Is this the game thread?

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Let's back up a sec. for some priorities: how about we win the game against Portland? That is not actually a given. If that seems well in hand we can see if Wiggins goes for the all-time threes made in a game record or whatnot.

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Dec 9, 2021Liked by punk basketball

I'm still hoping for a Looney 3 shooting revelation. BE THE STRETCH FIVE WE COVET!

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Stretch five we covet? That's Myles Turner you're thinking of.

Looney, shooting the three: a .... work in progress, although I heard he made some in practice.

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I was at the game his rookie season where he made the first 3 of his career. I think the key is I just need to attend more games.

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Dec 9, 2021Liked by punk basketball

Zion sighting last night. He definitely does NOT look 330 pounds in the pic.


So it turns out that the tweet by NBA Central actually showed him wearing a workout gear or something, which made him look much bigger than he's supposed to be.

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Dec 9, 2021Liked by punk basketball

I saw that at TBW and was glad that the hype seems overblown.

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Interesting... good for him. Still don't like how his knees seem to be bent inward tho... hope it doesn't impact his health.

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Dec 9, 2021Liked by punk basketball

First time at Chase, can’t recognize the place, scrubbed clean with money, alas

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Dec 9, 2021Liked by punk basketball

Good luck finding your way around- it can be daunting at first. I do have to say- the last game I listened to, the crowd sounded LOUD :)

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Dec 9, 2021Liked by punk basketball

I used to be hoarse for a day or two after games at Oracle We’ve got our 16’ Playoff T-shirts on so hopefully the crowd cooperates

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This audio clip mentioned about how Doncic weighed 260 pounds when he arrived at the Mavericks camp this season. It also mentioned Zion's weight:


Does Zion look like 330 pounds in this picture to you guys? I hope this is just a bad camera angle or he's wearing a bunch of clothes.


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I thought Zion looked way overweight when I just saw video of him in street clothes on the sidelines a few weeks ago. His buttocks looked to be putting undue strain on the seams.

And Luka sure looked puffy the other night in the game with the Nets. Somebody needs to get those guys off the chip & dip or they will both be moving at my [old fat man] speed.

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injuries just waiting to happen

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Dec 8, 2021Liked by punk basketball

The timing of this comment is bothering me, as I just finished off a bunch of chips and dip.

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I happened to see myself from behind on a video camera a couple of weeks ago. I was significantly wider than I realized. It was disconcerting - but not too surprising.

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don't lose weight, just see if you can grow to like 6'8" or whatever the ideal body weight supposedly is

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If I could go back 50 years, I'd give it a shot - but my older brother seemed to have gotten all of the extra height in my family. He's 5 years older than me and seems to have lost most of that extra height now, I discovered a couple of months ago.

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I feel so seen.

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I like this plan!

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Guess Zion needs a boat!

But in all seriousness, weight gain is really such a weird, non-uniformed thing. Once the Pelicans realized he was gaining weight they should have hired him a personal chef/nutritionist to prepare all of his food for him. If Zion doesn't stick to that, that's on him, but there should have been zero ambiguity on the part of the Pelicans what was expected of him and they should have proactively provided all the support he needed.

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It didn't work for Pablo Sandoval who I am convinced ate his way out of a hall of fame career. The Giants and the Red Sox did everything they could but at the end of the day, that's the choice Pablo made. I'd hate to see a guy with as much talent as Zion go down the same path.

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Dec 8, 2021Liked by punk basketball

They did that. He came back from the off-season overweight. It’s on him, not the Pelicans.


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Ultimately, yes, it is on him. However, he's a huge asset for the Pelicans. I have absolutely no doubt that they'll let the media know "we did everything we could! Nothing could have been done to prevent this!" but I'm not convinced.

If they DID provide Zion with all the education and resources that he needed to make good health decisions and he STILL didn't do it, then there are bigger problems than just his weight.

