Out of this list, I would target Tobias Harris, Jalen Smith, Alec Burks, and Gordan Hayward if he can still play at a high level. I actually think Harris and Smith would be excellent additions to the team and fill some much needed voids. Trying to make the best out of a bad situation. Slim pickens :(

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My take on Klay is simple.

He cares mostly about firing up shots at a high rate with no conscience.

He is perfect for a 6th man instant offense guy but his ego gets in the way.

My take on the dubs is to forget about titles and just enjoy them as a good team that is fighting to make the playoffs. Look what happened from the mid 70’s until 2014. It is really,really difficult to win a title. We have been extremely fortunate to win 4 and came oh so close to winning 5 in a row! Unbelievable.

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I am a bit gloomy and roomy only in the sense fighting for the championship seems unlikely and yet rebuilding also isn’t fully happening and our young players seem good but not as good as other teams.

Frankly the doom comes somewhat from PG failure but even more from the debate

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I would really like to understand what Klay wants. More money? (What for?) A longer contract (Will his body keep up?) Another ring? (To tease Steph??) Respect? (Who is disrespectful?) I still would prefer him staying with the Warriors, but I start to have doubts. And I am sad. And Steph - what does he think? Did he talk to Klay? Will we ever know? 🤷‍♀️

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Somebody posted YouTube link of a podcast where Iggy, Melo and another person discuss player's point of view regarding FA. Somewhat instructive


I think he was just unhappy most of the season - valid reasons or not. Rest is nail in the coffin, I think.

>> More money?

My guess is respectable money/years - contract like what Dray and Wiggs got. Just because fans think he is worth less doesn't mean he thinks that way.

>> A longer contract (Will his body keep up?)

All the more reason he wants a longer contract.

>> Another ring (To tease Steph??)

Most likely. Just for his own legacy.

>> Respect? (Who is disrespectful?)

In his view, FO and fans (just guessing)

>> And I am sad.

..>> Ditto.

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I did wonder how Klay did feel about being asked to come off the bench while still healthy last year.

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He didn't /seem/ to like it. But his efficiency improved, and his overall game, to my eye, was better. Don't know if he saw it that way.

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Jun 30·edited Jun 30

This sucks. I am sad.

Bargaining stage question: what's to prevent a pivot to Brandon Ingram? With Dejounte Murray on board there, I'd have thought trading Ingram would become even more likely for them, since now they're really overloaded with guys who need the ball (and in the mid-range). They could maybe use CP's expiring contract in another trade, or they might value it since they'll be extending Trey Murphy.

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Yeah. I feel a sense of loss. Ending of something which for most part is meaningless in whole scope pf things in life.

Very weird.

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Jun 30·edited Jun 30

The funny thing is that the Clippers made a calculated business gamble in counting on George to opt out in order to re-sign him to slightly more favorable terms and I can see PG coming back to Clips and being happy with said deal

Klay on the other hand, it sounds like he will sign somewhere else for much less (and potentially less yrs he was seeking) out of complete spite of feeling disrespected (even though the Warriors have been taking the same calculated business risk with Klays contract that the Clips are with PG)

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Been thinking about that. He was not at peace all of last season and potentially unhappy with the reality of his play, probably bitter about what life threw at him.

The negotiation or lack there of was final nail in the coffin.

Kind of like KD. He was increasingly unhappy in his last season. Incident with Dray was the final nail in the coffin.

KD is seemingly at peace. Hopefully Klay will be too with a new start.

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Well the dream of a big splash off-season was fun while it lasted haha..

Free Agency still hasn’t started so let’s see what they can do. (There’s still some potential names out there like Ingram or Markannen but who knows if they even kick the tires there).

Yet, I’m not sure what to think at this moment. I do feel disappointed.. It does help seeing some of y’all’s positivity on this thread.

Seeing Klay go would be sad. Seeing Steph not get a co-star would be frustrating. I get the long-term potential positive outlooks. But really, I’m just not ready to see this era end. I still feel there is juice left if played correct. I’m so glad for 2022 cause there was peeps calling it over in 2021. I get it’s now gonna be three seasons later but I still feel there’s more there. I don’t wanna see this era end.

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Jun 30·edited Jun 30

Draymond has always been Steph’s main co-star (well, except for that 2016-2019 stretch, lol).

If we’re talking about secondary *scoring* the hope is that another step forward by JK and Moods at age 21-22 (21.9 and 16.6 pts per 36 last season, on good efficiency) gets us some of the way there, and that using one of the Klay, Wiggs, and CP3 chips we can land one more?

