Nov 15, 2021Liked by Daniel Hardee

Excellent stuff! I’m just starting to check out this community and it seems like a good one.

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Nov 15, 2021Liked by Daniel Hardee

Welcome to the Promised Land! Trolls already hunted into extinction by the pioneers.

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Hahahaha I love this

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Nov 15, 2021Liked by Daniel Hardee

The quality of authors and commenters here is topnotch. Welcome!

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Nov 15, 2021Liked by Daniel Hardee

I think you missed the key point on the Looney foul shots: Steph passed up a lay up/dunk attempt to pass the ball to Looney. I’m surprised Kerr didn’t wonder if the team could win any more division titles with Steph as the point guard with his shrinking from the moment in this homecoming game. Like Thybull, Looney is out there for defense, not to make layups and free throws, Steph needed to be a man and go for the Dunk! The Warriors should make a Curry trade offer to the Nets for Durant, Harden, Kyrie, Harris and 3 picks.

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If the Warriors had traded Wiggins, Wiseman, Kuminga and Moody to the Sixers for Ben Simmons, Simmons could have missed those free throws for them.

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What was going through your head when you typed /dunk attempt for curry lol

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That whole post was a sarcasm based reenactment of the Sixers game plan.

The “These guys are F’ing Giants” refers to Kerr’s comments about Steph, Klay, Dray, Dre, & Looney when they beat the Rockets (and fought the Raptors until Klay went down,) after Durant went down, despite Dre and Looney playing hurt.

So I am, of course, very excited to see ALL of those guys back together for another run this year!

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Go for the dunk lmao

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I figured that line would be the equivalent of sarcasm font.

For everyone’s understanding: the Steph pass to Looney was a similar basketball decision as Simmons’ pass to Thybull, I was basically writing the story board that the 76ers followed with Steph as Simmons. If it seems ludicrous to anyone, perhaps they should think about what the 6ers behavior has been like since their last playoff game. The one good byproduct is that Seth finally gets to really show what he can do.

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Nov 15, 2021Liked by Daniel Hardee

As long as we’re focused on the hysterical, I was in hysterics watching Dray$ and Iguodala chase down and corral Rozier in the final seconds like two kids competing in a greased pig competition, it absolutely cracked me up 🤣

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I loved that so much! til they lost the tip 🤬

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Nov 15, 2021Liked by Daniel Hardee

It's pretty cool that we get to enjoy the vets while also watching the kids come along. I hate to use the word 'process' but that's what it is. The process means ups and downs, steps forward and back. To wit:

- Jordan Poole has definitely had both forward and backward steps. He's certainly performing as well or better than we'd expect from a 28th draft pick. He had blistering games against OKC, Charlotte, and New Orleans a few weeks ago. But since then it's become mostly blisters. Last night's .333 shooting, including 2 of 8 from 3, was disappointing. Long term we need our second option on offense to shoot better than that. His 31% shooting from 3 for the season is also below where we need him to be. Doesn't mean he has failed - I see it as part of his process, and am optimistic that he has improvement ahead in the form of greater consistency. Competition from Klay will push him extremely hard.

- Kuminga was awesome the last few games. Be ready for big steps forward and back with him.

- I'm looking forward to more of Moody and that other big kid waiting to play.

It's a little sad that we're seeing so much less of JTA. I know why that is - others are ahead of him in the rotation, plain and simple. I'm confident that he is doing the work to maintain his readiness. I'd be shocked if he doesn't get extended playing time later in the season as our older guys get days off and we deal with the inevitable injuries.

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Nov 15, 2021Liked by Daniel Hardee

I think I’ve figured it out: the warriors hot start is triggering PTSD among the rest of the league/punditry and they’re repeating their mantras to calm themselves down.

Scorch the nets tomorrow.

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Nov 15, 2021Liked by Daniel Hardee

Besides Wiggins play, the other bright spot for me was seeing Kuminga make something happen much like GP2 does. I haven't seen this from Moody, yet. I would say that Kuminga and GP2 are more positionless players, able to roam the floor and wreak havoc. If we can harness him this season, it will help tremendously later in the season and the playoffs. I'm still not expecting much from Wiseman

Let's hope the team is ready for Brooklyn, my home town. We never had a basketball team when I lived there. Only the Knicks at MSG. Saw many games there with my Dad. Brooklyn fans must be over the moon to have KD.

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Nov 15, 2021Liked by Daniel Hardee

Hornets gonna win it all!