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He’s huge alright

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He's not a child that needs someone doing this for him. He needs to take ownership of his life, his body, and his career. If the Pelicans need to spoon-feed him this type of support, it's a big red flag on his ability to perform his job. If there's a fundamental disagreement on the right weight for Zion to play, that's still a flag.

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>If they DID provide Zion with all the education and resources that he needed to make good health decisions and he STILL didn't do it, then there are bigger problems than just his weight.

I think the Pelicans are trying on a number of levels to not only get him healthy, but keep him healthy. Rehab/diet etc.

But there's seemingly a disconnect between the sides. Like Zion just isn't really bought in all the way on what the Pelicans see as the plan for him. So I'd say the weight is on him. Period, point blank. The "trust" issue that maybe Zion has a hard time buying in? Hard to say if the Pelicans deserve the trust.

This is a more extensive tin


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Dec 8, 2021Liked by punk basketball

> It’s sure to be one heck of a show one way or the other. And it would really be the first “big thing” at Chase.

I'd say 62 was the first "big thing" at Chase. Followed by Steph becoming leading scorer in Warriors history.

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First thing new ownership did when they came in was recognize that a Curry-Ellis back court had a low ceiling. Dame-C.J. has always been the same issue. Both incredible, awesome talents, awesome people. But sharing a back court would never bring them a Chip. But to play Devil's Advocate, keeping them together all this time brought Portland a lot of wins, a lot of playoff games, a lot of good memories. Basketball is an entertainment business. You have to tip your cap to a small market team being as entertaining and relevant for all those years without going the 'tanking' route.

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Hat tipped to be sure. But now their star is over it and unhappy, the fans feel the same, the front office is turning over. If they finish seventh and are out in the seventh round despite heroics from Dame everyone will yawn to death. Time to make a move. CJ for a Caris Lavert? I didn’t even look up their stats I’m just pretending to be a Portland fan and throwing anything out there. Which is not what their GM should do but lucky me I’m not a GM

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No sillies. Not seventh round of playoffs: Seventh circle of Hell. I should have been clearer

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I've heard of expanded playoffs but 7 rounds?!

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Finish 10th,

Round 1: win first play-in game

Round 2: win the second- go to playoffs

Round 3: beat 1st seed, attend Conf semi

Round 4: Conf semi

Round 5: WCF

Round 6: NBA Championship Finals

Round 7: media circuit

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"But the NBA doesn't count play-ins as playoffs" haha

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Assuming the same bracket format, this would require at least 128 teams in the playoffs...

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NBA: "NCAA ain't got nothin' on us, baby!"

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I'm thinking Seth Curry & Simmons for Dame. Dame and Embiid would be wicked fun. Simmons is a head case, but he is still a guy you can start building around, instant defense and ball movement. Dame is aging, but Philly should get 2-3 good cracks at a title.

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Dec 8, 2021Liked by Daniel Hardee

No Dame. No CJ. Seems like a pretty easy win. We should probably rest Klay and Wiseman and maybe Iggy tonight.

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For sure. They need to keep those guys fresh for practice!

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Dec 8, 2021Liked by punk basketball

If they do you that, than for sure they are reading DNHQ.

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Dec 8, 2021Liked by punk basketball

NBA Rank, Points per 36 min. 1. Giannis, 2. Curry, 22. Wiggins, 29. Poole That's 3 in top 30 before Klay. Yow-zah.

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PS I’m the first to ever notice, but Giannis is such a badass

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That's impressive and a bit surprising. I didn't think JP3 would be nearly that high with his recent run of 14-15 ppg.

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Easy to miss that the coaches haven’t really been trusting him in crunch time for a while, which can keep his minutes down depending on the game.

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Per 36; he plays a lot fewer minutes than the other guys.

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Stotts may have been a better coach than we knew. Billups seems like a disaster, blaming the players for a lack of trying. That's brutal. The one time Kerr mentioned "lack of effort" was an Indiana game - KD blasted him in public and Kerr appropriately realized he was out of line and said so. Kerr is a real grown-up. Billups' remarks are evidence of being over his head. Of course, the injuries don't help.