Wiggs for Kuzma checks a lot of boxes for us (upgrades in size, rebounding, scoring punch) even if Kuzma has not yet been able to score his points very efficiently. Plus Kuz and Dray are apparently close…

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Jun 30·edited Jun 30

Great points! True, Dray has been.

& really Steph/Dray/Klay always been that trio! JTA was on a podcast in 2023 where he made the analogy that those three are lemonade. Need all 3 ingredients to make something special. Really cool soundbite.

& yes, I was thinking more in terms of a co-star at these stages of their careers and also yes as a high-caliber secondary scorer (& on any given night can be the offensive #1).

I like that idea of Kuz. Could be a solid option. He is a little goofy and unserious haha. That’d be a concern. But he can score. Front office should be creative here.

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One question I have is whether we would have Bird rights on Markkanen if we traded for him.

If not, then he's just out of bounds. It would just be a one-year rental, since he's a FA next summer, which isn't worth the candle.

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Bird rights carryover in a trade AFAIK.

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From my point of view, with all the respect Klay wants for himself, why not have the respect for the Warriors who supported him all these years and take a much lower contract in order to help out the team that helped you? Wouldn't that bring the possibility of winning ring #5 if you had half a brain to imagine it? Or, is all this just to prove the point that someone wants you and is willing to pay more than what you are really worth? This guy is not playing on my team.

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Having a hard time picturing Klay living in a state not on this list:

Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, DC, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia, Washington.

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DNHQ, I’m disappointed.

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Montana already has all the shooters they need. Some of them have better shot selection than Klay does.

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I feel like Wisconsin has plenty of lakes.

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Maybe even some great ones.

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Oh oh, I know this one.

What are states that have ....

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... a large body of a bioessential ingredient that can support structures using the archimedes principle?

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They all have Cheetos?

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Exactly, Klay could never survive in a Cheeto-free state

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we got a mind reader here

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I’d be ecstatic if we somehow acquire Cam Johnson. He should be cheaper than PG too asset and contract wise. I’d rather do that than sell the farm for Markkanen

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I also like Cam Johnson but there are several problems to be worked out before the Dubs could pursue him. Firstly, he's not a FA and would have to be traded. Is Brooklyn a willing trade partner? Paul, Wiggins, Klay? Cam is a PF. We have Dray and Kuminga. Whose minutes is he going to take? Statwise, he's not much of an upgrade over Wiggs or JK if you are into metrics. Markkanen and PG are players filling a need/role. Markkanen is a more valuable asset for the future than PG or Klay. Cam is not although he is a nice piece to have. I don't see the Dubs pursuing him.

Nobody has talked about the replacement for Curry. Who is it going to be? The Podz. Waters? Hard to imagine yet that time is coming and no preparation is being made. I guess we just winging it when the time comes? MDJ has one hell of a job to do.

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From the the TK article

The Warriors had agreed to give George a max, four-year extension upon arrival

4 year max? Uh, maybe missing out was not at all the worst outcome here

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It does seem like everybody on our side was on board with this approach including Paul George himself and it was the Clippers that didn’t want to do business. Screw that bum ass cursed franchise

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They were just doing what is in their best interest. If the Lakers wanted Steph or Dray, do you think we would accommodate them, even if might be a reasonable trade?

It's a good result, really, at least temporarily. I'm sure MDJ had a plan B target in mind, and we'll find out who that is in the next couple of days.

Hoping the team looks much as it does now in a week.

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You can't change a tiger's stripes. PG is an oft injured player. Without an AI nanobot implant, PG will continue to deteriorate at a more rapid rate as each year goes by. We love the Clipps.

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When PG13 doesn't play more than 55 games and disappears in the playoffs, I hope you are able to thank the Clippers for saving MDJ from himself.

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Jun 30·edited Jun 30

I wouldn't be confident that everybody in FO, including MDJ, is disappointed, but I believe they owed Steph every effort to try.

The franchise itself is better off being out of the tax and starting to lay the foundation for future options, including giving the young ones experience, being able to be a player in the FA market again, and maybe even high draft picks to eventually compete with Wemby, SGA, and the other young West stars in the coming decade.

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At least PG would have us make the playoffs and have a shot, regardless of how small it is. If Kuminga is our second best player next year, I'm not sure playoffs is likely.

