Waiting with bated breath for the next dose of DDD prose…

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If I could give you an extra like for the correct use of bated, I would.

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Thought I will share some quotes from Slater's article in regards to Dray leading the second unit along with my over-the-top sarcasm


Dray: "That’ll be to the benefit of that unit. As Jordan (Poole) gets more comfortable with me in that group, it’ll free him up some as well in transition"

[Dubnation] Oh no! How can this be. Dray-Poole relationship is still damaged. Dray has lost the respect to lead the young guys. Poole is their leader now.

Kerr on who among Dray and Lamb is the center in that unit: "..........But it’s a great combination because they can play off each other and Lamb is so smart, has a great feel that he can read Draymond and vice versa.”

[Dubnation] What? How dare they play a 2-way guy with nowhere close to a ceiling as JK (and Moody). Kerr is mostly right but sometimes he doesn't know what he is doing. Stop playing Lamb over JK/Moody

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Rumors of Jae Crowder interest by the Warriors making the rounds. What say you?

For me, um…. no thanks?

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He wants to start so that pretty much rules us out as a destination

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Nov 25, 2022·edited Nov 25, 2022

So, Jae Crowder is this year's Carmelo Anthony, apparently.

<insert rant about fan fascination with older, nearly washed players>

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Never been a fan. So. No.

And he is one of the streakiest 3-point shooters ever.

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Lamb’s better. And as low as I am on Wiseman these days, I’m not sending him off for a four-month rental of a poor man’s Lamb.

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Yeah… for what? It’s just clickbait or PHX trying to pump his market value

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Nov 25, 2022Liked by Daniel Hardee

As much as I liked this fine report, it was spoiled a little bit by the inclusion of the dumb quote about Zaza, Kawhi and missed games.

The quote implies that it was Zaza's dirty play that ruined Kawhi's career. It wasn't dirty, it happened right after (2 minutes) Leonard stepped on a teammate's foot and rolled his ankle. The next season, Kawhi missed a bunch of games due to right quad tendinopathy.

Here are a couple of relevant articles for gluttons for punishment who think this was a dumb tweet:



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Thank you, finally someone said it. Popovich should low-key send Pachulia flowers every year for getting completely bailed out of public criticism for his choice to send out an injured player while up a metaphorical million.

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And the play wasn't even dirty!

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Don’t forget that before he tripped on David Lee’s foot (on the bench!) he had already injured his foot in the previous series against the Rockets and had missed the final game of THAT series.

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Yeah, i had the same reaction.

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Nov 25, 2022Liked by Daniel Hardee

Lol, anyone else catch when Jackson during the broadcast said that at this point Wiggins shouldn't be an All-Star again this season??? Lolololol

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I mean… he shouldn’t be an all star at this point in the season. Nobody should because voting hasn’t even started!

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I eagerly await Wiggins getting finals MVP for locking down Tatum and making media look silly.

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Jackson doesn't know who he is dealing with. The power of K-Pop stans will make Wiggins a back-to-back all-star starter.

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I immediately checked out Wiggins' stats comparing this year with each year of his career stats. Guess what? He's playing even better than he did last year when he was made an Allstar. Most of the important stats were up. The problem, not with him, but with our record, may skew the ballot for Allstars. Steph is of course in, but Wiggins deserves serious consideration. I don't now about his statue, though.

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I did. There was a middle finger involved.

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Nov 24, 2022Liked by punk basketball, Daniel Hardee

From "league's worst contract" to "probably the best contract since Steph's early years"?

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Not always, but sometimes, I LOVE to be wrong.

Man, Wiggins is legit. I'm not sorry for doubting him, but kudos to those who never questioned if it would work

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Nov 25, 2022·edited Nov 25, 2022

It really reshapes what I think can or can't be coached/taught. I think conventional wisdom would've said Wiggs would never be much more than a 33 3P% shooter... but he's been 39% his entire Dubs' career... and still improving. And he certainly didn't seem to fit the high bbiq, team-oriented archetype that we all want here... but here he is, fitting seamlessly...

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Down for the wiggins statue as long as it captures exactly the way his hair is right now. I love the “au naturale” look.

