Here’s a fun less-reported Steph stat for this season; he’s on track to finish with the lowest foul rate in his career at only 1.9 fouls per game, just under his 2.0 from 15-16.

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Yeah, I think he was in slight foul trouble maybe once all season? He's been very disciplined though, which has been huge with how much this team depends on him for offense.

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He did get more steals....

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Minnesota is about to play Orlando and then Detroit, extremely consequential games for the tanking race. They play Denver, Boston, and Dallas afterwards, who knows if those teams will still be trying to win but for now at least these two games are their biggest opportunities for Ws.

If Minnesota loses both they could realistically end up in sole possession of 2nd to last place. If Minnesota wins both they could realistically end up in sole possession of 6th to last place. If they split then I don't really know what happens lol, there could conceivably be a 5 way tie if they beat Orlando and lose to Detroit.

Fascinating how this absurdly important development for the Warriors' future is left in the hands of such bumbling loser teams lol.

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It’s not really that consequential when you consider that you can make a strong case (as Eric Apricot and Patrick Murray have) that #6 is better for the Warriors than #2. Unless that’s your point? But even if you’re Team Eric/Patrick I think you’d admit that it’s an extremely marginal difference between the various outcomes.

The goal to start the season was for Minny to get in the bottom 6 or so, and that has been achieved. The differences within that range are extremely minimal at this point. My general sense was that 5, 6, and 1 were the best outcomes in a nominal “five player draft” ... but our friend Patrick Murray recently opined that it’s much more of a four-player draft. Unless you’re a huge Kuminga stan, you can easily make the case that the 70% chance of conveyance at #5-6 should be the overriding goal right now.

TLDR: the ping pong balls are roughly ten zillion times more consequential than anything the bumbling loser teams do ... if that makes you feel better? :-)

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Personally, if they plan on keeping the pick I wouldn't want the 5th pick unless Kuminga rises once he gets to show off his game in team workouts (which I think is still on the table, his physical tools are absurd). Not interested in Kuminga for the Warriors, he just doesn't look like he'd fit the Curry timeline at all.

Not too concerned about the "4-5 player draft" stuff if the Warriors keep the pick either. They said the same thing when the Warriors got the 6th pick in 2010 (Wall/Turner/Favors/Johnson/Cousins) and then Paul George was drafted 10th (and Gordon Hayward 9th).

However, as someone hoping they trade down/out to get Curry immediate help, the perception that the draft is a 4-5 player draft is ultimately very consequential. Warriors got no takers for #2 last draft because of how weak it was perceived to be even though a talent like LaMelo could have been selected at that spot. If that draft happened again and LaMelo was as highly regarded as he is now, the Warriors could have gotten a fortune for that pick.

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In short, what do we need Minnesota to do?

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There's no right answer because there are two factors:

1) The probability that the pick conveys

2) How good the pick is

Minnesota finishing 2nd to last is bad for #1 but good for #2. Minnesota finishing 6th to last is good for #1 but bad for #2. Every placement in between is some sort of compromise between those two extremes.

So it depends on what you prioritize out of those two things.

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This is the simplest, and best summation of the Minny pick situation I’ve seen. So many people are getting confused by it.

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In other words, it’s not worth fretting about.

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Anything. It doesn’t really matter. But my personal answer to your question is “win.”

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If they end up the 6th worst team, Dubz can say hello to Barnes Jr or Kispert

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Or Jalen Green at #4.

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Steph is now tied in 4th place for most 3PM in a season, with his own 2016-2017 season, with 324. Next up, 354 from his 18-19 season. He would need to average 7.5 3PM over the last four to tie that for third place. He is currently making 5.4 threes a game for the season, easily the record over his 5.1 in 15-16 and 18-19.

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Why does Harden have to muck up the top 5? Especially since I know he took a million shots to get there. Ok, maybe not a million but a lot. I know I can easily see the actual stats but I won’t. In my mind, it was a million attempts.

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Harden with his career .363 3fg% is a total blight on those lists. Even the .363 is likely inflated ~20 points by the fact that his defenders have to stay 4-5 feet away from him at all times for fear that if they even attempt to contest, he’ll hurl himself into them and earn himself three cheap free throws.

Being the big cheating loser that he is, Harden also only has 18 career heaves (despite *always* having the ball in his hands) while Steph being a prince among men has 87. So Steph’s .434-.363 margin should really be 20-30 points wider than it is.