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I'm pretty sure the Warriors will make the playoffs without PG.

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We were the 10th seed year this and yes we had dray missing a bunch of games but we also had the healthiest season from Steph since like 16-17

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Disappearing in the playoffs is a bit harsh. A little bit disappointing? Yeah, but if there’s one thing I’ve noticed from watching his playoff performances is he’s better off as a Robin which would have been his role here

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I saw an analysis and it indicated PG13 may play well early in a series but tends to play less well as the series continues. So, the closer you get to an elimination game, and thus the more you need him, the worse he tends to perform. Based on that analysis, I think its fair to say he disappears in the playoffs.

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Does that factor in the heavy minutes his coaches played him, compared to the minutes Kerr generally plays his stars?

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One factor here, would be that this Dubz Dynasty have a way of bringing out the best in players, wouldn’t you agree?

See Wiggins in ‘22 for the most recent example

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See Wiggins in '23 and '24 to dispute your statement. See Draymond Green and Klay, too.

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The Dubs bring out the best in some players and not others. Yes, Wiggins in '22 but also see Wiggins in '24. Or see Saric in '24, which started well but then not so much. Or consider JaMychal Green and Cory Joseph in '23. On the other hand, DDV relaunched his career here in '23. It's some of each.

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The #Sixers will make a four-year contract “certainly available” to Paul George once free agency begins, @wojespn said on SportsCenter. “[The Clippers] have not moved off a three-year offer … That fourth year is important to him, that’s gonna be available to him in Orlando — and it’s certainly available to him in Philadelphia.”


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Jun 30Liked by Eric Apricot

Lots of strong opinions and emotions today. My attitude is, four rings were great even if it is decades before they sniff another, and being on the down side of a dynasty, for me, still beats most of the Cohan years. I find Steph, Dray, and the kids interesting enough to want to watch, and maybe they'll make other changes tomorrow or in Feb. The FO is probably going to do some good stuff and make some mistakes, just like Bob did. But, I don't have any insights or ideas on how to do better, so I'm choosing to not get all upset about the path they take. But, I am glad they seem to value JK about as much as I do, which I know is not shared by a number of y'all.

In any case, happy almost free agency,. One week until the first summer league games, which is more fun than reading about CBA rules.

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Didn’t like the PG concept at all.

Wouldn’t mind seeing them put young hustle and smarts around Curry and Green and see what they can do.

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ATP I’m just hoping we’re able to get SOMETHING for Cp3s contract. I don’t even care if it’s a 2nd rounder. Just something so I don’t feel like we dumped JP for absolutely nothing even though I understand why MDJ had to make that move

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lol JP is worth less than nothing so dumping him for nothing is actually a good deal

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Getting under the second apron is miles more important than any 2nd rounder.

Also, for Klay fans out there, it opens up the possibility of re-signing him. I'd say that's still a possibility. I think he's going to find that no one is interested in giving him three years (unless Lebron bullies the Lakers into it, I guess).

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I don't understand what you're saying. We got CP3 for last season. He was productive, probably more productive than JP3 would have been. How is that nothing?

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Because JP would have been around longer - and just maybe , would get better. CP3 was always a 1 year plan

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Th problem with that is that Kerr played the contract instead of the player last year. If JP had stuck around we might be looking at a tanking team over Curry’s last years with the team. And you probably have Curry requesting a trade out of frustration at playing with JP.

In fact, “i would rather play with JP” has been used as a more polite but equally forceful rejection line to GTFOH

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The JP for CP3 deal felt like more of a trade we had to make because he couldn’t be on the same team as Draymond anymore. Just feel like we probably could have gotten more for him than CP3 if the incident didn’t happen. Yes, CP gave us everything we could have wanted but I’m still hopeful we can at least get something for him so it doesn’t feel like we dumped JP for a one year rental

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But JP proved the glory of that deal by being the laughingstock of the league with the Wizards. You really think we'd be better off with him right now?

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Jun 30·edited Jun 30

JP had the same problem that Klay seems to be having. "Not enough respect" Translation: Steph envy. At the end of the day it is much more enjoyable to watch joyful players that are grateful, than grumpy, moody aging entitled men. GP2 Came, went and came back again. He is the energizer bunny. Loon and Moody. Play with heart and don't gripe. Love Klay--wish him well. But frankly--like Poole too much drama. It's a tough job. But Steph never whines even though he gets crap officiating everytime he steps foot on the court. I can't wait for the next week to be done with and see what the youngsters can do this year.