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I think Billups falls into the "Just Because You Want to Be a Head Coach, Doesn't Mean You Are a Head Coach" category.

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Billups was a nutty hire. The logic seemed to be that he was a good defensive point guard so he would magically create a solid defensive back court. Makes no sense.

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I saw him laughing with his assistants in the game the other night. I wasn't sure he remembered how to do that. And they were still losing at that point. I wish him well, but he walked into a f***d up situation. And that was before Harden forced his way there.

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Also Nash is on a very good team. I would not say a contender, but he certainly benefits from less scrutiny every time Durant bales him out with a last-minute win.

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Jury's still out on Nash, I think. I think he has the makings of a good coach, but it's so hard to tell when he's thrown into such a difficult situation like the Nets. While on its face having three superstars on the team might look like an ideal situation, but managing all of those personalities must be really tough.

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Compare that to the 3 dominant players on the Dubs and only one causes any issues.

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For a guy to waited a while to pull the trigger on a coaching job*, choosing this job was a real head scratcher for me. Even before the season it seemed like a really stale situation where the roster had achieved what it could, plus or minus a few wins, and was either locked in to mediocrity or needing to be blown up. Neither of which seems appealing...

* at least that's what I recall, but maybe that wasn't the case

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Dec 8, 2021Liked by punk basketball, Daniel Hardee

Here's how the Blazers stats have been like in the past three days:


28 in points scored (96.7)

17 in points in paint (44.0)

11 in fastbreak points (13.0)

30 in offensive efficiency

26 in shooting % (42.4%)

28 in three point % (29.4%)

21 in two point % (49.1%)

23 in off. rebound % (18.5%)

8 in def. rebound % !!!!! (79.0%)

25 in total rebound % (46.4%)

24 in opponent blocks (6.3)

17 in opponent steals (7.7)

28 in assists (19.0)

21 in turnovers (15.0)


27 in points allowed (120.3)

19 in opponent points in paint (48.7)

25 in opponent fastbreak points (14.0)

24 in defensive efficiency

25 in opponent shooting % (49.6%)

26 in opponent three point % (42.2%)

20 in opponent two point % (54.7%)

15 in blocks (4.7)

15 in steals (7.0)

17 in opponent assists (25.3)

20 in opponent turnovers (13.0)

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Dec 8, 2021Liked by punk basketball, Daniel Hardee

Welp having seen the arguments and I am leaning unlikely. Steph has to hit more threes in a game than anyone ever has AND not be a poor sport, which really makes it hard. I'd be so pumped if he did it tonight with class, but I'm OK if he does it another game.

But here's a different game. What will his *all-time* career total end up being? Background: He's 33 and in his 13th season. He has averaged 3.8 threes in his career, but of course that has risen over his career and he hasn't made that few in 7 years. He now makes 5.5 per game. With some who-knows? assumptions, here's a benchmark to start the bidding: (The record, 2974) + (Number he'll make the rest of this year assuming sitting out a few games 5.5 x 50 = 275) + (Number he'll make the rest of his career assuming 4 more full years at 4 threes per game, making fewer as he ages and finishing the career after 17 seasons: 4 x 4 x 82 = 1312) So grand career total would = 4561 Do you want the over or under and why?

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NBA widens courts all the way to the player tunnels. This allows Curry to come out of the locker room and take a tunnel shot to end each Quarter. He shoots 48% on these shots and plays until 2036.

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Full confession; I ... did not have this on my bingo card

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Over, he's breaking 5k. Just because.

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I want Curry to have made more "catch and shoot" 3s than Ray Allen made total 3s.

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After this upcoming three-peat, Steph will change the game yet again with his new role as the half-court spot-up shooter, hitting 40% from 30+ ft while JK, Wise, and Moody dominate the spacious 4-on-4. He goes on to do this until he's 42.

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Once he specializes, he'll /really/ be able to extend his range. He won't have to worry about all of that driving and finishing around the rim.

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Big fan of “After this upcoming three-peat” as a dependent clause to start things off.