Most galling of all ... is that depending on longevity, the flopping Beardo has a real chance to pass Steph into #1 on the all-time list of threes made. He went into this season just 150 made threes behind him. Thanks to the gods of injury and general goodness and decency, Steph has been able to tack 230 on that margin this season. But it’s still no guarantee.

To be clear, Harden is an absolutely incredible player, all-around, even given his cheating ways. But it’s an absolute travesty of a mockery of a sham to see him up there on the all-time threes lists with Steph.

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5th rec; make it green!

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354 is gonna be tough with four games left, but if Steph wants a lofty goal on top of the scoring title, there it is. :-)

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I was gonna say it was unlikely, but...... is it?

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He’s fully going for it — the scoring title if not 354 per se. Launched 21 attempts last night. At that volume he’d only need to hit 36% to get there. I’d say it’s about 50-50 at this point.

Heck, I wouldn’t be shocked if he broke Klay’s 14 in the last four games. Would probably have shattered it last night if the Ws were a crap defensive team like the Wizards who played 140-138 overtime games ever other game...

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So....all offense/shooting lineup for the last 4 games to maximize Steph's chances?

Steph, Poole, Mulder... um...I guess that's all we have...

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HAPPY MOTHERS DAY...Stage is set; UTAH, with Murray out, on Monday, and the first game of a 2-day B2B, is the most-likely candidate for us to upset. Next day, PHOENIX, gonna be tough to do. Leaves us PELS minus Zion, on Friday, doable. Last game, next SUNDAY, VS GRIZZ may be a prelude to the play-in, depending on how badly the LOLLakers collapse with LBJ out VS Phoenix 2-nite, and ScHROEDER out for the last week. Either way, the GRIZZ, on last day of season, is going to be a BIG GAME. Pray for no further injuries to any of our bodies still standing. Oh yeah, I nearly forgot, we got the NBA MVP playing for us. LGW.

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I think you meant Mitchell out, Murray is out for the Nuggets.

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My bad...thank you...serves me right for staying up all night to watch Dubs on a 5 am start, local time

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In 2015-2016 we won our 73rd game against the Grizzlies the last game of the year. Steph set the single season 3PM record of 402, hitting 10-16 and netting 46 points in 30 minutes.

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LOL...I remember. So he did 49 in 29 mins last night with 11 3s....Dude is slowing down, or, don't you knows.../s Media pundits...

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Yes, OKC sucks and is tanking, but still you have to like the synergy and energy the Warriors had tonight.

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The problem is the synergy always goes to shit when we play a good team. They just know that you don't let Steph get going from the start even if that means the supporting cast gets wide open shots. What happens then is our shooters straight up brick and then steph starts forcing stuff that does not go in.

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You mean like in our wins against the Clippers, Lakers (when they were good), Bucks, Utah, Philly, Denver (twice)?

Fact is we have good wins against great teams, our bigger issue is we disappoint against teams we “should” beat.

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Bucks, Philly, Utah were good ones. Clippers and lakers were miracle comebacks. We were down big on the 3rd. Denver doesn't have the same defensive ability so that one wasn't surprising

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3D elation sensation!

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Exciting stuff happening. I guess we can forget about picking higher with our pick. What I would love to see is moving ahead of the Lakers into 7th. Now that would be a real slap in the face of Lebron whose team has suffered a lot of humiliation this season. But, getting past both the Jazz and Suns is a tall order. Possible, but not probable. It's great to see them playing this way going into the playoffs.

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Not exactly sure what you mean by “picking higher with our pick,” but we’re still highly likely to keep our pick. We’re currently the #15 seed, with a solid three-game buffer between us and the #11-13 teams.

Also, if we get knocked out if the play-in round, we still get a crack at Cade Cunningham. :-)

Basically we’ve succeeded in “threading the needle.”

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I think he means picking in the lottery, which would be the preferable outcome if we can't upset Phoenix or Utah (and I am not quite convinced we can).

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The preferable outcome is getting Curry/Draymond to the playoffs imo, anything else would be disrespectful to them. Curry isn't working this hard and Draymond isn't sacrificing his body at the 5 for a lottery pick. Missing the playoffs is how you start getting Curry to think about alternatives on a year before free agency.

Not to mention when you win, good things happen. Would Iguodala have wanted to come to the Warriors in 2013 if the Warriors finished 9th and missed the playoffs and got a higher pick? Would the Clippers have gotten Ibaka and Batum last offseason? I'm guessing Oubre is a lot more likely to consider coming off the bench for a team that wins a round or two in the playoffs with Klay coming back than a lottery team.