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We will never know at this point. JP was good for us before all that happened

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Remember the FO also wanted to get out of JP's multi-year deal. That was one big reason for the trade. So if we let CP walk, that's still mission accomplished.

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One thing I never got. So we gave him the extension because we felt bad about the Draymond incident?

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I think they gave him the extension mostly because they thought he was going to be a lot better than he was, but also a little bit because of that too.

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Jun 30·edited Jun 30

After the incident, they were always going to trade him eventually. Pre-extension, we probably could have gotten a decent FRP and a cheap vet for him. They extended because it created a bigger salary slot so they could have gotten a higher-paid / better player in return. The league blew up that strategy by excessively and selectively calling JP for carries to start the season. It worked, and the Warriors got very little value. JP himself did nothing to help the team maximize return. maybe in part due to the handling of the incident, in part due to stubborn overestimation of his own abilities.

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After all, he had just helped us win a championship. He was supposed to help immediately and become a leader of the "second timeline."

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Just an add-on to my tossed off comment. Which young wings are better than Kuminga and Moody? Who would you take over them?

Obviously Ant, but who else? Jalen Williams. Brandon Miller. Scottie Barnes (and his 50mm contract?)? Keegan Murray and Trey Murphy will be 24 this year. Is Franz a wing? Is he still good?

Who is more promising and younger? The Thompson twins? Shaedon Sharpe? Coulibaly?

If JK was eligible for this draft, wouldn't he have gone #1? How high would Moody have gone?

These guys are legit assets. And one or both could make a big leap this year. I don't want to just give them away. And they, along with Podz and TJD, present a compelling case on how the Warriors could be better next year than they were this year.

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I was thinking similar things, with regard to trades. Sure, there are proven better players than Kuminga. But 21 years old getting 8 million? I suppose I'll concede that Paul George is better than him, for now, but is he 34 million better? And what happens in a couple of years? Whoever you trade for has to really be worth it down the line, too. I know there's the whole philosophy of "Steph has one more good year, cash in all your chips," but that only works if you're pretty much guaranteeing a championship. Kuminga in a trade for some vet like PG seems like quite the risk for the long term viability of the franchise.

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It's just gambling, at the end of the day. Suppose Steph has a 5% of a championship with Kuminga over the next couple years, but a 10% shot with Paul George. Is that worth it? I can see why some people would say yes, and some would say hell no. All more complicated by the fact that everyone has different imagined numbers for the percentages I pulled from my butt, and 2 years from now, we don't know what the odds are that Kuminga becomes a Jaylen Brown (or better) or a Nikola Mirotic.

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> "Steph has one more good year, cash in all your chips,"

This was basically the line back in ~2020. Steph has one or two good years... three max. Imagine if we cashed in all our chips back then and *didn't* win a championship in 2022.

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[bassoon plays] Grandfather shook his head discontentedly: "Well, and if Peter hadn't caught the wolf? What then?"

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Any liklihood Chris Paul comes back maybe offered what they were offering Klay. He said in his end of season interview he just wants to hoop.

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Given Paul wants a ring, the Dubs are probably very far from his choice, if he's free to pick and the money is the same. There are probably a good 10 teams that you could say have a better shot at it next year (maybe more).

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They can either bring back CP at $30M or using the $12.9M MLE. That's it.

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Jun 30·edited Jun 30

Unless I’m misinterpreting, I thought Warriors are able to guarantee any amount up to $30 mil to make a potential trade work, as long as CP3 agrees. For example, CP3 might be willing to take less, say $25mil, to make salaries match in a trade (or if he wants to stay, hypothetically). From 2/8/24 Plus/Minus podcast, Anthony Slater, 13:50 minute mark: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/warriors-plus-minus-a-show-about-the-golden-state-warriors/id1147910296?i=1000644691830

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Jun 30Liked by Perks (GSWCBA)

I believe that was just the guarantee amount (amount you still have to pay if you cut/waive the player). The total contract amount would stay the same.

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Thx Vanwaril… I didn’t get that from the Pod but thanks for clarifying

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Or the vet min but CP obviously isn't likely to do that.

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Imagine if Klay signs with Lakers. If im Chris Paul, I’m chasing a ring there. Paul, Klay, Lebron, Davis

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Yeah, like when Steve Nash and Dwight Howard joined up. Or Gary Payton and Karl Malone! I hope they see the same number of rings those Laker rosters did

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Won’t make to through half the season

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