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Lol, and I’m not exactly sure spot up half court shooter is ENTIRELY a new role for Steph. Seen some of it already no?

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Lol, now THAT would be an interesting way to space the floor. Can't leave the guy open at half court and let everyone else play 4 on 4. Sure, Steph might end up as a liability on the defensive end at that point, but the same can be said about lots of players.

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Like the Portland backcourt healthy or not could be called a defensive liability, as a random example

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Over. Curry will play seven more seasons, with possibly one season worth of games lost to rest/injury. I agree that his numbers will go down slightly - I think 4 a game is a reasonable average for those seven years. So 6 seasons times 82 games x 4 3s a game = 1968 3s after this season. Plus 2974 (record) plus another 350 this year.....equals 5292. He may prefer it to be rounded off - say 5280 for the equivalent in 3s to a mile in feet.

My guess. An even 5,000.

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Steph hanging out at the corner three like a Kyle Korver type could probably bring value until age 40, I see it.

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If Curry really tries to break the record tonight all that will do is make it more likely he breaks the record in Indiana lol. After watching him put up 8 three pointers on the last night of the 2015-2016 regular season to break 400 threes while getting the 73rd win I wouldn't put 16 in this game past him, but it feels extremely unlikely. Given the caliber of opponent, if Curry has like 12 threes tonight the Warriors are probably up 30 and he's not playing the fourth.

I feel like the best realistic scenario would be for him to break it in New York, which is where he first rose to national prominence anyway.

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> After watching him put up 8 three pointers on the last night of the 2015-2016 regular season to break 400 threes while getting the 73rd win

10 of 19 in a shade under 30 minutes, for the record.

Agreed it's extremely unlikely, borderline impossible.

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Agree... Curry's not sniffing the record tonight.

I suspect it'll be more like "if he's got 8 by halftime, he's not playing the second half"... Portland is really going to struggle tonight, they have no offensive creation. I even dared to wear my bad luck Warriors shirt for this "get right" game, Dubs have like a 1-3 record the last 4 times I've worn it.

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Dec 8, 2021Liked by punk basketball

Hey Duby, I'm kind of confused with that chart with the blue/orange numbers... I'm not sure what the rows are... what's the vertical label? Play type? Year?

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yeah, that is trimmed a little too tight. And I look at this crap way too much so am probably assuming too much familiarity with those Cleaning the Glass screen shots.

Years go across. Oldest on top, this season is on the bottom.

Vertical columns are showing the percentage of his shot attempts that were assisted by a teammate. And by type. So all shots, then percent at the rim, mid-range, threes.

More specifically, this season (bottom row), Curry was assisted on 51% of his shooting possessions, which puts him in the 18th percentile (meaning that 82% of point guards get assisted more frequently). It's showing that Curry creates a huge portion of his two point attempts.

Then bottom right-most number shows that his teammates passed him an assist opportunity on 59% of his threes, which is the 67th percentile - putting him in the upper third of frequency for point guards receiving passes and shooting a three off that assist opportunity.

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Wait, this doesn’t make sense either.

How does a 16% midrange assist rate rank 73rd in the league during Curry’s 3rd year?

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I think the ranks are inverted?

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Dec 8, 2021Liked by punk basketball

Thanks. I was pretty baffled by the unlabeled x-axis.

How surprising is it that he isn’t assisted so much on 2 point shots? He’s a primary ball handler after all.

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just based on where he falls in the spectrum of frequency? I'd say it's a bit surprising. Explainable, but surprising (at least to me)

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Got it, thanks!

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Trail Blazers stats:


12 in points scored (108.7)

18 in points in paint (44.2)

21 in fastbreak points (10.9)

7 in offensive efficiency!!!!!!!!

