I think I would. I totally understand and half agree with all the people who wouldn't, but here's my reasoning. The 5 year run was amazing and set many weird records, but they barely missed out on a bunch of really rare accomplishments. With a championship, 2016 would have been the best season ever, no debate, no caveat. If they had gone undefeated in the playoffs in 2017 that would have been a feat that could only be equalled, never exceeded. If they had won last year they would have accomplished the oh so rare 3-peat. I really wanted one of those.

One addendum: Many people are saying that if we had won in '16, then no KD. I am not so sure. I saw or read somewhere where he admits that he was thinking of coming up to a year before he actually did. That feels believable to me - especially in light of the way he left where he essentially made up his mind to leave the year before he actually did (according to some reports). Of course, we'll never know for sure ;)

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Absolutely. I take 15 & 16. Back to back. Kept every win on the DVR. Warriors' game night at my place was an event every night. Easily the most fun season to follow all year long.

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Going to pass time by watching Warrior games I can find on YouTube. First up - 73rd win from 15-16 season.

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New thread up for news...

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"In an effort to assist those impacted by the NBA’s unforeseen suspension in play, the Warriors ownership, players and coaches have pledged to donate $1 million to a disaster relief fund established by the Warriors Community Foundation. The fund will provide assistance to employees who work games at Chase Center who are adversely impacted by the loss of games. The Warriors employ more than 1,000 part-time employees who work in various functions at each game, including food service, security, guest services, custodial and more.

The NBA announced on March 11 that the 2019-20 season would be suspended until further notice due to the coronavirus pandemic. At the time of the suspension, the Warriors had seven (7) games remaining at Chase Center this season.

“The last few days have been extremely challenging for all Bay Area citizens as we deal with the hourly changes in this unprecedented situation,” said Warriors Co-Executive Chairman & CEO Joe Lacob. “Our players, coaches, ownership and management have been focused on creating a way to assist our part-time employees. We are addressing the potential hardships these hard-working individuals may encounter during this hiatus in the NBA season. While everyone and every business is impacted, those who are fortunate enough to be in a position to help, need to help.”

“The men and women who work our games at Chase Center are critical in providing an incredible game-night experience for our fans, including of course, the popcorn vendors,” said Warriors guard Stephen Curry. “As players, we wanted to do something, along with our ownership and coaches, to help ease the pain during this time.” "


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"[Haynes] Golden State Warriors ownership, players and coaches will contribute $1 million to disaster relief fund for Chase Center employees."

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I don't think I would. I wish they had won in 2016 and in 2019. But winning championships is hard, and it takes some luck. I'm satisfied with how things came out.

If the Ws had won in 2016, we wouldn't have had Durant and a front row seat to one of the greatest teams in NBA history. Yeah, that story deserved a better ending, but you live by the free agent star, you die by the free agent star...

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Mar 13, 2020Liked by punk basketball

I'm at peace with the reality of everything (highs and lows). I wholeheartedly believe we'll get one more with the core 3 that will be the sweetest of them all. I also don't think Steph's resume is as strong with 1 less chip so there's that...

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Mar 13, 2020Liked by punk basketball

"What will the Warriors’ ownership do to help the ushers, vendors, janitors and other Chase Center support staffers survive the loss of income during the current NBA shutdown?

That’s an army of about 1,500 people, paid by the hour when they work, and most are suddenly out of work. The NBA has shut down for at least 30 days, and concerts at Chase are a no-go for at least two weeks, by San Francisco decree.

“We will definitely do something, soon (to assist the workers),” Warriors’ owner Joe Lacob said Thursday, via email. “We have an idea, but (we) have to make sure we can do it.”

Later on, Lacob indicated he will have a plan in place Friday.

Lacob stressed that the team has put a high priority on that matter, but Lacob and others in the front office are frantically dealing with many issues surrounding the NBA’s sudden shut-down, announced Wednesday afternoon."


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Yes I would with 1 contingency....that Cleveland never wins a title

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But 3 for 1 would just be too much to give up.

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I'd take 2015 + 2016 over 15, 17, and 18.

Shame the Warriors dropped Game 4 in 3017 though.

A 16-0 playoff run in 2017 would've matched winning in 2016, imo.

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Oops 2017*

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Sorry to correct you, but in the 3017 NBA Finals, The Matrix Machines will beat Skynet in a tense game 7 decided when the human rebel army led by John Connor cripples a key generator during crunch time.

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Mar 13, 2020Liked by Eric Apricot

Also, the New Mutants movie has been again postponed into 3018.

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Mar 13, 2020Liked by Eric Apricot

The year of the Connoravirus.

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Mar 13, 2020Liked by Eric Apricot, punk basketball

MechaLeBron MK35.3's circuits melted after the AC in the arena went off

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Yeah, the District 13 Tribute Miners were never the same after MechaLeBron left in free agency. I heard there was a lot of internal fighting.

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Mar 13, 2020Liked by Eric Apricot

Speaking of mech, I think they'll be fine with Ripley clone #888. Did you seen the things that #8 could do with a basketball? They've improved on that by leaps and bounds. (Am I watching the Alien franchise as part of my coping mechanism? Mayyyyyyybe...)

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Now I kind of want to tournament bracket for 3017 between the teams of all the good dystopias, like also the Erudites, the WALL-Es, and who else...?