Plus, chances are the Warriors would have the 13th or 14th pick, it's not like they are forfeiting a real shot at Cade Cunningham or anything.

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We still have a chance at a lottery pick, though. All it takes is getting bounced in the play-in round. Which has always been the requirement for getting a lottery pick.

Not sure what you mean by “the preferable outcome if we can’t upset Phoenix or Utah”? Are you talking about the next two games or the playoffs? If you’re talking about the playoffs, are you really saying it’s better to get bounced in the play-in round and and end up with a #12-14 pick then it is to make the make the playoffs, lose a hard-fought series to Phoenix or Utah, and end up with a #16-20 pick?

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I am talking about the playoffs, yes. Our team isn't at a point where its leaders need playoff experience. Draymond and Steph are respectively 14th and 19th in career playoff games amongst active players. Would a short playoff experience for JTA and Poole (anyone else without any playoff experience is either injured or hopefully not on our roster next year) be truly more helpful than an (admittedly extremely low) at a top pick? If we can't at least seriously threaten the 2nd or 1st seed (and I fear I strongly disagree with the majority of dubnation on the topic of having a chance against Utah - they are literally elite at the two things we struggle with the most), a playoff appearance would be counterproductive. Unless you are a young-and-upcoming team, there is no place worse than the midfield in the NBA, that's the way the cookie crumbles.

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Tell that to Steph and Draymond why don't you. Obviously Steph is averaging 40 over the past month-and-a-half in a valiant, heroic effort to avoid the playoffs at all costs.

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Come on, dude, it’s **WAY BETTER** to get into the playoffs and get a crack at Phoenix at Utah than to get bounced in the freaking play-in round like garden-variety losers. For a bump up in the draft from #16 to #14?? Come tf on!

A first-round loss against Phoenix or Utah is hardly guaranteed, either. The Ws waxed the Jazz the last time they played; and the Suns are an inexperienced team who recently barely squeaked by those G-league Thunder you watched last night. The Warriors have a top 5 defense and by far the best player in a matchup in a matchup against either Phoenix and Utah.

If you don’t think having the best player in a playoff series is a big freaking deal, talk to the 2013 #3 seeded Nuggets, who ran into baby Steph — a much lesser version of the one we have now — and got their asses bounced in the first round.

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I don't think that people appreciate that in a close playoff game, Curry and Green will be on the court for 40 - 45 minutes, not 30-35. I still doubt that get past the first round but it could happen. Missing the playin after another historically great season from Curry isn't going to make anybody happy.

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... in six games.

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Utah is winning it all

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Doubtful. If we’re making predictions, my guess is they’ll be exposed as the frauds they are — as happens every season. If not by the Warriors or Lakers in the first round, certainly by the Clippers.

Who do you want as your best player entering the playoffs — Steph, LeBron, Kawhi ... or Rudy Gobert?

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Boooooo! 👎🏻

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I hate having a string of games against really bad teams only to face a contender. We get so lax during these games and then get walloped.

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Either that, or we gain confidence and get into a shooting groove and DOMINATE.

Could happen...

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It's not so much the Warriors get lax, the contenders are where they are because they have better talent outside of Curry and Green.

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Right, but it will serve the FO to see where we fail and make the corrections for next season. Either way we will be in the playoffs.

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Memphis remaining games: Pelicans, Mavs, Kings, Kings, Warriors

Warriors remaining games: Suns, Jazz, Pelicans, Grizzlies

If I had to guess, it's going to come right down to the final game to determine the 8th seed. Makes me wish we "chased" a few more wins earlier in the season, but hindsight is 20/20 I suppose. Also makes you appreciate that we'd probably be out of the playoffs altogether if Steph had just been regular Steph after after All Star break, as opposed to historical Super-Saiyan Steph.

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Most made threes since April 1 (s/o Slater):

3. Buddy Hield 73

2. Bogdan Bogdanovic 86

1. Steph Curry 134

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As the greatest shooter to ever play the game, Steph should have at least 172. This is unacceptable.

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May 9, 2021Liked by punk basketball

Crazy to think how Steph has changed the game...

Bird career season-high in 3s was 92 (which led the league).

Magic's was 106

MJ's was 111.

Steph has dropped 134 in the last five weeks.

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That was before the 3 point line was moved out. Most of those were 22 feet and I doubt MJ or Bird had more than 1-2 30 footers in their careers.