15 in shooting % (45.4%)

13 in three point % (34.9%)

8 in two point % !!!!!! (53.2%)

13 in off. rebound % (22.9%)

2 in def. rebound % !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (79.5%)

14 in total rebound % (50.2%)

7 in opponent blocks!!!!!!!! (4.5)

9 in opponent steals!!!! (7.3)

17 in assists (23.0)

8 in turnovers!!!!!! (13.5)


26 in points allowed (111.3)

20 in opponent points in paint (46.6)

6 in opponent fastbreak points!!!!!!!!!!! (10.9)

29 in defensive efficiency

29 in opponent shooting % (47.6%)

30 in opponent three point % (38.6%)

26 in opponent two point % (54.0%)

20 in blocks (4.7)

13 in steals (7.8)

26 in opponent assists (25.6)

20 in opponent turnovers (13.5)

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26 in Hope (12.6% per 100 possessions)

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Dec 8, 2021Liked by punk basketball

I see this video of Wiseman and I just think this guy is going to be a massive problem. To me, his floor is so much better than any of the ridiculous trade ideas being thrown around... https://www.reddit.com/r/warriors/comments/rba9tq/wiseman_movement_after_practice/

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Bionic Wiseman spotted! Clearly haven't removed the wires yet. Still receiving software updates. I'm excited to see the final product.

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With Kuminga or Moody, we sort of have no idea of what their rookie season looks like, because they play so few meaningful minutes. But we know what Wiseman's rookie year looked like. Some good, some bad, and everyone recognizing he had both great potential and a lot to learn. So we have some data. Trade? Totally depends on the deal. Straight up for Sabonis or Myles Turner? Tell me that's not tempting. But nobody is offering that deal. So let's root for Wiseman's rehab. One of the few things left to worry about around the Dubs these days is where's the quality center you can rely on in the playoffs. Looney is reliable, but "quality" is a bit of a stretch. He's ... serviceable, steady, fits. But has trouble with shots beyond layups and even those can be an adventure. We need Wiseman back healthy with Looney's knowledge and savvy transplanted into his brain.

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A few games back, I was excited when Loon pulled up from the 3 point stripe. It... didn't go well. :-(

And if we're transplanting someone else's knowledge and savvy into Wiseman, I vote for GPII. Can you imagine him as a 7-foot center?

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GP2 is not just knowledge and savvy, I bet his quick-twitch reflexes are faster than everyone else’s.

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Great, let's get Wiseman those too.

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Dec 8, 2021Liked by punk basketball, Daniel Hardee

Looney is a quality backup center, he's just not necessarily starting caliber.

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this is a great point on Looney. Was just posting a lineup on twitter (the non-Steph bench is a killer this season: https://twitter.com/Punk_Basketball/status/1468653180024070148)

But I also noticed that even though the starters are good (+2.7 points per 100 possessions), if you swap Looney out and put JTA in they jump way up (+62.7). It's probably some JTA awesomeness in there, but it's also that the team is just throwing Looney up against starting centers every night. I'm not sure he's playing poorly so much as maybe getting asked to do a little too much?

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Dec 8, 2021Liked by punk basketball

I'd argue that Looney is basically the sacrifice that allows these other guys to put up big numbers. I don't think +62.7 happens if JTA is the guy who has to take the elbows from Jonas Valanciunas or Jusuf Nurkic every night when trying to keep them away from the offensive rebound. As long as Looney can stay healthy he's playing a crucial role for the team imo.

If Looney was in his proper role going against guys that were more his size, I think he'd look quite a bit better. Even still, he's 5th in the league in OREB per 36 and 16th in the league in REB per 36. Also getting 2.4 "stocks" per 36 (not sure where that ranks but the 1.4 blocks per 36 is 35th in the league).

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It's good how his stance doesn't look stiff at all. I can't wait to see him at his peak

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he was pretty raw, but showed lots of highside flashes. I'm sure someone like Sabonis or Wood would for sure make the team better overall right away but I'm not sure that's gonna stay true when you factor in the full trade package.

Even if you're low on Looney right now, you gotta see how important he is to our rotations. Whoever comes in will supposedly be covering for Loon and Wiseman - plus it's probably going to take more players and/or picks to make the deal work. I'm good standing pat.

