINCTS). Get it done, one more time, JOE!

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Not much they can do... if Klay & CP3 aren't on the roster, the Warriors have $144M committed to just 10 players, with the cap at $141M. They'd have the full NTPMLE of ~$13M instead of the TPMLE of ~$6M, and the bi-annual exception at $4M. Which... isn't much. Just have to try to find some guys that fall through the FA cracks.

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They could also negotiate with GPII to turn down his option and extend for more years and more money. Instead of 1 yr/9 mil, might become 2 yr/13 or something similar.

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I wonder which players will be in full-MLE range this year, as opposed to partial or tax-payer range. Valanciunas? Tobias Harris? Caleb Martin? Buddy Hield?

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Is Buddy Hield better than Klay? What about Klay plus a TPMLE player? (cuz bring back Klay at a number that keeps us well under 2nd apron gives us access to the TPMLE)

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Not that I'm advocating for it but they also can let Looney go for $3M and save $5M.

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That will happen. I’m hoping they cut a deal with him to bring him back for, say, $5mm total, and save $3mm.

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Jun 13·edited Jun 13

I think vet min for Loon would be 3.6M. So 6.6M in total, saving the Dubs 1.4M.

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deletedJun 13·edited Jun 13
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Jun 13·edited Jun 13

nope....they want KLAY...

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Yawn. Celts 3-0. Duh. Broom Hilda says get the brooms ready....time for a sweep...

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Is anyone still watching?

Without the Warriors, the playoffs are NOT the same -- not just for Dub fans but for many NBA fans.

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Glad you agree, I have been saying same for a long time...

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The quality of play has been pretty poor in these finals. Not so fun to watch.

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James Borrego, Kenny Atkinson and Micah Nori have all advanced to in-person meetings this week for Cleveland’s head coaching job


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If Jrue Holiday is your 3rd or 4th option you might as well start planning for the parade. That dude knows how to win.

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As an NBA fan, he has to be one of your favorite players. He's just a straight up winner.

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The Bucks screwed up big time trading him.

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Pretty sure they're clear on that now...

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And fuck you Blazers also!

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How in the world do the Blazers figure in these playoffs?

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They traded Jrue Holiday to the Celtics.

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Dame traded to the Bucks which triggered Jrue to the Celts… I guess? There’s some strings on a wall of pictures shit goin on here 😂

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Instead of Portland, its really the Bucks who are to be blamed.

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Jun 13·edited Jun 13

:) LOL. I just rewatched 'The Batman' last night, so I got it.

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Credit to Jaylen Brown for making some tough shots in the 4th when they needed it tonight but god damn, that dude still has no handles lol. He's not creating any separation so he's forced to take ridiculously tough shots

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Yeah, but every shot he made, I thought to myself, JK will look like this next year!

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He has been playing so much better than expected after his one and done at Cal... which ended disappointingly...

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but hey. He made them. That's all it matters when it's all said and done

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Jun 13·edited Jun 13

30/8/8 (team high rebounds and assists, one off team high points) on good efficiency although his three pointer was not going down. That’s a pretty great line…

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Jun 13·edited Jun 13

Nice two offensive fouls though!

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Boston is just the more playoff experienced team. I think Kyrie is the only Dallas player who has played in the Finals.

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Boston is making the statement about how much better they are than any other team in the league.

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They made that statement all year. And all playoffs as well.

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Beli, has the series started yet?

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Not Beli, but yeah, now that the home team as lost, they've begun. And it's almost over...

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Alright, Seasons over. Time to rule the west once again and show Boston who their daddy is next June

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Celtics pretty has 2 Andre Iguodala type of players in White and Holiday. What a luxury lol. It’s funny seeing Brown and Tatum panic when it gets tight though

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