So does Poole get some credit for setting pin downs, staying in motion, knowing plays and schemes? Also, I hope some people who know basketball give us (who dont know much about basketball) some breakdown of the “new” rotations we saw last night. It seemed sort of obvious that bench mob needed to be broken apart and have a Dray (especialy since Andre is old/broken or on ice til the playoffs?) to direct/coach plus a vet/shooter who knows the offense and defense backwards and forwards.

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...as long as it captures exactly the way his smiles is...😁😁

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The Wiggins statue is on the way. One more chip ought to do it, especially if they can go back-to-back. I couldn't care less about his hair, as long as he's smiling.

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Athletic has an article on the new second unit.


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Wow. This is a great quote from Dray about running that second unit:

“What am I doing?” Green said. “Number one, just trying to slow the unit down. That unit should not play as fast as the first unit. It should be more methodical. It should be more sets. It should be more patterned movements as opposed to random movements and random offense. I think, for me, it’s just trying to slow that unit down and then, number two, most importantly, make sure that unit is defending.”

Leads to all kinds of questions about how that unit was running before. None of them with good answers.

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Nov 25, 2022·edited Nov 25, 2022

You know, now that I think about this, it's a surprise Kerr hasn't tried this any sooner.

He's got a 2 guard in Klay, and a 2 guard in Poole.

The non-Curry minutes are the problem. So, what does the best non-Curry unit look like? Well, Poole plays, obviously, so maybe you don't add another 2 guard in Klay. Instead, you add a ball handler in DDV, then add the starting units 2nd and 3rd best players (Wiggs, and Dray). Obviously, when your best player is out, add in the next two best players. Then, all you need to do is find that final piece. I wish it was JK, but if it's Lamb, so be it.

IOW, gotta sit your top player? Take your super sub, your 2nd and 3rd best players who just happen to be your top two defensive players, then fill in the last 2 roles with best remaining player.

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I think the one criticism I have with Kerr as a coach is that it takes him a few iterations to get to lineups or game plans that seem a little obvious to others.

I'm sure it's not that he doesn't think of them (he's smarter at bball than 99% of the rest of us could ever hope to be), so there must be other factors at play that are not as easy to see.

When he retires, I hope someone asks him what his process is for working through lineup adjustments.

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My take: He’s a patient man. He knows that he wants to finish collecting data on the current iteration before moving to the next, so he’s not left wondering if he should have given it more time, or worse, that other stakeholders feel like they weren’t given enough time to make it work before Kerr gave up on them.

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I think you are right, but I suspect there are some other things at play. We'll probably never find out.

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Two things about the 2nd unit and rotations. They are missing a legitimate big guy and DDV is not the player they thought he was, so far. We can look at him as a work in progress, but that's not why they paid him. He has not really contributed much except run around and get a few boards. His passing/playmaking abilities are very much in question and his shooting is pretty bad. Execution is missing from his game. Execution is what is limiting JFK and Moody from getting more minutes, too. Maybe Dray is right in trying to slow down the 2nd unit and run more set looks. Essentially, he is saying we have to rely on fundamentals before we can look cool. DDV and the others lack some basic fundamentals. They need to work on this much, much more.

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Thanks… but there’s a paywall. Would much appreciate some copying and pasting or rehash 🙏

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You can use archive.today to read the article. It captures the page like a screenshot. The good news is it's free and you don't have to deal with ads, the bad news is that if there's something like a video or link, you won't be able to click them.

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Its 19 a year money well worth it

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Nov 24, 2022·edited Nov 24, 2022Liked by punk basketball, Daniel Hardee

I know this! ... it was in the driving manual

Solid red: Stop.

Blinking red: Stop, and proceed when clear.

Solid yellow: slow down and prepare to stop.

Blinking yellow Wiggs eyes: run for your life.

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Hahahhahahahhahhahahhahahahhaoohohohohho. Oh man this made really laugh with glee!

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Nov 24, 2022Liked by Daniel Hardee

I’d be down for a Wiggins statue.

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It's in my backyard, just waiting for the word from Lacob.

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Nov 25, 2022Liked by Daniel Hardee

We'll start it after he wins his 4th ring with us.

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