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May 9, 2021Liked by punk basketball

It really is incredible. We need to come up with a top 10 list of his most jaw dropping shots.

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Which week?

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Have you seen the vid of all of his 3s in April? It takes TWENTY minutes...

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I haven't seen that yet.

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Notable stats:


Mykhailiuk: (-16)

17 points 7/16 FGs 2/7 three pointers 1/2 FTs

4 rebounds 2 assists 3 turnovers 3 steals

Williams: (-23)

13 points 6/9 FGs 1/3 three pointers

5 rebounds (1 off.) 5 assists 3 turnovers

Hoard: (-12)

13 points 5/11 FGs 0/3 three pointers 3/4 FTs

2 rebounds (1 off.) 3 assists 1 steal


Curry: (+31)

49 points 14/26 FGs 11/21 three pointers 10/10 FTs

5 rebounds 2 assists 1 turnover 1 steal

Wiggins: (+33)

18 points 8/13 FGs 1/4 three pointers 1/2 FTs

3 rebounds 4 assists 1 turnover 1 block

Green: (+33)

15 points 5/8 FGs 3/4 three pointers 2/2 FTs

5 rebounds 13 assists 2 turnovers 2 steals

Poole: (+12)

16 points 6/10 FGs 4/8 three pointers

2 rebounds 1 assist 3 turnovers

Toscano-Anderson: (+12)

12 points 5/9 FGs 2/6 three pointers

9 rebounds 5 assists 3 turnovers 2 steals 1 block

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Wiggins will get 18 no matter what lol

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Green's 13 assist to 2 turnover ratio is insane!

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Final stats:


40.4% shooting (38/94 FGs)

9/37 three pointers

12/20 FTs

41 rebounds (11 off.)

21 assists

13 turnovers

10 steals

1 block


58.0% shooting (47/81 FGs)

27/54 three pointers

15/18 FTs

46 rebounds (2 off.)

31 assists

19 turnovers

5 steals

4 blocks

Points in paint:

Thunder: 54

Warriors: 32

Fastbreak points:

Thunder: 16

Warriors: 32

Points off turnovers:

Thunder: 19

Warriors: 24

Bench points:

Thunder: 52

Warriors: 46


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May 9, 2021Liked by punk basketball, Daniel Hardee

On an unrelated but somewhat amusing note, some of you might recall I shared some whale videos here. Those were on our YouTube channel that I started a couple years ago basically just to share (mostly animal) stuff with friends and family and with no intention in monetizing it. Typical video gets probably 200 views. Well, one of my videos that I posted less than 2 months ago got into YouTube recommendations algorithm is about to pass 1 million views. Crazy. Unfortunately, I can’t monetize it because the “adult” subject matter (it’s two gorillas humping in the mountains of Rwanda and I was only a few feet away) is not subject to advertising.

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Sucks you can't monetize... I'd try to fight it per sabrinasez unless it's spelled out specifically that mating animals is not allowed in their terms... congrats on 1 million though!

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How many feet exactly is 'a few feet away' from gorillas humping?

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About 10-15 feet? But (to me) what was more exciting was just before that, when the 500 pound silverback came through and stopped about 3 feet in front of me. He was so close I could have reached out and touched him. It was a pretty incredible moment https://youtu.be/8p857jLt7Y0

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Maybe he was inviting you to join in? lol

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I just know there is an awful ‘big foot’ pun in there somewhere...

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That’s awesome. Wonder how much you would have made off YouTube.

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Maybe a $1,000/month at the rate it’s been going? It’s not tied to anything current, so potentially could rack up millions more views.

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I think 1M views is something like $1,000 or so total income...

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Yeah, but like I said, it’s showing no signs of slowing down, so it looks like one of those evergreen type of things.

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That’s a lot of spam musubis

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Seems dangerous to be that close to humping gorillas.

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See my response above. It was exciting as fuck, but I wasn’t scared.

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May 9, 2021Liked by punk basketball

Seriously....it’s nature people!

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True. But as soon as it's allowed to be monetized, YouTube will be flooded with animals humping. There are already websites for that sort of thing...

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It’s adult enough that apparently advertisers don’t want their ads attached to it.

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You just need the right advertisers.

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Little blue gorilla pills?

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If Phx beats LA tomorrow (a posiiblty), we will only be 1.5 games behind LA. But we have tougher schedule.

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Rodney Hood (Raptors) broke his hand

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Is it just me, or has Steph been shimmying a lot less during his crazy run?

Probably trying to conserve all his energy to be spent on carrying the franchise.

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