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Nov 15, 2021Liked by Daniel Hardee

Good stuff Daniel. I feel seen, lol

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Nov 15, 2021Liked by Daniel Hardee

Crying with laughter DH. What an epic post game.

>Andrew Wiggins… whom some say is underpaid


I love Wiggs, and I love rooting for all the non stat things he does on D, but damn I still couldn’t help enjoy that one.

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Nov 15, 2021Liked by Daniel Hardee

Also JK going to be a defensive stud

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Nov 15, 2021Liked by Daniel Hardee

Ok, so now we're *two* lucky bounces short of being undefeated. Carry on.

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Nov 15, 2021Liked by Daniel Hardee

tough loss, but joining in the sentiment that Kuminga playing as well as he has this early is a really, really good sign for the Warriors

not every player who shows out as a rookie goes on to greatness, but most great players are able to show something as rookies, and Kuminga is showing us something right now

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Nov 15, 2021Liked by Daniel Hardee

Daniel I don't think you could have written a more serious, prescient article to capture the state of the Dubs at the moment.

The fans need more of this crack reporting to hold the organization accountable for such a garbage start to the season. Kerr should be fired if he loses to the Nets on Tuesday and they should tear it all down.

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Nov 15, 2021Liked by Daniel Hardee

Finally some common sense.

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Nov 15, 2021Liked by Daniel Hardee

Going to get a city edition jersey when they go on sale tomorrow. If they have a Poole one, I'm going to have a hard decision choosing between him and Klay

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Nov 15, 2021Liked by Daniel Hardee

I blame Fitz. I know, easy target, but as soon as he announced they only had 9 turnovers, there were three straight bad ones.

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was worth blaming him, not to mention that scary terry started going on a tear right after Fitzgerald said he was scoreless in the first half.

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deletedNov 15, 2021Liked by Daniel Hardee
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You guys really can't stand him huh?

You know who's the guy you think Fitz is? Charlotte's play by play guy. Fitz has actually gotten a lot better im the last ten years and calls a pretty balanced game, calls the guys out on breakdowns, gives opposing players do credit. He's definitely no the homer he used to be.

Even Kelenna has improved a lot in year 2.

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I just think it's fun dunking on Fitz ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

As for PBP, Heinson was the worst (RIP)...

I do, however, blame him for jinxing the team though. "They haven't turned the ball over since last week!" → 3 turnovers in a row. "Wiggins is hitting over 80% of his free throws this year!" → Wiggins misses 2 free throws. Yes, all the other announcers have the same effect... they're all to blame.

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Would 100% rather have Charlotte's pbp guy. Fitz doesn't remember that his job is actually to do pbp and not be a second analyst and that has been his problem since he's been announcing for the Warriors.

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can't stand Charlotte's pbp or any such who scream like victorious Vikings whenever their guy makes a layup to go up 2-0. Try to get a macho growl into your voice as you bellow, "There's a pass down low and OH MY GOD LAMELLLLLLLLLLO!!!!!!! THERE IS NO OTHER HOPE FOR HUMANITY BETTER THAN THIS!!! A THUNDERING SCOOP INSIDE OUT AGAINST THE BACKBOARD, AND INTO THE BASKET, AND THE WARRIORS HAD NO CHANCE OF IMAGINING IT OH MY GOD I CAN'T BELIEVE I LIVED TO SEE IT!!!!"

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Sure but Bob does this same type of thing every single time the Warriors go on some kind of run. I read your bolded text in his voice and it sounded exactly like him. The man is addicted to his own narrative. I wouldn't even mind the tone as much if he continued to do pbp while using it, but he continues to try and do the analyst's job instead.

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Kelenna seems like a good guy, but geez it took him a while to stop barracking during the broadcast and provide some goddamn insight… I was like ‘Yo have you guys heard of Eric Apricot??!’ He can breakdown a play I near real time, and not just shout at it

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He and Kelenna have no chemistry and it makes both of them more annoying.

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He singlehandedly caused this entire pandemic I'm sure of it

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Nov 15, 2021Liked by Daniel Hardee

Obviously a loss = not a great game. But I thought this one was fun to watch with a lot of positives. 9 for 39 from 3 is the story. Shoot even respectably decently and we win.

Positives? D Lee back (though stone cold, that will get better quickly). Wiggins playing aggressively and well. Kuminga showing up and showing off. Good passing.

Learn and move on.

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Nov 15, 2021Liked by Daniel Hardee

I guess it's time to start looking at who the Warriors will draft next year with the #1 pick.

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I like that kid James Ball at #1, do you?

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