Yeah, it's tough. There were flashes where you could see the player that Evans might've been. Start of last season, before he got injured, his defense was looking fresher and his passing looked solid. With prudent shot selection you could see the future looking up for Evans in his sophomore year. Then he joined the rain of injuries and when he came back he looked every bit as bad as his rookie season. Absolutely a bust of a pick.

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They did pickup Kendrick Nunn as a draft free agent.

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Yes, they had good taste... but then they lost him due to roster spot crunch...

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Hard to argue with this grade, the Warriors whiffed on Evans.

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It's quite obvious that we have a weak GM. I'm not sure at what point Myers forgot his job description that he started listening to draymond about draft picks. Jacob Evans tells u what we all need to know. The fact that draymond talks loud doesn't necessarily mean he is actually smart.most of the things he says and does are actually dumb.wasted a draft pick but some of warriors fans will say but its just 28. You cant get a talent at that number but gary trent jr was picked at 34.Personally I have never seen draymond as smart as u people think he is and that crap he said about BLM in Canada coupled with his ignorance to the need to vote buttress my claim. All being said I believe Bob Myers is more of an agent than a GM. Jacob Evans couldn't even get playing time in Minnesota.jordan bell was bounced from 3 teams in a year.That shows you how horrible our talent evaluation is.Just let draymond stick to playing basketball and let the GM do his job.

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Draymond again..

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Idk how we drafting players last 3-4 after Jerry West left us we can't draft shitty bench player id really would pick Gary.Trent.Jr ,Robinson or Even Michailiuk he was sniper!!! And we chose from Gary Tremtinių,Michailiuk,Ewans and dude who now with The Okc guard,but he can dunk im forgot his name,but we pick worse player from all of them and now the same shit will be with Looks trust me i would draft a lot better who said final word on picking Ewans? Draymond? Last 4 years we can't draft one bench player smh

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They’ve only had four picks in the last four years, and where they’ve been picking the odds of finding an NBA player are not great.

Evans D

Paschall A

Poole TBD but I kinda like the pick

Jones C

Overall: B-/C+. Meh.

Fwiw, under West they drafted Nemanja Nedovic over Rudy Gobert. Bad picks happen.

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Jones is a D. Can't even start on a bad team like atlanta.

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That is a little harsh. The odds of finding a starter for any NBA team with the 30th pick are pretty slim. There are only 150 slots available.

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We don't really know who will be stars yet, because it's still so early. There were a lot of good players in this draft, so whiffing on Evans urts. Shake Milton looks like a really interesting wing sized guard who can hit 3's at a high level. Actually could end up a lot like Brogdon. Svi Mykhailiuk is made two 3's a game in 22 minutes at 40%.

My preferred pick at the time was Gary Trent Jr...and I'd still take him over anyone other than Mitchell Robinson. 21 years old, shot 41% for 3's on the year with high volume, and is Portland's best wing defender. In a huge win against the Rockets last night, he played 35 minutes, guarded Harden most of the time, and made four 3's...including one with about 3 minutes to go that gave the Blazers a lead they'd never give up. Obviously that's just one game, but point is he played a big role, in a big game, against a team where we struggled to find guys who could match up.

Evans was a disaster. Bizarre what happened with him. OK, the shot had yips, but even the defense didn't seem to translate. He was bad in the G-League.

I have a half-assed theory that with Evans and maybe McCaw to a certain extent they felt burned because even with their nice-on-paper skillsets these guys lacked the "it" factor. The confidence, the chutzpah. Cuz it seemed like that was a big part of the selling point with Poole. Yeah, he's got shooting and playmaking skill, but all anyone from Michigan said about him was how cocky he was. That's a guy who makes the biggest shot of the year as a Freshman reserve. Paschall also drips with confidence.

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Poole makes one lucky shot and Next year everyone expect him to best player on the team,but he was even worse he only can dance in the huddle rokies like him not for championship contender like our team im never saw in my Life on championship level some dump rokie dancing in the huddle and his not fighter ne never fall on the ground for even one ball and his defence top 10 from another end how we can trust him? His personality for team like last year with full of rokies and g.leaguers !

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Personally i think Poole, smailagic and Looney should go.looney can't protect the rim. Can't stretch the floor. Can't guard any real big man. Can't post up.cant get buckets except under the rim. Can't stay healthy. Chris's does everything Looney does and protects the rim too at a cheaper price

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They have 15 roster spots to fill. Let’s think about who we can add before worrying about who “should go.”

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Aug 5, 2020Liked by punk basketball, Daniel Hardee

If there was ever and I mean EVER a draft pick deserving of an F it's this one. My surprise came with the fan base, moreso in the semi old GSOM days but even here up until the day he was traded, some people were still busy defending this pick.

So why was this pick so awful? This guy was targeted by the front office to be an immediate contributor. That was the whole point. This wasn't a "wait three years and some G league stints to reap the rewards". This was a "We're willing to overlook your very limited ceiling because I think you can provide us some much depth right now" selection. This was the "Keep Draymond about as far away from the draft room as humanly possible" legacy type of pick.

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hhaha Brady really loved Evans - and it wasn't totally unwarranted (at least at first). It's so easy to fall into the "if only that shot went in" or "just give them some time to develop" , Like Apricot has been saying, you are just taking flyers on prospects this deep in the draft, but yeah with historic perspective? Hard F on this pick.

But I guess my analogy would be picking 28th is like one of those big lecture hall college classes where it's something like BioChem and the teacher starts off on day one saying ""look to your left, now look to your right. Only one of you three people will end up passing this class"

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