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I like this. Also was thinking we could do a gamethread for a livestream of you guys playing nba 2k or some shit.

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Mar 13, 2020Liked by Eric Apricot

If you asked me right when 2016 ended, sure. But having witnessed our rampage from 2015-2019 with 3 wins out of 5 finals, with the two losses having required divine intervention, I don't see how I'd take 2 out of 5. People will still remember 73-9 in 2016... if we lose or don't make it in 2017 & 2018, those teams will be forgotten.

In my mind, it's choosing between "best team for a year of all-time" or "best team all-time" and I choose the latter.

(And hi, long time lurker from early GSOM days :)

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Welcome to the party! The team and season have been a disaster zone, but the people here are great.

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Yes absolutely - trade 17,18 for 16. That 73 win season was magical. Add Championship to it and it becomes once in a lifetime event.

It will awesome if NBCBayAreaSports showed select games from '15-'18 in place of cancelled games.

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What about 16 for 15+17+18 ?

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Nah. 15 is special in it's own way. Basically I am a KD hater 😜.



calm down folks and put away your pitchforks. That was sarcasm.

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in this scenario, how do we lose 2017&2018? fair and square? kiki suspensions? career altering injuries to our core players?

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For the sake of barter, let’s say the Dubs blow a 3-1 lead and get screwed by injuries and suspensions in 17 and 18, distributed as you like between the two years

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I would, definitely. They win that title, there's no doubt it's the greatest full season on basketball in history. That's worth trading two chips for one to me.

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What about 2017, 2018 AND 2015 for 2016?

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The 2014-2015 season was special for so many reasons. Kerr's first season- such a wild thing to think about! That Iguodala Finals MVP!

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That Steph and Iguodala, not Draymond.

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I added my own opinion to the post, and added this follow-up question for those who think 2016 > 2017+2018:

Would you trade all three titles (2015, 2017, 2018) for a perfect ending to 2016?

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I'm actually at peace with what happened in the 2016 Finals: we went for it all, flew too close to the sun by going for the record, got screwed by the league and fought through injuries, and still almost won it all.

A perfect ending to the 2016 election on the other hand. . . *everything meme*

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I wish I could be at peace with it. Then maybe I could appreciate Lebron on the court. But no, I am petty, and I hate him, and what the league did, but mostly Lebron. A lot of people point at Draymond, but what Lebron did was Machiavellian, and harder for me to respect than outbursts of raw emotion, which is what we tend to see from Draymond.

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Honestly I wanted to be done with basketball after that, but to abandon an historically good warriors squad after 30+ years of losing basketball would just be impossible.

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I just saw a replay of LeBron stepping over Draymond and Dray's reaction. Not having seen it for awhile I expected something egregious.... wow. It is amazing that that is what cost us the championship.

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Yeah. The narrative is that draymond "punched LeBron in the balls". Which literally, objectively, did not happen. It was a barely coordinated hand wave, not a punch, and he also didn't even make contact. There was no hit. LeBron felt nothing, and didn't even know there was an alleged swipe until he was told about it after the game.

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Right? I doubt Lebron has any shame over that, but he should.

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That said, I totally respect Lebron's humanitarian, off-the-court side.

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Different sport but if I had my way, I'd swap the Tuck Rule win for the 18-1 season. Pats get the greatest season ever in sports but my Raiders win bact to back Superbowls because they were better than the Steelers and Rams in 2001, and Chucky would not have been traded to the Bucs the following year.

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No, wouldn't swap. We saw first hand last year how difficult it is to repeat, yet the Dubs did repeat in '18. Plus the loss in '16 made the 8-1 finals against the Cavs that much sweeter in '17 and '18. Throw out the records but keep the rings.

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Absolutely! Though it's hard to picture that team losing in 2017 and then not coming back with a vengeance to unleash joyful devastation on the league in 2018.

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Should had all three Kiki and Lebron stole that one from us.

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Conditional yes, if it meant we get the '16 ring & avoid KD, rebuilding & not appearing in '17 & '18 to win '19. No, if it means we lose 3 straight from '17 to '19.

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What if it’s no guarantees about 19 on. Just a straight swap of 16 with the 17 & 18 titles.

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Its tough, I wasnt a huge fan of the KD move, so those titles feel 'lessthan', but after 3 decades of PJ & Spree, Gary St. GeezIsuck, & watching talent go elsewhere, could any title ever be better than '15? Yes, a nearperfect '16. Actually just talked myself into this, forget the '17 & '18, ill give them & KD up for 2016's happy ending plus the vindication of '15.

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It's a nice thought exercise. That would have been 100% fully the greatest season in NBA history front-to-back, and that is a beautiful notion. 17 and 18 feel kind of like they were expected, and the KD finals MVPs were deserved, but the excitement, the on-top-of-the-world feeling of that 15-16 season, that was once-in-a-lifetime, and then the greatest anticlimax ever.

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Absolutely, Greatest team in history title is better than an ordinary title. Still that’s comparing two great choices. But the lessons taken from the 2016 title would have led to better regular seasons throughout the league going forward. Instead 2016 provided fuel to the regular season doesn’t matter crowd and the NBA and it’s fans have been worse off for it. See 2019-2020 ratings before cancellation.

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No. 2>1

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Yes. 100%. No need to think about it for even a second.

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My first thought was the same.

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He shouldn't have to, but that is awesome.

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