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Dec 8, 2021Liked by punk basketball, Daniel Hardee

I think a lot of people miss, it's not about who should start (Tim K.: "Looney has earned it.) or who finishes (we all know that's Dray). Wiseman's contribution is being a physical presence who put a body on the likes of Jokic, Embiid, Ayton, etc. for a 16-20 minutes PLUS outrun them all in transition. He may be the weak link, but those minutes save Draymond and Looney who would otherwise wear down in any long series. Like a Bishop on a chess board, Wiseman is limited in what he can do, but outside the Queen, no other piece has the physical reach of the Bishop (corner to corner). His limitations mean you may not use him to close a match, but that doesn't mean his skills can't be employed successfully during the match as part of a larger game strategy.

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Dec 8, 2021Liked by Daniel Hardee

What? No, "Wise is a Rook" comments??

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Ahh Hell, how did I miss that?! I guess he is officially not a rookie anymore, saved on a technicality! Phew.

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Dec 8, 2021Liked by Daniel Hardee

That was last year, but all he did was go sideways.

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Dec 8, 2021Liked by punk basketball

I would just throw out there that Sabonis is on a completely different level than Wood. 2 time All Star who is currently 25 years old versus notoriously selfish player who has been on 7 teams in 6 seasons.

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Yeah, 100% agreed. Sabonis would be my first choice. But my old GSOM colleague Hugo has been very excited about Woods so it was on my mind.

Beyond fit, I'm not sold that Sabonis is actually getting shopped or even gettable for a reasonable deal. That "report/rumor" smacked more to me of the Pacers telling teams to make them a crazy offer if they love one of their main guys. I think you could get Wood for a lot less (for a reason lol), but Sabonis would take a ton of assets. Like superstar level haul and that's not something I'm all that interested in for this team right now.

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They are totally just putting out the "Garage Sale" sign.

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I'd settle for Marc Gasol or Robin Lopez.

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Who are you dropping from the roster to add either of those two?

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some interesting points on salary from Grant Liffman here regarding bringing in another mid contract for Loon and Wiseman (for example) and how it could impact the cap next season

> @GrantLiffmann

Furthermore, Turner is owed $17.5m next season, which is a pretty massive addition to their payroll

(Yes I understand that Wiseman will make around $10m... but Looney is a FA)

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Just getting the 3 (4 including Poole) ready to continue the dynasty !

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His floor is what we saw last season

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I mean... even Anthony Bennett and Kwame Brown improved from their rookie year to their second year. I get that you're down on him, but this is hyperbole.

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Sounds like they improved from their floor then

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I think the idea of the 'floor' is not the worst they'll ever play, but the lowest place that they'll plateau after they have been developed. I don't think anyone is ready to seriously argue that Wiseman has developed as much as he ever will and that this is what we can expect for the rest of his career. He hasn't reached his floor yet.

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You don't think there are players who develop only minimally from where they are when they come into the league? My last response was a joke but Anthony Bennett is a perfect example of said player. Would it have been out of bounds to say Jacob Evans' floor was his rookie season right after his rookie season? Smailagic?

People use "floor" to mean an average/median development path but that doesn't make sense to me, there are guys whose trajectory paths are way below that line. Shit happens sometimes, if we are talking about likely outcomes then we aren't talking about floors, are we?

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Yeah, it doesn't make too much sense from a terminology standpoint. Have to just swallow the etymological frustration and speak to the audience in a language they're familiar...

Those three did improve from their first year in the league, maybe not too much tho...

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LOL, by that logic, his floor was the day he was born... too small, uncoordinated, etc.

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Yeah, you should have seen him. Couldn't hold onto the ball, couldn't see the floor, couldn't stay with his man on defense or rotate properly. It was ridiculous. He was also a LOT shorter...

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Heck, if last year is Wiseman's floor I'm all on board with that. It's not a terrible floor to have, if the only place he's going from there is up!

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Nowitzki’s floor was probably even lower than Wiseman’s last year.

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